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Protest 25 April 2010

Posted by marisacat in 2010 Mid Terms, 2012 Re Election, Border Issues, DC Politics, Democrats, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, Lie Down Fall Down Dems, Mexico, South America, Viva La Revolucion!, WAR!.

Phoenix, Arizona: Jesus Ruiz protests against Arizona’s new immigration law during a candlelight vigil outside the State Capitol. The state’s Republican governor, Jan Brewer, ignored criticism from President Barack Obama that the legislation will lead to racial profiling and civil rights abuses against the Hispanic community      Photograph: John Moore/Getty Images

hmm and of course the state has a R governor (not that that means much) who is VERY conservative as it happens…. because Obby moved Janet Napolitano to Homeland Security. Brewer had been the Lt Governor.

But hey, Janet is so great in her new job that it all works out…


Right? No?

And, not mentioning that Brewer got her job the way she did nor being clear that many Democrats have no problem with the legislation arising in AZ… the prattle will be that they will save us… from Brewer, from harsh and punitive, invasive legislation.

So canned it all is.



1. diane - 26 April 2010

A beautiful post by Glenn Greenwald:

The New York Times’ Muslim problem

marisacat - 26 April 2010

There si plenty of censorshipp to go around… it is however absolutely hilarious that anyone be held to not depicting the image of Muhammed.

So much fluff and stuff over this.. and little interest in the online death threats, such as they may be.

A pox on all the religious slop. Frankly.

2. catnip - 26 April 2010

Today’s Orange Bubble News: If you call Obama “Barry”, that’s racist! (nope, I’m not kidding…)

marisacat - 26 April 2010

sooo.. when Barry called himself Barry……… he was what?

Self hating (choice no 1)

Racist (choice no 2)


catnip - 26 April 2010

3) all of the above?

Fucked if I know!

catnip - 26 April 2010


Vote 2010 Starts Now & OFA is Training the Army
by Femlaw

77 comments (77 new)

Will there be a pic of Obama with his codpiece in front of a Mission Accomplished banner?

marisacat - 26 April 2010

I don’t know how the Obama and DNC and OfA game plan of calling people running for office “Obama Allies” is gonna go over.

I sense impending lead balloons….

diane - 26 April 2010

Will there be a pic of Obama with his codpiece in front of a Mission Accomplished banner?


after strenuous prepatory weeks at the WH gym, Rahm at the bar, and on point,

Obooyah with the medicine balls……………………

3. diane - 26 April 2010

On a somewhat indirectly related note to the Arizona issue, the California DMV in 2005 was requiring birth certificates (copies not allowed) at the DMV office I went to. I’m one of the likely anal, and lucky few, who had possession of mine.

I witnessed many at the point of tears and bewilderment, many, sucking up much nicotine outside the (soon to be owned by private investors?) DMV building wondering what their next step should be, in a state where it can take one almost two hours to get to work less than twenty miles away on a bus, when they can’t afford a monthly train ticket.

marisacat - 26 April 2010

I had three copies, meaing original legal copies that I ordered… and have misplaced them somewhere wthin the house. Gah. I cannot believe I was that stupid… My CA ID has expired… and I won’t be going to a DMV again in my life, it was tough enough in 2000 or whenever I last did – and we went to one outside SF, womewher down he Peninsula…… next, in a few years I will have to renew my passport, even tho I have no need for it anymore…

I have read that demanding birth certificates for Food Stamps and Medic-Aid has actually knocked legal citizens off the rolls… it is not necessarily for everyone an easy thing to get…

diane - 26 April 2010

NO, it isn’t easy for so many, and yeah, above and beyond that, it’s, I believe, traumatizing for millions…in a, ya have to be there...kind of way…

Advice (for some?) in some states you can contact the State Bureau of Vital Statistics, for a “sealed” certificate (Pennsylvania does/did? this).

marisacat - 26 April 2010

well for me I just called the SF Records office… as I recall, but maybe they referred me to a State bureau… I did it originally in order to apply for Soc Sec Disability… they required an original. Or a certified copy or what it is you pay for…

As for ”traumatising”, that people are going to have to get over. This mess is coming down on all of us. I only got a CA ID originally as more and more it was needed. Pain in the fuckign ass frankly.

And yeah PRs have to literally start over… dicey little mess that is …

diane - 26 April 2010

And US forbid, if you are Puerto Rican in the coming months………….

4. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 April 2010

Massey says the mine blew up BECAUSE of regulations:

Massey Energy officials were so concerned about a “very large number” of serious safety citations at the Upper Big Branch coal mine last year that they dispatched a two-person safety team to work there full time, company leaders said Monday.

In a news conference in Charleston, company officials also pointed a finger back at the federal regulators who had repeatedly cited them for safety violations before an explosion killed 29 miners on April 5.

They said the federal Mine Safety and Health Administration had indirectly caused a reduction of fresh air getting to an area deep inside the mine by requiring the company to use a “complicated” ventilation plan that Massey engineers resisted. Federal officials responded by saying the changes they required were necessary to ventilate the mine properly.

Ventilation will be a critical issue in the investigation into the explosion. Experts think the blast may have been triggered by a buildup of gases, such as methane, or flammable coal dust inside the mine.

The Massey officials, including chief executive Don Blankenship, said they still did not know what triggered the explosion. They released new data showing that, in the minutes before the blast, foremen deep inside the mine had reported finding very low or nonexistent levels of methane.

“No hazards were found” by the foremen, said Massey Director Stanley C. Suboleski, who served on the Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission under the Bush administration. “And methane measurements ranged from zero to nearly zero.”

The company said its engineersresisted making the changes, and even shut down production at the mine for two days, before agreeing.

When a reporter pressed Suboleski for details about the dispute, he demurred.

“I’m going to get us mired down in things,” he said, adding that it would be easier to explain with a map of the mine and with more time. “It did make ventilation more complex . . . in some ways more difficult.”

Later, MSHA released a statement saying that, because of Massey’s changes within the mine, the company’s ventilation plan was not adequate.

“The system in place could not be effectively maintained by the operator to ventilate the mine,” the statement said, in part. “The operator elected to revise the plan.” MSHA said there were “adverse mining conditions” in at least one section of Upper Big Branch, including the floor of the mine “heaving,” walls falling in, and water accumulating.

But it did not elaborate, or explain in detail how it wanted the ventilation plan changed.

Tony Oppegard, a Kentucky lawyer and former MSHA official, said that “if Massey is implying that there is a simple way to ventilate that mine, that isn’t true, not for a mine that size. It has five different working sections. Any ventilation plan is going to be complex.”

Massey officials said that, on the day of the explosion, the amount of air getting to the area was twice what is legally required. They said they did not know if ventilation problems contributed to the blast.

marisacat - 26 April 2010

I notice the Democrats make soft whispers about “Federal regulators”… HA! As if Manchin (D, been governor for two terms… iirc) Byrd and Rockefeller have nothing to do with anything. At all.

So much blame to go around.

Maybe Obby can drop into WV for some BBQ and a hike. Rescue puppies from backwoods streams… or something. They seem to think that sort of thing cures everything.

brinn - 27 April 2010

Please. They had over 20 “serious” violations in 2007 and because our regulatory structure is SO assbackwards violators are allowed to appeal and and appeal and appeal and tie the shit up in court for YEARS…people invariably die.

Can we ship all of the “humans” without conscience to another planet where they can all exploit and eat each other and leave us the FUCK ALONE?!?


5. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 April 2010
6. diane - 26 April 2010

It must have taken young Mr. Ruiz a lot of courage to put himself out there like he did in the heat of the matter, Arizona (re picture).

Our human species can be so astoundingly courageous, and loving of one another, at times, it’s awesome, and, hopefully, can keep one from jumpin off that bridge…

Thank you,

Mr. Ruiz!

And thank you Marisa, for the meaningful picture, as is so usual of you.

7. BooHooHooMan - 26 April 2010

What bloody farce……in {shhh} WaPo –
This is like right out of the Coen brothers Burn After Reading.

Spy Talk
Jeff Stein’s intelligence for intelligent people.

CIA chief promises spies ‘new cover’ for secret ops

New cloaks for old daggers?

CIA Director Leon Panetta told employees today that the spy agency is going to give undercover operatives more ways to avoid exposure overseas.

“The CIA will enhance its use of more flexible and innovative deployments overseas—including new approaches to cover—paving the way for even better intelligence collection,” Panetta told a gathering of employees in the agency’s auditorium, in remarks also broadcast to agency workers around the world via closed-circuit TV.

It was difficult to discern exactly what Panetta had in mind.

{Which is GOOD, right? _ BHHM }

Oh and “after” Beelzebub Cheney?
I’m sure the whole undercover gang feels much better under Panetta (code name Enzo the Baker, the NOCs leaking in kind can be found 24/7 on LeonsEveryMovementAndSecurityDetail.com) LOL.
Oh much more comfortable. Not to mention BIDEN,
a man of discretion, all spy like,
a guy known for his Not- to – Mentionism. Yep, This is a
Big Fuckin Deal workin for the New Guy President Obviously. Or Obama. Or whatever the fuck ‘is name is they let in..

I feel better, certainly. Better than everybody, frankly, now that I’ve read Jeff Stein’s exceptional “intelligence” column , you know , the one not only BRANDED “Intelligence” …. BUT “for intelligent people” , IOW, people like me. It said so right there as the column came up in the same manner it would for the intellectually sub par chicken whose random feed bars were MacGuyver’d into a laptop. Ya know ~ The kind of that secret advanced shit they do at Langley that we all know about. LOL.

I “know Karate” by the way. Tweed Belt.
So I can at least chop my way out of this crap if necessary.

marisacat - 26 April 2010

doesn’t this sound like a mess made by people for whom everything is always a screw-up ???

BooHooHooMan - 26 April 2010

to put it charitably.

BooHooHooMan - 26 April 2010

their Birthday Parties are a blast.

Don’t let em anywhere near a wedding tho. Or a school. Or a hospital. Or anywhere Etc awful ELSE. Not to drone on.

diane - 26 April 2010

come on now, Stein has contributed to:

Esquire,Vanity Fair, GQ and Playboy……

the entire, mainstream hail the penis (and missives shaped like them) community, or close to it,

what other validation does he need?

BooHooHooMan - 26 April 2010

Well that ain’t shit Diane. 😉 ( Wait for it.)
It’s not like in the entire, mainstream hail the penis (and missives shaped like them) communityhe’s a Larry Johnson or nothin.
Contributeur on Dailykos. You can’t get much more “Hail the Penis” than with a guy named Johnson. Or underground insurgent Crashy the Gates like experience than posting on DK and campaigning for the Clintons. LOL.

diane - 26 April 2010

you’re bad….
(you forget Mr. Jones)


8. BooHooHooMan - 26 April 2010

At least Obama closed Gitmo and ended the War.
Oh that other bombing last Friday in Baghdad?
Another Friedman Unit anyone?

The BBC was in full propaganda mode this morning .

Following an asterisk lede ( a BFD piece about the cricket league payola scandal in India) they then had some Thatcherite from the LSE bitching about how the Greeks must pay their debts. Followed with an odd assortment of the lugubrious / Pimms Anyone? pieces about Friday’s bombing in Baghdad and this morning’s failed assassy against the UK’s Ambass’y in Yemen….

They eventually got around to segueing into the UK elections – all but Stay the Course, the BBC’s spin suggesting how the outcome could leave them with a “hung Parliament” “much like Iraq now”….

The poor limeys.
Their elections are apparently as irrelevant as ours.

9. marisacat - 26 April 2010

San Francisco may boycott AZ, in all its parts and pieces…

The City Atty, Herrera (who I like) has raised it… and the Bd of Supes will vote on it tomorrow…

It sounds like AZ is pissing back.

Go for it!!

marisacat - 26 April 2010

oh and Herrera is very likely planning a run for mayor. (I might hve to vote… always be ready to turn on a dime!)

diane - 26 April 2010

I might live to vote…

what do you mean by that hon?

marisacat - 26 April 2010

HAVE to vote. which I typed as “hve”.

diane - 26 April 2010

yes, I should have used the reading glasses, but I did finally get it (see below, and sorry)

BooHooHooMan - 26 April 2010

Mcat: (I might hve to vote…

Seismographs Pick up Jaws Dropping On Several Continents

BooHooHooMan - 26 April 2010

What’s NEXT?

😆 😆 😆

diane - 26 April 2010

sorry, but that’s funny, I initially spelled it hve too………….

BooHooHooMan - 26 April 2010

either way it’s The Rapture.
It’s all in Mcat’s hands now. LOL.

diane - 26 April 2010

ohh duh

now that’s fricken hilarious

where are my reading glasses

(so sorry Marisa, thought it read lve)

diane - 26 April 2010

can’t resist

$Green Funeral?

marisacat - 26 April 2010

EVERYBODY suddenly wants to be mayor. A few years ago, even after Gavin was suitabley softend up for a take down, no one would come forward.

So………… we have Herrera… and Leland Yee… who put in motion that godawful anti video gaming bill (Vee must protect zee children! Achtung! Etc) that the SCOTUS just agreed to take up……………………………

Bound to be a third.

10. diane - 26 April 2010

EVERYBODY suddenly wants to be mayor

looks like everybody wants to be somebody in Cali (guess there’s still money to be had there), what is that, near thirty for Governor, and over ten for Lt. Gov.?

and I hope you get Herrera for Mayor, if that’s who you choose, pretty bad living in a community governed by folks you don’t trust to do the right thing.

marisacat - 27 April 2010

no idea how it ends up, but Barbara Boxer definitely looks spooked…. I cannot see Carly surviving a debate… then again, Tom Campbell’s longtime problem is just catching on………..

May they all bite each other to death…

I kind of suspect that Meg is going down in the same flames that consume people in Ca who think they can buy an office. It’s just over reach, basically. Nothing high minded or ethical in their being rejected… [snicker].

She clearly is terrified of debate or even the slightest breath of air in a TownHall or a Q&A with reporters…. Not that many pols are all that different. I cannot wiat for the oppo ads to start running against her.

Poizner is just a weird little guy… wants to be a R but not use the word. He and Meg calling the other one liberal is just hilarious.

Good luck. I’ll be watching for blood spurting from the bite marks.

ts - 27 April 2010

I think Jello Biafra should give it another shot.

brinn - 27 April 2010

SECOND that motion!

11. BooHooHooMan - 27 April 2010

If Republicans win control of Congress, Obama will be impeached
by TheEqualizer
Mon Apr 26, 2010 at 10:45:10 PM PDT

Lobster bibs!

Let me be the first one here to predict that Republicans will impeach Obama if they get control of the House this November. They will dig and dig for anything that could possibly get him removed from office.

What is really worrying is this new story about Blagojevich trying to subpoena. http://www.nbcchicago.com/

People here dont understand how much Republicans hate this President. Its ten times worse than their hatred for Clinton. If they get control of Congress, their first mission will be to remove Obama from office and if they cant do that, they will use investigation after investigation to embarass him so badly that he wouldnt be a serious candidate for reelection in 2012.

Look for Republicans to dig up anything possible about Obama’s Rezko dealings and any possible conversations with Blagojevich in order to impeach him.

Democrats this November should just be turning out to protect the Democratic agenda, they should be turning out to protect their President.

Hopefully Blagojevich is seen as such a joke and a loose cannon that this request will simply be laughed at. However, look for Republicans to find anything that could bring this President down.

{ Wherein the normally passive sorts of DK turn Angry Villagers of Orange, freak the fuck out, and run off the scary “concern troll”. }
LOL. Some things never change. Well played, whoever the diarist is..

marisacat - 27 April 2010

Lobster bibs!

to the ankle…

marisacat - 27 April 2010

Wherein the normally passive sorts of DK turn Angry Villagers of Orange, freak the fuck out, and run off the scary “concern troll”.

They shouldn’t go all village coo coo … diarist carried the message that counts… To whit:

Democrats this November should just be turning out to protect the Democratic agenda, they should be turning out to protect their President.

hmm is the shorter version, help a minor fixer out of a jam? [if indeed he is in one, that is]

12. marisacat - 27 April 2010

hmmm just spotted this in the Harper’s Index… nto heard a word about it on local news…… 😆

….and the
California Highway Patrol was forced to temporarily shut
down its South Lake Tahoe office after they mistook an
“anal vibrator” for a bomb.

BooHooHooMan - 27 April 2010

Oh Luh~ Luh~ luh~ Lordy Be!

13. BooHooHooMan - 27 April 2010

is the shorter version, help a minor fixer out of a jam?
Sounds like the plan! Save the grown man foundling on the doorstep!

I see Rendell is pandering Right and Left with a heavy dose of ass covering slobber about how “the base” feels alienated in PA. Oh ya think, Eddie? LOL. As the RNC is pumping money into the Special Election coming up May 19th for Murtha’s seat. Which should be a nice verdict on Rendell’s retail juice, tho I’d stop short of calling it a bellwether quite yet on Arlen in the GE. The machine tools could have easily come to an accommodation: the R get to crow over Murtha’s seat . And come Election Day next Novem, the Dem tools lay down for the R AG Corbett to get the Governors nod while the R soft shoe it for Arlen. The Shit that happens all the time.

To protect Arlen? Rendell would also sell Altmire’s cheap ass in a heartbeat… in the House race that will be against former Bush USA and Dem nemesis, Mary Beth Buchanan.. And it’d make no neva mind to the UPMC gangsters who are Altmire’s current patrons. Tho I’m getting ahead of myself! Afterall, Arlen has a PRIMARY CHALLENGER!…what’s his name? Joe? Joe Somebody? LOL. Yeh well Sestak is invisible, the CV says , cuz he’s just waitin, see , to blow his weenie wad in the primary stretch.. Riiiight.
His money will be spent dutifully positioning Arlen outside the Dem “mold”, which , if anymore intentionally misshapen , would be stamping out nasty dogshit bundt cakes.

Poking around RCP’s aggregation of PA Sen polling , I see Rasmussen’s latest has Arlen down 10 against Toomey, the Catholic kook hedgefunder. So maybe Eddie won’t have to trade a whole flock of boychicks like Altmire and Murphy (LOL – AND their staffers) …to save Arlen’s ass.

Very clear tho: Rendell is way out in full slobber front now, anticipating the loss of Murtha’s old seat coming up in a few weeks.

14. marisacat - 27 April 2010

I cannot believe I read this stupid drivel to the end.

wow, the film industry [the music biz, the book agentry] is shallow and dismissive.

wow, calls don’t get returned.

wow, people who were “friends” but basically sex agents and sex facilitators (catch the Warren Beatty and Richard Pryor references) in the 70s just are not that into each other three marriages later.

wow, times change.

Wow, can this whine get longer? Is there a book in it?

catnip - 27 April 2010

I couldn’t finish reading it. What was the point, exactly?

marisacat - 27 April 2010

wow nobody calls me…

cecil brown should die of embarrassment he wrote that.

15. catnip - 27 April 2010

Cat people! I found this site the other day and it’s a non-stop entertainment center for your kitties. (Play the bird songs for them and watch them freak out.)

marisacat - 27 April 2010

I love watching kitties get off on TV entertainment…

I had a cat that luvvvd to watch car races, Indy 500, go cart races, you name it!… and she’d tap the side of the TV, run to the side of the TV etc., trying to catch the cars.

catnip - 27 April 2010

The cat I had growing up used to like sitting on top of the teevee to watch hockey and she’d go after the puck. My boy cat only watches teevee when there’s a certain dog food commercial on.

I had 4 cats in here yesterday who were trying to find the birds when I played those clips for them. It was hilarious. Mine eventually figured out where they were coming from and tried attacking my laptop.

marisacat - 27 April 2010

I had 4 cats in here yesterday who were trying to find the birds …

4 cats! =^..^= … =^..^= …. =^..^= … =^..^=

Bet they were dreaming later of the TV show… 😉 All those little pawing motions and chirpings in their sleep…

16. catnip - 27 April 2010

Democracy via eggs in the Ukraine. Don your umbrellas!

marisacat - 27 April 2010

just saw film of it……….. pretty wonderful imo! I love it when it all blows up like that…

17. catnip - 27 April 2010

I missed the Goldman Sacks the Treasury show today. Off to catch up…

catnip - 27 April 2010

okay…zzzzz…and who names their kid after a deodorizer? Febreze? WTF?

catnip - 27 April 2010

Blankfein says that Buffet invested $5 billion with GS a few weeks before anybody knew the bailout was coming ie. the tarp money wasn’t necessary *except* to calm the fears that the entire market would collapse. And they had other investors lined up too. So it was all a psychological move?

catnip - 27 April 2010

And AIG was owed $2.5 billion by AIG which was covered by a private insurance company if they defaulted ergo when AIG got their tarp money, they used it to pay off GS. Blankfein is trying to say GS didn’t get taxpayers’ money because they got it from AIG. He lives in la la land.

marisacat - 27 April 2010

FABulous Fabrice……………………. 😉

catnip - 27 April 2010

He’s not smelling so good these days.

marisacat - 27 April 2010

His and his GF’s emails were pretty ridiculous.

catnip - 27 April 2010

I haven’t read those yet.


catnip - 27 April 2010

Febreze is the one named in the suit, right?

18. Madman in the Marketplace - 27 April 2010
marisacat - 27 April 2010

Just reading this from a report at the NYT… Does not sound like something Keystone Kops should be trying. All things considered.

With a massive oil slick now within 20 miles of the ecologically fragile Louisiana coastline, Coast Guard officials said they were considering a “controlled burn” of the petroleum on the surface of the Gulf of Mexico

Madman in the Marketplace - 27 April 2010

yup, THAT’S gonna work out well.

marisacat - 27 April 2010

Next up: how does an oil slick burning look from outer space. Or the rim of the orbit. Etc.

Madman in the Marketplace - 27 April 2010

maybe they can work with the Army Corps of Engineers and steer the burning slick toward NOLA, finish off the last of the wreckage so they can really get going on the gentrification.

19. Madman in the Marketplace - 27 April 2010

Arizona agency seeks federal help on immigration law

The Arizona agency tasked with training 15,000 law officers to enforce the state’s controversial new illegal immigration law has asked federal authorities for assistance, but administration officials say it is unclear whether the government will help.

Lyle Mann, executive director of the Arizona Peace Officer Standards and Training Board, says federal assistance is “critical” to what he describes as an unprecedented effort to prepare officers as soon as this summer to enforce the law, which gives local police authority to identify and arrest illegal immigrants.

marisacat - 27 April 2010

that is almost funny! it is a STATE law, headed to the courts.

Good luck with that request. My guess is the state will have to go private for “training”. Or go without, which is of course cheaper.

Madman in the Marketplace - 27 April 2010

took some pretty big brass balls to make that request, I thought.

Madman in the Marketplace - 27 April 2010

Should you find yourself needed to pass through Arizona, but you don’t want to give the yahoos any money … Avoiding Arizona:

The state is less than 400 miles across whether you use I-40 or I-10, so it’s an easy day with one stop for fuel and food, and you don’t have to buy anything from Arizonans.

The Diné are up North, so you can buy from them, and if you want to visit the Grand Canyon, the Hualapai are on the south side, and that transparent observation deck over the Canyon is theirs.

If you need to use I-10 [or the I-10/I-8 combination to or from San Diego] then you can stop with the Tohono O’odham in the Sonoran Desert. If you have an interest in baskets, they make great ones, but the best ones are not cheap unless you really appreciate the craftsmanship.

If you are interested in how screwed up things are in Arizona, you should check out the Border Issues section in the Tohono O’odham entry.

Remember that Native American reservations are sovereign areas and not subject to the lunacy of the Arizona legislature.

20. Madman in the Marketplace - 27 April 2010

Strict Abortion Measures Enacted in Oklahoma

The Oklahoma Legislature voted overwhelmingly Tuesday to override vetoes of two highly restrictive abortion measures, one making it a law that women undergo an ultrasound and listen to a detailed description of the fetus before having an abortion.

Though other states have passed similar measures forcing women to have ultrasounds, Oklahoma’s law goes further, requiring a doctor or technician to set up the monitor where the woman can see it and describe the heart, limbs and organs of the fetus. No exceptions are made for rape and incest victims.

The second measure passed into law Tuesday protects doctors from malpractice suits if they decide not to inform the parents of a unborn baby that the fetus has birth defects. The intent of the bill is to prevent parents from later suing doctors who withhold information to try to influence them against having an abortion.

Gov. Brad Henry, a Democrat, vetoed both bills last week. The ultrasound law, he said, was flawed because it did not exempt rape and incest victims and was an unconstitutional intrusion into a woman’s privacy. He painted the other measure as immoral.

“It is unconscionable to grant a physician legal protection to mislead or misinform pregnant women in an effort to impose his or her personal beliefs on a patient,” Mr. Henry said.

The Republican majorities in both houses, however, saw things differently. On Monday, the House voted overwhelmingly to override the vetoes, and the Senate followed suit at 10:42 a.m. Tuesday, making the two measures law.

Get the Republicans off people’s backs, and into women’s vaginas!


21. catnip - 27 April 2010

The first few minutes on CSPAN’s site of the “Panel 1: Q&A” is quite the hoot. Sparky of GS can’t seem to give a straight answer to anything. And the word “shitty” used repeatedly by Levin is quite the spectacle.

marisacat - 27 April 2010

yeah i found that pretty funny too……….. and both are so undelectable. The bleeping is pretty funny, they basically just got the “i” out. ”Sh” and ”tty” were there………

catnip - 27 April 2010

They didn’t censor it online. 🙂

22. marisacat - 27 April 2010

IOZ… full text

Police States

You know, I am glad that libgressives have declared that Arizona’s dumb and thoroughly impracticable new Papieren-bitte system means that Arizona is a police state, whereas the Democratic President continuing to arrogate to His Person the right to arrest, indefinitely imprison, assassinate, and otherwise dispose of any human being on the face of the earth, including all American citizens, is, um, a misguided extension of Bush-era policies. And this is not to say that I think the Arizona law is anything other than mean-spirited and vicious (although also, I think it’s doomed, which mitigates against any outrage I might be able to work up). I am a believer in open borders. Citizenship is slavery, and all that. That said, a reactionary racial profiling law in an economically wounded Sunbelt pensioners village hardly approaches an extant, supralegal, federal regime in which a single office is vested with the dictatorial power to dispose of all human life as it sees fit.

Madman in the Marketplace - 27 April 2010

some much-needed perspective.

23. diane - 27 April 2010

Good luck with that request
(re comment #19)

well I hope you’re right, as DC appears to have digested and be seriously considering this possibility cooked up by Schumer/Graham, with no apparent disagreement, which at the end of the day, will amount to the same thing in my mind, outlawing and hunting down humans as they’ve ended up breaking rulz (in usually rather minor ways, in the scheme of things) just to survive and feed themselves:

Wall Street Journal
ID Card for Workers Is at Center of Immigration Plan

And no mention in the article about IDing Investor, non employees (Id Card For Workers………), or those who are currently employed, and will always remain employed (let alone the fact that of course, their first targets are the bottom rung, maids, waitresses & waiters, ag workers, etc……), seems to be a driving home of the reality that the supposed Founding Father’s: we won’t stand for no Monarchy, actually meant:

We won’t stand for no Monarchy, unless it’s run by our rulz.

(loved the IOZ post )

marisacat - 27 April 2010

yeah they keep trying on the Federal ID thing… I thought it was the moving aspect of whatever flimsy plans Bill and Hill ever had to health care reform… Bill even held a prototype ID card up during the primaries and GE, as in, get one of these and it is the ticket to health care.


Then REAL ID ……… under Bush, which fluttered but could not q u i t e come to life……….. and so on…

They’ve got a lot of the country shuddering on the edge of instability….

Shrinking jobs, illegal (to sya nothing of legal immigration numbers that are too high, over a million a year) immigration, prisons, drug wars… even as the violent crime numbers go down in many many communities… but they have the open battles they want, at home and abroad.

Canada is just so happy not to be Mexico, etc. The Liberals may be corrupt, but Chretien at least resisted W openly at times… Harper and Ob are just peas… Calderon tries to be another pea. Please please let me on the white dinner plate with you!!
So awful ti all is…………………..

24. BooHooHooMan - 28 April 2010

At least they’ll spare us more months of the Drahma…
This Financial “Reg”: game is wrapping up quite predictably in its clusterfuckedness. Cutaway to overwhelmed audience tho,
with grateful tears ….again at HUGEFONTPO –

Goldman Grilled… Dems Use Hearing In Reform Push…
GOP Senator Poised To Switch Vote

Well, Over at HuffPo, they don’t call em hyperlinks for nuttin.
So. The R are to shove Voinovich on stage to “break” the Dillybuster.
But C’mon – has that guy done ANYTHING in his time in DC? –
Have any of them for regular people? So it’s like this:
“You’re on George!
We can exactly use Sen Brown Bear Chest again!”
“And Lindsey’s havin beard problems!”

So it’s Voino to play all reasonable like- and give the Dems “the win”.

And then there was that corker of a Performance
by Senator Carl “Shitty Shit” Levin during the Goldman diaper change.


😯 What the fuck was THAT?

I’m mad as Hell! And I’m not gonna take
this SHITEHhhhh DEAL no more!

I SWORE I must’ve missed Levinshitty in Neuro as some particularly shitty form of Tourette’s. Jeezus Fuck. This is why we shouldn’t let Grandpa do diapers lest he go all Upper Peninsula Cabin Fever Ted Nugent on son-in-law Lloyd’s ass.

Fuckin Carl. Like he never seen a little stinky before.
Like he’s just gettin a waft of the Billion Dollar Babies off their
Goldman Shitty Deal Sacks.


But the Pwog Bloggers are there to suck it up, Hell, EAT the flying stage turds if necessary for this fetid, malodorous Change Show to flow. Afterall, Obama must have a clean bassinet before mid term intermish lest his downy ass gets chapped with all that runny, stinky Goldman cash mixed in with the Democratic diaper creme seen dripping off the bonus bought console. Careful not to get THOSE runny wipes on Obbie’s Christening dress always ready on the table…etc.

This is like Political Cholera if such an excremental play was ever written and somehow made it to stage.
But Pass the Ex-Lax all around, says newly ex lax exec LLoyd-

Blankfein: ‘Clearly, The World Needs More Regulation’

Bravo! A Tour de force! Lloyd Admits it!
No Lloyd, {and Blogrube marionettes grateful for the concession sans confession sans appropriate beheadings.}. “The World”, currently suffering from your parasitical flagellates that have infected nearly every crevice and body cavity on Earth Doesn’t need any more of your tapewormer’s “help” . What it does need is to dispatch the shitty old displays and the shitty old performance artists like Levin from the anus of our Body Politic.. It does need to dispose – literally dispossess – the shitty dealers in shitty deals along with their shitty retainers. Fundamentally, we have a Pamper problem. And this performance piece of HiFi “Regulation” – as if Blankfein and his ilk with the fix in “approving” of it amid much Hill “ado” isn’t a big enough CLUE – this Bullshit “Reform” , like all other pretense of “Reform” performed by PTB, WILL DO NOTHING BUT secure the bad actors pulling it off.

Yet on it goes. More PAMPERS onstage for this show.
Obbie to arrive soon in fresh white cotton onesie.
Maybe tie it in with a few Christmas donkeys and wisemen.
But Springlike. Somethin fresh off the Iowa farm accompanied by some populist gas passer like that steak fry sap , Harkin. As most of the Dem Incumbs don’t wanna be seen as too cozy with Ob.
Yep, a real clusterfuck, this shitty production.

marisacat - 28 April 2010

The R are to shove Voinovich on stage to “break” the Dillybuster.

I think he should weep. Shittyly. Or hey, I’ll take sh*ttyly.

BooHooHooMan - 28 April 2010

You can get a mug and T shirt you know. 😉

Nothin like DK activism backed by somebodys corporate premium, branding, mug, T , and golf shirt biz. LOL.
Hey, we’re still Leaders of the Free or at least Reasonably Priced Full Line of Branded Merchandise World.
True, we support a village killer Death Merchant Corporate Gigolo.
But Selection and Price, Baby, Selection and Price!
We got that goin for us.

marisacat - 28 April 2010

welllllllllllllllll Golf shirts should work, in honor of Daddy-O


BooHooHooMan - 28 April 2010

Actually not a bad idea.
Using Rube power with disposable cash.
Of course IF IT WASN”T OWNED by THESE DOT BOMB corporate whoring VC’s who eventually found their niche.. LMAO.
The niche of course being rubes who buy shit.

marisacat - 28 April 2010

hmm I am suggesting diapers… with ……………… “Democratic Party” across the ass. “Fair trade” cotton of course. “Eco” cotton, whatever the words are. I am sure nearly all of it comes from cotton fields tended by slaves… somewhere.

25. marisacat - 28 April 2010



…………………………………. 😯

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