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Especially to … 15 May 2006

Posted by marisacat in Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, Political Blogs.

 Madman in the Marketplace, who pushed me, but a heartfelt Thank you to everyone who stopped by, said hello, sent an email, or just read.

 It took me a few days to even find the blog stats and I was amazed at the small but very respectable numbers.  And more thrilled that the numbers are going UP.

Thank you…


 And – a Big Finger in the Air Thank You to the blogs that have shown what not to do. 

 What not to do IF free speech, free thinking – libre penseur, and free political discussion is what matters. 

 I salute them.  In reverse.      – Marisacat    


1. Madman in the Marketplace - 15 May 2006

And a salut right back your way. Your voice is one of many that keeps these internets interesting and vital. Sad that so many embrace corrupt parties and the promise of “no strings attached” advertising >>coughsalons or coffee houses and a good engaged neighborhood pup in past times of change.

I’m sure more and more of your fans will find their way here.

2. wu ming - 16 May 2006

i’m just glad to have found your new place, marisacat. i lost track of you at some point, and was missing the wit and clarity of your writing.

3. Medley - 16 May 2006


I’m also glad to find you again. (I’m hiatusing myself right now to deal with some off-web things, but still reading as much as I possibly can… will add you to my feed-readers and sidebar next time I update them..)

4. marisacat - 16 May 2006

My goodness… wu ming:

Hello! -and thanks…

5. marisacat - 16 May 2006


Welcome! and “waving” back… 😉

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