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LOL 30 May 2011

Posted by marisacat in Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, Total fucking lunatics.

US President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama react as the car carrying Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh arrives at Winfield House in London

US President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama react as the car carrying Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh arrives at Winfield House in London    [REUTERS]

bin Laden 29 May 2011

Posted by marisacat in Divertissements, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter.

Telegraph reader Michael Cookson sent us this fantastic photo, saying this is 'a red deer known locally as Bin Laden. He got his name when one year he was injured in the rutting season and the local villagers looked after his wounds and fed him tidbits. After that he lived in the hills and came down to the village for food and attention. In this picture he is in Sheena's Tea Hut which is in the village of Corran on Loch Hourn in the West Highlands.' If you have a photograph you'd like us to consider for a picture gallery, please email it to mypic@telegraph.co.uk, supplying a little info on where and how the picture was taken.

Telegraph reader Michael Cookson sent us this fantastic photo, saying this is “a red deer known locally as Bin Laden. He got his name when one year he was injured in the rutting season and the local villagers looked after his wounds and fed him tidbits. After that he lived in the hills and came down to the village for food and attention. In this picture he is in Sheena’s Tea Hut which is in the village of Corran on Loch Hourn in the West Highlands.”    [Michael Cookson]

Seeds 27 May 2011

Posted by marisacat in 2012 Re Election, AFRICOM, Pan Arab Revolt - 2011.

Tunisia murals by Zoo Project – in pictures
‘Zoo Project’, a Franco-Algerian graffiti artist based in Paris, visited Tunis in March and April and created images of political struggle. The popular uprising that unseated the dictator Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali in January grew out of chronic youth unemployment; social and economic disparities between the affluent coastal regions and the impoverished interior; and a lack of political freedom….
[Elissa Jobson]

Heaven speaks… 25 May 2011

Posted by marisacat in Inconvenient Voice of the Voter.

A tornado passes near the Ryan Ranch subdivision in southern Denton County, Texas

A tornado passes near the Ryan Ranch subdivision in southern Denton County, Texas [AP]

That is what it looks like. Whole lot of Old Testament raining down.

The… 24 May 2011

Posted by marisacat in 2012 Re Election, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, Total fucking lunatics.

New photographs released of tsunami hitting the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power station in Japan. Tepco power station’s sea defences seen crumbling as wall of seawater overwhelms facility….
Most of the cars disappear as the waters rise higher – just one can be seen, standing vertically on its nose. [Tepco/AFP/Getty Images]

A gallery of 9 photos at the Guardian.

The… best laid plans of mice, men – and monsters…

They don’t seem to want to show the first shots of the tsunami hitting the square, so artfully designed outerwalls of the blue and white towers. I thought the design looked like tissue paper, art paper designs. And hell yeah, it was tissue paper.

And now we know, because they say so now, that within hours we had initial stages of melt down.  I am so very shocked.

And of course surprised.


A lovely listing of protests, with arrests, just in the Years of Obama, part of our long, slow, inevitable trickle down thru the muddy drains of imperial collapse.

Jack Cohen-Joppa, who with his partner Felice, edits The Nuclear Resister, told me

“Over the last three decades, in the course of chronicling more than 100,000 arrests for nonviolent protest and resistance to nuclear power, nuclear weapons, torture, and war, we’ve noted a quadrennial decline as support for protest and resistance gets swallowed up by Presidential politicking. It has taken a couple of years, but the Hopeian addicts of 2008 are finally getting into recovery  [hmm well, maybe, but!, let’s not rely on the Hopium addicts – Mcat].

We’re again reporting a steady if slow rise in the numbers willing to risk arrest and imprisonment for acts of civil resistance.

Today, for instance, there are more Americans serving time in prison for nuclear weapons protest than at any time in more than a decade.”

If reading the protest list does not cause an almost involuntary sense of rage against the parade of Shuffle Toe’d, Shambles and Mess of Shit for Brains leaders who throw themselves at us… well….

(And that drippy, third-rate, God Bless America! thugdom from Bibi this morning is just the carcinogenic cherry on top of it all…)


New 21 May 2011

Posted by marisacat in Divertissements, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter.

A newborn Galah, or rose-breasted cockatoo, looks out of a box in Gross Schauen, Germany

A newborn Galah, or rose-breasted cockatoo, looks out of a box in Gross Schauen, Germany [EPA]


Rome 20 May 2011

Posted by marisacat in 2012 Re Election, DC Politics, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, Israel/AIPAC, Total fucking lunatics, WAR!.

A Palestinian youth is detained by Israeli border police during clashes in the Shufat refugee camp, on the outskirts of Jerusalem    [Ahmad Gharabli/AFP/Getty Images]

From a gallery of pictures of the protests, at The Guardian


And, here’s hoping

They are extraordinary scenes. Film shot on mobile phones captured the moment on Sunday when at least 1,000 Palestinian refugees marched across no-man’s land to one of the most heavily protected borders in the world, the one separating Syria from the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

Waving Palestinian flags, the marchers braved a minefield, then tore down a series of fences, allowing more than 100 to run into Israeli-controlled territory. As they embraced Druze villagers on the other side, voices could be heard saying: “This is what liberation looks like.”

Unlike previous years, this Nakba Day was not simply a commemoration of the catastrophe that befell the Palestinians in 1948, when their homeland was forcibly reinvented as the Jewish state. It briefly reminded Palestinians that, despite their long-enforced dispersion, they still have the potential to forge a common struggle against Israel.

As Israel violently cracked down on last Sunday’s protests on many fronts — in the West Bank, Gaza, Jerusalem and on the borders with Syria and Lebanon — it looked less like a military superpower and more like the proverbial boy with his finger in the dam.    . . . . .

This at the end:

[T]he protesters in Syria and Lebanon showed that they will not be pushed to the margins of the Palestinian Arab Spring. That message will not be lost on either Hamas or Fatah as they begin negotiations to develop a shared strategy over the next few months.

. . . .

Israel is in a diplomatic and strategic dead-end. Last weekend it may have got its first taste of the likely future.

Eventually… 17 May 2011

Posted by marisacat in 2012 Re Election, DC Politics, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, The Battle for New Orleans, Total fucking lunatics.

After two years in the White House, Obama is likely to find some old friends less friendly.  [AP]

Eventually… have to stick a politician at the top.  Anyway, I could not pass up this pic, which I snagged from People Mag. . .

What a precious peach, huh?  Smile sweetie, show us the canines.

Slither and dither:

“The success of our economy will depend on your skills, but the success of our community will depend on your ability to follow the Golden Rule — to treat others as you would like to be treated,” he said.

“We’ve seen how important this is even in the past few weeks, as communities in Memphis and all across the South have banded together to deal with flood waters and to help each other in the aftermath of terrible tornadoes.”

more by Barack Obama – 4 hours ago – ABC News

And I moved this forward from the end of the last thread:

Dennis Perrin:

[O]bama’s presidency is the next logical step in eliminating whatever challenges to centralized power remain. If “progressives” didn’t balk at Clinton’s cruder corporate model, they sure as fuck aren’t abandoning Obama’s sleeker version. At this pace, we’ll eventually have a mass murdering lesbian president in a wheelchair. Liberals will rejoice (FDR and Eleanor in one!) while reactionaries curse political correctness. The country will be broke, but only nihilists will care. Politics is all about compromise, even if you have no power to negotiate. Freedom ain’t free

Forward, into the breach! We have nowhere else to go!!


Strife… 15 May 2011

Posted by marisacat in 2012 Re Election, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, Israel/AIPAC, WAR!.

Palestinians set fires and throw stones during clashes with the Israeli police at Qalandiya checkpoint near Ramallah, in the West Bank     [Uriel Sinai/Getty Images]

One report said 10 died across the border marches and protests…. and I noticed that The Christian Science Monitor cannot spell … Their headline said, “Nabka”. WASPs they are, and WASPs they shall remain… LOL

Ob will or, more accurately, may speak at the up-coming AIPAC event: 

Obama expected at pro-Israel gathering

[N]either the White House nor AIPAC would confirm his appearance, but two source familiar with the plan said he’s expected to address the group the day before Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appears, and amid a week of intense focus on the “Arab Spring” sweeping the Middle East and deeply unsettling many Israelis and their American allies.   . . . . .

‎We are blessed.

A Palestinian youth launches a firework towards Israeli border police during clashes in the Shufat refugee camp, Jerusalem    [Ahmad Gharabli/AFP/Getty Images]

Weekend… 14 May 2011

Posted by marisacat in Divertissements.

A baby elephant plays in a river in their daily outing from the Pinnawela Elephant Orphanage in Sri Lanka

A baby elephant plays in a river in their daily outing from the Pinnawela Elephant Orphanage in Sri Lanka       [AFP/GETTY]
