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“…relatively little interest…” 26 November 2008

Posted by marisacat in 2008 Election, Afghanistan War, Culture of Death, DC Politics, Democrats, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, Iraq War, Pakistan, WAR!.


A file photo from 2004 showing an outdoor solitary confinement cell at Abu Ghraib, Iraq. [AP via Spiegel]

Mark Danner has a piece up in NYRoB… appropriate title, Frozen Scandals:

[T]he story of how this happened is long and elaborate but one thing is clear: it has not happened for lack of revelation. The Abu Ghraib scandal broke in the spring of 2004. The images of Hooded Man, Leashed Man, Man Menaced by Dog—all quickly became “iconic,” the stuff of end-of-the-year news tableaux and faded murals on the walls of minor cities in the Middle East. This first and last occasion when torture became vivid, fertile scandal—when torture emerged, thanks to the photographs, as that most valuable of products: televisual scandal—came and went in the spring and summer of 2004, leaving a harvest of rapidly aging images and leaked documents. Those documents—many hundreds of pages, which told in great and precise detail the story of how United States officials, from the President on down, came in the wake of the September 11 attacks to order Americans to torture—were quickly published by journalists and writers, myself included, who no doubt expected that the investigative committees, the televised hearings, and the prison sentences would quickly follow.[2]

In the event, the investigations did come, a dozen or more of them, and their very proliferation was the means by which the story was converted from shocking crime into perpetual news, then minor story, and then, at last, “key issue.” But for a handful of hapless soldiers—the smallest of small fish —there were no real prosecutions, no images of high officials in handcuffs. The leakers, who had risked their careers to make the documents public, must have been profoundly disappointed. For it was they, as it happened, who had committed one of the era’s signal crimes: unguarded idealism. At Guantánamo, at the “dark sites,” at various venues around the world, known and unknown, torture continued, even as it was studied and passed by due legislative oversight into the law of the land. Only the courts seemed, intermittently, to have a different idea. And all the while the torture story was well reported, mostly in the newspapers—for after that initial rush of photographs, which quickly became cliché, there followed nothing juicy enough to raise the story to the golden level of the televisual—and it continued to be reported even as it made its way through the complicated and mysterious transformational process by which a war crime becomes a “key issue.”

All the while, it must be said, the public, that repository of right, showed relatively little interest. Neither, following the lead of their constituents, did the politicians. John Kerry, running for president in the immediate wake of Abu Ghraib—and perhaps remembering his own unrecompensed temerity in calling attention, as a young returning vet, to war crimes in Vietnam—hardly mentioned it.  ::snip::

The nation’s epitaph is in there, somewhere…

Danner also manages a couple of grafs on our perpetual state of war..

Wars are immensely valuable to those who sit atop “hierarchical societies” because they supply an overarching rationale for power and its expansion while choking off questions, not least by increasingly limiting the information on which those questions must be based. The War on Terror, of course, has been far from bloodless, embodying itself in at least two “real” wars—one of which, in Afghanistan, was launched to respond directly to attack; the other, in Iraq, to achieve less specific, more grandiose goals—as well as in a great number of secret operations of varying ambition carried out “on the dark side.” Still, unbounded as it is in space and time, serving as it has as a handy and near-inexhaustible rationale for accruing centralized power, the War on Terror has approached as close as we have yet come in reality to Orwell’s imagined perpetual war, accruing to those in control the increased power that comes with war but without the endless costs. Or it would have, had the war not brought in its train its own frozen scandal.

How will history choose to explain a war launched in the cause of ridding the world of weapons of mass destruction that turned out not to exist? It is a tantalizing question. Will the Iraq War take its place as a historical curiosity, alongside the Guano War of the nineteenth nentury or the Soccer War of the twentieth? And how interested will our descendants be in the response of our democratic polity: the investigations that, like dinosaurs slowly rousing themselves from the mudhole, ever so slowly got under way and then, after years of lumbering effort—hundreds of hours of testimony, thousands of documents examined—finally discovered…what? In the end, there was, alas, no “smoking gun.”

…one of which, in Afghanistan, was launched to respond directly to attack…

I don’t believe we went into Afghanistan purely or even largely in response to 9/11, handy tho it was… If that were the reason (meaning we had cared), we would have done something about the ISI in Pakistan and something, tho I cannot fathom what, about elements in S Arabia. What we did do was glom onto a pivotal piece, a big piece, of regional RE… and deal ourselves in, big time, on the largest cash crop of opium in the world.

And, of course, pound wedding parties to blood then pound the blood into the dust.

Other than that, a good take on “we’ve always been at war with Eastasia…”


From time to time I drag myself thru the boring writing of Ross Douthat, in that governmental prop, The Atlantic…I gather he is a rising young(ish) conservative…  I spied this today… (full text)

25 Nov 2008 08:57 pm

That Didn’t Take Long

Me, last week:

Obama already made fans of Niall Ferguson and Eli Lake; by 2012, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s converted Max Boot as well.

Max Boot, today:

As someone who was skeptical of Obama’s moderate posturing during the campaign, I have to admit that I am gobsmacked by these appointments , most of which could just as easily have come from a President McCain … Only churlish partisans of both the left and the right can be unhappy with the emerging tenor of our nation’s new leadership.

Take it away, Massie

… most of which could just as easily have come from a President McCain …

NO SHIT. One exception appears to be Melody Barnes, part of the financial scheme.  She comes from Podesta’s org and was apparently intemperate enough, once anyway, to state that you can be religious and pro-choice.  Donoghue of the Catholic League is after her.  Bluster, I would say…

Douthat’s entry twins nicely with this, which someone kindly emailed me…(full text):

A senior Obama campaign official shared with The Washington Note and Huffington Post that in July 2008, the McCain and Obama camps began to work secretly behind the scenes to assemble large rosters of potential personnel for the administration that only one of the candidates would lead.

Lists comprised of Democrats and Republicans were assembled, sorted into areas of policy expertise, so that the roster could be called on after the election by either the Obama or McCain transition teams.

This kind of out-of-sight coordination is rare between battling presidential camps and provides some indication that both Obama and McCain intended to draw expertise into their governments from both sides of the aisle — or at least they wanted to appear interested in doing so if the information leaked out about the list development process.

Fascinating tidbit on cooperation behind battle lines.

— Steve Clemons publishes the popular political blog, The Washington Note

I’d call it cosy collusion, as both players know the rule book, rather than “cooperation”.

And I am happy to be churlish, if the flip side is being MAX BOOT.  Or any of the liverish, jelly fish-i-fied for the ages, Democrats.


1. marisacat - 26 November 2008

“What the American people want more than anything is just common-sense, smart government,” Obama said. “They don’t want ideology; they don’t want bickering; they don’t want sniping.”boston.com

Frankly I’d rather they DID NOT WANT their pockets picked.

2. marisacat - 26 November 2008

He traded on that Food Stamp story over and over again, he and Congress can fucking well come thru

[T]o tackle the problem, supportive lawmakers are pressing to include a temporary bump in food stamp benefits in the next stimulus package. Similar proposals failed to pass twice this year, but there appears to be broad support now for an increase of 10 to 20 percent, advocates and lawmakers said. [of course tracking has shown that regularly, month after month year after year, before the current problems, people ran out of their allotment in the third week — Mcat]

Economists say an increase in food stamp benefits would help the economy overall by concentrating relief on those most likely to spend the money quickly, pumping dollars into an economy desperate for demand. According to Mark Zandi, chief economist of the rating agency Moody’s Economy.com, every $1 spent on food stamp benefits generates $1.73 of economic activity, more than extending unemployment benefits or offering state fiscal relief.

“Congress has been focusing on the impact on the financial markets,” said Dean at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. “We want them to focus on the supermarkets and help 30 million people.”

In 2009, the new Congress will also have to deal with renewing the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act, which includes school breakfast and lunch programs and the Women, Infants and Children program that provides money for specific foods such as milk and infant formula. The act is due to expire in September 2009, and Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), who chairs the Agriculture Committee, has long been keen to expand eligibility and strengthen mandates for nutritious food in these government-funded programs.

“single mother on Food Stamps…” blah blah blah blah. Do something about it.

3. marisacat - 26 November 2008

I don’t know who this John Ross is, but he does nto hold back. As for his picture of SF General.. it can be that bad, certainly for 35 years that I know of…

[T]he desperation was palpable. I overheard one severely wounded man threaten to murder his medic. Others were more patient. Some would not immediately respond to the questions of their caregivers. What’s your name, the nurses would demand? What month is it? Where are you? Who is the president?

“Barack Fucking Obama!” an Afro-American throat roared back down the hall and the entire Emergency Room, nurses and doctors and patients together, clapped and cheered wildly. I turned towards the wall and curled into a fetal position. ::snip::

4. NYCO - 26 November 2008

3. Ehhh. Makes some good, if very general points but he might be more credible if he could spell “Barack Obama” (one r) right. This is just sort of smug ranting that I’m not sure we need either (“I don’t have a job” – apparently eats out of trash cans? AND has an e-mail address?)

Depression is not, in fact, the Great Equalizer because during the last one, the very rich (ie FDR) took over because they wanted to protect their interests. War ensued. (and yes, the Germans started it but their own rich families made sure it would happen too). Except FDR clearly understood there was a real threat to his way of life; organized leftism. There isn’t any such animal today and so today’s FDRs can afford (and profit by) being incompetent.

A couple years ago if someone said this was going to unfold, you’d be called a fringe element. Now if someone says that people better get ready for all-out war (as opposed to these expensive but low-level adventures the U.S. military gets sent on), you’ll also be called a kook. As for me, I’m thinking about the most efficient and sensible ways to stock up on soap, shampoo and other sanitary products.

5. marisacat - 26 November 2008

Isn’t “Barack” spelled with one “r”?

“Barack Fucking Obama!” ??

He spelled it once with two “r”s, several times correctly… I call that ” typo”. I think people just submit their writings to C-punch, that there is no editorial overview.

I am more troubled by the image of everyone applauding his name. Common as those stories are… IF true (that instance) it sadly fits that people (including here, ER docs and others) who bought the lines think obama has promised single payer. And supports gay marriage. Etc. All of which has been reported.

On and on.

6. marisacat - 26 November 2008

I am surprised at how blunt Sheer is… because imo he has too often punted for the Dems…

Did all these people really believe? It’s pathetic.

[A]s Summers stayed on to ensure passage of deregulatory laws that enabled enormous banking greed, Rubin was rewarded with a $15 million-a-year executive position at Citigroup, a job that only got more lucrative as the bank went from one disaster, beginning with its involvement with Enron in which Rubin played an active role, to its huge role in the mortgage debacle. It is widely acknowledged that Citigroup fell victim to a merger mania, which Rubin and Summers made legal during their tenure at Treasury. [slap slap]

7. marisacat - 26 November 2008

Not that it matters, as soon we shall be saved! One more Bail Out! Just around the corner! In sight! Maybe people should just call Obama: Mama! Mama!

Breaking News from ABCNEWS.com:

Consumer Spending Falls 1 Percent in October in Largest Drop Since Sept. 11 Attacks [8:46 a.m. ET]

8. marisacat - 26 November 2008

Hedges, obviously belongs to the “churlish left” that Max Boot decries…

If Barack Obama continues to turn to the elites who created the mess, if he does not radically redirect the nation’s resources to assist the working class and the poor, we will become a third-world country. We will waste gargantuan amounts of money we cannot afford on our military, our national security state and bloated corporations while we damn the middle and working class to the whims, idiocy and greed of an entrenched, corporate oligarchy. Obama’s appointments of Timothy Geithner as treasury secretary and Lawrence Summers as director of the National Economic Council are ominous signals that these elites remain entrenched

In an article on poverty.

9. NYCO - 26 November 2008

8. The questioning I’m pondering right now is whether we will see continued deflation (which has started, prompting the irrational moves this week to kick-start the credit economy), or if hyperinflation will start. It all depends on whether this money that the government appears to be printing, actually gets into people’s paychecks. If it does, we will have inflation.

Deflation lowers prices, but also endangers people’s jobs (more of a classic depression). Inflation is also bad, but particularly for the older and poorer. All things considered, I’d take deflation. Deflation seems more likely to spur political organization.

10. NYCO - 26 November 2008

PS, the Baltic Dry Index I mentioned yesterday? It’s simply going through the floor today.



11. marisacat - 26 November 2008

I am expecting deflation.

12. Arcturus - 26 November 2008

3. That’s John Ross the 60-sumpin’ indie journalist who writes frequently on Mexican politics – a coupla books on the Zapatistas worth reading, Murdered by Capitalism on the Am Left, an anthology on basketball from Richard Grossinger’s eclectic North Atlantic Press, & some political poetry I find mostly tedious. Has bay area ties.

believe it or not, lots of intelligent people in this country get by w/out a ‘regular’ job/paycheck . . .

13. NYCO - 26 November 2008

I know people get by without regular jobs, but they get their income from something, and that something is usually tied to the “system” they decry.

14. Arcturus - 26 November 2008

13. don’t know anyone who’s claimed otherwise . . .

15. Arcturus - 26 November 2008

Michael Hudson last June:

In times past, bankruptcy would have wiped out the bad debts. The problem with debt write-offs is that bad savings go by the boards too. But today, the very wealthy hold most of the savings, so the government doesn’t want to have them take a loss. It would rather wipe out pensioners, consumers, workers, industrial companies and foreign investors. So debts will be kept on the books and the economy will slowly be strangled by debt deflation.

16. marisacat - 26 November 2008

new post from Dahr Jamail, who seems to be part of hte churlish left:

[I]mmediately in front of me, an elderly gentleman in a wheelchair was trying to reason with the security guard who was asking him to take off his sandals. “What do you want me to do? I didn’t wear socks so you could see my feet since I’m unable to bend over and take off my sandals.”

“Sir, you must comply with policy,” the guard said in a raised voice, as three other TSA agents moved in behind him, […] None of the guards stepped forward to take off his sandals for him in order to check his feet.

In exasperation he shouted, “I’m asking for help, and you won’t do it, so what do you want me to do? What the Hell am I supposed to do? What are you afraid of? I’m an old man in a wheelchair! Are you afraid of my sandals?”

The guards would not allow him through the x-ray until he eventually lowered his voice. We must never upset the status quo, because that is an important pillar of a system that holds change in dread. Do not rock the boat, and don’t you dare speak up, lest it indicate that something is wrong.

We have an African-American president, but let us also bear in mind that he is but a symbol, and our need and faith may not suffice for the symbol of change to deliver real change.

There is a tremendous schism between what Barack Obama is saying, and what he is doing. Already, he is gathering around him a group of people that are not only likely to maintain status quo, but worse, cause our current catastrophic situation to worsen.

17. ms_xeno - 26 November 2008

Re #8:

Oh, as I keep telling mr_xeno:

“Stop it, Obama, or– or– your followers will say ‘STOP’ again !”


18. NYCO - 26 November 2008

Good live Twitter coverage of Mumbai attacks from local people.

19. marisacat - 26 November 2008

LOL Sully approves of “neocon Max Boot” getting Obama

…Only churlish partisans of both the left and the right can be unhappy with the emerging tenor of our nation’s new leadership. — Max Boot

This was all fairly obvious to anyone paying attention.
— Sully

Not a damn thing to do but laugh and stock up on comestibles.

20. cad - 26 November 2008

Thank Gawd Daily Kos is coming out against the “radical left” — I was worried the site was going to veer progressive now that Obama is prez.


21. marisacat - 26 November 2008

From the transition’s new chief national security spokesperson, Brooke Anderson:

“President-Elect Obama strongly condemns today’s terrorist attacks in Mumbai, and his thoughts and prayers are with the victims, their families, and the people of India. These coordinated attacks on innocent civilians demonstrate the grave and urgent threat of terrorism. The United States must continue to strengthen our partnerships with India and nations around the world to root out and destroy terrorist networks. We stand with the people of India, whose democracy will prove far more resilient than the hateful ideology that led to these attacks.”

22. marisacat - 26 November 2008

…veer progressive… — cad

Never fear! Not possible!


23. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 November 2008

Why CNN Struggles to Cover The Economic Panic

3) Few CEOs, fewer economists, and almost no one in the financial industry, want to step forward and say with conviction what will happen. A year ago we couldn’t get them to stop telling us what great things to expect in the next quarter. Not now. They don’t know what’s coming and they aren’t willing to say even that much. They are MIA. Insider information is at an all-time low.

Memo to all American CEOs: don’t presume in ten years’ time to write business books about your leadership skills; maybe there’s a gripping survival story to be told about how you held on to your job.

We want them to face the music. Even the Watergate hearings, which had a large cast of characters, were compelling to watch day after day.

4) There is not a President at the center. Bush is just not there. Like us, he’s watching TV to find out what to think. Reporting from the White House doesn’t have any relevance today. Moreover, the satisfaction in blaming Bush for everything is diminishing.

In addition, with the election over, reporters can’t simply ask the candidates to react to the day’s bad news. It seldom produced much insight anyway but it filled time. Now Obama is filling time, and he keeps repeating that “there’s only one President” but there’s really not a President. There’s a leadership vacuum waiting to be filled by Obama. (BTW, this story is much bigger and more important than Obama’s election and I think he understands that.) (No, he doesn’t … he’s worried about maintaining the status quo) Bottom line is we’re waiting for a central figure to emerge.

24. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 November 2008

The Ideology of No Ideology

On Monday, hours before Obama’s formal announcement of his economic team, USA Today explained that he is forming a Cabinet with “records that display more pragmatism than ideology.”

The ideology of no ideology is nifty. No matter how tilted in favor of powerful interests, it can be a deft way to keep touting policy agendas as common-sense pragmatism – virtuous enough to draw opposition only from ideologues.

Meanwhile, the end of ideology among policymakers is about as imminent as the end of history.

But – in sync with the ideology of no ideology – deference to corporate power isn’t ideological. And belief in the US government’s prerogative to use military force anywhere in the world is a matter of credibility, not ideology.

Ideological assumptions gain power as they seem to disappear into the prevailing political scenery. So, for instance, reliably non-ideological ideological journalists sit at the studio table every Friday night on the PBS “Washington Week” program, which is currently funded by similarly non-ideological outfits including Boeing, the National Mining Association and Constellation Energy (“the nation’s largest supplier of competitive electricity to large commercial and industrial customers,” with revenues of $21 billion last year).

Along the way, the ideology of no ideology can corral even normally incisive commentators. So, over the weekend, as news broke about the nominations of Timothy Geithner and Lawrence Summers to top economic posts, former Labor Secretary Robert Reich wrote an article praising “the members of Obama’s new economic team.” Reich declared: “All are pragmatists. Some media have dubbed them ‘centrists’ or ‘center-right,’ but in truth they’re remarkably free of ideological preconception…. They are not visionaries but we don’t need visionaries when the economic perils are clear and immediate. We need competence. Obama could not appoint a more competent group.”

Competence can be very good. But “free of ideological preconception”? I want to meet these guys. If they really don’t have any ideological preconceptions, they belong in the book of Guinness World Records.

25. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 November 2008

Torture and the rule of law: Did Bush just call Democrats’ bluff?

Maddow: So the White House says now, at least to the Wall Street Journal, that they are not likely to pardon anyone who might have implemented or taken part in these torture policies because they believe that their Justice Department memos excuse them, so there’s no need to pardon anyone. Are you buying that reasoning?

Turley: No. I don’t believe that anyone seriously believes in the administration that what they did is legal. This is not a close legal question. Waterboarding is torture. It has been defined as a crime by U.S. courts and by foreign courts. There’s no ambiguity in it. That is exactly why they have repeatedly acted to stop any court from reviewing any of this.

And so what’s really happening here is a rather clever move at this intersection of law and politics. That what the administration is doing, is they know that the people that want him to pardon our torture program is primarily the Democrats, not the Republicans. The Democratic leadership would love to have a pardon so they could go to their supporters and say, “Look, there’s really nothing we could do. We’re just going to have this truth commission, and we’ll get the truth out, but there really can’t be any indictments now.”

Well, the Bush administration is calling their bluff. They know that the Democratic leadership will not allow criminal investigations or indictments. And in that way the Democrats will actually repair Bush’s legacy, because he will be able to say, “There was nothing stopping indictments or prosecutions, but a Democratic congress and a Democratic White House didn’t think there was any basis for it.”

Yup, and I don’t know why anybody is surprised.

26. marisacat - 26 November 2008

hmm think it is safe to say a good portion of southern Mumbai has collapsed into total loss of control..

27. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 November 2008

San Francisco, Friday: Iraq Veterans Against the War to Occupy Union Square

San Francisco, California – November 25 – Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) have announced their intention to hold Operation First Casualty in Union Square, a popular place for shoppers to congregate in between shops. Truth is the first casualty of any conflict and Operation First Casualty is street theater designed to show the brutal and unjust consequences of occupying a foreign country. During the exercise brave civilian volunteers will be rounded up by IVAW members and arrested in the same style used in Iraq. They will then be transported by patrol to various locations. While en route, they will take simulated fire, lose a fellow soldier to that fire, and upon arriving at Moscone center, will commence mock interrogations of the captured civilians. From there, they will move to U.N. Plaza where Food Not Bombs will be serving lunch to the homeless highlighting the thousands of veterans who are homeless.

“Our aim is to show the American public the truth of the US occupation in Iraq, and the effects on returning soldiers” said Eddie Falcon, IVAW spokesperson.

28. marisacat - 26 November 2008

Well, the Bush administration is calling their bluff. They know that the Democratic leadership will not allow criminal investigations or indictments. And in that way the Democrats will actually repair Bush’s legacy, because he will be able to say, “There was nothing stopping indictments or prosecutions, but a Democratic congress and a Democratic White House didn’t think there was any basis for it.” — Jonathan Turley

Otherwise known as OHBAHMAH. Incoming Dem presidents are the best friend outgoing R ever had.

29. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 November 2008
30. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 November 2008
31. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 November 2008
32. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 November 2008

“It Can’t Happen to ME!”

Every now and then, I still stumble upon someone who’s clueless about what’s happening to our middle class. One recent case was at an early holiday party, during a discussion about skyrocketing medical costs. Someone mentioned an acquaintance who had no health insurance and had just been diagnosed with breast cancer. A young, prosperous looking fellow in his thirties shook his head, assumed an air of dignified regret, and opined about how “sad” it is that “some people just aren’t wise enough to save up for that kind of household emergency.”

What we’d run up against was the widespread and apparently indestructible myth that bad things just don’t happen to wise, careful taxpayers. In the minds of such people, anyone who finds him or herself in a situation where basic necessities like healthcare, food, or shelter are unaffordable, must have done something wrong.

These smug souls can always find presumably unforgivable mistakes made by those who’ve “fallen through the cracks.” That guy now losing his house shouldn’t have bought that extra car back when things were going well. That woman without health insurance shouldn’t have chosen a non-lucrative field like art, or writing, or performing as a career. (Why didn’t she learn code and become a software designer instead?) That family having to rely on a food bank at the end of every month shouldn’t have had the third child – or any children at all.

[fixed the link — Mcat]

33. marisacat - 26 November 2008


madman… link went awry… 😯

34. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 November 2008
35. bayprairie - 26 November 2008

dkos isn’t the only “community” blog in meltdown today. seems the last women standing over at son-of-smegmablog appear to be abandoning ship.

time to go
by: Miss Devore

saw that coming back in V 1.0.

but i’m wondering. with the the cock-walk-and-strut mating display seemingly out of the picture now, what will that collection of intemperate assholes use to maintain interest in their rapidly failing experiment?

mail-order thread-brides?

36. marisacat - 26 November 2008

oh that was funny bay. Thread brides.

37. marisacat - 26 November 2008

Ob pleases yet another conservative… Peter Wehner in Commentary, a denizen of The Corner – Schnauzerlandia.

[B]ut for now, those who did not vote for Mr. Obama have reasons to be somewhat hopeful about the direction in which he appears to be heading. His actions to date are not those of an ideologue. If this trajectory continues – and it cannot be said often enough that we are only at the dawn of the Obama era – America’s new President may pleasantly surprise conservatives and agitate the Left. He just might turn out to be more like John Kennedy than George McGovern. It remains an open question; but right now, that possibility is reason enough to be grateful.

Love how rightie idealogues constantly instruct anyone else not be such. And the little jellyfish line right up for gold stars.

Personally, I think between Gates and Petraeus (some righties are liking Jim Jones as well and see the incoming hand of Scowcroft too) I’m calling it for Afghanistan: Surge Baby Surge.

So different from drill baby drill? No its not.

38. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 November 2008

Afghanistan AND Somalia.

I can’t believe that people still fall for this rightward push, that they don’t understand that the donks will continue to fuck over the country as long as their supporters keep letting them.

39. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 November 2008

Labor sec. not on econ team

Obama’s team of treasury secretary and four top economic advisers, introduced as the hands that will steer America’s economy, had no particular ties to the labor movement. And Obama’s secretary of labor was not introduced as part of that team — a suggestion that that post will retain its second-tier status and quiet voice in matters central to economic policy.

“I wish that [the secretary of labor] would have been among them,” former Michigan congressman David Bonior, a labor stalwart and member of Obama’s transition team, said of the group at the Chicago press conference. “I hope they take that job seriously.”

Labor’s low profile in Obama’s transition is striking because of unions’ vital role in the general election campaign. While Wall Street split its contributions between Obama and John McCain, labor, after dividing its efforts in the Democratic primary, united behind the Democrat and emerged as by far the strongest outside force in the general election.

He ignores them because he knows that they will




no matter what he does.

It’s so fucking obvious, yet the same pattern repeats, over and over again.

40. marisacat - 26 November 2008

Afghanistan AND Somalia. — MitM

and Congo and Darfur…. and where ever else (Burma/Myanmar?)… Hell we may invade the south end of Mumbai if this is not over by tomorrow.

41. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 November 2008

Mumbai is horrible.

42. marisacat - 27 November 2008

Above all else, protect “democracy”, LOL:

[T]he President-Elect’s intention to shift the focus of the fight against terrorism to Afghanistan has been bolstered by Robert Gates agreement to stay on as Defence Secretary.

Mr Gates is a strong believer in an Afghan surge, which would not only put thousands more boots on the ground but involve negotiations with malleable branches of the Taliban.

It would also aim to boost co-operation with Iran and Pakistan where some elements have supported the anti-Western insurgency.

The need for more US troops in addition to the 32,000 already serving, has been accelerated by the Afghan presidential election in September 2009, and the voter registration process that begins in the New Year, Mr Gates said.

“The most important objective for us for 2009 in Afghanistan is a successful election,” he said at a meeting of defence ministers from the eight countries fighting in southern Afghanistan. “One of the things we talked about was trying to surge as many forces as we can prior to the election, to try and provide a secure environment for the election.” ::slap::

43. marisacat - 27 November 2008

Some analysts believe Washington ultimately will need more than 100,000 troops to stabilise Afghanistan before the Afghan army is ready to take over security.

“I suspect that to succeed in Afghanistan, we’re eventually going to have to swing a sizeable fraction of what we now have in Iraq into Afghanistan,” said Stephen Biddle of the Council on Foreign Relations.

“The scale of the shift will be large, and the time needed to pull it off will be long,” he said.

44. penlan - 27 November 2008

#4 NYCO wrote:

“This is just sort of smug ranting that I’m not sure we need either (”I don’t have a job” – apparently eats out of trash cans? AND has an e-mail address?)”

You can go to any library & access online & your email address for free. Perhaps he does it that way.

45. marisacat - 27 November 2008

new thread…


………….. 😯 ………….

46. NYCO - 27 November 2008

You can go to any library & access online & your email address for free. Perhaps he does it that way.

Yes, and the library is supported by the taxes of the people who hold regular jobs, a lifestyle the writer seems to hold in great disdain. (I’m sorry that I must sound like such a stick in the mud on this one!)

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