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So screwed 31 December 2011

Posted by marisacat in 2008 Election, 2010 Mid Terms, 2012 Re Election, DC Politics, Democrats, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, Total fucking lunatics.

Amazing Pictures From A Year In The Life Of Barack Obama – Here Obama Prays with the “Circle of Protection Campaign” a group of religious leaders dedicated to preserving government protections for the poor. | Image: White House


Oh please. A group of multicolored, self-serving, constantly poor-washing trough feeders. If they care at all for the poor it is to rake off what benefits poor people can manage to accrue. And privatise as much as possible.  Ensure what used to be benefits assigned to individuals or families, instead, come directly to them.


Cons, would be a shorter description.

And Romney is no peach. I forget where now, but I read somewhere reliable he called the Elders of Zion (the Utah branch) to get permission to add to his big hulking failing health mess of a bill a tiny 50.00 payment toward abortion for the poorest in MA..

So, we get moaning and groaning and Jesus invoking proselytisers from the incumbant OR we get a hot phone on constant re-dial to the Mormon hierarchy before the other one does ANYTHING.

AND Wall Street with a hot poker up both of their rumps.  (Not that they mind!)

I think with either administration, the official WH “cheap gift” to no-account visitors one step up from a tour group should be red white and blue lube rather than specially boxed M & Ms.


Prime time…. 14 September 2011

Posted by marisacat in 2008 Election, 2010 Mid Terms, 2012 Re Election, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, Lie Down Fall Down Dems, Total fucking lunatics.

Republican presidential candidate Texas Gov. Rick Perry reacts after a Republican presidential debate Monday, Sept. 12, 2011, in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/Mike Carlson)

Unfuckingbelievable.  It seems a blatantly DUMB move.  All some supposed challenger, from Bachmann to Huntsman, to Perry to Romney to Ron Paul to Cain to whomever has to do is stand there and ask the 2010 cycle Sheryl Angle question of Reid:   

Can’t he “man-up”? (Where’s the beef?)

Outta gas, out of steam and out of time.  Out of office…

From ABC’s The Blotter:

After spending months touting the Obama administration’s decision to loan $535 million to the California solar energy upstart Solyndra, top officials took a new tack Wednesday while testifying before Congress about the company’s abrupt shut-down and bankruptcy:

the loan, they said, was actually the Bush administration’s idea.

The Energy Department’s top lending officer told Congress that the Solyndra loan application was not only filed during President Bush’s term, but it surged towards completion before Obama took office in January 2009.

“By the time the Obama administration took office in late January 2009, the loan programs’ staff had already established a goal of, and timeline for, issuing the company a conditional loan guarantee commitment in March 2009,” said Jonathan Silver, who heads the Energy loan program.

Republicans pushed back hard against this version of events, unearthing internal Energy Department emails that indicate the panel evaluating the loans had made the unanimous decision to shelve Solyndra’s application two weeks before Obama took office.

Blaming the failed loan on the Bush administration marked an abrupt turn for the Energy Department, which had championed the Solyndra loan as a model for its efforts to build a so-called “green energy” industry that creates jobs and safeguards the environment. The Solyndra loan was so central to this strategy that the administration initially planned to have Obama personally announce it, and later sent the president to the company’s solar panel manufacturing facility in Fremont, California to celebrate its work.  . . . . .


Delish 12 December 2010

Posted by marisacat in 2008 Election, Culture of Death, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter.

A mandrill seems to flash a rude gesture towards photographer Mark Rogers at the San Francisco zoo. However, the animal suffers from arthritis and is unable to lower his middle finger

A mandrill seems to flash a rude gesture towards photographer Mark Rogers at the San Francisco zoo. However, the animal suffers from arthritis and is unable to lower his middle finger [MARK ROGERS / CATERS]

Another replay, this from election day…. so suited to this lovely piece by Lewis Lapham

Line after line is divine skewering:

[T]he son et lumières presented by Louis XIV in the palace of Versailles and by Adolf Hitler in the stadium at Nuremberg prefigure the Colorado rock-star staging of Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential nomination. Nor do the profile pictures on Facebook lack for timeworn precedent. During the three centuries between the death of Alexander and the birth of Christ, the cities of Asia Minor were littered with tributes to an exalted self. Wealthy individuals aspiring to apotheosis in bronze acquired first a prominent vantage point and then a prefabricated torso representative of a goddess or a general. A flattering hand fitted the custom-tailored head; as with the cover photographs for Vanity Fair, prices varied according to the power of the image to draw a crowd.   …

He closes with this:

[O]n the national cultural circuits, as among the political camp followers feeding on the spectacle of a presidential election campaign, the mere mention of money in sufficient quantity (a $100 million divorce settlement, a $787 billion federal stimulus) excites the same response as a sighting of George Clooney. Eventually the society chokes itself to death on rancid hype. Which probably is why on passing a newsstand these days I think of funeral parlors and Tutankhamen’s tomb. The celebrities pictured on the covers of the magazines line up as if in a row of ceremonial grave goods, exquisitely prepared for burial within the tomb of a democratic republic that died of eating disco balls.

Might as well gaze downward, I think trying to look up, as we descend, is going to be too dizzying.

Obloss 4 November 2010

Posted by marisacat in 2006 Mid Terms, 2008 Election, 2010 Mid Terms, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, India, Lie Down Fall Down Dems, Total fucking lunatics.

Some voters in Long Beach, California, cast their votes in a local laundromat. [Reuters]

Wash, vote, rinse.  Hang it out to line dry.



Too perfect… Reading around about the Ob and MO’s escape to India, all the trade deals, the slobber from India that THEY are creating jobs inside America… (do you feel like a golden egg that some goose in India laid?  I don’t)….

I come upon this

Officials in the Indian city of Mumbai (Bombay) have taken extraordinary measures to protect US President Barack Obama ahead of his visit.

In their effort to provide maximum security in the run-up to his visit on Friday, they have removed coconuts which may fall on his head from trees.

All coconuts around the city’s Gandhi museum have now been cut down, an official told the BBC.

Every year in India people are injured or even killed by falling coconuts.  …

God forbid he be injured or die and it be a J O K E.

Felled by a falling, foreign coconut — a lone gun man coconut, if you will — all the while escaping a “no confidence” vote at home..

Wouldn’t play well……….


Moving my last comment forward:

Speaking of reactionary elections… NYT has maps showing the shifts this year and ’08 and ’06 and some other graphics…


effluvia 31 July 2010

Posted by marisacat in 2008 Election, 2010 Mid Terms, 2012 Re Election, Culture of Death, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, The Battle for New Orleans.

Seashells coated with oil on the shore in Dalian, China, nine days after a pipeline blast leaked 1,500 tonnes of heavy crude into the sea    [Greenpeace/Reuters]

Beyond the horror in the Gulf, which is essentially a huge, ugly experiment we have been forced into, the struggle of the local people, on their own in Dalian to clean up the masses of heavy crude by hand, unprotected hands moving oil to barrels and buckets, navigating the thick oil in the small wood fishing boats, their legs, arms and faces bare, is a terrible thing to watch.


While we are eye balls deep in oil, lambert at corrente led to this… a story of BP, Blackrock, Larry Fink [ Here is the Vanity Fair profile on Larry Fink: Larry Fink’s $12 Trillion Shadow ], Obbie’s ever present minders and bookends (as I see it), Geithner and Summers and recent events in the US Gulf.  AND Kaufman, the EPA whistleblower, who has been on Democracy NOW! and cable as well…

The close of her post:

[N]ow let’s connect the dots. The Obama administration owes Larry Fink bigtime for his central role in keeping the U.S. economy from completely crashing. The corporation owned by Larry Fink, Blackrock has been the recipient of millions (billions?) in government contracts. BlackRock also owns a majority–one billion shares–of BP Therefore Larry Fink has a powerful economic motivation to keep the full horror of what BP has done to the Gulf of Mexico hidden from the American public.

Now I have no idea if President Obama is aware of all this or not. I think this situation strongly suggests that Tim Geither has even more influence in the administration than anyone has previously thought. Kaufman mentioned in the Democracy Now interview that Larry Summers is also close to Larry Fink. Apparently the two became friends when Summers was working in hedge funds. (Oh, and BTW, 49% of BlackRock is owned by Bank of America, according to that link.)

I hope I’ve made my point clear. I believe that the reason President Obama has failed to act forcefully to deal with the worst ecological crisis in U.S. history because he or someone who has great influence over him doesn’t want to cross Larry Fink.

Now it could be that President Obama is simply a figurehead who follows orders from his underlings. Or it could be that Obama has made the decision to go alone with all this. But whatever role the president has played, the result is that BP has been permitted to dump around 2 billion gallons of Corexit into the Gulf of Mexico, and that will result in horrendous consequences for both wildlife and human beings.

I will have another post on the toxic effects of Corexit mixed with oil soon–perhaps later today or tomorrow.

I’d never give Obbie credit for being an independent operator.  Nor credit that he commands some crew of ”underlings”, who do as they please as he stares into space….  I do think he feels he is USDA grade “prime” fixer to the oligarchy and his pay-off, post pretzelness, will be inclusion.  Yeah right.  Whistle Dixie honey.

The thread to the post is rather interesting, in particular for what I think are very mistaken, blinkered takes on both Hillary and Reagan.  Hillary, as seen by several commenters, is some savior we were denied. 

Oh gah.  Save me from the pre-digested Democratic party baby bird food.

And Reagan is over and over described as a “true believer”.  Who later was senile.  He seems to be seen as less cynical than Obby.

Oh puh-leeze.  I realise much of the nation did not catch the Reagan of the early, middle, or late sixties, nor even the RR of the early seventies… Both his venality and his political sleekness were much in evidence…. but he was what he was, a GE mouthpiece and, tho adept for the medium, a B movie actor, who Buckley and others of the conservative movement latched onto and very successfully used.

Even when semi- or pre-senile (and shot up in what could be argued was an attempted take over from within his own party), he was well represented by his alter ego who served as his AG here in California, Edwin Meese  III.  (It is rarely mentioned, but he served on the 9/11 Commission.)

And his ”kitchen cabinet” of a dozen or so very wealthy California businessmen.


I am getting a kick out of  ‘new fixer man’ calling out ‘old time fixer man’.  And calling him over and done with…

President Obama to Harry Smith, on the “CBS Evening News with Katie Couric”:

“I think Charlie Rangel served a very long time and served his constituents very well. But these allegations are very troubling, and, you know, he’s somebody who is at the end of his career, 80 years old. I’m sure that what he wants is to be able to end his career with dignity, and my hope is that that happens.”

Charlie is to be escorted to the side of the bus!!  Some white-gloved lackey, playing Master of Ceremonies, indicates he is to get under the bus, thus becoming, as lambert calls it, unterbussen.


–Glenn Thrush and Jonathan Allen:

“[A] person close to Rangel tells POLITICO the embattled Democrat ‘doesn’t give a damn about what the president thinks about this’ and won’t step down. Yet, Obama’s statement changes the dynamics and makes it much harder for the tenacious Rangel to hold on … One member of the Congressional Black Caucus … expressed bitterness that the president would turn publicly on Rangel, a decorated Korean War combat veteran. ‘Charlie Rangel has served our nation with honor and distinction for more than four decades – before I was born and the president was a twinkle in his parents’ eye,’ the CBC member said.”

Twinkle twinkle… All things come to an end.  Rangel, meet Ob’s white grannie while you’re under the bus.  She conveniently died (shed a tear, he did) on the eve of the election that would deliver him as a transcendant hero figure, her death showing he is subject to the ordinary tragedies of mortals.

Quite the political story-making.


Sent by Gawd… 30 May 2010

Posted by marisacat in 2008 Election, 2010 Mid Terms, 2012 Re Election, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, San Francisco, The Battle for New Orleans.

Obama visits the oil spill

from left, President Barack Obama, Plaquemines Parish President Billy Nungesser, La. Gov. Bobby Jindal, New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu, and Grand Isle Mayor David Camardelle in pink shirt and other officials attend a briefing by Admiral Thad Allen at the U.S. Coast Guard Station Grand Isle in Grand Isle, Louisiana Friday May 28, 2010. The President visited the Gulf Coast of Louisiana to assess the latest efforts to counter the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
Added by Andrew Boyd, The Times-Picayune on May 28, 2010 at 4:26 PM    DAVID GRUNFELD / THE TIMES-PICAYUNE

Obama – June 3 2008 – Xcel Center – St Paul MN:

I face this challenge with profound humility, and knowledge of my own limitations. But I also face it with limitless faith in the capacity of the American people…

I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal…

This was the moment — this was the time — when we came together to remake this great nation…

A few months later, La Nan, at a three tier fundraiser here in SF in August 2008, intro’d Obama as “sent to us by God”.

The party has three card monte down… with incense and the holy happy wafer… what’s not to like?



Here is a very sad read.  If someone who has lived and worked on the Gulf for decades, in the oil industry and in Civil Rights work and writing/ reporting, cannot sort out what is going on… I sure will not be able to……..

[J]indal and Nungesser have been arguing that barrier berms would stop oil from reaching more marshland. And their arguments make obvious sense under the circumstances.

The danger in the dredging plan, argues Dr. Murphy, is that the dredged material would be drawn from polluted shipping channels and washed ashore during the volatile hurricane season coming soon. The oil will not be stopped, yet the toxic damage will be multiplied.

There is money involved, of course. And already by Thursday evening Nungesser was on CNN demanding more.

The CNN media campaign this week has the shocking effects that we remember from oil wars past. And the effects are especially felt among those of us who like Louisiana Congressman Charlie Melancon find it difficult not to cry at the sight of our dying Gulf. And there is no doubt that our shock is being played like a football on its way to one goal line or the other. …snip…

The close:

[T]hey say the first stage of grief is denial, and I don’t want to believe that any of this is happening. What Congressman Melancon did in public yesterday, we have been doing in our homes this week all along the Gulf Coast. You cannot love the Gulf Coast, witness this shocking trauma, and control your tears at the same time.

But now on top of it all we have to watch out for the ways that our tears are being maneuvered into contracting strategies that may have no other uses beyond profiteering. I’m not convinced that there are worse things than a raw oil slick, not even if they are barrier berms or 6-mile plumes of noxious crap. But if it is the best thing for all God’s creatures on the Gulf Coast to just stand aside and accept the sacrifice that oil slicks bring once they are imminent, then it’s time we started moving from Denial to Acceptance at some improbable speed.

Ark 29 May 2010

Posted by marisacat in 2008 Election, 2010 Mid Terms, 2012 Re Election, Culture of Death, DC Politics, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, Lie Down Fall Down Dems, The Battle for New Orleans.

Smoke, a 39-year-old harbour seal at the New England Aquarium, is presented with a special present for her birthday

Smoke, a 39-year-old harbour seal at the New England Aquarium, is presented with a special present for her birthday Picture: SPLASH

I don’t think there are any seals, otters, sea lions in the warm waters of the Gulf.. but the photo seems oddly appropriate. A few weeks ago, around week two of this mess, a caller to the local talk radio said, if Obby REALLY wanted to do something to help, he should send an ark down to the Gulf, to collect 2 by 2, of all that will be gone.

Caller was right.


I can’t wait for Barack Obama to become president.

Watching the latest tragedy unfold in the Gulf this last month, all I can say is: I can’t wait for Barack Obama to become president.

This Bush guy is such a disaster, literally and figuratively. It just seems that the destruction of America he presides over is all but endless. As if one Gulf Coast disaster left to rot in the sun wasn’t enough for this president, now comes a second. What did those folks in New Orleans ever do to him? Heck, what did Americans ever do to him?

I just can’t wait any longer for the new administration to take office. They are absolutely guaranteed to handle things so much differently than the Cheney Bots in the White House who seem intent on wrecking the whole world, with their charity beginning at home.

Look at this oil spill disaster, for example.

To start with, Barack Obama would never pick a guy like Ken Salazar for the crucial environmental position of Secretary of the Interior. Of course Bush would, though. Salazar has been deeply tied to mining and ranching industries his entire career – just the kind of corporate hack Cheney would insist on for the position. In fact, Salazar was even a big supporter of his predecessor, the corrupt industry shill, Gale Norton. After all the work environmentalists put into getting Obama elected, there’s no way he’d choose someone like Salazar for this position, a guy so lame that mining association lobbyists welcomed the appointment when Bush made it. What does that tell you? Of course, Salazar has turned out – just as you’d expect – to be the “Heckuva Job, Kenny” of the oil spill. This will never happen once Obama gets in and puts a real environmentalist atop the Interior Department.

The country elected some billiard ball, off the corporate pool table…

As I see it.


Speech! Speech! 27 January 2010

Posted by marisacat in 2008 Election, 2010 Mid Terms, 2012 Re Election.

The young one is Favreau… responsible, along with the white guys behind Ob AND of course Obby himself, for the 2008 speeches.


oh just a couple of snips that are lying around, and seem appropriate to underline the SOTU speech…

This from Rick Klein’s The Note of Tuesday:

“I think that this gets into a big mush. So let’s just clarify: I didn’t make a bunch of deals,” the president told ABC’s Diane Sawyer Monday. “There is a legislative process that is taking place in Congress and I am happy to own up to the fact that I have not changed Congress and how it operates the way I would have liked.”

Okaaay………  I so believe that one!  Well.. the “mush” part anyway!

And this (courtesy of the Mike Allen Playbook of Tuesday)… the DSCC memo to the assembled multitude on how to win win win in November.  To be honest, I had thought Menendez was a bit smarter than this (I am sure BHHM will fill me in!), but then!  he likely is not even trying…:

‘The memo urges Democratic candidates to force their opponents to answer a series of questions:

‘Do you believe that Barack Obama is a U.S. citizen? Do you think the 10th Amendment bars Congress from issuing regulations like minimum health care coverage standards? Do you think programs like Social Security and Medicare represent socialism and should never have been created in the first place? Do you think President Obama is a socialist? Do you think America should return to a gold standard?’

If a Republican candidate says no to any of the questions, the memo says Democrats should ‘make their primary opponent or conservative activists know it. This will cause them to take heat from their primary opponents and could likely provoke a flip-flop, as it already has several times with Mark Kirk in Illinois.’ … Menendez spoke last week at a private Democratic Caucus meeting, where he urged all his party’s candidates to ‘run scared.’

So, what is new?  This is new strategy?  When did the Democrats NOT carry the Republicans water for them?

hmmm?  When?

As for the speech, when is 6PM Pacific… 9PM Eastern.

I’m looking at it this way… 30 December 2009

Posted by marisacat in 2008 Election, 2010 Mid Terms, 2012 Re Election, AFRICOM, Culture of Death, DC Politics, Democrats, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, WAR!.

Pigeons gather on a city steam grate in Toronto, Canada [Nathan Denette/AP]

Can 2010 be… worse?

All that yelling and screaming back in the campaign over McCain and his “bomb bomb bomb Iran”… so we get “Bomb Yemen”, now declared the center of the universe for Al Qaida.

Neat, how they work it all out.

Sunday…. 27 December 2009

Posted by marisacat in 2008 Election, 2010 Mid Terms, 2012 Re Election, AFRICOM, DC Politics, Democrats, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, Lie Down Fall Down Dems, WAR!.

A Russian eagle owl, the world’s largest owl species, which can weigh in at over 4kg, with a wingspan of up to two metres   [Denis Sinyakov / Reuters]


The last graphs from one of the many articles in the UK press… (not sure I can face the domestic reports East of the Rockies, not just yet).

So, what did Santa bring the world other than WAR! ?

[T]he nigerian connection: Al-Qa’ida gaining strength in formerly moderate West Africa

 If the attempt to obliterate Northwest Airlines flight 253 came as a shock for the United States in the middle of its Christmas holiday, the suggestion that the would-be bomber came from West Africa via al-Qa’ida should not have been a complete surprise.

More than eight years after the 11 September attacks, the United States is still aware of the significance of al-Qa’ida, but the group has appeared less of a clear and present danger as the years have passed. However, less than a week before the Nigerian student Abdul Farouk Abdulmutallab boarded his flight to Detroit, The Washington Post had warned, grimly and prominently, of a new source of concern from the terror group.

 An article warning of “worrying signs” that al-Qa’ida sympathisers were bringing “a violent brand of Islam to moderate parts of West Africa” catalogued a series of attacks in recent months that have accentuated fears that a group, mainly of Algerians, were threatening to radicalise areas where Muslims were in the majority. Al-Qa’ida in the Islamic Maghreb (Aqim) was held responsible for the execution of the Briton Edwin Dyer and an army colonel in Mali, the killing of an American teacher and a suicide bombing in Mauritania, as well as the kidnapping of two Canadian diplomats in Niger. The recent arrest of three Malian al-Qa’ida suspects in Ghana, over claims that they were conspiring to smuggle South American cocaine through Africa, can be added to evidence that terrorists are taking advantage of disease, poverty, a disenchantment with authority and breakdown of the rule of law in large areas. While Western intelligence services have focused on the growing terrorist threat from East Africa, some of the most dangerous groups have been prospering on the other side of the continent.

 Mali has become the centre of al-Qa’ida activity since the group arrived from the north in 2007. The extremist Algerians who made up the Salafist Group for Preaching and Jihad settled in the Malian desert and quickly renamed themselves Aqim. The West African wing of al-Qa’ida has been accused of gun-running, kidnapping, murder and now, for the first time, involvement in the drugs trade.

Intelligence analysts also maintain that Aqim has been seeking new recruits in large, “ungovernable” swathes of nation-states – many of which have large Muslim populations – mimicking al-Qa’ida in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

 Encouraged by CIA warnings over the growing threat posed by the region, the US has diverted some $500m (£313m) to bolster the counter-terrorism capabilities of 10 countries – although some critics have complained that the effort has not produced lasting results so far.

 The near-miss experienced over Detroit last week offered a chilling reminder that al-Qa’ida has not gone away but, in fact, has spread its tentacles far beyond its original base. The Americans and their allies in West African governments will be under intense pressure to turn the tide and prove that they are winning the battle.

 Grab a gun or a Molotov cocktail… or, hey!, a rocket launcher and join in:  Blessed are the Peace Prize winners. 

Arms dealers the world over are standing and cheering…  as we live in a hideous cartoon.