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Obviously… 31 March 2011

Posted by marisacat in 2012 Re Election, AFRICOM, Culture of Death, DC Politics, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, Israel/AIPAC, Pan Arab Revolt - 2011, Riyadh, WAR!.

Libyan rebels flee an area near the eastern town of Brega

Libyan rebels flee an area near the eastern town of Brega [AFP/GETTY]

Obviously, North Africa, bordering the Med, has always been part of Eastasia.  Someone needs to sue the estate of George Orwell  for not being clearer.

Democracy NOW!  had on Scahill and a former DIA person… sigh, he does use “homeland”, and as always I hear “Fatherland”

JEREMY SCAHILL: Well, you know, I think it’s much ado about nothing regarding the CIA teams being there. I mean, the United States has CIA operatives around the world, and of course they had them in Libya before this no-fly zone attack began, and they’re going to have them well after it. What I think, though, is happening here is that the United States is flailing to try to figure out a position on the Libyan rebels. If you read Jon Lee Anderson of The New Yorker, his recent dispatch where he’s with the rebels, he said that there are maybe a thousand of them and that they are not a fighting force, that they do not have the equipment, they do not have the skill or the training to overthrow the Gaddafi regime on their own. So, President Obama stuck his neck out and said that Gaddafi has to go; he said regime change. Now he’s tried to back off of that. But the reality is that these rebels are not going to be able to take down Gaddafi’s government without substantial support from the United States or potentially France or another government.

But there’s really no such thing as NATO without the United States. And so, this idea that the mission is being passed off to NATO under Canadian command is really kind of a farce, and I think a lot of people that are within the military community and the intelligence community are really suspicious of what they see as kind of a mission creep here, where the United States could end up being embroiled in a civil war in Libya for many years to come.

If Gaddafi emerges from this still in power, what does that say about Obama’s—President Obama’s credibility, having gone so far as to say that he has to fall? I think there’s a lot of reactionary policy making going on here that in the end could prove dangerous for Libyans and for the United States.  …

The conversation goes back and forth between Libya and Yemen… which considering the differences in our publicly voiced approach is interesting.

Nice little description of this “kinetic” phrasing the US has been using…

JEREMY SCAHILL: You know, the United States has had—I mean, we don’t know the exact number, but a couple hundred Special Operations Forces people on the ground in Yemen, primarily in a training capacity. We also of course have CIA people there that are doing intelligence operations. And those could all be called into serious question if the Saleh government falls, in terms of the on-the-ground presence. So there is talk of moving those operations to Djibouti, where AFRICOM is headquartered, and it’s the main command for the U.S. in the attacks against Libya right now. But Djibouti, in the early stages of the Bush administration’s war against the world, was really the hub of action for covert ops in the Horn of Africa and also, to an extent, in Yemen. When the Bush administration sent a drone in to kill six individuals in Yemen in 2002, including a U.S. citizen from Buffalo, New York, Kamal Darwish, that was the first kinetic action or direct action, killing operation, targeted killing operation, outside of Afghanistan. So it could be that they shift over to Djibouti. And you’re seeing this area, North Africa, really becoming a hub for a kind of—for U.S. military policy in that region.

It is not mentioned in this transcript, but “stories” (and who knows) are coming out of the regional press and what are called “Yemeni reporters” (again, who knows, I have not seen a link, just a reference from an operative, information release sort of site) that Southern Yemen has been declared separate, by none other than AQAP!, and under Shari’a law (cue the US women neo lib warriors!), thus it is forbidden for women to leave home alone.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) has declared Yemen’s Abyan province an “Islamic Emirate” and banned women from going outside, according to Eurasia Review and accounts from Yemeni journalists. 

AQAP, which has established full control over the southern province, made an online statement Wednesday declaring Abyan an Islamic Emirate governed by Shariah.

The statement said women in the province should not go out except under necessary circumstances, “and she who urgently needs to go out, should be with one of her male relatives, and should have ID with her.”

AQAP’s announcement comes just a few days after jihadists looted an ammunition factory in Ja’ar, a city in Abyan province, killing 150 people in an apparently accidental explosion. Al Qaeda militants have also taken control of local communications facilities in the province.

Obviously we MUST invade to head off partition and to save the women.  Mustn’t we?

”We Are The Saviors” is running thru my head, sung to the old Queen song… We are the champions….  I heard a snip of Gates this am, openly calling for a senior mil officer in Libya to “take out” Qaddafi and (basically) dial  1-800-Pentagon to “cut a deal”. 

Who knows…. other than these are wars of US-centric de-stabilisation, above all.

Somebody (or other) will be hosting AFRICOM out of this, whether they like it or not.  Whether we can afford it or not.

Moving East 29 March 2011

Posted by marisacat in 2012 Re Election, AFRICOM, DC Politics, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, Pan Arab Revolt - 2011, WAR!.

A burnt tank on the road to Sirte [Youssef Boudlal/Reuters]


Anti-dote 28 March 2011

Posted by marisacat in Divertissements, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter.

The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra recording The Fauna Seasons, the first classical album specifically made for plants to grow to, at Cadogan Hall in London. The unorthodox audience was made up of over 100 different varieties of plants and bulbs including geraniums, fuchsias and perennials    [HO/AFP/Getty Images]

Another version of the fox, sleeping away, his nose in a posey of Daffodils or Narcissus…


Asleep…. 27 March 2011

Posted by marisacat in Divertissements.

A fox makes the most of the sunny weather in a garden in London    [Reinhard Krause/Reuters]

Peacefully asleep, a protected garden, flower bower and warm sun too.

spring 25 March 2011

Posted by marisacat in Divertissements, Germany.

Three stork nests are pictured on the church tower in Kandern-Holzen, Germany

Three stork nests are pictured on the church tower in Kandern-Holzen, Germany   [EPA]


Forever 23 March 2011

Posted by marisacat in 2012 Re Election, DC Politics, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, Iraq War, Pan Arab Revolt - 2011, WAR!.

Baghdad, Iraq: An Iraqi woman rests at the feet of riot police during a demonstration [Maya Alleruzzo/AP]


Foundling in war paradise:

President Obama defended his Nobel Peace Prize on Tuesday, saying that Americans “don’t see any contradiction” in him ordering an attack on Libya to make sure “people aren’t butchered because of a dictator who wants to cling to power.”

“When I received that award, I specifically said there was an irony because I was already dealing with two wars,” Obama said in an interview with CNN from El Salvador. “So I am accustomed to this contradiction of being both a commander-in-chief but also someone who aspires to peace.”

Saying he is focused on ensuring that Libyans can “live out their own aspirations,” Obama defended America’s involvement in Libya, saying, “we’re not invading a country, we’re not acting alone – we’re acting under a mandate issued by the United Nations Security Council in an unprecedented fashion and with unprecedented speed.”

And he said again that the U.S. military has already saved lives there. “I think the American people don’t see any contradiction in somebody who cares about peace also wanting to make sure that people aren’t butchered because of a dictator who wants to cling to power,” he said.

Some foreign leaders have called on Obama to return the Nobel Peace Prize he accepted in 2009 since ordering the Libya attack.

It came out at the time of the award (which is hardly some “peace” prize with Kissinger and others recipients) that two of the 5 awarding Norwegians were appalled at his speech and wanted to take the award back.

Repent at leisure!

While he was down in Salvador he went to a memorial or the grave of Romero (I forget which and it hardly matters)… and claimed Salvador is some paragon of democracy now.


I say:   Bring Back Bush!  BBB!!  It won’t matter.


Oh yeah. 21 March 2011

Posted by marisacat in 2012 Re Election, AFRICOM, Brazil - Lula, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, South America.

President Barack Obama and his family visit Corcovado to see the statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

US President Barack Obama and his family visit Corcovado to see the statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil    [REUTERS]

oh.. something impossibly rude comes to mind. The lifted finger doesn’t quuuite do it however.

I’ve only caught print reports on bits of this and that they have been up to, Ob pulled out a previously used, personal chestnut, his mother taking him to see Black Orpheus… Some blither about how Brazil and the US are multicultural (not everywhere is, he said!)… Snob nattering on to children, in Chile, advising them to ask questions, if they want to learn. The old bromides/preachings about how they both grew up poor.

Stuff it.

Crescent bleed 19 March 2011

Posted by marisacat in 2012 Re Election, AFRICOM, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, Israel/AIPAC, Pan Arab Revolt - 2011, Riyadh, WAR!.

NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE, captured this image of the star Alpha Camelopardalis. The big red arc is a bow shock, similar to the wake in front of the bow of a ship in water.

NASA’s Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE, captured this image of the star Alpha Camelopardalis. The big red arc is a bow shock, similar to the wake in front of the bow of a ship in water. [REUTERS/NASA/JPL-Caltech]

Shoot 19 March 2011

Posted by marisacat in 2012 Re Election, AFRICOM, Europe, France, Pan Arab Revolt - 2011, Total fucking lunatics, UK, WAR!.

A parachute (L) is ejected from a Libyan jet bomber as it crashes after being hit over Benghazi:

A pilot (L) ejects from a jet bomber as it crashes after being hit over Benghazi [AP/GETTY]

Not to worry about that messy detail, that AFRICOM leader Gen Carter Ham is leading this operation – aerial invasion.

Some Pentagon uniform is adivising us that it will swiftly move to coalition leadership.

Whew, so relieved.

I mean, can we get a war on or what!???

Pre-diction 18 March 2011

Posted by marisacat in California / Pacific Coast, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, San Francisco.

A cat balances on a row of high fence posts. Owner Loree McComb photographed her cat Johnny balancing on the fence in her back garden in New Mexico, United States.

A cat balances on a row of high fence posts. Owner Loree McComb photographed her cat Johnny balancing on the fence in her back garden in New Mexico, United States. [Loree McComb/solent]

hmm I think our weather here could be called restive, at the moment.

Intense wind, “tornado”, or at least a strong mico-pressure of air in No Cali – it bent steel gates, tore out a large green house anchored in concrete and big beams, snow, rain… and so on.

Now a gathering of dark clouds over the ocean out at Ocean Beach in SF, complete with water spout, that nicely, kindly opened the chute of water into the ocean, rather than a few blocks inland on a house.

And high tides for hours, 14 to 17 feet they say…

AND a geologist by name of Berklund has popped up to predict earthquakes. We shall see…..

a 4-5 here in the SF Bay Area, within 8 days… in the same time frame, a 5-6 in So Cali, a 6-7 in the NW and a 7 on the other side of the Ring Of Fire.

He says he predicted Loma Prieta, 1989… and brandished news articles about it.

Maybe Mother Nature is tired of hearing us talk about her, she’s spoiling for a fight.

We’re probably, secretly (with appropriate leaks of course!), planning a bombing raid on her.