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“Obamaville: Make America Shine Like the Sun” 26 February 2008

Posted by marisacat in 2008 Election, Democrats, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter.

    Savage Hall Ohio Sunday
People cheer for Presidential candidate Barack Obama speak at Savage Hall in Toledo. THE BLADE/JEREMY WADSWORTH



[M]eanwhile, the rules for covering Obama have grown by at least one in recent weeks.

Around the Super Tuesday primary elections on Feb. 5, the barriers around the press area at Obama events went from easily penetrable, fabric rope lines to interlocking metal gates manned by vigilant gatekeepers.

Bottom line: The media can no longer roam free.

For months prior to that, reporters could mingle among hundreds of supporters after rallies as Obama worked the rope line. It was a chance to see him interact with voters – and one of the few opportunities to squeeze in a question.

But camera crews and reporters often clogged the rope line, which annoyed Obama because he viewed it as his time to meet voters. Foreign TV crews would sometimes do stand-up shots there.

Now, reporters must usually flag down a staff member before entering the rope line area.

“We are fortunate to have a packed house, in addition to thousands of media from all over the world attending our events,” campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki wrote in a statement. “We are always flexible in making sure the media has the access they need, but more importantly that the thousands of people who come out to the events have the best experience possible.”

The remedy suggested to select reporters? Take off your press badge and slip past the gatekeepers.

For his part, Obama attempted to connect with the traveling press corps Friday. But just as soon as he started, he was gone again.

He poked his head out from behind a blue curtain at the visitors center at the University of Texas-Pan American campus. Reporters, hunched over their laptops, looked startled at the sight of the candidate. They hadn’t interacted with him in five days.

“Words matter. Don’t listen to Hillary,” Obama yelled to the four dozen media, beaming a mischievous smile. “That’s a joke.”

One reporter, sensing the rare opportunity to fire off a question, asked Obama about McCain’s criticism of his pledge to talk with Cuban president Raul Castro.

“I didn’t hear John McCain,” Obama said, even though his campaign put out a statement on that very topic 30 minutes earlier.

A second later, the Illinois senator disappeared behind the curtain – off to do an interview with US Weekly, the entertainment news magazine.


And there is a debate tonight… MSNBC 8 PM ET.  My guess, all of the several Hillarys show up. 

** PS forgot to add, the handlettered sign is hard to read it also could be, Obama Will Make America Shine Like the Sun.

Either way…. the last big rally I saw, one of the ones in Ohio, was pretty much a Holy Roller event, certainly in the first rows.  In my opinion, that is really, really old politics. 



1. wu ming - 26 February 2008

yeah, that looks like “will” to me. if it were “-ville” they’d have written it in the same color as “obama,” i would think.

2. sabrina - 26 February 2008

It looks like ‘will’ to me too ….

Looks like Edwards’ supporters are mostly going over to Obama …

Saw Leahy earlier, speaking obout Dodd’s endorsement of Obama and he said that Obama will sweept Vermont. Sounded like he too is backing Obama.

I wonder what went wrong with Hillary’s campaign? She’s not helping by attacking him as if he were a child … whose advice is that I wonder?

Hillary is still ahead in Ohio … so far.

3. sabrina - 26 February 2008

Just lost the link, but I saw earlier that the Chairman of the Alabama Dem Party is asking for an FCC investigation into the blacking out of the 60 minutes show on the railroading of Dem Governor Siegelman in Alabama.

Also, his attorney is asking for a special prosecutor to look into the case.

Since Karl Rove is now implicated in the case and it is definitely tied to the US Attorney Scandal (plus there are charges now of judicial misconduct, as a Bush appointed judge over the case.) looks like it is a job for Congress ….

This case looks like the Repub plan to take over the DOJ and the judiciary, in action.

Meantime Siegelman sits in jail and presumably the crooked judge has heard many more cases since this one.

And Gonzales went free, and so far as I know, there hasn’t been a single prosecution of anyone who helped tear apart the judicial system in this country. Despite all the evidence from even Republicans.

4. Hair Club for Men - 26 February 2008

Vintage Chomsky on Democracy Now. He gets right to the heart of the Arthur Gilroy “Them Aye Rabs Ain’t Like Us Merkens” propaganda.


The United States has become increasingly the most feared and often hated country in the world. Well, that perception is in fact incorrect. It’s fed by propaganda. There’s very little dislike of Americans in the world, shown by repeated polls, and the dissatisfaction—that is, the hatred and the anger—they come from acceptance of American values, not a rejection of them, and recognition that they’re rejected by the US government and by US elites, which does lead to hatred and anger.

5. NYCO - 26 February 2008

I’m a recovering American; all this mystical American rhetoric no longer has power over me.

6. marisacat - 26 February 2008


Both Dennis Perrin and IOZ have pieces on this dumb-as-rocks idea that there is such a thing as “anti war Democrats” or, imo, “anti-this-war-Democrats”…

7. Miss Devore - 26 February 2008

legal gems from William Haynes:

“In this amazing brief,” Hilzoy writes, “Haynes argued that bombing a nesting site for migratory birds would benefit birdwatchers, since ‘bird watchers get more enjoyment spotting a rare bird than they do spotting a common one.’ Moreover, he added, the birds would benefit as well, since using their nests as a bombing range would minimize ‘human intrusion’. (from Frromkin’s column in todays WaPo.

8. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

“Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.”

9. sabrina - 26 February 2008

Matt Taibbi has a good article in Rolling Stone this week also, about the betrayal of the Democrats … pretending to be anti-war to get elected, then pushing the message, which I first saw in Jan. of last year on Daily Kos, that Dems had a ‘lot of work to do such as pushing through bills that would benefit the people’. While making excuses as to why they could not defeat a single Bush proposal on the war …

The Chicken Doves

[fixed the link — Mcat]

10. marisacat - 26 February 2008

The NYT had a surprisingly good piece last spring, on the sell out, and the buy out, iwth cash numbers, of the better known so called anti war groups from Moveon and offshoots (Mattzei) to Tom Andrews’ Win Without War…

All very neat. And on schedule.

11. sabrina - 26 February 2008

Messed up the link again … really am handicapped with this computer … trying again …


12. marisacat - 26 February 2008
13. Hair Club for Men - 26 February 2008

Having read the Taylor Branch books on the Civil Rights Movement, I’d have a hard time saying anything critical of John Lewis.

He had to have been the most fearless protest leader in American history. I’m amazed he survived into the 1970s.

Then again, I guess the government didn’t kill him in the 1960s because unlike King and Malcolm X he never really struck anyone as having had the ability to be a leader of national stature that could change the political landscape.

14. marisacat - 26 February 2008

I supported Julian Bond in the House race, all thsoe years ago. Don’t even remember why anymore.

it became a very nasty battle. I am sure because, as they knew all too well, there would be few seats ever allocated to Blacks.

15. Hair Club for Men - 26 February 2008

My John Lewis knowlege goes from 1960 to about 1965 then stops. Then it picks up again in the late 1990s when I heard him on Democracy Now telling Amy Goodman how he learned to preach by preaching to his chickens growing up on the farm.

16. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

catnip, 142 in the last thread:

Why is Robert Gates acting like the US’s chief arms dealer in India?

Probably because, to judge by this glowing profile on NPR this morning …

Admiral Presides over Peace in the Pacific

Our diplomacy is now the province of the military commander responsible for half the globe.

We all know why, because Killing is our business, and business is good.

17. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

oops … forgot to close the blockquote after “India” … sorry!

18. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

Somebody (I think it’s Miss D) has a post up at pff asking what questions you’d like to ask the candidates tonite. I said, “for both of them: define ‘liberal'”.

It looks like Obama’s running away from that label:

AUSTIN, Texas – In his radio and TV ads that are blanketing Texas, Barack Obama claims a chief executive can make more money “in 10 minutes” than an ordinary worker makes in a year. Obama wants to end the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, enact a national health plan, offer a $4,000-a-year tuition reimbursement in exchange for national service, and have the government intervene to prevent home foreclosures.

But he doesn’t want anyone to call him a liberal.

For despite Obama’s vow to build a working majority for change – to win a clear mandate for his progressive agenda, rather than engage in Clinton-like “triangulation” – he’s not yet willing to own the l-word.

Obama seems to have calculated that such labels can be distracting – that some voters have negative associations with the term liberal that obscures their support for such Democratic priorities as affordable healthcare and higher education for all.

He may be right. But his reluctance to own the term in a forthright way is somewhat surprising because Obama has said he wants to be a transformative figure like Ronald Reagan, whose crusade against liberals and big government has dominated American political discourse for almost 30 years.


Nothing like compromising who you are to appease the right-wingers – and this is just the beginning.

Now that John McCain, who reacted to questions about his conservatism as if they were questions about his manhood, has all but secured the GOP nod, he’s been trying to cast Obama as a liberal. The National Journal recently obliged by publishing a survey declaring Obama the most liberal senator. The survey itself was highly subjective – based on a limited number of recent votes – but it nonetheless pegged Obama as a liberal.

On Friday, Obama responded – by denying it.

One of the more appealing innovations of Obama’s campaign is the way the candidate ends his stump speeches by running through the arguments against him: too young, too new, too naive, too trusting. Speaking before thousands of cheering young supporters in the Texas capitol, Obama added another: too liberal.

“Oh, he’s liberal, he’s liberal,” Obama said, mimicking his critics. “Let me tell you something. There’s nothing liberal about wanting to reduce money in politics. That is common sense. There’s nothing liberal about wanting to make sure [our soldiers] are treated properly when they come home . . . . There’s nothing liberal about wanting to make sure that everybody has healthcare. We are spending more on healthcare in this country than any other advanced country, but we’ve got more uninsured. There’s nothing liberal about saying that doesn’t make sense, and we should so something smarter with our healthcare system.”

Obama has invented a phrase for actions that smack of politics-as-usual: okey-doke. Of the liberal charge, Obama thundered: “Don’t let them run that ‘okey doke’ on you.”

So that’s what “okey doke” supposedly means.

19. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

Everyone walk your dinosaur:

Like all science fairs, you could tell which projects had parental help and which ones didn’t at the 2008 Home School Science Fair. The blue-ribbon winning project on dinosaurs and people roaming the earth together, with the color photos and the perfectly cut lettering, probably had parental help. The one explaining how a broken motor disproves Darwin’s theory of evolution, with the roughly cut pieces of paper and the penciled in chicken scratches, probably did not.

Every diorama in the Home School Science Fair, which took place inside a shopping mall in Roseville, Minnesota, had a biblical quote attached to it. A young woman whose project involved teaching her dog how to run circles between her legs decorated the words: “If you love me, you will obey what I command.” (John 14:15) in pink lace fabric. This quote got to the crux of the science fair, in my opinion: parental commandment. These parents pulled their children out of school, away from their peers, and said, “Now prove that Darwin was wrong.”

The projects all used classic high school science language: Start with a hypothesis, move on to testing, and then draw a conclusion. The problem was that much of the science was backwards. In good science, you start with a piece of evidence and try to find a truth. With creationist science, you start with a truth (the Bible), and try to find the evidence.

Why America is doomed … part umpteen million and two.

hat tip to Boing Boing.

20. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

The Torture Playlist

The strangest choices are the Eminem and Rage Against the Machine songs … they are so very much about how FUCKED UP Americans are in their attitudes toward “others”.

Oh, and if I was the Obama campaign, I’d make the press fucking work, too. Screw ’em. They don’t actually do any reporting anyway, so why bother showing them any deference? We’re so past that now … and they did it to themselves. I’m sure GE and Disney will keep cutting checks for them.

21. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

Our diplomacy is now the province of the military commander responsible for half the globe.

We all know why, because Killing is our business, and business is good.

I applauded one Liberal MP today during parliament’s debate on continuing the Afghanistan mission past 2009 until 2011 (which I obviously oppose) who pointed out that, for all the talk about reconstruction and human rights, the Conservatives had the minister of defence – not the prime minister or foreign affairs minister – start the debate, indicating exactly where they were coming from: the desire to continue fighting while supporting the MIC. He also pointed out that since Canada is part of a much broader mission, it’s not like we actually have much control over how things proceed there – something I have been writing about on my blog. His question, which caused me to write to thank him for asking it, was: Why are we there?

I had just written a post yesterday asking what we’re doing in Afghanistan. I saw from my stats a few minutes later that he actually checked it out while he was in the house of commons. At least I know someone in the Liberal party is listening. (The NDP and the Bloc are opposed to the extension but, with a whipped vote, it’s looking like the Liberals will prop up the Cons for the extension).

22. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

Obama, denying he’s a liberal, is in spamola.

23. marisacat - 26 February 2008

I found the penning in of people odious. Period.

24. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

oh, thanks so much for the Perrin and IOZ. THIS made me laugh:

as if this nutty assertion was going to alter the Good Ship Abstention from its set course

He comes up with the best snarky nicknames.

25. Intermittent Bystander - 26 February 2008

Gawd, another debate.

Are we there yet? When can we stop for ice cream?

I have to pee!

26. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

I found the penning in of people odious. Period.

oh, yes, that sucks … but as far as pushing out the press? Can’t make myself care.

27. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

Huckabee endorses ‘personhood’ amendment

Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee on Monday endorsed a proposed Colorado Human Life Amendment that would define personhood as a fertilized egg.

So, I assume he’s going to go after in-vitro clinics for murder?

28. marisacat - 26 February 2008

I am not so unimformed to think ti is only obama. And for me, the press, the media is a range. Always has been always will be. Whenever pols do this it is to hide.

However venal members of the media and corporate ownership is.

29. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

I have to pee!

You’ll fit right in, b/c I think Clinton will be slinging poo at the screen like a chimp on a meth binge.

30. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

I assume he’s going to go after in-vitro clinics for murder?

Not to mention his precious fluffy Lord for all of those miscarriages.

31. Intermittent Bystander - 26 February 2008

FYI to catnip, not just you: Microsoft Hotmail blocked for some.

SEATTLE – An undisclosed technical glitch blocked users from logging on to Microsoft Corp.’s free Web-based e-mail service and other sites Tuesday.

After several hours, the software maker was able to reduce but not completely fix the problem that left Web surfers around the world unable to access Hotmail and other services that require a Microsoft login. Those include the Xbox Live video game community site and the Windows Live Messenger instant messaging program.

32. Intermittent Bystander - 26 February 2008

You’ll fit right in . . . like a chimp on a meth binge.

Aw shucks, MitM – thanks!

33. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

I’m all about spreading the love IB.

34. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

31. Thanks, IB. It’s working for me now. I thought it was part of the vast right-wing conspiracy this morning. 😉

What’s more fun that watching a debate between Obama & Clinton? Watching a debate between those two when the freezing is wearing off from that filling you had today. The horror, the horror…

35. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

Eddie Vedder, Bright Eyes on anti-war compilation

Eddie Vedder, Bruce Springsteen, Neil Young and Bright Eyes are among the artists contributing songs to a forthcoming double album benefiting Iraq Veterans Against The War.

‘Body of War: Songs That Inspired an Iraq War Veteran’, was compiled by was by Iraq war veteran Tomas Young, who was paralysed in the war after only one week of service.

The collection, due out in the US on March 18, includes a previously unreleased version of Vedder’s ‘No More’, which he wrote specifically for the ‘Body of War’ documentary about Young’s life. Vedder performed the song with Ben Harper at Lollapalooza in 2007.

“Tomas has taught me a great deal, and our friendship has become one of depth and sincerity,” Vedder said in a statement. “It has been a mind-expanding experience. I see how he relies on the strength of the songs to help him through each day. It is a true living example of the power of music.”

The double-CD set also features songs by Rage Against The Machine, Roger Waters, Tom Waits and Tori Amos, among others.

Sales proceeds will go toward Iraq Veterans Against The War, a non-profit organisation that gives voice to active-duty service people and veterans who are
against the war, but are under various pressures to remain silent.

Tracklisting at the link. Some really good stuff on disc one.

36. marisacat - 26 February 2008

pretty amusing, Max Boot in Commetary defends Samantha Powers.

37. marisacat - 26 February 2008

oh horrors! Google at lowest $ on the market in 11 months.

Whatever will Silicon Valley DOOOOOOOOOOO.

38. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

File under “believe it if you see it”:

US generals ‘will quit’ if Bush orders Iran attack

SOME of America’s most senior military commanders are prepared to resign if the White House orders a military strike against Iran, according to highly placed defence and intelligence sources.

Tension in the Gulf region has raised fears that an attack on Iran is becoming increasingly likely before President George Bush leaves office. The Sunday Times has learnt that up to five generals and admirals are willing to resign rather than approve what they consider would be a reckless attack.

“There are four or five generals and admirals we know of who would resign if Bush ordered an attack on Iran,” a source with close ties to British intelligence said. “There is simply no stomach for it in the Pentagon, and a lot of people question whether such an attack would be effective or even possible.”

A British defence source confirmed that there were deep misgivings inside the Pentagon about a military strike. “All the generals are perfectly clear that they don’t have the military capacity to take Iran on in any meaningful fashion. Nobody wants to do it and it would be a matter of conscience for them.

A matter of conscience, or just another example of Americans only finding a “conscience” if they can’t WIN?

39. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

Max Boot in Commetary defends Samantha Powers

sometimes unlikely couples will stumble upon a shared interest in violent porn …

40. Intermittent Bystander - 26 February 2008

21 – Cool! Now ya just gotta get the MP to read these things in time for him to quote you in the House of Commons.

As liberal catnip pointed out yesterday, in her brilliant piece on x, y, and z, harumph harumph . . . .

35 – I heard Phil Donahue interviewed on WAMC recently about Body of War. Here’s the film website: http://www.bodyofwar.com/

41. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

About these “which Hillary will show up tonite?” comments in the MSM (based on her changing moods). Afaic, that’s a gender-based slur. She has different faces because (gasp!), she’s human. Obama has also shown changing faces of his personality – in the same range as Clinton – which leads me to suspect that this “hysterical woman who can’t control herself” charge is simply based on the fact that she’s female. What else could it be?

42. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

Now ya just gotta get the MP to read these things in time for him to quote you in the House of Commons.

I told him I’d be posting his comments as soon as the official record was up, so I suspect he’ll be back. 😉 (Workin’ it!)

43. marisacat - 26 February 2008

oh… Boot and Powers just like war. LOL She was fully as breathless and pink when Sarko and Kouchner went in… as was Bush. And McCain. They all had the same smile when they would mention Sarko I noticed.

44. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

What else could it be?

because she’s a chick? /david byron

(MitM ducks and runs)

45. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008
46. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008
47. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

Apparently, Obama is Walt Disney now too:


EngineerBill (See profile | I’m a fan of EngineerBill)

You know, reading this post, I felt this feeling wash over me. I’m beginning to let myself believe that the wonderful world of the future, you know, the one Walt Disney promised us baby boomers, is finally about to arrive. I can’t wait for Jan 20, 2009. Not only because it is the end of You-know-who’s admin. but also because of the beginning of Obama’s. Man I hope this comes true.

Does that make Michelle Tinkerbell?

48. Intermittent Bystander - 26 February 2008

Duck and run? Not necessary.

Simply prepare . . . to shaaaaaare the love . . . of the whole huuuuuuuman faaaaaaamileeeee!

49. Miss Devore - 26 February 2008

47. she’s going to have to duke it out with MSOC.

50. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008


Speaking of poo, of the shitting your pants variety, here’s a bit of bipartisan military policy.

51. marisacat - 26 February 2008

Somebody put up a sign that obama as Disney does not mean a white elevated Monorail in every pot. Or City.

52. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

45. The wingnuts also went ballistic over this pic of Laura in a hijab. They really don’t care who might “look Muslim”. They’re such bed-wetters (oops…I’m sorry…”patriots”), they’ll even eat their own over it.

53. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

she’s going to have to duke it out with MSOC.

That would be…umm…”interesting”. lol

54. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

Somebody put up a sign that obama as Disney does not mean a white elevated Monorail in every pot. Or City.

Well, I think it’s about time that America had a fully-animated presidency in the Disney sense of the word. Viva Obama Gonzales! (Perhaps not the best character choice…how about Barack Bunny?)

55. marisacat - 26 February 2008

well I have never thougth Western women should, as a blanket rule, adopt the headscarf when in places East of Rome.

It has always rankled with me.

56. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

Hillary, wearing a brown pantsuit resembling days-old oatmeal…

57. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

55. The wingnuttery pointed out that she was in American territory when she wore that. MAJOR faux pas, according to them.

58. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

Really BAD makeup on all of them.

59. Intermittent Bystander - 26 February 2008

49 – I knew of a donut shop in Montreal that Disney went after, with BIG legal guns, all for some goofy, I mean, Mickey-related pun in the title. They’re very serious about silly, you know!

Anyway, having heard the donut tale (now there’s a pff moniker) a decade ago, I’ve been waiting for Walt’s copyright-keepers to catch up to Emsock and her swarm of animated widgets for what, 2 years now?

(Not to mention the estates of one or two dead foreign artists. And I’ve just been assuming that Angelina Jolie has had other priorities.)

60. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008


Last year, a B-52 mistakenly loaded with nuclear weapons took a trip across the United States, sparking concerns about the safety of U.S. nuclear arsenal. The important question, however, is whether this incident was an isolated snafu, or indicative of deeper problems in the nuclear world. Some are arguing it is indeed the latter; safety standards and procedures in the nuclear world have been eroding for years, reports Air Force Times, the same newspaper that broke the original bent spear incident.

61. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

Dinging Hillary on the “crazy woman” schtick right off the bat.

62. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

Obama needs more lip gloss.

63. Intermittent Bystander - 26 February 2008

Blanket rule


64. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

Cops Zap Naked Senior

There are a ton of senior citizens living in Sarasota, Florida. So I’m sure it’s not all that uncommon to have one of them wandering the streets, undressed, confused — and maybe a little bit ornery.

Then there’s 65 year-old, buck-naked Duncan Kirk. Cops say he was so ornery, they had to blast him with stun guns and pepper spray, in order to get him to comply.

65. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

Ooo…he just accused her of whining.

66. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

God’s Own Baby-Killers: Abortions Soar Where Religious Zeal Abounds

George Monbiot reports on a study revealing — surprise, surprise! — that countries with the most fervent religious faith have the greatest number of abortions.

As Monbiot notes, this stems directly from one of the primary aims of organized religion: the control of women, especially their fertility. The zealous pursuit of this goal leads to rejection of contraception and sex education, which in turn gives rise to more unwanted pregnancies — hence more abortions. In fact, studies show that the country with perhaps the most “liberal” and “permissive” sexual policies — the Netherlands– has the lowest rate of abortion in the world.

67. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

He’s sounding rather lawyerly so far this evening.

68. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

I think Hillary won the health care round.

Heeeere’s NAFTA!

69. BooHooHooMan - 26 February 2008

Pillows? anybody got a pillow?

70. BooHooHooMan - 26 February 2008

She just shot herself in the head..

71. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

How would a “trade time-out” work??

72. Intermittent Bystander - 26 February 2008

If I’m having trouble forcing myself to switch the channel from American Idol to the 20th Frickin Democratic Debate, well, I wanna see the viewership numbers from Nielsen or whatever tomorrow.

So far, it does sound like it’s all been set up as an epic battle with both lightning bolts and grounding.

Whoa – citing SNL to bitch about “first question” and media treatment.

73. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

Clinton’s defense of her healthcare Insurance Industry Profits plan was horrible.

WHY, why, why is single payer off the table EXCEPT for the fact that they are both horrible corporate toadies?

74. BooHooHooMan - 26 February 2008

How would a “trade time-out” work??

One really big national naughty chair. The “Build the Chair” project alone creates million of jobs

75. Miss Devore - 26 February 2008

70–at the point where she cited SNL in her defense?

She’s licking her lips at some sort of “Colbert bump”

76. BooHooHooMan - 26 February 2008

NAFTA: There are a few places like Youngstown, Toledo, Akron, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Stuebenville, Lima, ….

77. Intermittent Bystander - 26 February 2008

75 – She’s down with the young people, baby. And still pissed off.

78. marisacat - 26 February 2008

neither of their plans is defensible.

The whole party puts single payer off the table. It’s meaningless that Kucinich and Loebsack (who toppled Leach last go round) support it.

79. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

The “Build the Chair” project alone creates million of jobs

lol…they can park it beside The Fence.

80. BooHooHooMan - 26 February 2008

Suit, whatya got on NAFTA? Highballs later? wink

81. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

which part was the shot in the head (I’m about 10 minutes behind the live feed on the DVR)? Was it the attack on kids who “think they’re immortal”? Does it occur to her that already living on ramen and popcorn is reason enough not to buy overpriced insurance?

82. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

neither of their plans is defensible.

I definitely agree with that. I just think she did a better job of selling hers.

83. Miss Devore - 26 February 2008

76-where most of the population is.

84. Intermittent Bystander - 26 February 2008

One big national naughty chair

Beware of juice.

85. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

Blame Canada…we get no respect I tell ya.

86. BooHooHooMan - 26 February 2008

Russert so far softballing The Suit.

Cue “Jaws” theme

87. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

I just think she did a better job of selling hers.

gak … they both sucked. She makes my teeth hurt, and he makes me want to hide my wallet.

88. Hair Club for Men - 26 February 2008

I was waiting in line at Walgreens the other day with my packet of razor blades and bottle of Diet Coke. The Walgreens near me always has lines that make me wait 20 minutes. It’s also on the edge of “the ghetto/hood/inner city/whatever you want to call it”.

Anyway, there were these two women in line behind me (both black, early to mid 30ish) talking about skipping treatments for some illness or another to save money. I forget exactly what one of these women had, but she was saying that the treatment was working until she had to spend the money for something else. Now, she feels a little better since she got part of the treatment but would like to finish it but doesn’t have the money.

In other words, Hillary has a point. Both she and Obama dodge the obvious point (that we need real single payer health care) BUT if poor people have the option of not getting medical treatment because they’re living check to check and need the money, they will.

89. BooHooHooMan - 26 February 2008

Oh shiyat– Russert now has one of those lint collecter things,working over Obamalam’s shoulder pad are…

90. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

Obama – the man with Cleopatra eyes.

91. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

fuck NAFTA … what about Free Capital in general? What about the World Bank and the rest of the neo-liberal system of economies of extraction?

NAFTA just one sore indicating a runaway infection.

92. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

gak … they both sucked.

Yes, but as you know, there are different levels of suckage. 🙂

93. BooHooHooMan - 26 February 2008

Fuck, now Russert is giving Obam a hot shave while lambasting Hillaregi-ous. Barbershop III – the Debate Movie

94. BooHooHooMan - 26 February 2008

Brian Williams::::

Sen Obama,- Why is Hillary such a bitch?

95. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

It’s Man-Love.

96. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

My Obama-cat just flung poo at the teevee while Hillary was speaking. Another Obama supporter behaving badly.

97. Intermittent Bystander - 26 February 2008

90 – Hey! Don’t be hating on him because he’s beautiful, little miss Jorge-and-Clooney fan. These things can’t be helped!

BTW – Care for a Kleeb? Oops, forgot . . . never mind the choice.

98. BooHooHooMan - 26 February 2008

No boos for him on “Ready to give in to Bush on Day One”.. I think her head is about to explode

99. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

explain to me how destroying a country, shooting people in their homes, dropping 500 pound bombs on neighborhoods, is VALIANT, Senator Clinton.

100. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

Timmeh really loathes Hillary, apparently.

101. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

99. Your Amercian Exceptionalism in 10 Easy Lessons pamphlet will soon be arriving in your mailbox. Bonus Bible on audiotape included.

102. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

Care for a Kleeb?

Sure! Is there a drive-thru where I could pick him up?

103. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

More Jorge – less Timmeh.

104. BooHooHooMan - 26 February 2008

Williams again

Hillary, SYFPH, we at NBC have a commercial

105. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

100 – well, so do I. Obama is bad, but Clinton just drives me up the fucking wall.

Bonus Bible on audiotape included.

Can I get the Virgin Mary blow-up doll with that order?

106. Miss Devore - 26 February 2008

you have to admit this is better than stupid people talking. with the exception of Hillary invoking SNL, there is not much in the way of canned lines here.

107. Intermittent Bystander - 26 February 2008

I dearly want a pumpkin pie. To fling at you-know-who.

Mouthing these words like What if the Iraqis said they don’t WANT you there?!! What if they said GET OUT! GET OUT?!!, like Timmy’s ever given the slightest flying fuck about the notion, even for a fucking second, while preparing for his interviews with American leaders.

Where’s Goya when you need him? Somebody draw this dude, please.

108. BooHooHooMan - 26 February 2008

Fuck, my bad..
Here I thought I was live blogging the Debate,
and I actually DO have the SNL rerun on…

His “no oversight on Afghanistan’ citing “the beginning of the campaign”
God, that is a media consultants wet dream

109. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

Can I get the Virgin Mary blow-up doll with that order?

That costs extra. Do you want the glo-in-the-dark model?

110. BooHooHooMan - 26 February 2008

LOL They have Virgin Mary blow-up dolls???

111. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

What if the Iraqis said they don’t WANT you there?!! What if they said GET OUT! GET OUT?!!,

I seriously thought he was going to blow a major artery at that moment.

112. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

They have Virgin Mary blow-up dolls???

*innocent look*

113. BooHooHooMan - 26 February 2008



114. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

Obama: “I’m not interested in speeches”.

I obviously picked the wrong week to stop snorting coke.

115. Hair Club for Men - 26 February 2008

Atrios Style Deep Thought of the Day:

Pat Buchanan and Chris Matthews both agree that “Reagan won the Cold War.” They also think that if Obama gets to be President, he’ll get pnowned by Hugo Chavez exactly the way Kennedy got pnowned by Kruschev in Vienna.

116. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

This Ohio crowd is a quiet bunch. Are we sure they’re not just a hologram?

117. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

ugh, they both make me want to break my teevee, and I LOVE my teevee.

somebody will go toe-to-toe with the special interests

not to mention take their money and tongue kiss them.

118. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

This Ohio crowd is a quiet bunch.

Like Indiana and many other places in the “heartland”, very happy to sit quietly and follow directions.

119. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

Obama: “If you don’t want it to pass you vote against it”

Right. And that explains all of your “present” votes then?

120. Miss Devore - 26 February 2008

off topic–I am a huge fan of Ananova’s Quirkies, and I recently read a story of a Romanian guy who returned his inflatable girl, because she wasn’t moaning properly, and she deflated too easily. His consumer complaint was upheld–there was an electrical defect in the moaning, and a structural defect in inflation.

121. BooHooHooMan - 26 February 2008

This Ohio crowd is a quiet bunch. Are we sure they’re not just a hologram?

They did the phoney moon landing back in ’69.They now mostly do weddings, bar mitzvahs,

122. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

there was an electrical defect in the moaning, and a structural defect in inflation.

That’s not off topic … it perfectly describes our political system.

123. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

Maybe this explains it:

Ohio’s state motto — “With God, all things are possible”

124. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

Timmeh is just DYING for a good “gotcha”.

125. BooHooHooMan - 26 February 2008

God where is the zinger??? Just really easy set ups for him…I loathe the whole Clinton Op but not hard to see why they’re tearing their hair out…

126. Hair Club for Men - 26 February 2008

and I recently read a story of a Romanian guy who returned his inflatable girl, because she wasn’t moaning properly,

I thought David Byron was English.

127. Miss Devore - 26 February 2008

she is so lying on the question of not releasing their tax returns.

128. BooHooHooMan - 26 February 2008

Rezko must be teed up next or the limo blowjob gig…

129. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

I think Timmeh has hemorrhoids.

130. BooHooHooMan - 26 February 2008

Here we go

131. Intermittent Bystander - 26 February 2008

102 – Out on the range, they probably call it a ride-through. Do your own Googling! Try Nebraska and One-Hoss Stand.

120 – Consumer’s rights prevail! Truth in advertising forever! Was the plaintiff named Soj by any chance?

132. BooHooHooMan - 26 February 2008


133. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

loathe the whole Clinton Op but not hard to see why they’re tearing their hair out…

It’s the environment they’re living in, fighting in. It’s predictable. Quit fucking whining and find a way to disarm it. It’s nothing new.

She just looked like a moron on the tax filings question.

134. BooHooHooMan - 26 February 2008

Pumkinhead moving in…

135. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008


136. Intermittent Bystander - 26 February 2008

127 – Rezko must be teed up next or the limo blowjob gig…

Don’t be talking crazy, BHHM. Savin that for the general!

137. BooHooHooMan - 26 February 2008

now with the easy out…

Senator, tell us how much you love Israel.

138. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

Try Nebraska and One-Hoss Stand.

I did last year. It didn’t work out.

139. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008


Obama: Oh-tay! (smoooch!)

140. Hair Club for Men - 26 February 2008

So Obama has to denounce Farrakhan for Farrakhan’s saying something Obama has no control of and yet Russert doesn’t have to denounce Pat Buchanan who’s ON THE MSNBC PAYROLL.

Oh yeah it would be nice if Obama said something about Gaza. It would also be nice if I found 100,000 dollars on the street.

141. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

Some of my best friends are Jewish…

142. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

throw in some tongue, Senator!

143. Hair Club for Men - 26 February 2008

Some of my best friends are Jewish…

Yeah but you’re not a secret muslim.

144. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008


145. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

Yeah but you’re not a secret muslim.

I do wear “garb” now and then.

146. Hair Club for Men - 26 February 2008

Maybe they should just bring out a fried Palestinian baby and make Obama and Hillary eat it on stage.

147. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008


148. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

The audience..it’s alive! Who knew??

149. Hair Club for Men - 26 February 2008

If there’s any better reason to vote for Nader than that little exchange I can’t think of it right now.

150. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

Clinton: I LOVE ISRAEL MORE! And risked my entire Senatorial campaign –and god-given right to power!

Obama: oh-tay! Farrakhan is ICKY! There, I said it! LOOOOOOOVE me!

151. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

Do you think Timmeh does a ventriloquist show with Williams on his knee during the commercial breaks?

152. Intermittent Bystander - 26 February 2008

137 – Sympathies.

139 – yet Russert doesn’t have to denounce Pat Buchanan who’s ON THE MSNBC PAYROLL.

Like I said, we need Goya.

153. Hair Club for Men - 26 February 2008

It’s pretty amazing.

The Israel lobby is at least partly behind the Obama is a Secret Muslim smear and certainly behind the demonization of Muslims in general.

But Obama still has to suck up to them and if he actually said anything like “I think demonizing any religion is wrong, that includes Judaism and it includes Islam” he would have instantly be rendered “unelectable”.

154. BooHooHooMan - 26 February 2008

Omigawd! They are now actually bring a bus on stage from the
Cleveland Regional Transit Authority.. Yeh I looked it up.LOL

155. BooHooHooMan - 26 February 2008

Another one under the Bus.

156. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

oh, if the National Journal says it, then it MUST be true. Obama quickly assuring everybody that he’s not REALLY that liberal … “I’m the black Ronald Reagan!” …

157. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008


158. Hair Club for Men - 26 February 2008

So Putin (Bill Clinton) is handpicking a successor he can control (Hillary). The HORRORS.

159. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

meant to add … so Obama was actually honest there … about not being a lib. whatever ‘lib’ means in this benighted Sparta.

160. melvin - 26 February 2008

Hang on Hills, Obama might win the Russian election too for all you know.

161. Hair Club for Men - 26 February 2008

Obama might win the Russian election too for all you know.

Oh fuck. That means a secret Muslim will have hundreds of nukes at his fingertips.

162. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

Putin…boring…let’s talk about Hugo Chavez…he’s more fun.

163. BooHooHooMan - 26 February 2008

LOL about Putins scuccessor:

Russert: You know anything about ‘im???

What she said about whats his name..

164. Hair Club for Men - 26 February 2008

You know anything about ‘im???

Hillary: Some fucking Rusian. They’re all sneaky anyway so who cares.

165. Intermittent Bystander - 26 February 2008


You all are asking for it.

166. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

Timmeh: “and then Godzilla and that monster from Cloverfield attack our friends in Israel, and we find out that they were created by a secret Nazi cabal hiding in Serbia … WHAT WOULD PRESIDENT OBAMA DO?!?!!?!” (cups his chin in his chubby hands, flutters his lashes coquetishly). “Hmmmmmm?!?!”

167. Hair Club for Men - 26 February 2008

Does anybody really think either of these two would do anything differently from McCain as far as foreign policy goes?

168. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008


oh, I heard there was a Gene Simmons sex tape floating around.

169. Miss Devore - 26 February 2008

can you give a point for Obama for admitting he didn’t object strongly to the Schiavo shenanigans?

170. BooHooHooMan - 26 February 2008


171. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

oh, I heard there was a Gene Simmons sex tape floating around.

Ewww. I just threw up a bit.

172. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

oh, go ahead and hug, you crazy kids!

173. BooHooHooMan - 26 February 2008

Poor Pandering

174. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

Ewww. I just threw up a bit.

Oh, is that in the tape, too?

175. BooHooHooMan - 26 February 2008

#171 LOL. Uncle Madman

176. Intermittent Bystander - 26 February 2008

OK, Hillary! Now you talk pretty too?

177. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

“community organizer” drink!

178. Hair Club for Men - 26 February 2008

can you give a point for Obama for admitting he didn’t object strongly to the Schiavo shenanigans

Maybe after I finish getting over my disgust over the pandering to the Israel lobby.

What Obama did tonight was act like John Kerry.

The Israel lobby is demonizing him as a “secret Muslim” (and they’re at least some of the people behind it) and he’s forced to suck up to them.

And yet, even though he’s a non Muslim and even though Muslims are being locked up without charges in this country and demonized in general, Obama was too gutless to denounce bigotry against Muslims or immigrants even once.

So he’s basically still sucking up to the Christian and pro-Israel right. No change. In fact, with Terri Schiavo it was passive. Now it’s active.

He lost a lot of my respect tonight. He’s nothing but the secret Muslim John Kerry.

179. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

Oh, is that in the tape, too?

No, but it comes in a baggie with the Virgin Mary blow-up doll.

180. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

ooooo, Clinton has a bit of inspiration … she’s writing out something on her little notepad.

Obama: I’m better because I’m the Magic Jeebus candidate! Did I mention that I organized poor people before I cashed in?!?! Like REAGAN!

181. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

OK, Hillary! Now you talk pretty too?

Go for the throat! C’mon!

182. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

He’s nothing but the secret Muslim John Kerry.


183. Miss Devore - 26 February 2008

179–Mitm, that is such a bullshit comparison.

184. Miss Devore - 26 February 2008

People get up everyday!

Unless they die in their sleep.

185. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

182 – I’m not the one making it, HE IS.

Clinton plays the sick baby card.

186. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

wow, that was like being forced to undergo an enema of heavy sedatives.

187. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008


Now we KNOW this is serious.

188. Hair Club for Men - 26 February 2008

Mitm, that is such a bullshit comparison

No. It’s not.

Kerry was demonized for being part of the anti-war movement. He never stood up to it.

Obama is being demonized as a Secret Muslim. He never denounced anti-Muslim or anti-immigrant bigotry when he denounced Farrakhan.

If John Kerry didn’t eat pork, prayed to Mecca five times a day and was plotting another suicide attack on an American skycraper instead of just meeting with Jane Fonda in Hanoi and planning to demoralize the troops over lunch with Ho Chi Minh, they’d be the same guy.

189. BooHooHooMan - 26 February 2008

Dee , re Schiavo, I think the Schiavo vote, admission of a “mistake” was mostly to say the name “Shiavo” with the word “mistake” in same sentence and directed at low information conservative voters who will hear what they want to hear, Confusing it as him being NOT on the “Pull the plug” “side” , ugh, such as the debate is framed..

190. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

Tweety: I HATE Hillary!

Andrea Mitchell: blah blah blah channellingbrooksandotherconventionalwisdom blah blah blah

Tweety: She’s still a bitch, and she LOVES NAFTA, oh, and Obama is boring in debates!

Olbermann: did you watch the same thing I did? What do you think David Gregory?

Gregory: I agree with Chris … HILLARY IS A BITCH! oh, and Obama is a cool dude, like Ferris Bueller, only he loves Israel more and would never sing ‘Twist and Shout’ in that German parade in Chicago!

Olbermann: pretty cool how they snuck in that promo for our corporate parent’s SNL program! Oh, and Obama IS a cool dude!

191. melvin - 26 February 2008

I found it interesting that he consistently called him Minister Farrakhan, even as he was denouncing, rejecting, condemning and abjuring him and all his works.

192. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

MSNBC quick poll:

Which candidate would you rather play hooky from school with?

__ Ferris Obama?

__ His bitchy sister Hillary?

193. Hair Club for Men - 26 February 2008

I found it interesting that he consistently called him Minister Farrakhan, even as he was denouncing, rejecting, condemning and abjuring him and all his works.

AHA. Secret Muslim.

194. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

lol MitM

195. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

re: Obama & Schiavo…I didn’t even know about that and his bringing it up might actually work against him in some circles.

196. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

My favorite part of Obama’s book is where he borrowed the sports car and drove into the city, then had sex on a train with a hot tramp …

oh, wait, I’m getting my eighties Chicago teen fantasies mixed up.

197. BooHooHooMan - 26 February 2008

Uncle Madman!

198. Hair Club for Men - 26 February 2008

My favorite part of Obama’s book is where he borrowed the sports car and drove into the city, then had sex on a train with a hot tramp

You’re confusing Secret Muslims with Secret Scientologists.

199. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

KO: bombing Pakistan thus agreeing with Bush – good or better for Obama?

Timmeh: Better! I heart Bush!

200. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

Obama, he’s what ALL the North Shore Liberals want.

201. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

Scientologists don’t have sex. Sheesh.

202. BooHooHooMan - 26 February 2008

re: Obama & Schiavo…I didn’t even know about that and his bringing it up…- catnip

I agree catnip he excessively (lol) pandered at the end.
10 yards and loss of down

203. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

You’re confusing Secret Muslims with Secret Scientologists.

Sometimes you just have to say “What the fuck!”

204. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

Obama grows – right in front of your eyes. He’s like a Chia Pet. Chia Obama. Get yours today!

205. Intermittent Bystander - 26 February 2008

190 – Reminds me of holding a nephew in a white lace dress at a Polish Catholic church, having been assured that my role was perfunctory, no oaths involved. HA ha ha ha. (What can I say, I was young. You should have seen the maid of honor dress. GREEN FEATHERS?)

Next thing you know, I’m asked to denounce the Devil. Huh?! OK, whatever. Choke choke. Mumble, nod.

And all his works.


206. BooHooHooMan - 26 February 2008

Russert said something like
“Thus far she never really apologized for her vote on the war.
Tonight, I think she did”

Yeh a year and a half into the campaign, now thats shes LOSING. baaaarf.

207. Hair Club for Men - 26 February 2008

If I have to watch that commercial where the guy’s using a cell phone his daughter bought him one more time I’m going to scream.

208. Intermittent Bystander - 26 February 2008

PS: The nephew wore white lace, not me.

209. BooHooHooMan - 26 February 2008

You Listen to me , Mr. What the Fuck.

210. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

I’m asked to denounce the Devil.

Oh, sorry about the Risky Busines train scene link then … I’m obviously not helping you with that responsibility.

If I have to watch that commercial where the guy’s using a cell phone his daughter bought him

Which is so fucking offensive on so many levels. I hate that commercial almost as much as I hate the Dennis Hopper investment commercials.

211. BooHooHooMan - 26 February 2008

LOL. It’s hard out their for Guido the Pimp.

212. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

But that phone’s HOT!

213. BooHooHooMan - 26 February 2008

before i die i will appropritely spell the differebce between there and their..

214. BooHooHooMan - 26 February 2008

and *appropriately so

215. Intermittent Bystander - 26 February 2008

OK, now I dearly need a yellow canary pie.

216. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

It’s hard out their for Guido the Pimp

I wonder who he lobbies for now?

217. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

Oh, wait, I know who!.

Guido hates net neutrality!

218. melvin - 26 February 2008

How did we ever get stuck with the fucking idiot Russert? He’s been on this kick for how long now of hypotheticals.

“It’s March 23, 2010. It’s raining. You’ve just had an omelette. Fiji launches a nuclear strike on Andorra. Will you retaliate?

Will you? Will you?

219. Hair Club for Men - 26 February 2008

Rachel Maddow is dead on. That debate sucked the air out of the room. John Kerry and Mike Dukakis in blackface with tits.

Somewhere McCain is laughing his hairy wrinkled old white ass off.

220. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

217 – that’s how Big Russ told him how they did it on the beaches of Normandy!

221. BooHooHooMan - 26 February 2008

I feel like I just chugged a fifth ‘a Jack.

222. liberalcatnip - 26 February 2008

Those MSNBC pundits are just itching to write Hillary’s obituary.

223. Intermittent Bystander - 26 February 2008

Four and twenty TVbirds, baked in a pie. . . .

BTW, that shadowy lobby group has been running their spooky FISA ad against frosh Hillebrand here, lately.

Oops – abandon slurs! Abandon slurs! Upstate NY dumps another Repub, in special election today!


Backround from Newsday here:

A loss here, where Republicans usually win, carries an ominous overtone for Bruno and the GOP, who face yielding total control of state government to the Democrats, already in command of the Assembly and the governor’s mansion. Spitzer made it clear early in his term that he wanted a Democratic-controlled Senate and he worked to win a special election last year on Long Island.

Each candidate spent more than $1.3 million on the campaign, which barely lasted six weeks, making it the second most expensive Senate election in state history. Most of the money came from the state parties or the party leadership _ only about 1 percent of each candidate’s total contributions came from inside the district.

224. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

wow, the Repub lost that election, despite having two lines on the ballot?

225. Intermittent Bystander - 26 February 2008

Despite intense campaigning by both candidates, a winter storm kept voter turnout at about 25 percent.

You snooze. you lose.

226. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 February 2008

From Witness in Police Killing, Tearful Recall of a Party Gone Bad

The testimony from the dancer, Marseilles Payne, 32, in the trial of three detectives charged in Mr. Bell’s shooting was as dramatic as it was at odds with other accounts of that early morning of Nov. 25, 2006. Ms. Payne’s version more closely resembled an account of road rage, with a single detective opening fire after a car collision, than the chaotic events that the police, prosecutors and the defense have described.

Nonetheless, hearing the account, several supporters of Mr. Bell and his family, including his parents, left the courtroom in tears as Ms. Payne herself broke down several times.

Ms. Payne said she last saw Mr. Bell turn on his car’s headlights on Liverpool Street, in Jamaica, Queens, and pull away from the curb. She was at her car and was going to follow him and his friends to a diner for breakfast after her long night of dancing, she said.

“As he came out, a minivan came from behind me and they crashed,” she said. “The driver of the minivan got out of the car. He got out and he started shooting.” She said she was close enough to see the muzzle flash from his pistol.

“I saw the fire, like, three times and I turned and I ran,” she said, adding that she crouched in someone’s shrubs. “I waited for the gunshots to stop. It was about three seconds, and I started to get up, and the gunshots started again.”

It was Detective Oliver whom Ms. Payne described, but she said she did not know at the time that he was a police detective.

On cross-examination, Ms. Payne said she did not see most of the events in the widely held account of the shooting, even though it seems she could have from what she described as her vantage point. She said she never saw Detective Isnora approach Mr. Bell’s car with a gun, and never saw Mr. Bell back up after hitting the minivan, strike a wall and charge forward, hitting the van again.

She said she never heard anyone shout “Police,” never heard any screams. She said she ran back to the club and told the bouncer, “They’re shooting down the block! They’re killing those boys!”

She said that after two or three minutes, she ran back to her car so she could move it before the police arrived, but she was too late, arriving to see paramedics pulling bodies from Mr. Bell’s car. When the police questioned her, she repeatedly denied having seen or heard anything before finally giving detectives a statement that night, she said.

“I don’t need this drama in my life,” she said Tuesday, recalling her reluctance.

Ms. Payne also described an encounter, before the shooting, with a bald man who called her nickname, Trini, as she left the club. He said he had been watching her all night, and offered to pay for private time with her, but she said, “I don’t do dates.”

She later learned the man was an undercover police officer, although not one of the officers involved in the shooting.

227. Intermittent Bystander - 26 February 2008

“As I’ve said all along, the winds of change are blowing in Albany _ and tonight they are blowing from the North Country,” Aubertine said.

The candidates spent most of that money on negative television ads attacking each other both politically and personally.

228. Intermittent Bystander - 26 February 2008

Oops – 222 should read Gillibrand.

Must snooze . . . .

229. marisacat - 26 February 2008

new thread……………


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