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Little to add… 9 February 2010

Posted by marisacat in 2010 Mid Terms, 2012 Re Election, Big Box Blogs, Culture of Death, DC Politics, Democrats, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, Israel/AIPAC, Political Blogs, South America, WAR!.

Islamabad, Pakistan: A girl holds an umbrella as she shelters from the rain outside a house [Muhammed Muheisen/AP]

Dennis Perrin dispatches neatly with the wars, Our Leader.. and at the end, Murtha and the LibBlahg slobber fest.

Snips and bits:

Keep your heads down.”

Thus spake NATO. Afghan civilians in the southern town of Marjah have been duly warned. So if they get their heads blown off by NATO firepower, it’s their problem, not ours.

The Israeli state is fond of this approach. Let the locals know that the sky will burn, the ground will shake, and should they still be around once the missiles fly, well, what more can one do? It’s what separates us from the terrorists, a humanitarian duck-and-cover. Of course, this only applies to us. As I’ve said before, had the 9/11 hijackers warned World Trade Center workers in advance that the buildings were coming down, it’s doubtful that stateside politicos and commentators would applaud Al-Qaeda’s concern for civilian casualties. Still, had Al-Qaeda thought more tactically, they could’ve responded, “Hey, we’re just following the Israeli example.”   ….

True to form we are the bringers of democracy, peace and stability.  Whatever it may look like on the ground.

Amazing we can push that scheisse, isn’t it?  And we do, from sun up to sun down…….

Pile it on!

 I did receive an online petition from Rethink Afghanistan, a group that seems opposed to expanded war, though strictly from a domestic angle, since numerous Americans aren’t interested in how continual bombing affects those on the business end. But even this meek approach can’t shake pro-Obama feelings among the faithful. “Staunching the flow of American blood and treasure into the Afghanistan war will be essential to the success of the Obama presidency and to getting our economy back on track.”

Yes. The real tragedy of this imperial war is how it keeps the Obama administration from succeeding, which clearly is the main priority among liberal patriots.  …

I call that an online petition from the duck blind on the edge of the shooting war…  We need to save our Cool Pretzel!  Above all else!  The little foreign people can stop dying… in order to save him.

In his Murtha evisceration, he skewers John Nichols of The Nation.  Some special sauce bullshit cooking over at The Nation.  Hardly new, of course.


So… Gone? 6 September 2009

Posted by marisacat in Big Box Blogs, Democrats, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, Israel/AIPAC, la morte de St Germain Dog - the best the BLAHgers had, Political Blogs.

Photo from NetNuts 09… drawn from this rogues gallery of a diary (a laugh and a half on its own)

Mo Betta’s RIP

Last diary he appeared in.. for some three days running. Honestly, he seems tame, tired shit that he always was.  Scum too. Lying shit. Manipulator. Operative. Dumb shit. Etc.

My guess, in the fine tradition of Armando Fernando Big Tentola, he will re-appear somewhere. He needs the lousy facelessness of the Net and he needs astroturf work… low level Donald Segretti wanna-be.  (No JD degree however, Donald had one of those … no university nor college degree either, which would not matter but for the screwed sphincter that he was)

Operative. Entertaining that the measly low life shit kickers kick out a shit.

🙄 I stayed mild.

Promise them anything… 1 September 2008

Posted by marisacat in 2008 Election, Big Box Blogs, DC Politics, Democrats, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, WAR!.


…arpeggios are a succession of notes (do mi sol do, do sol mi do) as opposed to a chord with notes all played together at once–roughly speaking. Lanvin Arpège is named for this musical form because Jeanne Lanvin’s daughter, whom she had Arpège created for, was an opera singer. It was presented as a gift on her daughter’s 30th birthday; the year was 1927.

Arpège, an Aldehydic Floral

like the old parfum ad, Promise her anything, but give her Arpège. The Dems did too much of it.

Oh I know, being actively opposed to the first Black nom for the presidency is not pretty. It would be nice to play along, no? And he works to be so appealing. As he ”grabs lightning with his own hands”. (Biden quote from the 60 Minutes interview)

People like me were really supposed to cave to the free flowing accusations of being racist, it rolled out slightly soft boiled, out of Iowa and then, harder boiled, as Obama lost NH.

Don’t think so. And I see already, the soft Democratic propaganda is starting: “They can’t win unless they steal it”. Don’t make me laugh. Especially as I notice that “help” from useful idiots. They steal it for sport, on that fevered GOTV day. They’ve won long before, often.

The doe eye’d ”liberal” and the down market conniver. Nope, won’t be voting for them. We have just seen a frantic, panic’d play from Ob and Knob. Meanwhile the former beauty queen is with Cindy McCain today, mother of 7, and Laura Bush, outgoing First Lady. And the Democrats are wondering what just happened.

Obama says, It was not me! I will fire that staffer when I find him. Or her.

Quite a stench off that perfume. Right right… the Palins are some kind of redneck or fundie or whatever they are… ”they deserve what they get”.

I consider both tickets to b hidebound shit kickers, in different garb.


hmm mmm beats being a jackass ……;) [WHUPDATE, titmouse bleed] 24 June 2008

Posted by marisacat in Big Box Blogs, DC Politics, Democrats, Divertissements, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, la morte de St Germain Dog - the best the BLAHgers had, Political Blogs.
comments closed

beats being a jackass... LOL

gatto kiev

nothing much to add… 😉

Tho, here are the Obama comments from my comment in the last thread, with the original links

Obama spokesman Bill Burton on October 24, 2007: “To be clear: Barack will support a filibuster of any bill that includes retroactive immunity for telecommunications companies.”

Barack Obama, June 20, 2008: “Given the legitimate threats we face, providing effective intelligence collection tools with appropriate safeguards is too important to delay. So I support the compromise, but do so with a firm pledge that as president, I will carefully monitor the program.”

Tidbits from October, at the TPM link…. Enjoy!



I see a titmouse has bled….

So, I say to the belching, bleeding titmouse: put up or shut up.

I have two examples from my own experience (0.00 / 0)

Maryscott O’Connor posted privileged (private) information about me on her site in retaliation for a disagreement we had. I forced her to take down the information, but had to threaten legal action to do so. I have The O’Connor’s home address, cell phone number, and lots of other personal information, but no matter how bad the dispute between us got, I’d NEVER post it

Marisacat posted my IP address on her site–or at least what she THOUGHT was my IP address (turns out that dim old Shadowthief knows how to spoof his IP address!). I have Marisa’s real first and last name and her full address, but once again, I’d NEVER post it. [bolding is mine, Mcat]

Not even Kos or Hunter or the odious Booman stooped so low as to do the things The O’Connor and Miss Kitty did (or if they did, I certainly don’t know about it).

Yet both Marisacat and The O’Connor assume the High and Mighty Pose to this day, despite the fact that both of them are full-fledged members of the Disloyal Order of Hypocrites.*

I appreciate that Peeder respects the online/real life boundary, but I find it a bit depressing that he has to reassure that he won’t. That should be a given.

The ethics of most blog owners, including Moulitsas, O’Connor, and Marisa (real last name redacted to protect the guilty), are a notch below child molestor.

*not actual societies to my knowledge, but you have to admit that if they don’t formally exist, they ought to…

by Shadowthief @ Sat May 31, 2008 at 07:26:50 AM CDT
Link to the sub thread, link to the PffterPoofter post (a peeder house specialty).

An online friend was passed the comment recently, by an itinerant reader at PFF (anyone wants the email forwarded, let me know)… probably accounts for the delay.

I don’t recall reading the peeder post, nor the comment from the titmouse (with many masks). I think I’d remember such a juvenile declaration.

Again: put up or shut up, to the titmouse with the small, smelly belches. And the many masks.

I have Marisa’s real first and last name and her full address, but once again, I’d NEVER post it.

Too fucking chicken, then email ME with my personal information: Marisacat@aol.com


Drop in for a ride… if you dare. 14 May 2008

Posted by marisacat in Big Box Blogs, DC Politics, Democrats, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, Political Blogs.

it seems Mcat is a mighty scary place. Over and over, the last thing one dare do, is decline to fall for “any of the above”.

It really ticks people off.

I am not a refuge for people who are in endless, life altering (one must assume) rebound from being serially banned from any site where Armando hung out his tattered, then expired, shingle. There was a cadre of women who chased after Armando, begged for his email attention, some surprising names among them. I found it odd then, even odder as some of them cannot let go of beloved Armando, or Fernando, or Big Tent Democrat. Or poiuynick (think he got that one right). And have spent years beating up the landscape in their misery. I shared this privately in email with Miss Devore last year when she made an issue of herself, a rather too large display of her misplaced angst, for the first time. I declined to state it publicly. Then.

I am unsure who thought the political blogs would function as a hook-up service. It does not seem to have gone well.

So, as I was never in that number, it seems I am a “leatherneck lesbianic” and “KKK” gets strewn around my online name, along with whatever else Delaware Dem and his 2 inch henchboys missed throwing last year… largely, then as now, for eschewing the latest Dem party con. And dropping the vestiges of the old Armando fan base. And, of course, speaking bluntly..

The “shut up” brigades just grow and grow. It does not work with me…

It is a little, idiosyncratic blog, exactly what it always was. I use it to take my mind off other, bigger things and because I like to observe the political scene, for better or worse.. I always have done and won’t be stopping anytime soon (have a hankie). I am not interested in being “liked” or anything even remotely near that…


UPDATE, 10:11 pm

Chosen by Gawddddddddddd... or he hopes KY will think so. I realise he is in a never ending bind over issues of being thought Muslim but I have long since come to the end with smarmy in your face religion. White, black or in between. i simply do not care. He’ll be pushing that Sysiphean pebble for the entire campaign.


And last, for the ignorati, tho there is little real help I can offer, there is, however, this

Take your mind off of bigger things, gurl. Which would be?

I don’t make much specific reference to being ill, for one, if I am disinterested in the details and dismissive of a lot of the all too easy psychological mumbo jumbo and palaver around chronic illness, it would surely follow others are disinterested as well. Suffice to say that tho I leave it at, “under the weather today”, “not in the pink”, “sorry, not up to much today”… it is ”bigger” and ”other” than a tiny niche blog.

That is, as they say in the cartoons, The End.

8,500 words in The New Yorker… [UPDATED: Delaware Dem’s Deleted Drunk Diary] 2 March 2008

Posted by marisacat in 2008 Election, Big Box Blogs, DC Politics, Democrats, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, Lie Down Fall Down Dems.

       Reuters from UK Telegraph
                         Reuters / UK Telegraph

Yesssssssssssss, I picked the photo for the everlasting godamned lecturing political finger.  I am so tired of that finger.  No matter the color.  Bill excelled at the Lecturing Political Finger.  He never brought it down… and I do mean a digit attached to his palm, as in, a FINGER.

Anyhoo, The New Yorker has a longish piece on Michelle O.  I am half way thru it, and I must say it is clunky writing.  I don’t know the writer, Lauren Collins…. so no way of knowing if s/he is reluctant on the subject or a boring writer.   It seems written for the suburban market, esp page 6.  Gah.


UPDATED, 2:53 pm

Well I had been hunting for a graph or two or three that stuck out… most sites linking to the article are landing on a dumb (and I do mean dumb) passage of MO’s brother being derisive of Hillary welling up… O bore to me death why don’t you!??  Jesse Jackson jr was already there, give it up!

But here it is… for me anyway… Can she not hear herself?  Saying to gays what has been said to blacks… to Obama even, about this very run…

Pox on all their glass houses.

Last month, I attended an Ash Wednesday service at the church. When it was over, I approached Wright and asked him to tell me about Michelle Obama. “She’s from the ’hood,” he said. Within seconds, a minder rushed over to say that I was forbidden to conduct any interviews on the premises.

“We don’t want our church to receive the brunt of this notoriety,” Obama told me. I asked her whether Wright’s statements presented a problem for her or for Barack. “You know, your pastor is like your grandfather, right?” she said. “There are plenty of things he says that I don’t agree with, that Barack doesn’t agree with.” When it comes to absolute doctrinal adherence, she said, “I don’t know that there would be a church in this country that I would be involved in. So, you know, you make choices, and you sort of—you can’t disown yourself from your family because they’ve got things wrong. You try to be a part of expanding the conversation.” (She made a similar argument when I asked if she agreed with her husband in opposing gay marriage. “It’s like you gotta do the baby steps. . . . You don’t start with the hardest, toughest issues when you’re trying to unite a group”

Now you just wait, honeychile, for your turn.  Mind momma (pappa, pastor, priest, policeman, teacher, babysitter) and wait patiently.  Others know best.  Mind your manners, prove to momma you deserve rights and responsibilities… here, have some pudding.  And you can stay up a little longer tonight, if you are good.


UPDATED, 3:01 pm Monday…

A kind former commenter at Dkos forwarded me Delaware Dem’s latest quick delete, latest diarying while drunk as a Catholic skunk… with an added note that comments were disappearing as they were posted, so someone was hitting delete all the way.

It is nearly time to go nuclear on Clinton. Hotlist

by Delaware Dem [Subscribe]

Mon Mar 03, 2008 at 04:23:01 PM CST

You all know that I think Hillary Clinton and her husband have behaved in ways that can only be described as narrcissistic, arrogant and ignorant during this campaign.  And you have all heard that no matter the outcome tomorrow, Clinton will remain in the race (barring some devastasting Obama landslides in all four states).

You all know how disgusted I have been with her campaign and its tactics.   All the while, most of us who oppose Clinton and support Obama have not treated her as her supporters and her campaign itself treats Obama.   Hillary, her campaign and her supporters and surrogates have frequently used every smear and potential Republican attack against Obama during this campaign.

The Muslim Card.
The Race Card.
The Rezko Card.
The Patriotism Card.

Indeed, as her campaign stated today, it is ok to raise these issues because the voters need to know what the Republicans are going to throw at Obama in the fall.  

Interesting, that point.   For we, all throughout this primary season, have choosen not to discuss what the Republicans are going to throw at Hillary in the fall.  We have not discussed the volumes of scandals we all endured during the 1990’s.   We all know the Obama campaign has not and most likely will not discuss what the Republicans are going to throw at Clinton in the fall.  It would be contrary to the new politics approach they are talking.

But if Hillary selfishly decides to continue tearing the party apart for her own vain purposes, and if she decides to make Barack Obama damaged goods in the fall, then the least I can do is return the favor.

We all know the scandals.  

We all know the charges.

We all know some of charges leveled against Bill Hillary Clinton were not true.  We know that in most cases Bill Hillary Clinton have been vindicated of any wrongdoing.

That matters not.

Truth is not a concern in this game.

Hillary Clinton cares not about the truth of any of the smears her campaign has advanced in recent weeks.   Her campaign is just throwing mud, hoping it sticks.  Indeed, if Hillary Clinton cared about truth, she would have emphatically answered “No, Obama is a Christian,” last night without offering any tortured qualifications, used no doubt in the hope that ambiguity would feed the smear.  Hillary knew that her qualified answer (“I have no basis…;” “I take him at word”) would leave doubt in the minds of many as to whether she believed the smear or not.

Therefore, truth is not a factor.   All that counts is how much mud we can throw at any other.

In the Clinton’s past, there is plenty of mud.  Mud we know the Republicans will use against her in the fall.  

Therefore, using Hillary’s own rationale, is it not wise to use against her now what the Republicans will use against her in the fall?

I don’t care about the propriety of this.  If Hillary Clinton is hell bent on doing anything she can to ruin Obama as a candidate in the fall, then so should we. 



And try try try to remember, I don’t support Hillary EITHER.  Both are a bad bet, the Republicans lie in wait for BOTH.

[the diary was loaded with messy html (likely the result of drunken vomitus) that was screwing up spacing, I tried to clean it up]


Hot Damn! 12 January 2008

Posted by marisacat in 2008 Election, Big Box Blogs, Democrats, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, Political Blogs.

This gave me a chuckle in the middle of the night:

Chris Matthews’ Bias Against Women Spurs Protest Campaign

Ride is shut for a few days… 22 November 2007

Posted by marisacat in Big Box Blogs, Border Issues, Culture of Death, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, Iraq War, Mexico, Paris, Political Blogs, WAR!.
comments closed

    tea cup ride, disney world, paris

           away for a bit and offline……………..


UPDATE, 12 Noon

One last thing before I go… a sad tale of woe, The Last Days of Mexican Corn – with an Iraq story tucked inside:

[M]oreover, as farmers from other climes who have resisted Monsanto and refused to buy into the GMO blitz, have learned only too traumatically, pollen blowing off contaminated fields will spread to non-GMO crops. Even more egregiously, Monsanto will then send “inspectors” (often off-duty cops) to your farm and detect their patented strains in your fields and charge you with stealing the corporation’s property.

When Saskatchewan farmer Percy Schmeiser came to Mexico several years back to explain how Monsanto had taken his farm from him for precisely these reasons, local legislators laughed that it was a science fiction scenario. “It is going to happen to you,” the old farmer warned with all the prescience of an Aztec seer.

Mexican corn is, of course, not the only native crop that is being disappeared by global capitalism.

Native seeds are under siege from pole to pole. In Iraq, where the Tigris and Euphrates rivers come together to form the birthplace of agriculture, one of the very first acts of George Bush’s neo-colonial satrap L. Paul Brenner was to issue the notorious Order 81 criminalizing the possession of native seeds.

The U.S. military spread out throughout the land distributing little packets of GMO seeds, the euphemistically dubbed Operation “Amber Waves.”

To make sure that Iraq would no longer have a native agriculture, the national seed bank, located at Abu Ghraib, was looted and set afire.

so “mismanaged”. Right.


What a cartoon… 4 November 2007

Posted by marisacat in Big Box Blogs, DC Politics, Democrats, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, Political Blogs, WAR!.

msnbc photo

I wish someone would snap together the years of quotes from this administration (and most anyone semi-upright in DC) calling Musharraf the result of some form of democracy.  The hedging, dodging and weaving – and the rampant runaway apologia for Pervez has been hilarious.

Which is not to say that we have not royally trashed the word.  We have.


I was trolling around during the night, dropping in here and there, and saw this at Informed Consent.  Gah.  I am not even sure what Juan is trying to say, but I know in a flash I don’t agree with it…

[I]t is obvious that would you actually need is a Team B that is skeptical from the Left.

Daily Kos, Talkingpointsmemo, Eschaton, many others listed below on the libads blogroll, and I, volunteer to do it for free. Is Washington listening?

First item: Let’s Team B what is being said in the released official US intelligence on Iran.

It would be easy.

Elsewhere in the nutroots… I landed on this at the head of a Garance posting at TAPPED on Hillary and the Gender Card.  I used to enjoy GFR, ’til a couple of years ago she began to suck up to the Wapo.  No other word for it…  I suppose people will suck up for years for a lifetime spot.

I’ve been busy elsewhere most of the day so will just outsource my first round of thoughts on this to Dan Balz, whose movement from straight political reporter to political analyst has been one of the most underheralded journalistic developments of the campaign cycle, and whose very fine piece you can read here, and Greg Sargent, who has a great summary of today’s back-and-forth here.

Dan Balz, who is basically a workman like reporter, formulaic and there every day.  Some veneer of hack but not too hard to digest.

Please Wapo, hire Garance, this is getting embarrassing.

Someone:  send the nutroots some funerary lilies.  They show up everyday… but the rot is fully on view.


Suicide by President, Follow the Leader… 31 October 2007

Posted by marisacat in 2008 Election, AFRICOM, Big Box Blogs, Culture of Death, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, WAR!.


        graffiti:  totenkopf

…lemmings off the cliff, sadly after we have killed millions.  Again.

Preparing for National Suicide:  What “all options on the table” really means

For more than a year, the USA has been openly threatening to bomb Iran. Some scenarios see the use of nuclear bombs. “All options are on the table” says Bush, Cheney, Rice, and most of the candidates in the 2008 Presidential race.

The reason? They say they feel threatened by Iran’s pursuit of nuclear power technology, although they formally granted Iran that right when they ratified the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in 1968. The IAEA has found no evidence of a nuclear weapons program. They say they feel threatened by Iran’s support of the Shia militia, especially those in Iraq and Lebanon. Iran has traditionally played the role of defending Shia communities, even in the Ottoman era. They say they feel threatened by Iran’s opposition to Israel’s expansion and Israel’s oppression of Palestinians, which is against international law and many UN resolutions. The say they feel threatened by Iran’s energy exports and its ability to influence world prices.

In general, they feel threatened by an independent nation in an oil-rich region they wish to dominate. Therefore, they threaten to bomb Iran. “All options are on the table.”


One consequence of these threats is that Iran must prepare to defend itself. On Oct. 20, a top Iranian military commander announced that Iran is ready to retaliate with 11,000 missiles in the first few minutes after an American surprise attack. The missiles are aimed at the military bases, ships at sea, and economic assets of the threatening nations. To launch that many missiles AFTER a shock-and-awe surprise attack means that Iran must have distributed the ability to launch missiles. There is not one launch button and one commanding finger on the button.

There are many buttons and many different fingers on them. War is now on a hair trigger, and the risk of accidental war is now very, very, very high. War might be started by an Iranian religious fundamentalist eager to go to heaven, or patriot eager to defend Iran, or a traitor eager to destroy Iran, or someone depressed or bored or simply misreading a radar screen and thinking a flock of birds are an incoming attack.

The USA has over 300,000 military and support personnel in the region around Iran, all of them now the target of 11,000 missiles on hair-trigger. That is what repeated threats of war have achieved.


 War seems inevitable. With war will come thousands of deaths, maybe millions, and whole economies will collapse, the first being that of the USA since it is most dependent on imported oil.


 But the USA and other belligerent nations have decided to act contrary to international law and in violation of the United Nations, with the consequence that their military forces and economies are now in jeopardy.

Among all of the options on the table, the most likely are self-destruction and national suicide.


There is a lovely interview with Studs Terkel in the UK Independent… days old, no doubt everyone has read it, nevertheless:

“It’s true what you say. I can’t deny it. At the same time, I once wrote a book called Hope Dies Last. I believe that. I might feel hopelessness, except for one thing: the young. I don’t mean the young as they’re portrayed in TV commercials: whores, bimbos and dummies. There are many who do not fall into those categories. The big problem is that there’s no memory of the past. Our hero is the free market. People forget how the free market fell on its face way back in the Depression. And how the nation pleaded with its government and got help. Today, all these fat CEOs say we don’t need government. And these fat boys get away with it, because of our collective Alzheimer’s, and the power of Rupert Murdoch and CNN. There is despair in this country, sure. At the same time, we are waiting.”

“For what?”

“For new voices.”

“Fat boys”… there you go… yes, we have too many of those.  We lack for new voices…


Couple of grafs from a new article from Gore Vidal, at TruthDig…

Not since the glory days of Watergate and Nixon’s Luciferian fall has there been so much written about the dogged deceits and creative criminalities of our rulers. We have also come to a point in this dark age where there is not only no hero in view but no alternative road unblocked. We are trapped terribly in a now that few foresaw and even fewer can define despite a swarm of books and pamphlets like the vast cloud of locusts which dined on China in that ‘30s movie ”The Good Earth.”

And, really, there is nothing to add to this:

We live in an impermeable bubble without the sort of information that people living in real countries have access to when it comes to their own reality. But we are not actually people in the eyes of the national ownership: we are simply unreliable consumers comprising an overworked, underpaid labor force not in the best of health: The World Health Organization rates our healthcare system (sic—or sick?) as 37th-best in the world, far behind even Saudi Arabia, role model for the Texans. Our infant mortality rate is satisfyingly high, precluding a First World educational system.

Also, it has not gone unremarked even in our usually information-free media that despite the boost to the profits of such companies as Halliburton, Bush’s wars of aggression against small countries of no danger to us have left us well and truly broke. Our annual trade deficit is a half-trillion dollars, which means that we don’t produce much of anything the world wants except those wan reports on how popular our Entertainment is overseas. Unfortunately the foreign gross of “King Kong,” the Edsel of that assembly line, is not yet known. It is rumored that Bollywood—the Indian film business—may soon surpass us! Berman writes, “We have lost our edge in science to Europe…The US economy is being kept afloat by huge foreign loans ($4 billion a day during 2003). What do you think will happen when America’s creditors decide to pull the plug, or when OPEC members begin selling oil for euros instead of dollars?…An International Monetary Fund report of 2004 concluded that the United States was ‘careening toward insolvency.’ “

Meanwhile, China, our favorite big-time future enemy, is the number one for worldwide foreign investments, with France, the bete noire of our apish neocons, in second place.

I noticed an odd thing at TruthDig just now (sometimes I neglect to look around, but today I did)… the Blogroll lists all the Dkos affilated “blue” franchises and the assorted sponsored blogs similarly inclined [cough:  roped in] that do not use “blue” in the name.  Then I noticed the site adopts the “Advertising Liberally” blogroll.

Oh well.  Tho one would think that Sheer or his son would be aware of online political astroturf.  Prolly something to do with [drumroll]  electing Democrats

It is possible to be very heartless in viewing America.  It preaches “Wake Up” from the various pulpits… but nods off in place.
