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La Louche Overnight Thread… 29 March 2007

Posted by marisacat in Big Box Blogs, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter.

La louche is beat!  But not beaten!  Ther is a difference...

Via hrh/SV (whose email address he had) Meteor Blades has conveyed an apology w/r/t the Klebold Harris Columbine comment.  Here is a snip at the close of the email:

Clearly I used poor judgment in this matter. I was wrong. I shouldn’t have made the accusation. I shouldn’t have stubbornly refused to retract it. I shouldn’t have needed seven reviewers to tell me so. And I apologize unconditionally to everyone who posts at the site.

I have no idea (nor was there mention of that in the email) if MB wishes to comment at the site, but if he should wish to at any time, he certainly can.


Other than that, at the moment,  I don’t have anything in hand to post… 😉


1. Madman in the Marketplace - 29 March 2007

Michael Ware sets Holy Joe straight this time:

Nonetheless, in one of these areas that has been so prominently second by the U.S. military and its Iraqi partners, where U.S. troops are now basically patrolling all the time with this great confidence, an area that had been controlled by the Mahdi militia, today more than 70 people died when two men detonated themselves in a busy market.

And don’t forget, we’re looking across the country at about 80 American soldiers, sailors and Marines being killed. In March, we’re approaching that number again, the third month in a row.

So are the soldiers seeing changes?

Yes, sure.

But are the fundamental dynamics altering at all?

No, not really, not yet. There’s a chance, but far too early to tell — Wolf.

2. Madman in the Marketplace - 29 March 2007

Thank you MB for that apology.

3. Lucid - 29 March 2007

MB, I appreciate the sincere apology. I have always respected your writing on the blogs & it struck me as out of character for you to make the comment in the first place.

4. marisacat - 29 March 2007

Maybe John and JOe would like to move to Baghdad.

Plus we just KNOW they have, over the years, discussed being a ticket. Joe Lieberman – the trans-party Veep.

Talk about the War Party Tick.

5. Madman in the Marketplace - 29 March 2007

Digby links to this piece by a former lawyer in Justice’s civil rights division:

THE SCANDAL unfolding around the firing of eight U.S. attorneys compels the conclusion that the Bush administration has rewarded loyalty over all else. A destructive pattern of partisan political actions at the Justice Department started long before this incident, however, as those of us who worked in its civil rights division can attest.

I spent more than 35 years in the department enforcing federal civil rights laws — particularly voting rights. Before leaving in 2005, I worked for attorneys general with dramatically different political philosophies — from John Mitchell to Ed Meese to Janet Reno. Regardless of the administration, the political appointees had respect for the experience and judgment of longtime civil servants.

Under the Bush administration, however, all that changed. Over the last six years, this Justice Department has ignored the advice of its staff and skewed aspects of law enforcement in ways that clearly were intended to influence the outcome of elections.

It has notably shirked its legal responsibility to protect voting rights. From 2001 to 2006, no voting discrimination cases were brought on behalf of African American or Native American voters. U.S. attorneys were told instead to give priority to voter fraud cases, which, when coupled with the strong support for voter ID laws, indicated an intent to depress voter turnout in minority and poor communities.

At least two of the recently fired U.S. attorneys, John McKay in Seattle and David C. Iglesias in New Mexico, were targeted largely because they refused to prosecute voting fraud cases that implicated Democrats or voters likely to vote for Democrats. [snip]

This administration is also politicizing the career staff of the Justice Department. Outright hostility to career employees who disagreed with the political appointees was evident early on. Seven career managers were removed in the civil rights division. I personally was ordered to change performance evaluations of several attorneys under my supervision. I was told to include critical comments about those whose recommendations ran counter to the political will of the administration and to improve evaluations of those who were politically favored.

Morale plummeted, resulting in an alarming exodus of career attorneys. In the last two years, 55% to 60% of attorneys in the voting section have transferred to other departments or left the Justice Department entirely.

At the same time, career staff were nearly cut out of the process of hiring lawyers. Control of hiring went to political appointees, so an applicant’s fidelity to GOP interests replaced civil rights experience as the most important factor in hiring decisions.

6. marisacat - 29 March 2007

ugh. I did catch Sampson to day trying to explain the phrase that I guess was aobut on the ground “being loyal little Bushies”


7. kevinearllynch - 29 March 2007


We’re doing a better job than some blogs have when it comes to accepting apologies. It’ll take time for me to actually believe this is an honest apology. You can only dance around your comments for so long and drag your family out to obfuscate the whole situation so much before my “bullshit detector” pegs. “Fool me once…” and all that.

You’ve gone from honored elder to high minded serial abuser in my eyes MB. You know how we Irish are, NEVER forget. Maybe a few YEARS of good behavior will get you out of karmic debt. I’ll be waiting


8. liberalcatnip - 29 March 2007

#4. Yet another nail in Gonzales’ coffin. Has he hired himself an attorney yet? (Oh the irony…)

9. Madman in the Marketplace - 29 March 2007
10. missdevore - 29 March 2007

well, I’ll accept the apology.

in other news–I think I installed the DSL modem correctly. The service won’t start until tomorrow, so I don’t know for sure. It was an annoying procedure–the CD somehow blacked out the visuals of the process. I did my helen keller best.

11. ms_xeno - 29 March 2007

Madman, it was fated to be as soon as they signed away their empire to D*sn*y.

Oh, and speaking of putting on a happy face, bad me. I baited supersoling at MBM. I know it was wrong, but good lord. Two weeks ago he seemed like just a normal, happy malcontent like the rest of us and now he’s just droning on and on and on about nothing;Proof that you can shit and shit and shit some more and STILL not get off the pot.

Oh, and Madman and any other Emmylou Harris fans might like Alice Stuart. She rules.

12. missdevore - 29 March 2007

oh jesettechristineonrollerblades.

wandered over to bmt, and it looks as if taylormattd from dk, in his only act of participation at bmt has troll-rated lucid & I’s comments in the “maryscott was right diary.”

traveling troll-hunters, what next?

13. marisacat - 29 March 2007

ugh what can I say… the outlet, when the Digital comcast guy came, was behind my bed. Dust.

I sent him off with some cash in an envelope. It seemed fair.

14. Sabrina Ballerina - 29 March 2007

Apology accepted Meteor Blades.

I lost a post in the last thread so will try to reconstruct it – first to Colleen, #92 – I am in awe of the consistently great writers on this site, so a very humble thank you!

From the last thread –

Yet another reference to Reynolds ownership of the trademark for “heh”.


What if Armando is actually Glenn Reynolds??

Developing… *flashing cop light*

Lol – my investigation got a little off-track (this is more public than private) but I was thinking that if armando is not the originator of the word ‘heh’ we could nail him for copyright violation, being the meanies that we are. Heh! Heh!

I thought it was Beavis and Butthead who made it popular, btw. My legal consultants tell me that re my question about the copyright violator being attached to the ‘psycho history’ of the originator, it might be better to consult a psychiatrist on this.

Heh! Glenn Reynolds? So he could be a sock puppet – the plot thickens.

15. BooHooHooMan - 29 March 2007

BHHM continues carving his pear

16. liberalcatnip - 29 March 2007

traveling troll-hunters

Another good name for a band.

They’ll disappear people one way or the other. That’s all they have.

I did my helen keller best.

Bravo! I’m sure she’d be proud of you.

I’m not really into accepting any apologies this week. I’ll stick with seeing is believing as my modus operandi.

Two weeks ago he seemed like just a normal, happy malcontent like the rest of us and now he’s just droning on and on and on about nothing;Proof that you can shit and shit and shit some more and STILL not get off the pot.

I really think these are spring meltdowns. They start earlier every year thanks to that so-called “global warming” thing that all the kids are talking about.

17. kevinearllynch - 29 March 2007

Not to be the turd in the punchbowl, again, but there’s a new post over at tUTT titled: the Once and Future War

glad you liked the new decor! but does my writing suck?


18. Madman in the Marketplace - 29 March 2007

thanks for that ms. , good stuff.

19. marisacat - 29 March 2007


Sorry! I think I jsut got it out of spam… if you like I will repost it here…

20. marisacat - 29 March 2007

catnip’s telling of the Great Myth of “heh” is one of the funnier things I have ever read.

Who does Glenn Reynolds think he is, Monsanto copywriting seeds?

LOL… what a hoot!

21. liberalcatnip - 29 March 2007

Maybe John and JOe would like to move to Baghdad.

They could move in with the Iraq the Model bloggers. They apparently live in the Neverland district of Baghdad. John would feel right at home.

22. Madman in the Marketplace - 29 March 2007

well, he thinks he’s a lawyer who actually deserves his JD, so I guess anything is possible.

23. ms_xeno - 29 March 2007

You’re welcome, Madman. Oh, and since catnip brings up the double-edged nature of spring’s awakenings, I’ll also post this you-gem:

Terry Callier sings “Lazarus Man.”

…I’ve been from Nazareth
To West Gallilee
And I’ve realized
There’s no rest for me
I’ve been to the desert
I’ve been stranded on the deep
But since he bid me to rise
I ain’t been to sleep…

The awakened conscience really does cut into one’s sleep time. Wishing the blogosphere and the nation many more sleepless nights, then. 😉

24. liberalcatnip - 29 March 2007

well, he thinks he’s a lawyer who actually deserves his JD, so I guess anything is possible.

That could apply to so many persons of interest here…

25. missdevore - 29 March 2007

BHHM–that was cryptic. or I missed something.

Sabrina-I think aravia is an intellectual property lawyer.

maybe you should work on the chapter “Who’s a sanctimonious liar.” (or is it lying sanctimonious something or other…{cough}…need to refamiliarize myself with subject)

26. ms_xeno - 29 March 2007

Kevin, actually it’s a great-looking page, but I’m not yet registered at WordPress. I suppose now I need to think up a new password, and my aging brain is already having a hard time sorting them all out.

If I sign up, will there be pics of the late, great 28-lb. Tortie ? =^oo^=

(By tomorrow, I will be back to posting actual news so as not to make Mcat sorry she blogrolled me. 😮 )

27. Lucid - 29 March 2007

I thought it was Beavis and Butthead who made it popular, btw.

heh, heh, heh, heh… She said nail. heh, heh.

28. Madman in the Marketplace - 29 March 2007

TWO quick links demonstrating why this country is fucked.

First, “America’s Mayor”, who made his bones prosecuting mobsters, told a grand jury that his former chief investigator remembered having briefed him on some aspects of Bernard B. Kerik’s relationship with a company suspected of ties to organized crime before Mr. Kerik’s appointment as New York City police commissioner, according to court records.

Second, Google Maps has apparently decided that Katrina never happened:

Chikai Ohazama, a Google Inc. product manager for satellite imagery, said the maps now available are the best the company can offer. Numerous factors decide what goes into the databases, “everything from resolution, to quality, to when the actual imagery was acquired.”

He said he was not sure when the current images replaced views of the city taken after Katrina struck Aug. 29, 2005, flooding an estimated 80 percent of New Orleans.

In the images available Thursday, the cranes working to fix the breach of the 17th Street Canal are gone. Blue tarps that covered roofless homes are replaced by shingles. Homes wiped off their foundations are miraculously back in place in the Lower 9th. So, too, is the historic lighthouse on Lake Pontchartrain.

But in the Lower 9th Ward, the truth isn’t as pretty, 19 months after Katrina.

“Everything is missing. The people are missing. Nobody is there,” Henry said.

After Katrina, Google’s satellite images were in high demand among exiles and hurricane victims anxious to see whether their homes were damaged.

Do no evil my ass.

29. Sabrina Ballerina - 29 March 2007

wandered over to bmt, and it looks as if taylormattd from dk, in his only act of participation at bmt has troll-rated lucid & I’s comments in the “maryscott was right diary.”

Rotfl! They are so frustrated that they cannot troll rate here! I bet when they read here, their fingers are on their troll buttons all the time.

Hillarious, he ran over to BMT to use his widdle twoll button. Pathetic. That system totally weakens people’s debating skills. Troll rating is the equivalent of an ignorant fool shooting a superior debating adversary out of a sense of embarrassment and frustration

They will never survive in politics, really. I never troll rated anyone, but did eviscerate one or two of the worst bullies with words and facts, using Lucid’s technique of taking their own words and turning them back on them.

They better stay in their little corner of cyber space, they don’t have the skills to venture forth without their little toy weapons.

It is a compliment Miss D. You are way too much woman for the men of dk. Lol! Silence the whores cunts and bitches! How dare they have an opinion.

30. Madman in the Marketplace - 29 March 2007

oops, from “told a grand jury …” to the end should ALL be in quotes, as it’s the first paragraph of the Times piece.


feh … need to go to bed before I get more riled up.

31. colleen - 29 March 2007

wandered over to bmt, and it looks as if taylormattd from dk, in his only act of participation at bmt has troll-rated lucid & I’s comments in the “maryscott was right diary.”

traveling troll-hunters, what next?

Of course.

Daily Kos has been looking to transport it’s ‘culture’ to the other scoop blogs for some time now. I’m delighted to leave Martin to his inevitable fate.

32. missdevore - 29 March 2007

a cultural exchange program between dk & bmt! invite the troll-hunters over to get rid of the people who were banned at kos, but still post at other sites. they did such a good job at dk after all.

33. Lucid - 29 March 2007

Taylormatt is a DHinMI clone – for any of you that have not been around DK lately. He’s an insulting centrist bully that is not only one of the first to TR those not toeing the party line, but is always prominent in hidden comments threads as well – calling people idiots. And he has never contributed anything remotely positive to the blog…

And they call us trash…

34. colleen - 29 March 2007

They are so frustrated that they cannot troll rate here! I bet when they read here, their fingers are on their troll buttons all the time.

I know.
They’re frustrated they cannot control the speech here. They’ve been intimidating and bullying for so long now online that they’re addicted to their enforced, absurdly complimentary, self aggrandized images. They believe they’re entitled to them whereas the reality is that, if polled, their negative numbers would be greater than their positive ones. I think this is particularly true of the dk admins but also of BT and MLW.

35. BooHooHooMan - 29 March 2007

From [Defense] Appropriations Sub-Committee today

Gates on “Progress” and in Iraq and benchmark performance of Iraqi government:

…a Hydrocarbon Bill has been passed…

What does he mean by Hydrocarbon newspeak? Up from the ground come a bubblin’ crude? Gates that is.

Peter Pace today on violence in Iraq:

Good news and bad news.

The good news according to the CJCOS is that we’re not seeing “as much” of the “gangs of Death Squads” the violence has decreased
but,- BUT, BUT BUT

…the larger truck bombs from “al Qaeda” and “al Qaeda” -like elements are increasing. We’ve seen….”

Good news on the Death Squad thing.
al Qaeda Bad.
Blowin’ up a good truck: Unforgiveable.

GOP Kansas Rep. Tiahrt out of the gates puts the SECDEF and Chairman through the paces in the context of: “… the success we’ve had…” and refers midstoke to the hopeful eventuality of “relaxing the surge”… This Kansan’s safe in his House, denying he’s aloft and quite happy to be headed for the yellow brick road.

Dem Rep. from Toledo Marcy Kaptur has asked for to “unearth every contract” she wants the amount, who signed the contracts te terms, who they are hiring and their backgrounds and under what terms of military engagement they are operating. Murtha weighed in , from the Chair and said he didn’t know if they could expect every contract but that he wanted to get a real understanding of of the situation.

On Aegis profiteering, Gates chuckled up in astonishished “Regular Guy” moment: “That means they’re making as much as I am.”

36. Sabrina Ballerina - 29 March 2007

Marisacat, yes, if it’s not too much trouble. I think I had a quote from a great post by Lucid in the comment.

Sabrina-I think aravia is an intellectual property lawyer.

Miss D, this is very significant info – there is not much intellectual anything on the BBBs. So, for whom does he work? Heh!

This could be your big chance (and his, btw, didn’t he once say he would like to meet you?) Your first assignment as a PI! Bring the dog!

37. BooHooHooMan - 29 March 2007

Sorry for Bad Tags

Blockquotes only for “Good News and Bad News” to Pace.

38. liberalcatnip - 29 March 2007

Well, at least Canadian troops were greeted with flowers (no candy though):

MAIWAND, Afghanistan (AFP) – Colourful ribbons tied to their Kalashnikovs and opium flowers decorating a van, police in flip-flops meet with Canadian soldiers about a new anti-Taliban operation in southern Afghanistan.

The Canadians, part of a NATO-led force, had been on time for the rendezvous with the district police chief at a highway checkpost in Kanadahar province’s Maiwand, known as a through route for Taliban and drugs traffickers.

Three scruffy policemen were on duty, lounging on wooden beds and watching the cars pass. “The boss is not here. He is in Kandahar. Didn’t you know?” said one, Abdul Wassi, with a smile.

He was wearing a long traditional shirt because his uniform “is being washed.”

Wassi put in a call to the deputy of the district, named Gulali.

The “commander” arrived in a whirl a few minutes later at the wheel of a van with opium flowers attached to the bumpers at the front and three teenagers on the back, green, blue and yellow ribbons attached to their guns.

“They have just come back from an operation to pull up opium poppy,” Wassi explained.
There will be no clashes. The Taliban know you are here,” one Afghan policeman said.

In the meantime, about 20 policemen had blocked the road for a few hours, “high after smoking opium and searching everything that moves,” a Canadian soldier said.

There was no incident apart from some trucks turning back after seeing the roadblock.

Opium-induced freedom is on the march.

39. colleen - 29 March 2007

a cultural exchange program between dk & bmt! invite the troll-hunters over to get rid of the people who were banned at kos, but still post at other sites. they did such a good job at dk after all.

Martin’s nice ‘friends’ have been encouraging him to do just that. I’ve read them whining about how he needs to cleanse his site of undesirables over on dki and, as Martin so delicately puts it “garbage”.

40. ms_xeno - 29 March 2007

Okay, before I go to bed, a little gem from Democracy Risiing.US about Tina Richards and the potential future of citizen lobbying:

“…The caution of the public interest groups is well-placed. Congress people do not like being embarrassed, as Tina Richards found when she posted a video on YouTube of Representative Obey berating her for suggesting that it might be time to cut the funding for the war in Iraq. Obey was forced to apologize publicly, but he, and then Speaker Pelosi, refused to meet with her. She achieved national coverage of her campaign but was cut off from the Democratic leadership. A disaster for the public interest lobby, but Tina doesn’t see it that way. If the leadership won’t talk, then the leadership deserves to be embarrassed, and the public pressure the incident wrought has been enormous.

“This is the core of citizen lobbying. With no stake in a “relationship” that pays off, at best, in dribs and drabs, the citizen lobbyist can bring pressure to bear that no public interest group can mobilize. Citizen lobbying thus has the potential to make Congressional representatives accountable well in advance of elections. Disgruntled citizen lobbyists can return to their home districts determined to mount challenges to incumbents who haven’t lived up to their promises. They can awaken sympathy for causes that the wider public has viewed up to this point only through the distorting lenses of the mainstream media. And they can break into that closed media world through dramatic refusals to take no for an answer…” — Michael Foley, Phd 3/28/07

41. missdevore - 29 March 2007

BHHM-oh what is it-Worf-Sapir–the stuff you learn in basic linguistics. The Eskimos have more names for snow. Iraq has more names for violence.

Give up the “carving the pear” bit-now!

Sabrina-oh I would bring the dog. he’s a biter.

42. liberalcatnip - 29 March 2007

They better stay in their little corner of cyber space, they don’t have the skills to venture forth without their little toy weapons.

We, on the other hand, are fully prepared. Lock and load! (or whatever it is you’re supposed to say…)

43. BooHooHooMan - 29 March 2007

Miss D.
BHHM–that was cryptic. or I missed something.

Pretty straightforward: When receiving apologetic confirmation that I can be assured that I am not associated with spree killing Hitler worshipers, I just continued carving my pear.

I like pears.You like pears? Here, have one…

44. marisacat - 29 March 2007


Think this is it from the previous thread:

105. Sabrina Ballerina – 29 March 2007[Edit]

Colleen # 92 – blushing, really – especially since I am in awe of so many of the great writers on this site. But thank you and back atcha.


I also think that appropriating language that is meant to be demeaning or ‘put one in their place’ can be a very effective way to combat that very power dynamic – taking up the tools of the oppressor if you will. I think it is similar to what we’ve been doing here in the last weeks – almost taking ‘bitch cunt whore’ as a rallying cry. Those were words that were meant to demean marisacat, but she has tossed them back in their faces as a way to flip them off.

Yes, exactly – for so long, Dems’ only strategy when confronted by rightwingers was to try to ‘explain’ themselves, always on the defensive. Kerry did this and it drove me crazy. I don’t know who was advising him. Some DC consultant, probably.

Marisacat, good that those threats made it to the press. They are far too common and in one case a few years ago, a man was murdered in NY I think, by someone he had argued with online.


45. missdevore - 29 March 2007

catnip–what a hilarious site. I book marked it-must send it to my brothers-they were always creating formations with among the bedcovers–mostly civil war reenactments.

I ventured outdoors with barbie–she had some grand vacation, sunning on the flagstones that were arranged around this little floral peninsula with a birch tree focus, in the back yard.

There is something in the air-the used car jockeys next door are wild tonight.

46. marisacat - 29 March 2007

but Tina doesn’t see it that way. If the leadership won’t talk, then the leadership deserves to be embarrassed, and the public pressure the incident wrought has been enormous.

she’s right.

And then watch those “dates” for Iraq troop begin to “withdraw” slide by.

And watch the ‘status of forces’ allow more and more numbers of combat troops inside Iraq… til it swells by the end of the year…

Obey and nancy and Ike Skelton and Murtha and all of them will concoct new stories for next year.

47. BooHooHooMan - 29 March 2007

Mcat #44


48. Lucid - 29 March 2007

First, “America’s Mayor”, who made his bones prosecuting mobsters, told a grand jury that his former chief investigator remembered having briefed him on some aspects of Bernard B. Kerik’s relationship with a company suspected of ties to organized crime before Mr. Kerik’s appointment as New York City police commissioner, according to court records.

Honestly, should this surprise anyone? Giuliani was a racist, corporate enabling SOB who destroyed this city. I moved here right after he took office. Not only did he and his racist police force bring this city to the brink of race riots through the countless murders and tortures of unarmed minorities by police, but he systematically took all publicly owned foreclosed land [which in most cases was being put to fantastic community use – like the community gardens, or squats where people had lived for upwards of 20 years and improved the property on their own dime – sold it to private developers, and kicked everyone out. He destroyed neighborhoods. He destroyed community works projects. He didn’t care… He even ordered the destruction of a former squat with a wrecking ball on East 5th street while people were still in the building.

Not that life has been any better under Bloomberg… [Who 9 out of 10 Kossacks agree is a ‘great mayor’.]

/end rant.

49. liberalcatnip - 29 March 2007

That’s why I take these types of threats very seriously. I also did some digging on the guy who threatened me and he has a history of making violent threats online. One of the problems has been that he’s made them against men, who tend to brush them off. I wish they’d put their macho attitudes aside when things like that happen and just see these types of guys for what they are: threats that need to be dealt with. Just banning them isn’t good enough.

Which reminds me, I definitely would have reported soj at BT if I ran the place when he threatened to shoot people. But nope, he hasn’t even lost his posting privileges, afaik. Those of us who simply disagree over there however must be disappeared.

50. missdevore - 29 March 2007

{cries} BHHM is ignoring me.

51. liberalcatnip - 29 March 2007

catnip–what a hilarious site. I book marked it-must send it to my brothers-they were always creating formations with among the bedcovers–mostly civil war reenactments.

One of my brothers used to roll around on the floor making machine gun noises. I always thought he was a tad disturbed.

52. missdevore - 29 March 2007

one of my brother’s once played an imaginary football hero-solo-in the back yard. the rest of us were looking out the window and observing–oh, I think the coach is patting him on the back now.

he became a lawyer.

53. liberalcatnip - 29 March 2007

I wish people would tell me before they’re going to bury me what the plans are. I don’t recall even having had a chance to have a memorial service.

Via MBM:

Maryscott OConnor said…


Amen. I have laid down my arms and will fight this war no more.

As far as I am concerned, the enemy is dead and buried — no need to fight ghosts.

3/29/2007 10:46:00 PM

Although…since I’m here…perhaps there really is such a thing as reincarnation! Good stuff. I knew giving up Christianity was a smart move.

54. missdevore - 29 March 2007

BHHM-I dried my tears. I miss the comment.

Still, a back-up soothsayer might be good for dealing with you and the paine.

55. liberalcatnip - 29 March 2007

one of my brother’s once played an imaginary football hero-solo-in the back yard.

[Freud] I see. And did you experience jealousy of the imaginary as a result?[/Freud]

56. BooHooHooMan - 29 March 2007

cheerfullyWhat? I have warm caramel dip at the ready…

57. missdevore - 29 March 2007

53-no, I just became obsessed with sex lives of total strangers.

58. missdevore - 29 March 2007

54 “Carmel Knowledge”

59. BooHooHooMan - 29 March 2007

LOL with all affection

60. missdevore - 29 March 2007

catnip#52–well, I wanted to be cremated.

61. liberalcatnip - 29 March 2007

I have warm caramel dip at the ready…

Good thing I read that twice. I thought you said camel dip and I was like WTF?

62. liberalcatnip - 29 March 2007

no, I just became obsessed with sex lives of total strangers.

“obsessed”? Or “OBSESSED”? There’s a difference (apparently).

well, I wanted to be cremated.

Me too. And I want my ashes scattered all over the BBBs. mwahahaha

63. BooHooHooMan - 29 March 2007

CamelNip, Pear lodged sideways in throat laughing madly towards brain Death Incident

64. missdevore - 29 March 2007

“midnight at the oasis
take your camel dip to bed.”

apologies to Maria Muldaur.

65. BooHooHooMan - 29 March 2007

I know the background, but really, after finding mcat’s I’ve often wondered Why in THE HELL would ANYBODY want to run this “crowd” out the door…

66. BooHooHooMan - 29 March 2007

Take the whole camel

67. liberalcatnip - 29 March 2007

CamelNip, Pear lodged sideways in throat laughing madly towards brain Death Incident

Paging Dr Heimlich. (I said “lich” heh heh heh*)

*”heh” is a registered trademark of Glenn Armando Reynolds

68. missdevore - 29 March 2007

its pear-ilous to post here, a-pearantly.

Is camel dip similar to cow pie? one an hors d’oevre, the other a dessert?

69. marisacat - 29 March 2007

I think it really was the Cyber Lord and Ladies bullshit.

And they knew and know who won’t knuckle under. WOn’t help craft the product for the sales floor.. and so on..

70. BooHooHooMan - 29 March 2007

Someones got to knock this off. We’re building a higher pie.

71. Lucid - 29 March 2007

Ah, memories of some of those Miss D/Dave Boyle margin races of wit…

Anyhow. I just registered my wordpress blog… no need to link yet [should anyone so desire] – I have a shitload to do before I’ll actually do anything with it. It’ll be potpourri. My buddy and I are musicians and music critics – so there will be lots of reviews of indie things [for which we’ll be soliciting product]. There will also be plenty of politics, cultural criticism, and general fun. It’ll be a free for all. We will be looking to take it to our own url at some point, but in the meantime, we wanted to at least get it started – as we’ve been having that ‘we’ve gotta start a site’ conversation for quite a while now. It’s registered as lucidculture.

I’ll let you know when there’s content.

72. liberalcatnip - 29 March 2007

Why in THE HELL would ANYBODY want to run this “crowd” out the door…

They’re preparing for The Rapture of the BBBs and we are lowly heathens who will be Left Behind.

Pass the dip. Parteh!

73. missdevore - 29 March 2007

high ritz apple pie in the sky

btw did you know Heimlich insists on the copyright for the manoever? LIke Pat Riley’s “3-peat”. You cannot say “Heimlich” in first aid courses, despite the fact even golden retiriever’s can perform them.

74. missdevore - 29 March 2007


75. Camel Dick - 29 March 2007

Camel Dick , here
Anyone say “Camel Dick”?

76. ms_xeno - 29 March 2007

catnip wrote:

I don’t recall even having had a chance to have a memorial service.

Short notice. Best I could do. Sorry.

77. missdevore - 29 March 2007

catnip–czech out the pic at my latest post at Je blague.

walk a mile for a camel dip, fer crissake.

78. missdevore - 29 March 2007

ms_xeno–sorry, can’t view it smoothly until DSL kicks in tomorrow.

79. ms_xeno - 29 March 2007

Oh, and just a festive snack (top of the page, Ma) por Devore before I go to sleep. (And I really mean it this time, too ! Click on the pics to get the realy glory…)

80. Sabrina Ballerina - 29 March 2007

Thanks for the article on Tina Richards and the citizen lobby:

Disgruntled citizen lobbyists can return to their home districts determined to mount challenges to incumbents who haven’t lived up to their promises. They can awaken sympathy for causes that the wider public has viewed up to this point only through the distorting lenses of the mainstream media. And they can break into that closed media world through dramatic refusals to take no for an answer…”

And from Madman’s excellent post on LSF:

When a social movement adopts the compromises of legislators, it has forgotten its role, which is to push and challenge the politicians, not to fall in meekly behind them.


Despite what the slavish Big Box Blahgs say, despite what the horse-race-flogging tee-vee pundits say, citizens AREN’T political consultants. They AREN’T political advisors. They SHOULDN’T approach politics the way they follow sports, counting box scores and campaign fundraising numbers and gleefully concentrating on the ins-and-outs of political gamesmanship.

If you haven’t already read Madman’s post, you can find it here:

A Citizen’s Job

Moveon and the BBBs are in the way. Madman said it perfectly, as did Tina Richards. Taking action like ‘We’re Not Buying It’ imo, if it gets enough exposure, are far more effective than peach marches. They don’t care how many people march, it costs them nothing. But huge numbers of people threatening to pull money out of the stock market, refusing to use credit cards etc. that is effective citizen action and you don’t even have to leave the house.

If Moveon was truly a progressive org. they would be using their email list to get the word out. But I am sure they would not lift a finger to help such citizen protests succeed. As msoc would say, ‘Moveon is dead to me’.

81. BooHooHooMan - 29 March 2007

ms xeno wow


82. missdevore - 29 March 2007

ms_xeno, that is porn!

I can’t even think of the word nougat without being creeped out.

83. missdevore - 29 March 2007

I think I better coil up in the den. I know the dog will want to be walked in 6 hours.

84. Sabrina Ballerina - 29 March 2007

Mmm, ‘peace marches’ not ‘peace or pear marches’! And the ‘thank you’ was to Ms Xeno!

Miss D love your latest post at je blague Myriad Titles Come To Mind

That little dog bites? Lol!

When the dog bites
When the bee stings
When I’m feeling bad
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don’t feel!
So bad!

85. liberalcatnip - 29 March 2007

Thanks for the chorus, ms x, and the p(ea)r0n.

Miss D, imagery is everything! Ride, Sally, Ride.

86. liberalcatnip - 29 March 2007

Oh, and Miss D, can you make that animated? 😉

87. missdevore - 29 March 2007

86–I’ll czech with dood abides.

88. Sabrina Ballerina - 29 March 2007

Damn, I need sleep ‘peace’ not ‘peach’ marches!

They’re preparing for The Rapture of the BBBs and we are lowly heathens who will be Left Behind.

Do we get their laptops?

Lucid, congrats on the blog – looking forward to it!

Ms xeno, great site, the ‘luscious lemon’ pie looks great!

89. liberalcatnip - 29 March 2007

Hey! I’m just watching Colbert and he has a map of the Neverland district of Baghdad which I referred to in #21. There is a Neverland there. Who knew??


* trademark of Glenn Armando Reynolds

And I guess I owe Mr Heimlicher a copyright acknowlegment too. [insert little c in circle here]

90. BooHooHooMan - 29 March 2007

mcat – Can we have our own trailer , like the big blogs?

91. marisacat - 29 March 2007

coming right up…

92. bayprairie - 29 March 2007

well one could tell act blue to stough it and send that contribution to tina richards.

i think people (motivated by something other than office) going around petrified party structure has some degree of hope attached to it. like at least ms richards a perso,n and not some harry-reid hollow suit with a palm out for grease. she’ll get a lot of flack though, and a lot of it will come from democrats,

flack like this good democratic party/advertising liberally member is dishinig.

MTS EXCLUSIVE: Is Tina Richards a Fraud?

My opinion? This woman (tina richards) is a republican mole who is attempting to discredit the liberal/anti-war movement. And I’m disgusted.

on an unrelated subject as far as meteor blades goes. the very fact that i just called him meteor blades expresses how i feel about his message, sent via sv. ive run into a lot of trolls in the last couple of years, some mean ones too. don spitz, aog comes to mind, some crazed anti-woman catholics who troll professionally. all kinds of idiot MRAs. ive not met one yet that expressed regret for an action. meteor blades it is.

93. liberalcatnip - 30 March 2007

Who’s really OBSESSED?

Obsession, it’s not just a perfume anymore…

Would you lend me those big, honking binoculars when you’re done with them, mcat?

94. marisacat - 30 March 2007


I was just settling down to listen to Jessica Matthews on with Charlie Rose (yes dull, etc.)… when this was emailed to me.

Obsessed? much?

95. bayprairie - 30 March 2007

miss d said

You cannot say “Heimlich” in first aid courses, despite the fact even golden retiriever’s can perform them.

if you mispell a word i fear many of us (at least me 🙂 ) are scratching our heads in confusion wondering why we don’t spot the double sens

spill chick, please!!!!

96. lucidculture - 30 March 2007

Here her eyes are here augmented by two metallic and glass testicles crowing an inverted phallic shaft that not coincidentally rises from the cleft formed by her parted legs. Grasping onto this prosthetic phallus and turning it from this point to that point, she engages in a gratifying ritual of auto affection, of sublimated, technological masturbation. And yet, the pleasures yielded by this prosthetic onanism are ones that will never sate her voracious sexual appetite.

Fucking Christ! Oh maybe that’s a more appropriate swear than I thought when I uttered it…

Do they have nothing better to do with their time than construct bizarre sexual fantasies for themselves, obliquely projected upon people with whom they’ve never had any correspondance?

Oh – sorry, I guess that would lead us back into our porn discussion of the other day.

funny, funny. I think that made my day.

97. lucidculture - 30 March 2007

Oh – hey, I think I just found the solution to ending up in your SPAM file – I registered a wordpress blog & that comment posted instantly…

Woo Hoo! Now I can have simulated wit margin races with Miss D again! Can’t wait.

And Miss D, you still waiting for those H bags?

98. D. Throat - 30 March 2007

this was emailed to me

Damn… that is the biggest Mcat “Blogad”… I’ve ever seen…

99. BooHooHooMan - 30 March 2007

Catnip # 92

Sounds like the voice of experience for LG. You know these lasses are the type who think that they just had an empathetic encounterwhen they get off the shrink’s couch . “What a fuckin NUT…” the therapist is likely to mutter after closing the door….

100. liberalcatnip - 30 March 2007

Via the SF Chronicle:

The threats against Kathy Sierra, an author who promotes the notion of emphasizing the needs of the user in Web site design, have sparked a Webwide debate on the nature of online discourse.

The incident and its aftermath have drawn back the curtain on a computer culture in which the more outrageous the comment, the more attention it gets. It’s a world that many women in particular see as still dominated by men and where personal attacks often are defended on grounds of free speech.

In addition, many of the newest tools of the Internet are coming into play. Blogs and online communities were supposed to herald an era in which “the wisdom of crowds” guided online behavior to a higher plane. Instead, instances of mob rule appear to be leading the discussion into the sewer.

Some observers believe the incident eventually could serve as a warning to Web communities to increase accountability and stamp out the vitriol that characterizes much of online conversation.

“We need to say this is not acceptable behavior,” said Tim O’Reilly, CEO of Sebastopol’s O’Reilly Media, which publishes Sierra’s books and runs the ETech conference where Sierra was scheduled to speak this week. “If you start making offensive comments, they will be deleted from a blog. Don’t give people that platform.”

There is a dkos diary about this which has received very little attention (and has been hijacked by various other conversations – I wonder why that would be…). None of the usual bully suspects are in there, of course, except for Miss Laura who said this was going to be the topic of her next Feminisms diary. That should be interesting.

How they cry and moan to defend people who out themselves yet continue with their horrendous behaviour day after day without even giving it a thought – the thread thugs who can’t abide differing political opinions because those are too threatening. But they have no qualms using the intimidation tactics of fascists to try to scare people in mindless submission. It’s all about power and if you don’t have it, be prepared to be attacked.

And then there’s the myth being spread by MSOC and Booman (of all people) that we are “anti-women” and anti-gay here on this blog. A myth that has no roots in reality of any sort.

I suppose it’s “anti-women” to stand up for those who have been abused, bullied and threatened by the likes of their so-called “friends”. Friends who are a part of that “mob rule appear to be leading the discussion into the sewer.” Oh but they have no responsibility for that. They’re just powerless blog owners with no control over their communities – just like poor kos. They count on others to do their community patrolling for them, but when the cops are the corrupt ones, who can the people in need turn to? No one. They must just disappear and be shunned before THEY destroy the precious communities in which they’ve had the bad fortune to trust and call “home”.

It’s all intertwined yet no one wants to take responsibility for what they’ve created unless it becomes a bit too personally uncomfortable for them. Victims are invisible. But that’s just how they wanted them to be anyway.

101. liberalcatnip - 30 March 2007

Sounds like the voice of experience for LG. You know these lasses are the type who think that they just had an empathetic encounterwhen they get off the shrink’s couch . “What a fuckin NUT…” the therapist is likely to mutter after closing the door….

I thought mcat was going to get dinged over the octopus picture but no, it’s the binoculars which little ms feminist theory can work into soft core pr0n hoping to generate some interest in what she must consider to be her biggest emotional trauma du jour. And no, MSOC, that’s not me being “anti-women”. That’s me being “can LG possibly make herself look more ridiculous?” And that is not gender-specific, believe me.

102. lucidculture - 30 March 2007

Damn… that is the biggest Mcat “Blogad”… I’ve ever seen…

No shit… And the irony is that she doesn’t have the reading comprehension to honestly interpret what she thinks she read – instead it’s all weaved into some bizarre sexual fantasy involving Mcat and binoculars as dildo… God, I can only imagine that such would be uncomfortable – and not particularly arousing either.

And then of course, there is us, the ‘coterie’. We are all ‘yes men’ here. A small flock that waits with baited breath for the proclamation of the ‘she-cat’. It’s funny the rehashing of the ‘rabid lamb’ motif from Dkos…

And she ‘wonders’ why we’re obsessed with her sexuality. I can only think of one person who is obsessed with it… and it ain’t any of us.

103. BooHooHooMan - 30 March 2007

Breaking:Pole Dancers Lecture Matrons on Vulgarity at Opera House

Sizzle Beach, baby, Sizzle Beach.

whining (c) a Jason Melrath Term:

Why can’t we be like other blogs, Marisacat??

I’m afwaid. Why can’t WE have genuinely anti Matriarchal Blog “Moms” like at EMSOCs??

Night – Night. Smooch.

104. liberalcatnip - 30 March 2007

Ssshhh, BHHM. You’ll scare the neigbours.

105. lucidculture - 30 March 2007

I’m debating whether to inform LG that the author [Zizek] in her ‘tip jar’ actually plagiarized most of “Tarrying with the Negative” from one of my main philosophy profs in college [Richard Eldridge]…

Then again, she probably wouldn’t care, given the reading comprehension displayed in her spewing of Mcat posts that even MSOC eschewed [comment 6].

106. Sabrina Ballerina - 30 March 2007

Nice ad for Marisacat – and free too. ‘They better stay away?” Lol! Oh, don’t worry – run, is my reaction, as far away as possible!

Meantime in the real world, Baghdad is till burning. Millions of Iraqis flee their country. This is a war crime beyong belief and yet, Dems vote to continue funding it. Can no one step in and end it? Clearly this country needs to be rescued from its government.

Madman’s post near the top, about the US Attorney scanda. reminded me of the resignation speech of James Comey, Acting AG who appointed Fitzgerald to the Plame case. The speech was made in 2005. In his speech he alluded to other US attorneys were not present. He praised them for sticking to their principles. He regretted that they were not present, but ‘you know who you are’, he said.

At the time, the impression was that he was trying to tell us something. Congress had to know about this scandal, yet did nothing about it. Had it not been for the US As themselves speaking out finally, refusing to be intimidated by the threats they received, the crime would, like all the other crimes, have continued.

I really was intrigued by Comey’s remarks in his farewell speech. Now, we know that Fitzgerald was on the list. I wonder if Comey was due to retire, or did he do so because he would not go along. It’s too bad that it took this long to stop them.

It will years, maybe decades to undo the damage done by this administration. Impeachment proceedings need to begin. There is no other way to stop them.

107. liberalcatnip - 30 March 2007

Oops, I misspelled NAYbores.

108. Sabrina Ballerina - 30 March 2007

Lol, good one, liberal catnip –

109. liberalcatnip - 30 March 2007

Well, at least someone is addressing the Iran/international waters border issue, not to mention the Dems caving:

The Lobby moved quickly to bend Western politicians to its will, including “antiwar” Democrats in the U.S. Congress. Having been given a green light to invade by Speaker Pelosi and her minions, is it any wonder that the War Party is crossing that nonexistent line in the Shatt al Arab – the Rubicon of our imperial ambitions?

If ever we needed that long-rumored but seemingly moribund resolution of Sen. James Webb, which was supposed to be the upper house’s equivalent of the fallen “don’t invade Iran” provision nixed by Pelosi, it is now. Senate bill 759 prohibits the use of funds for military operations against Iran, and yet remains bottled up in the Senate Foreign Relations committee – while the pork-laden emergency supplemental for Iraq, which is so full of loopholes it resembles a big slice of Swiss cheese, sucks up all the oxygen. Isn’t that just like the Democrats: they come out against the Iraq war only when it’s too late – and even as they signal the adminstration to go ahead with the next war.

It’s amazing that the War Party, after delivering a body blow to our military and American interests throughout the world by invading Iraq, can mobilize its forces to make yet another go of it – this time on a much larger scale. That they are doing it without much political opposition, is even more astounding – and that speaks volumes about the corruption and betrayal of our “democratic” system, which is no reflection of the popular will. In a sane world, anyone who so much as suggested the possibility of starting another war in the Middle East would be taken out and horsewhipped. In the Bizarro World universe we seem to have slipped into post-9/11, however, such madness is the norm.

Where are our intellectual, political, and religious leaders? Will no one arise to end our national nightmare and lead us to safety? Both political parties are equally complicit: not a single major declared presidential candidate has spoken out against this crazed course, which seems unalterable, and, at this point, inevitable. I throw my hands up in despair at the terrible power of the Lobby, and wonder, aloud, why no one of any stature dares stand up to them. It doesn’t seem possible that we are being pushed into a bigger and far more destructive conflict, and yet it is all happening rather quickly.

110. lucidculture - 30 March 2007

It will years, maybe decades to undo the damage done by this administration. Impeachment proceedings need to begin. There is no other way to stop them.

I don’t even have that hope. It is irreparable. Our world as a whole is already going down the shitter because of energy concerns, climate concerns and the [not to far off] collapse of the global economy. Democrats will only put off the inevitable for a few more years [hell, why else do you think the Dems won’t STOP THIS FUCKING WAR – we’re racing for resources and using whatever means necessary to achieve them].

I’d like to be proved wrong in the end, and I will always work to that end, but I fear we enter a new dark age.

On a lighter note…

Funny that only MSOC and LG are conversing on that thread…

111. lucidculture - 30 March 2007

LC – my thoughts exactly…

112. arcturus1 - 30 March 2007

I know, I just know without even going over to read it that you PAID for that FP MLW piece, Mcat – c’mon, ‘fess up now!

113. Hoofin - 30 March 2007

I still can’t believe that you are getting any flak for that Delaware Dem matter.

The fact is, that the person put his real identity out all over the open internet.

You just pointed out, what was already there to be seen—ciourtesy of the man himself.

There needs to be a word for that: maybe a combination of “echo” and “outing”. Ech-outing. Naw, that sounds too much like accounting.

Maybe amplify and outing: ampliflouting.

The fact is, the fact was. Already. Before you did anything. That is what surprises.

114. Madman in the Marketplace - 30 March 2007

48. Lucid

yup. Since moving here, people are always surprised by how much I hate that nasty little man. They were so won over by the adulation after 911. When I first moved here people would ask me how wonderful he was … after a while they quit asking.

It ESPECIALLY upsets them when I inform him that community policing efforts were actually begun and designed under Dinkins, and all Guiliani did was pervert something that was starting to work and twist it into a sick attempt to turn the City into Long Island through bullying and intimidation.

I don’t know if you’ve seen this yet, from the pale remnant that is the Village Voice:

The Gropes of Wrath
The NYPD loves touching black men—writer Nicholas Powers on being a stop-and-frisk virgin
by Nicholas Powers

For black men, being stopped and frisked by the police is a rite of passage. But I’ve never been touched by a cop. I’m a virgin.

115. marisacat - 30 March 2007

well, I sort of scanned it. (after Jessica Matthews on Charlie R was Kenan Makiya, what a disgusting performance from that salesman for war.)

If I were msoc (and I surely am not, her big mistake last summer when she ws over here was to insist we “are the same”, uh no) and I had revealed utter ignorance of the written word about DD – in her MBM comments last night – AND I had wanded the people at this site, dead and gone

I would stay away from the obsessional confessional that LG mounted (oh is that a sexual word?).

Also in that post where I used the Norwegian UN peace observer on the Israeli border photo, I also stated at the top… that I have hardly for over a year read Dkos. I did not know of ‘slouise’ other than noting vague references to something I knew nothing about and I read my first OPOL diary in Feb.

I did read Dkos in Feb and march, more so than in a year as Jason Melrath was in a frenzy.

I have told Msoc I can barely read her site as it loads so badly. The FP, I mean.

And sure I comment. And will continue.

I mean if you want a laugh LG was pissed that people here comment on her politics. Someone reminded her, this was in the Suicide / Glinda post at BMT, that she posts her poltiics at political discussion sites.

This all reminds me of a huge GBCW that msoc did I guess sometime in 2005.. She was back at dkos within 24 hours.

All that Glinda shit was just that. Shit.


It will be a Open thread up in a bit… will try for real thread by tonight… (sorry)

116. ms_xeno - 30 March 2007

Hey, Mcat, that description in #96 makes me think of one of those Dale Chiluly sculptures. Sounds kinda’ cool, actually. Especially done up in those brilliant colors he likes to use. I envision a sort of massive, muscular-yet-girly Medusa figure in a tastefully molded/cast chiton, brandishing a sword rather than falling to one. As she stalks the internets unbowed, replacing the ever-tedious and overpriced series of Orange tubes with colorful new designs of her own making. The naysayers harp on her supposedly voracious sexual appetites because it never occurs to them that sometimes a serpent is just a serpent. :p

117. ms_xeno - 30 March 2007

bayprairie (#92):

That slam at Richards was probably written by the former co-chair of Republicans For Kerry. Shall we start a pool to see how long it takes the Republicans For Obama group to form ?

Well, if flacks weren’t hypocrites, they wouldn’t be very good flacks, would they ?

118. ms_xeno - 30 March 2007

And, yeah, I feel honored to share a side of town with the Pix Patisserie. My cardiovascular system only tolerates visits about once a month, and my wallet less than that. But perhaps this weekend will be the one. I had their Dobosh torte for my 40th birthday last summer and it almost made a new woman of me.

119. JJB - 30 March 2007


This will actually be the fourth month in a row that US fatalities in Iraq will hit 80. And the seventh consecutive month the total has reached 70, the eighth in which it has been at least 65. That makes it, by far, the bloodiest such segment of the war. Prior to September of last year, there is not a single four-month period in which at least 70 Americans were killed each month. Obviously, things are getting worse, something amply demonstrated by looking at two time segments exactly two years apart:

August 2004 through March 2005, 619 US service personnel killed.
August 2006 through March 2007, 667 US service personnel killed.

And the former time frame includes three months (November 04 through January 05) for which the fatality count is 316! The count for the current 8-month segment is not only significantly higher overall, but the monthly fatality count far more consistently high, i.e., there is no relative lull where the death total falls in the 35-50 range as used to be the case.

Sorry it that’s a bit too much numbers crunching, but this seems to be a very significant point that’s escaped everyone’s notice.

120. supervixen - 30 March 2007

Fantasizing about a giant metallic dildo – what do you expect from a self-proclaimed pole-dancer? Oh, and a lap dancer too:

Re: So how does this relate to the pole dancing? (none / 0)
I did not realize how out of touch you were with Lacanian feminism. And by the way, many of my friends and I did pole dance and lap dance our way through college. So perhaps they are Lacanians at the club.

Learn more about Bobby Jindal.
by louisianagirl (fantastic [dot] reality -at- hotmail [dot] com) on Sun Mar 25th, 2007 at 01:09:17 AM EST

SB: None of the usual bully suspects are in there, of course, except for Miss Laura who said this was going to be the topic of her next Feminisms diary. That should be interesting.

Yes, she said later in the thread that she was planning to talk about the misogyny of the attacks. That will give her an excuse to whine about what “woman-haters” we are because we mock her and her crew as Blogmaids and Little Sisters.

Of course, Miz L is at the forefront of the War Against Civility mounted by DHinMI, Armando and the rest of the Kos power structure. She has gone on record many times as railing against civility, admonishing people to “get a thicker skin”, and singing the praises of “criticism” (as long as it’s not of herself or people she agrees with). She is also well-known for her nasty personal attacks, as befits an acolyte of DHinMI:

damn you are determined to make me want to hunt you down just for the pleasure of spitting in your face, you below-scum-level piece of crap.

Some nice violent imagery in there, eh? Funnily enough, that was in a thread in which she was excoriating Booman for calling DH a misogynist.

121. supervixen - 30 March 2007

I appreciate MB’s apology and have accepted it. However, I do notice that he hasn’t yet posted anything at BT apologizing for and retracting his comment. Comments, actually, since he reiterated the slur, with variations, in subsequent posts.

122. missdevore - 30 March 2007

bayprarie–re the heimlich.I heard about that in a first aid class.

I thought the story about the golden retriever was referenced here–a news story about a woman who was choking on an apple (or a pear, or camel dip?) and her golden retriever pulled her to the floor and jumped on her back until the golden apple was retrieved-but now I see it was something svix & I discussed at Je blague.

hope the exacerbates the confusion.

lucid–congrats on the blog–I did not see what it is named. link?

yes, the pun-fests with d.boyle were fun.

123. supervixen - 30 March 2007

Hey lucid, great news that you’re starting your own site! Looking forward to seeing it and reading about interesting music ‘n’ stuff.

Speaking of music, I just found out that my fave Ismo Alanko – Finland’s best-kept secret – has several videos on YouTube, including this one:

Vittu kun Vituttaa

Here are the lyrics, thanks to a Finnish friend who translated them:

Vittu kun Vituttaa (Oh Fuck I Feel Fucked-Up)

When I was a baby I cried
as a child I felt lousy,
then I became a youth,
and I started to feel fucked-up.

I feel fucked-up so forcefully,
fucked-up from morning till night,
fucked-up, everything is in vain,
oh fuck I feel fucked-up.

Stuff that positive thinking up your ass,
I’ll pass your crisis groups afar,
don’t push that therapy on me,
pour some more shit on my back.

I feel fucked-up so forcefully,
fucked-up from morning till night,
fucked-up, everything is in vain,
oh fuck I feel fucked-up.

Oh it is so beautiful to look at,
-being properly fucked-up,
and encounter another similar one,
and fuck I feel fucked-up.

Don’t come and speak sweet words to me,
don’t come to give me any fucking support,
let be if the boy feels fucked-up,
let be from morning till night,

One needs to take all the fuck-uppedness
when one feels fucked-up.

Stuff that positive thinking up your ass,
I’ll pass your crisis groups afar,
don’t push that therapy on me,
pour some more shit on my back.

I feel fucked-up so forcefully,
fucked-up from morning till night,
fucked-up, everything is in vain,
oh fuck I feel fucked-up!

The song was banned on Finnish radio because of the Bad Words but became a cult hit thanks to fans sending the mp3 around on the internet.

124. JJB - 30 March 2007

liberalcatnip, no. 93

Well, that’s quite a thread you link to there. Who but LG and Emsock are going to wade through all that? Well, Armando and Martin probably will.

Dear LG and Emsock,

Life is beautiful, you should both get one.

125. marisacat - 30 March 2007

New Thread

I will get anything in Moderation out (still sending haphasard non moderated to itself… sigh) and whatever spam snagged.. then making coffeee..

126. JJB - 30 March 2007

Emsock and Martin,

Since you’re both obviously spending a lot of time here trawling around for material to spice up your cratering blogs, here’s a piece you might want to pay attention to so people won’t think you’re petty solipsists concerned with nothing but what others have to say about you:

Insurgents shot down a helicopter gunship in Somalia’s capital and mortar shells slammed into a hospital Friday in the worst fighting seen in this beleaguered capital in more than 15 years.

Dozens of people have been killed since Thursday, when the government and allied Ethiopian troops launched an offensive to quash an increasingly brutal insurgency by Islamic militants. A statement from the International Committee of the Red Cross said the people of Mogadishu are caught up in the worst fighting in more than 15 years.

More than 220 people have been wounded in the past 24 hours, most them civilians with bullet, grenade and other shrapnel wounds, the ICRC said.

Just post about these sorts of things, and maybe you’ll attact some intelligent regulars whose comments will drive up traffic (come to think of it, they probably both spend so much time here because they’re trying to figure out how to use this place as a business model0. 🙂

Of course, Martin would have to refrain from sharing with everyone his memories of being a paperboy during the Blackhawk down incident. “Those Somalis are playing with fire, shooting at the soldiers who invaded their country with US backing!”

127. colleen - 30 March 2007

Nice ad for Marisacat – and free too.

You’re far too kind. The diary screams “I have deep seated mental health issues and no talent for writing whatsoever.”

‘They better stay away?’ Lol! Oh, don’t worry – run, is my reaction, as far away as possible!

quite so. and what an advertisment for John Breaux!

128. anonymous - 30 March 2007

Wow. That My Two Sense creep learned the wrong lesson from the 2004 campaign.

The lesson was stand up to Swiftboating not adopt it as a tactic yourself.

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