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If there is a baby in 9 months 31 January 2008

Posted by marisacat in 2008 Election, DC Politics, Democrats, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter.


we’ll know it was love…….

That sure looked like a negotiated, agreed-upon-in-advance moment.

Air kiss air kiss whisper whisper…..

Sorry, just the barest smidge to hold up a thread.


Maybe…. 31 January 2008

Posted by marisacat in 2008 Election, DC Politics, Democrats, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, U.S. Senate, WAR!.

  July 07 Wapo photo

they could just butt heads for 90 minutes.  Might be more productive… Seems the “game”, both R and D “side”, is who can make who angry.

I say, let ’em bleed out…


ha ha ha… after i wrote the above I landed on this post at IOZ… 😉

I think I’d like presidential campaign politics more if the stakes were a little higher.


I think there should be conseuqences. There was this campaign in aught-four, “Vote or Die,” which curiously enough involved Puff Daddy but not any actual death. Couldn’t we reinvent it for the candidates themselves? Win . . . Or Die. I mean, if Hillary Clinton got to drag Edwards out back by his hair and pistol-whip him to death as punishment for his concession, you can bet your ass he’d’ve run a better campaign. If John McCain were allowed to feast on the palpitating heart of Rudy Giuliani and absorb his life energy rather than getting some bland statement of support on some tacky dais, well, fuck. I might renew my registration.

Fired up the Bar B Q, Ready to go!


Thread…leading up to the one on one debate 31 January 2008

Posted by marisacat in 2008 Election, DC Politics, Democrats, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter.

DONATING MILLIONS Former President Bill Clinton with Sir Tom Hunter, left, and Frank Giustra, major donors to Mr. Clinton’s charitable foundation.[Evelyn Hockstein for The New York Times]

I will be honest, The Clintons give me a headache the size of Texas.  What a shame.  On the other side of the possible future… I am taking a long view, contemplating debates between Obama and McCain.

 This will get uglier.  No matter what.

Not much on offer but a thread rising from the possible blockbuster report in the NYT

 Take it away….


Three AM Repast 30 January 2008

Posted by marisacat in 2008 Election, DC Politics, Democrats, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, WAR!.

     petit dejeuner 

well I amused myself during the night… first with this sub thread of Smithee and Donkeytale just slapping each other around… quite tasty. 


You must have gone to school (5.00 / 2)
to be that completely and utterly stupid.  For something as Forrest-Gump-simple as delegate totals, try CNN you political retard.  Shit, you make Franny here look like Sun-fucking-Tzu by comparison.


And, on a terrain of issues and policy (and war criminals as advisors, an issue close to my heart), this subthread of HCfM with, first, Your Momma, then joined by Major Disarray.

*[new] Who’s offended? (0.00 / 0)
Jihad Cindy is a punchline. And yet supporting Obama–or at least not getting outraged over Obama’s affiliation of one of President Carter’s advisors–over her makes one a supporter of genocide.Stan, I think you’re going to choke on your own manufactured outrage. Perhaps you should visit one of those “massage parlors.”

Nice set of priorities there genius.

I never really thought of myself as a genius, but I’m gratified that you do.  

Pinche Vieja is a cunt

Both carrying a stench of Orange Blimps on Fire…

Ditto (0.00 / 0)

Fuck off.  

by Major Disarray @ Tue Jan 29, 2008 at 20:34:33 PM PST

[ Parent | Respond to this Idiocy |

a stench of being (volunteer level) Dem party thug operatives (if quite passive aggressive) and whatever else stench they are dragging around behind them. 

In the sub thread, Stupid Asshole pops up to indicate one, Your Momma, is MBNYC.  Seems highly possible.

*[new] I believe he goes by “MBNYC” (0.00 / 0)
But after the pwnage you just laid on him in this thread, I have a feeling he’ll be too embarrassed to reveal his regular moniker.  
Yes…. slight offerings today… but at least something is on the page – more or less……

Hypnotic Lullabye – for some… 28 January 2008

Posted by marisacat in 2008 Election, Abortion Rights, Afghanistan War, AFRICOM, Border Issues, Iran, Iraq War, Israel/AIPAC, Pakistan, SCOTUS, Sex / Reproductive Health, Somalia, The Battle for New Orleans, WAR!.


Senator Kennedy’s Endorsement Address

Remarks of Senator Edward M. Kennedy
On Endorsement of Senator Barack Obama for President
January 28, 2008
As Prepared for Delivery

Thank you, Caroline.  Thank you for that wonderful introduction and for your courage and bold vision, for your insight and understanding, and for the power and reach of your words.  Like you, we too “want a president who appeals to the hopes of those who still believe in the American Dream, and those around the world who still believe in the American ideal; and who can lift our spirits, and make us believe again.”  Thank you, Caroline.  Your mother and father would be so proud today.

Thank you, Patrick, for your leadership in Congress and for being here to celebrate and support a leader who truly has the power to inspire and make America good again, “from sea to shining sea.”

Thank you, American University.

I feel change in the air.

Every time I’ve been asked over the past year who I would support in the Democratic Primary, my answer has always been the same:  I’ll support the candidate who inspires me, who inspires all of us, who can lift our vision and summon our hopes and renew our belief that our country’s best days are still to come.

I’ve found that candidate.  And it looks to me like you have too.

But first, let me say how much I respect the strength, the work and dedication of two other Democrats still in the race, Hillary Clinton and John Edwards. They are my friends; they have been my colleagues in the Senate.  John Edwards has been a powerful advocate for economic and social justice.  And Hillary Clinton has been in the forefront on issues ranging from health care to the rights of women around the world.  Whoever is our nominee will have my enthusiastic support.

Let there be no doubt: We are all committed to seeing a Democratic President in 2008.

But I believe there is one candidate who has extraordinary gifts of leadership and character, matched to the extraordinary demands of this moment in history.

He understands what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. called the “fierce urgency of now.”

He will be a president who refuses to be trapped in the patterns of the past. He is a leader who sees the world clearly without being cynical. He is a fighter who cares passionately about the causes he believes in, without demonizing those who hold a different view.

He is tough-minded, but he also has an uncommon capacity to appeal to “the better angels of our nature.”

I am proud to stand here today and offer my help, my voice, my energy and my commitment to make Barack Obama the next President of the United States.

Like most of the nation, I was moved four years ago as he told us a profound truth—that we are not, we must not be, just red states and blue states, but one United States.    And since that time I have marveled at his grit and his grace as he traveled this country and inspired record turnouts of people of all ages, of all races, of all genders, of all parties and faiths to get “fired up” and “ready to go.”

I’ve seen him connect with people from every walk of life and with Senators on both sides of the aisle.  With every person he meets, every crowd he inspires, and everyone he touches, he generates new hope that our greatest days as a nation are still ahead, and this generation of Americans, like others before us, can unite to meet our own rendezvous with destiny.

We know the true record of Barack Obama. There is the courage he showed when so many others were silent or simply went along. From the beginning, he opposed the war in Iraq.

And let no one deny that truth.

There is the great intelligence of someone who could have had a glittering career in corporate law, but chose instead to serve his community and then enter public life.

There is the tireless skill of a Senator who was there in the early mornings to help us hammer out a needed compromise on immigration reform— who always saw a way to protect both national security and the dignity of people who do not have a vote. For them, he was a voice for justice.

And there is the clear effectiveness of Barack Obama in fashioning legislation to put high quality teachers in our classrooms—and in pushing and prodding the Senate to pass the most far-reaching ethics reform in its history.

Now, with Barack Obama, there is a new national leader who has given America a different kind of campaign—a campaign not just about himself, but about all of us.  A campaign about the country we will become, if we can rise above the old politics that parses us into separate groups and puts us at odds with one another.

I remember another such time, in the 1960s, when I came to the Senate at the age of 30. We had a new president who inspired the nation, especially the young, to seek a new frontier.  Those inspired young people marched, sat in at lunch counters, protested the war in Vietnam and served honorably in that war even when they opposed it.

They realized that when they asked what they could do for their country, they could change the world.

It was the young who led the first Earth Day and issued a clarion call to protect the environment; the young who enlisted in the cause of civil rights and equality for women; the young who joined the Peace Corps and showed the world the hopeful face of America.

At the fifth anniversary celebration of the Peace Corps, I asked one of those young Americans why they had volunteered.

And I will never forget the answer:  “It was the first time someone asked me to do something for my country.”

This is another such time.

I sense the same kind of yearning today, the same kind of hunger to move on and move America forward.  I see it not just in young people, but in all our people.

And in Barack Obama, I see not just the audacity, but the possibility of hope for the America that is yet to be.

What counts in our leadership is not the length of years in Washington, but the reach of our vision, the strength of our beliefs, and that rare quality of mind and spirit that can call forth the best in our country and our people.

With Barack Obama, we will turn the page on the old politics of misrepresentation and distortion.

With Barack Obama, we will close the book on the old politics of race against race, gender against gender, ethnic group against ethnic group, and straight against gay.

With Barack Obama, we will close the door on the old economics that has written off the poor and left the middle class poorer and less secure.

He offers a strategy for prosperity—so that America will once again lead the world in better standards of life.

With Barack Obama, we will break the old gridlock and finally make health care what it should be in America—a fundamental right for all, not just an expensive privilege for the few.

We will make the United States the great leader and not the great roadblock in the fateful fight against global warming.

And with Barack Obama, we will end a war in Iraq that he has always stood against, that has cost us the lives of thousands of our sons and daughters, and that America never should have fought.

I have seen him in the Senate. He will keep us strong and defend the nation against real threats of terrorism and proliferation.

So let us reject the counsels of doubt and calculation.

Let us remember that when Franklin Roosevelt envisioned Social Security, he didn’t decide—no, it was too ambitious, too big a dream, too hard.

When John Kennedy thought of going to the moon, he didn’t say no, it was too far, maybe we couldn’t get there and shouldn’t even try.

I am convinced we can reach our goals only if we are “not petty when our cause is so great”– only if we find a way past the stale ideas and stalemate of our times – only if we replace the politics of fear with the politics of hope – and only if we have the courage to choose change.

Barack Obama is the one person running for President who can bring us that change.

Barack Obama is the one person running for President who can be that change.

I love this country. I believe in the bright light of hope and possibility. I always have, even in the darkest hours. I know what America can achieve. I’ve seen it.  I’ve lived it—and with Barack Obama, we can do it again.

I know that he’s ready to be President on day one.  And when he raises his hand on Inauguration Day, at that very moment, we will lift the spirits of our nation and begin to restore America’s standing in the world.

There was another time, when another young candidate was running for President and challenging America to cross a New Frontier.  He faced public criticism from the preceding Democratic President, who was widely respected in the party. Harry Truman said we needed “someone with greater experience”—and added: “May I urge you to be patient.” And John Kennedy replied: “The world is changing. The old ways will not do…It is time for a new generation of leadership.”

So it is with Barack Obama. He has lit a spark of hope amid the fierce urgency of now.

I believe that a wave of change is moving across America. If we do not turn aside, if we dare to set our course for the shores of hope, we together will go beyond the divisions of the past and find our place to build the America of the future.

My friends, I ask you to join in this historic journey — to have the courage to choose change.

It is time again for a new generation of leadership.

It is time now for Barack Obama.


         JPII performs baptism

He is Jesus, Joseph and Mary too.. the Holy Spirit hovers in Him.  We have not sinned, No, Never!, but we seek Redemption and in His elevation it shall come to pass that we are in the river, in the river with St John the Baptist, Yes!, we shall be blessed! And washed new!… [not that we sinned, O No!]

Gagging yet?


The crazed kewpie doll 28 January 2008

Posted by marisacat in 2008 Election, AFRICOM, The Battle for New Orleans, WAR!.

      Aren't they sweet in their little blue shirts...  

In the Baghdad market… aren’t they sweet in their little blue shirts?

Just catching him on the MTP repeat… 3 am in the Western night…

oh I cheerfully admit to disliking the man for years…. One of my few political joys (you see a hopeful landscape?  Maazeltov! Don’t go in for an eye exam!) is that his face is literally falling off, every day.  Wilfred mentioned that on HD TV it is painfully obvious…

Other than that I am reading the Heileman articles in NY Mag… one very short, one long.

Some snips from the long one…

Almost a year ago, the top strategists of the big-three Democratic candidates appeared at an event at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. In response to a question from a student about how the Democrats could avoid being Swift-Boated in 2008, Clinton’s chief savant, Mark Penn, argued that his boss had a proven adeptness at hand-to-hand combat against “the Republican machine.” “She knows how they think, she knows how they act, she knows how to defeat them,” Penn maintained. “And I think that experience is absolutely critical to actually winning this White House.”

Seated across from Penn, Obama’s guru, David Axelrod, mournfully shook his head. “Let me just say that I think our aspirations should be, at the end of the day, not to defeat the Republican machine but to rebuild the American community.” Soon enough, Penn, clearly annoyed by Axelrod’s piety, was contending that the records of Obama and Clinton on Iraq were essentially indistinguishable—which, in turn, brought forth a stern rebuke from Axelrod. “I really think it’s important,” he said, “if we are going to run the kind of campaign that will unify our party and move this country forward, that we do it in an honest way, and that was not an honest tactic.”

At the time, it was impossible to know that you were witnessing a crystalline preview of the campaign ahead, illuminating the thematic and substantive contrasts the candidates would draw. It also hinted unmistakably at the potential that the race could turn radioactive at the drop of a hat.

And a peek at Axelrod. always good to be introduced to the handlers…

 As Clinton was stumbling in Iowa, Obama was on the rise. Far more than Penn, Axelrod, a former Chicago Tribune reporter with thinning hair and a mingy mustache, grasped that the yearning to turn the page would be the central dynamic in 2008—and that this presented an opening for as unconventional a candidate as Obama. Sure, Axelrod allowed, Obama’s CV was meager by traditional standards compared with Clinton’s. But as he explained to me last summer, “The real question is, do we accept this broken paradigm of Democrats and Republicans at each other’s throats? That’s why people are so disillusioned with our politics.”

Axelrod, who once worked not only for Hillary but for Bill Clinton (the phrase “bridge to the 21st century” from WJC’s 1996 campaign was his confection), first met Obama more than fifteen years ago and has been by his side all throughout his meteoric ascent. Axelrod believed that Obama could be the sort of transformational candidate he described, for a number of reasons. Although many of Obama’s positions were conventionally liberal, his pragmatism and incrementalism placed him outside any old-school ideological box. His signature accomplishments—death-penalty reform in Illinois, ethics reform in Washington—reflected a yen for cross-party cooperation. And in Obama’s post-racialism, the whole Kenyan-Kansan thing, Axelrod discerned the makings of a brand with enormous selling power. “Barack is the personification of his own message for this country,” he told the Times. “That we get past the things that divide us and focus on the things that unite us. He is his own vision.”

Other other other than that, the earth must have frozen on its axis, I agree with something David Byron wrote

[B]ut yeah you see fucking idiots all the time saying to themselves that candidate X is only pretending to be a Reagan loving right-wing corporate bitch.  It’s insane but there it is.

I think people think that politicians pretend to be more corporate than they “really” are because they have to be to fit in.  That’s naive.  The corporations don’t look for people who are rabid lefties and try to bribe them.  They look for people who are rabid rightwingers but who can pretend to be sane or compassionate long enough to get elected.  It would be stupid for corporations to back someone who they thought was only on-side because of bribery since obviously once elected they might turn upon the hand that fed them.  The result is that in reality politicians tend to pretend to be more left wing than they really are.  Look at George Bush and his “compassionate conservatism” and his “more humble foreign policy”.  Rightwingers know that the people hate them and hate their so-called “ideas”.

Apparently lefties never figured it out. ::snip::

Bingo, they don’t get there unless fully vetted.  And arrive strung tightly like a trussed bird for the oven, so they can be yanked back should they get even slightly LEFTISCHER ideas…

Oh what a laugh it all is.  Pity the nasty joke is on us.  It should be on them.

last, sorry to be rude to Bob Herbert but the close of this opinion piece is such rhetorical slop:

What kind of people are the Clintons? What role will Bill Clinton play in a new Clinton White House? Can they look beyond winning to a wounded nation’s need for healing and unifying?

These are questions that need to be answered. Stay tuned.

The Clintons are the same as they were in the WH – with a couple of added twists, but fundamentally, the very same.  Bob Herbert has been at his post since 93… whatever did he write about them then – and all their troubles in office, so many, many of them of their own divising!

Bill and Hill have barely hidden what his role will be. I posted many months ago when I caught a segment of an ABC interview with Bill in Malia (Kate Snow), he clearly said (and ABC did not further comment, but ABC surely ran it, a few times): 

Of course I would not be President full time. 

The frightening thing is that so many of the electorate are just fine with it.  Yikes!

And last, America as wounded nation?  Oh GMAFB.  There are wounded, degraded and otherwise shamed people in America – and treating people that way is part of the bidness of America…  but let’s not paint America as the victim.

Kumbaya, Row The Boat Ashore… and kiss America’s boo boos… etc.


La Louche isn’t running 26 January 2008

Posted by marisacat in 2008 Election, DC Politics, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter.


…for anything — and thus need not give up smoking, nor any other vices … 😉

Nevertheless, she is happy to volunteer to hold up a thread…..


And the winner is… 26 January 2008

Posted by marisacat in 2008 Election, DC Politics, Democrats, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter.


The only tension or mystery is the point spread….  and what some of the spin will be.

Results will be posted at the SC Dem Party site:


From TPM EC:

South Carolina Exit Polls: Even Hillary Voters Say She Unfairly Attacked Obama

The Associated Press has some interesting exit poll data that sheds a bit of light on which candidate is seen by voters as the aggressor in the South Carolina race and which is seen as the victim.

The AP finds that Obama voters are decidedly more aggrieved than Hillary ones are. Not only that, but large percentages of Hillary voters say she attacked him unfairly:

After the contentious Democratic debate Monday night, three in four Obama voters said Clinton had attacked Obama unfairly and slightly fewer than half accused their own candidate of attacking Clinton unfairly. Two-thirds of Clinton voters said Obama attacked her unfairly and nearly as many said she attacked him unfairly.

Meanwhile, the AP gives us this rather inconclusive data about Bill’s impact on the race:

Nearly six in 10 of those voting said former President Clinton’s campaigning in the state was an important factor for them, including a quarter who called it very important.

Right, Bill’s campaigning was important in shaping voter attitudes, but how exactly? Did it help Hillary or hurt her? Hopefully we’ll get a bit more data on this later.



UPDATE!!  Read all about it!  Whatever IT is….

LOL Fox spills some beans… and before the polls close – From Halperin’s The Page:

With South Carolina Polls Open, Fox Tells All

Per the network/AP early exit poll results:


Obama 81%, Clinton 17%, Edwards 1%

African-American women

Obama 82%, Clinton 17%, Edwards 0%


Edwards 39%, Clinton 36%, Obama 24%

Edwards winning white men, Clinton white women.

Economy clear top issue. The Page, 6:40 PM


As for me, I just spread the Joy.  Or whatever it is…



Rounding the bend………. 25 January 2008

Posted by marisacat in 2008 Election, DC Politics, Democrats, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter.


From ABC’s The Note:

Nuts and bolts of South Carolina Democratic Primary:

Polls open: 7:00 am ET
Polls close: 7:00 pm ET

Forty-five delegates are up for grabs.

Democratic delegates are apportioned according to the vote in each congressional district as well as the statewide results. Candidates must receive at least 15 percent (either within a congressional district or statewide) of the vote to be eligible to be apportioned delegates.

African-Americans make up 29 percent of the state’s population and make up 47 percent of the voters in the 2004 Democratic primary. Black voters went for John Edwards over John Kerry 37-34 percent. On Saturday, African-Americans are expected to make up at least half of the voters in the primary, and probably more.

South Carolina has an open primary: independents can vote in either the Republican or Democratic primary but not both. The Republican primary was last Saturday so an independent who voted on Jan. 19 cannot vote again in Saturday’s primary.

There are 2,445,755 registered voters (There is no same-day registration).

Absentee ballots are due on primary day and can be returned by fax.

More than you wanted to know… 😉

– If Obama is performing very well in counties like Williamsburg, Florence, Marion and Clarendon, it could indicate a big win for him. These are counties with large African-American population

– Clinton’s areas are Charleston, Greenville, and Columbia (Richland County). She can do well in these places among educated liberal women. Columbia is a college town (USC) and Clinton has a strong network of elected officials in Richland County.

– If Edwards is getting 25-35 percent in the Upstate counties (Greenville, Spartanburg, Cherokee, York, Chester) then this could really hurt Clinton. These counties are the places where Edwards’ economic message can play well — textile mills closing — and if he gets broad support, it will likely be at the expense of Clinton.


Can you imagine if the Monte Carto had caught fire the day of the NV Caucuses?


Real Clear Politics, POLLS: South Carolina / Democrats… (they have Intrade too)

oh just for good measure:   MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY NEW YEAR… HAPPY FITZMAS, Put the tooth under your pillow for the Tooth Fairy, Clap for Peter Pan!  TInker Bell will not forget you!… 

and never forget: 

FIrst you fall in love, then you fall in line (Bill Clinton, Harkin Steak Fry, 2003)

Carry on…


Palmettos a Go Go…. 24 January 2008

Posted by marisacat in 2008 Election, DC Politics, Democrats, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, WAR!.

  Sebastian FL 

Florida palmettos… as if it matters.  Looks like the “front runners” are gonna lay waste to the South, thru FL (not in contest!, they swear!) then thru the 22 state blow out.  Sherman’s March to the sea ain’t got nothin’ on this pair!

oh yum.
