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Dissent 3 February 2010

Posted by marisacat in Abortion Rights, Culture of Death, DC Politics, Democrats, Divertissements, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, Italy, Sex / Reproductive Health.


“In a social milieu that encourages the expression of a variety of opinions on every question that arises, it is important to recognise dissent for what it is, and not to mistake it for a mature contribution to a balanced and wide-ranging debate.”

Well that settles that, doesn’t it?

It’s Benny of course…


Now… this is just for fun.  I don’t much care overall. 

Special Olympics: Apology not accepted

The Special Olympics is disputing the White House claim that its chairman, Tim Shriver, accepted Rahm Emanuel’s apology for calling liberals “retarded.”

Seeking to damp down the controversy over Rahm Emanuel’s reported, months-old use of the word, a White House official yesterday told me and other reporters that Emanuel had called Special Olympics Chairman Tim Shriver to apologize.

“The apology was accepted,” the official said yesterday.

The Vice President for Communications at the Special Olympics, Kirsten Seckler, told me that account of the conversation is “inaccurate.”

“Tim didn’t accept his apology,” she said. “Tim can’t do that. He can’t accept an apology on behalf of all people with disabilities.”

Shriver had simply said, she said, that he was willing to continue the conversation with the chief of staff. Emanuel is currently meeting with a group of advocates for the intellectually disabled who are lobbying him to join their campaign against the “R-word,” and Seckler said the group would release a joint statement after the meeting.

Posted by Ben Smith 03:06 PM

Quite aside from calling LIBERALS “fucking retarded”, and with no need for a shaming punishment to be connected to any particular outburst, I think Rahm should spend a few days with his tongue diaper-pinned to his chin.

Changes the daily ambiance, don’t you think? 

No apologies, no hiding, he can say, or gurgle more likely, what he likes to whomever he likes (or, ahem, does not like) … just be out and about with the tongue pinned to the chin.  Or either cheek, I am not picky.


1. catnip - 3 February 2010

Time for another WH beer summit!

2. catnip - 3 February 2010

to recognise dissent for what it is, and not to mistake it for a mature contribution to a balanced and wide-ranging debate.

I had to reread that 3 times. I was sure I got it wrong somehow. But…no.

3. CSTAR - 3 February 2010

The flying bum?

4. AlanSmithee - 3 February 2010

So Ratzi likes debate, he just doesn’t like dissent. Surely this is the finest Catholic reasoning in a century.

marisacat - 3 February 2010

I thought it was pretty spectacular…

5. ts - 3 February 2010

George W Bush always praised this country and its tolerance of free speech. Of course, in practice free speech was only tolerated in certain zones well away from where the targets could hear them; and, should such speech actually dare to be heard, then free assembly was no longer tolerated.

Hence the summit in Pittsburgh (witnessed via video by IOZ) where riot police announced through the tear gas “this is an illegal assembly…”

6. marisacat - 3 February 2010

HA! Tapper v Burton…………….. pretty pithy thead too. Someone called it the “special olympics presidency” (among other slams and slurs).


ts - 3 February 2010

Burton has a bit of the old Ari Fleischer assholishness to him. Much better than Robert “Uh. Um. Ah. Hm.” Gibbs.

Even though his response to every question was “I think we’re doing a good job making speeches.”

marisacat - 3 February 2010

I regret to say Ari Fleischer was one of hte very best I have seen at that job.

what I see with Gibbs is Ob saying: sure we think you are jokes. And treat you that way! But hey, so are we! So chill, like me.

ts - 3 February 2010

Ari’s attitude was the right one: You are all scum. I am only going to tell you what you already know because the President/Administration guy said it already. Get uppity with me and you won’t come back. Do any of you still have questions? Besides Helen?

7. marisacat - 3 February 2010

HA! Kagan wif comes aboard the Ob spaceship…[Special Envoy for Conventional Armed Forces in Europe.]

And the excuse… oh she just worked under Cheney as a “loyal FSO”.

[S]he’s a highly respected and very effective Foreign Service Officer,” one U.S. official said on condition of anonymity. “When she was working for Cheney, she was doing so as a loyal FSO.

It would be unfair and hypocritcal for Democrats to attack her appointment when the same people manned the barricades against John Bolton in 2005 because he engaed in retribution against career advancement opportunities to civil servants who did not share his policy views.”

What shits. Drips with snideness and rebuke.

marisacat - 3 February 2010

speaking of wifs:


Also I think it is totally delicious that while John McCain fulminates against the new lavender menace, his totally hot pill-addicted tranny wife is all over the place with her NO H8 photo like a non-equity La Cage chorus boy.

Posted by IOZ

marisacat - 3 February 2010

More wifs… 😉

Two female albatrosses in NZ managed a fertile egg (it used to be a threesome, til the male decamped) and further managed to protect the egg to a live birth…

8. Madman in the Marketplace - 3 February 2010

and not to mistake it for a mature contribution to a balanced and wide-ranging debate.”

Did he learn that as a young brownshirt?

marisacat - 3 February 2010

I guess so…………….. 🙄 …

9. Madman in the Marketplace - 3 February 2010
marisacat - 3 February 2010

good thread at corrente… thanks for that………………

Madman in the Marketplace - 3 February 2010

they get some fun threads there sometimes.

ts - 3 February 2010

Specialization is a big problem. The more specialized our skills, the more difficult it is to structurally move between jobs.

Debt and spending is another big problem. If we require $40,000 to live, we can’t work at Mickey Ds and smoke pot like Kevin Spacey in American Beauty.

A third big problem is a cultural perception of work = usefulness and wage = quantity of usefulness.

The first is out of our control, the second is voluntary, and the third is a state of mind.

ts - 3 February 2010

And that Mosler article – wow, what a crank. I’d prefer a studyfare plan that just pays me a stipend to get PhD’s. I hate working. I love learning.

10. BooHooHooMan - 3 February 2010

I’ll take that action.
I’ll take Rahm’s apology on behalf of the retarded people in this country.

Somebody needs to, ~ ya know ~ eh, sort it out and somebody is gonna benefit and it sure ain’t gon’ be the retard..eh..community?
Soooo. Why not, right?

So Rahm can work with me in the confessional and, thinking ahead, anybody who doesn’t like it can buy the retards a real high jump through the Kennedys. Something for Everybody.

I mean, it’s not like hiding behind Rahm’s remark about
Retarded “Liberals” is a man who harbors any ill will towards THEM Fucking Retards, that he’d like them begoned, and, dissent along with it. No, Rahm actually shares much with Our Holy Father™. It’s not like Rahm is a man with alternatively comforting words , yet, behind the mask, is a Patronage cum guzzler who is happy to lop off social assistance to the vulnerable if it meant more money and power to
HIS camp. It’s not like it was said by the kind of guy
who would be quite okay if a “Final Solution” was found for the Retarded Liberal…..”Problem”.


11. BooHooHooMan - 3 February 2010

And now that Rahm’s check funneled through
six different Pwogressive New Media consultancies has cleared my bank, I am happy to announce that Rahm is spearheading a fabulous new Pwogwessive event at the Special Olympics: literally, Spearheading. Rolled out with much ado under a brilliant new ad campaign:
Think, Retards, THINK.

BooHooHooMan - 3 February 2010

Courtesy of the
Shitty Group Home Pol Connected Contractors of America,
The Alliance to Diminish Caregiver Resources,
The American Insurance Companies, of course..Of AMERICA, RETARD,
{ All PBS-like pause/emphasis and all…}
A Roman Catholic Archdiocese near you.

…among others…
Something for Everybody. Well. Not Really now, is it?
I’m done.

12. Madman in the Marketplace - 3 February 2010

It’s Now More Dangerous to Give Birth in California Than It Is in Kuwait or Bosnia

February 2, 2010

The mortality rate of California women who die from causes directly related to pregnancy has nearly tripled in the past decade, prompting doctors to worry about the dangers of obesity in expectant mothers and about medical complications of cesarean sections.

For the past seven months, the state Department of Public Health declined to release a report outlining the trend.

California Watch spoke with investigators who wrote the report and they confirmed the most significant spike in pregnancy-related deaths since the 1930s. Although the number of deaths is relatively small, it’s more dangerous to give birth in California than it is in Kuwait or Bosnia.

“The issue is how rapidly this rate has worsened,” said Debra Bingham, executive director of the California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative, the public-private task force investigating the problem for the state. “That’s what’s shocking.”

The problem may be occurring nationwide. The Joint Commission, the leading health care accreditation and standards group in the United States, issued a “Sentinel Event Alert” to hospitals on Jan. 26, stating: “Unfortunately, current trends and evidence suggest that maternal mortality rates may be increasing in the U.S.”

13. ts - 3 February 2010

I think Rahm has made a good case for his own mental handicap.

14. marisacat - 4 February 2010

Doubt the Dems could “lie down fall down” more………… NTIM

via Mike ALlen Playbook:

DRIVING THE HILL DAY – Boston Globe A1, ‘Brown pushes swearing-in to today,’ by Matt Viser: ‘After days of expressing little urgency about being sworn in, US Senator-elect Scott Brown abruptly changed course yesterday, demanding that state officials certify his victory so he can take office this afternoon. … His aides said they were made aware of votes in the Senate in the next several days and decided he should assume office right away. State officials had already planned to certify Brown’s election by this morning, and thus had no objections yesterday to the new timetable. … Aides to Brown and the Senate leadership say they expect Vice President Joe Biden to swear in Brown around 5 p.m.’

THE REAL REASON BROWN PUSHED TO GO EARLY — AP: ‘Brown’s vote could make a difference in the Senate’s consideration of union lawyer Craig Becker to become a member of the National Labor Relations Board.

Good-bye Craig Becker! Join the pile of discards.

marisacat - 4 February 2010

Republicans are salivating… Dontcha think they shoulda vetted the Dems running in Illinois (who comes from there again?) …

For Illinois Dems, a surprise

Not the good kind:

Scott Lee Cohen — a pawnbroker who shocked state Democratic leaders Tuesday night by winning the party’s nomination for lieutenant governor — was arrested about four-and-a-half years ago and accused of holding a knife to a former live-in girlfriend’s neck, newly obtained court records show.

The misdemeanor charge against Cohen was dropped weeks later when the woman — who had just been found guilty of prostitution — failed to show up to testify, according to those records.

Posted by Ben Smith 09:05 AM

15. ts - 4 February 2010

Markets off 175 on sovereign debt woes…

Bob Woodward is working on his paean to Obama, called “The non-Agenda

A choice quote.

“You mean to tell me that the success of the economic program and my re-election hinges on the GOP and a bunch of fucking bond traders?”

marisacat - 4 February 2010

I take it Ob was surprised?

catnip - 4 February 2010

ruh roh!

Queue a public apology to all bond traders. Beer summit!

16. catnip - 4 February 2010

The New York Attorney General’s office is filing civil charges against Bank of America and its former CEO Ken Lewis, saying the bank misled investors about Merrill Lynch when it acquired the Wall Street bank in late 2008.

For more information, visit washingtonpost.com:

I wonder what kind of deal (with a bonus, no doubt) he’ll cut.

17. catnip - 4 February 2010

Obama shows up at the National Prayer breakfast and calls the homophobic Ugandan law “odious” – much to the delight of several kossacks who seen to think the word “odious” (and his presence at the breakfast with those religious nutbars) is some sort of show of strength – a ‘coup’, no less.

marisacat - 4 February 2010

Got a post coming on that……………. his performance was disgusting. AND meaningless. Oh yeah it will be spun as bearding the lion in his cave (or however that metaphor works!) but I just saw it as ………………. WEAK.

18. marisacat - 4 February 2010



……………….. 😯

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