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Tide Pools 21 September 2006

Posted by marisacat in Beirut, Big Box Blogs, California / Pacific Coast, DC Politics, Democrats, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, Israel/AIPAC, la morte de St Germain Dog - the best the BLAHgers had.

    Tide Pool at Palos Verdes

I had a sort of meandering day… we are in a heat wave again and it will continue thru tomorrow. 

Because of the last thread, off and on I would think of the blogs, before they were full-on Blahhggs… and, likely suffering from heat exhaustion, they reminded me a little of tide pools. Open to the elements, part of a whole, a bit removed, changeable due to rain or sun or influx of creatures. 

But so alive.

I pulled up a few references and photos, remembered a late afternoon that I had been to the tide pools at Point Loma north of San Diego.  It was a wonderful, revitalising respite after a wretched day going in to and out of Mexico.

As I kept reading… I read that one of the predators of the tide pools are the “leather stars“. 


Fitting, no?


Out in the wild world, beyond any floating confinement… I found this at Electronic Lebanon, a sort of after event snapshot of S Lebanon.

[S]hoes, clothes, curtains, shards of furniture, bits of rugs, closet doors, children’s books, school books, shards of kitchen utensils, all torn to shreds, all smashed, all dusty, all mixed in an ugly salad of dust, shattered cement, broken glass, and bent steel. But the dust formed the largest percentage of the mix. I try to imagine the power that made dust out of life.

Meanwhile, to cover the horrors of the crime in Lebanon, the western press has been redefining the dictionary. Terrorism is the defense of one’s own community and the preservation of its life and culture. Democracy is the racism, apartheid, and murderousness of Zionism, the destruction of nations, the assassination of leaders, and the theft of resources. Self-defense is the hostile killing of civilians on neighboring lands, and the bombardment and destruction of that neighbor’s land. Freedom is the kidnapping of others, and their torture and imprisonment. Piety is Jewish and Christian blindness to Islam. Fascism is the moral practice of Muslims in the Arab world.

[I think that sums it up very well – MCat]

Many are confused here and everywhere. Hizballah keeps its head and its commitment, thus its influence with those who have no influence grows.  [snip]


I am just catching Robin Wright on Charlie Rose… and she works hard to get this in at the end… that there is a misperception about, this idea that if America strikes at Iran it will be a limited strike at the hardened sites.  Charlie is very hot for regime change (Iraq is going so well?  Taliban under control?  Osama under control, getting a US tax payer provided “three hots and a cot”?) but she does not agree that it will necessarily go that far.  But surely broader than limited aerial strikes…

I say we are for WAR! and, as gas prices come down… the American people return to sleep.  Or, passively engage in nothing farther afield than aggressively declining to love thy neighbor as thyself.  Nor even loving one’s fellow blogger….


I do believe this stunningly self serving comment deserves some light and air – not the only one in that particular thread, btw:


The contempt you have for the real issues people of color are trying to bring to the forefront in this is crystal clear.  

The issue is whether we’re going to help each other or hold each other back, and throwing messy public temper tantrums over imagined sleights is holding us all back, and has to stop. I treated the African American commenters exactly the same way I’d treat anyone else behaving badly.

Maha actually called two african-americans commenters racist.

Anyone who prejudges and hates another because of race is a racist. Those two clearly qualified.

Comment by maha — September 21, 2006 @ 5:29 am

Rather a whiff of “sage on the stage” here… The blog as false classroom? And a wooden ruler at the ready to rap the knuckles o f those who “throw messy public tantrums over imagined sleights…” and are so clearly “holding us all back”.

As I said, stunning.

Day Trip to Harlem and playing pattycake with Big Whitey (a friend calls Bill that) failed.  Really failed:

I say that if the people at that table are your “oppressors,” your life is gravy. Everybody should have such problems.

When White progressives need to wonder why progressive people of color won’t join their organizations, eagerly attend their events, or even talk to them? Remember this comment. The contempt you have for the real issues people of color are trying to bring to the forefront in this is crystal clear.

Comment by Delux — September 20, 2006 @ 7:53 pm



Maha actually called two african-americans commenters racist.

That is the kind of attack I would expect to hear from a radio or television wingnut against a person of color who dared to question the attitudes of many white people.

I am white btw — so what next, accusations of self-hatred?

In all seriousness, you are way behind the 8-ball here. I recomend you read something, anything by Arnold Mindell. Like “Sitting in the Fire.”

Comment by not your standard poodle — September 20, 2006 @ 7:58 pm  

 Further, this is of interest… 😉  For some reason, Bill and his reaction to being asked to sign a baseball comes to mind. 

Chris Nolan of Spot-On (who is a credentialed reporter, having worked in DC in business and politcal reporting and now reports on Silicon Valley issues and people) who has had several trenchant articles on Kos and Dkos issues over the past couple of years, early on identified this coming issue, that Kos bleated (my words) he was “activsit” or “just a blogger, man” but he really wanted to BE media.

A great deal of virtual ink was spilt last week in long discussions about Markos Moulitsas – known to most folks as DailyKos – and his insistence that he’s not a journalist, he’s an activist.

Since he’s a partisan Left-wing blogger – not a journalist or, God forbid, a mainstream media representative – Kos argues that he’s doesn’t have to worry about some of the conflict-of-interest restraints that tie down others who style themselves as reporters and writers.

So he can accept payment from candidates. Or have clients who are advertisers and advertisers who are clients who benefit from his fundraising. It’s a convincing argument – up to a point. A brief and unstable point.

Seeing Kos – he introduces himself with the simple “I’m Markos” — Saturday at the Western Caucus of the Democratic National Committee brought the back the questions raised last week with full force. Kos, the partisan blogger, was wearing a green card, a press credential. Sitting with a group of Simon Rosenberg supporters, Kos wasn’t wearing the yellow cards hanging around staffers’ necks or the necks of those calling themselves “observers” – folks attending for some particular purpose or cause. Nah. He was wearing a press card.  [snip]

I know blahhggers (The Harlem 20?) entertain themselves – and unpleasantly insist to the rest of us – with the notion that none of this matters… but it is not going away.


A snip from Tuesday’s Democracy NOW! with Michael Ratner, president of the Center for Constitutional Rights.

MICHAEL RATNER:  … It’s really, Amy, the fundamental right that protects us against just arbitrary arrest and disappearance. It’s absolutely crucial. And so far, unfortunately —

I just want to emphasize this — both the administration bill and the McCain bill abolish the writ of habeas corpus.

And there should be a massive, massive public campaign about that. People can go to the Center’s website and get information about that and get to their senators and say, “Don’t abolish the writ.” This is the protection that will protect the Maher Arars in the world, that protect our Guantanamo detainees and protect people who are really disappeared all over the world.

AMY GOODMAN: No Democrats have stood up to defend habeas corpus?

MICHAEL RATNER: Oh, no. There are some. It’s happening. I mean, it’s just not in the public dialogue or discourse right now.

But certainly within the Senate, there are Democrats who are extremely, extremely concerned by the abolishment of the writ of habeas corpus. The problem is, right now, of course, in an election year, Democrats feel they don’t want to necessarily oppose the administration on that issue.

They are happy to see the Republicans and the Democrats fight about, you know, the use of torture, and they’re not really raising this issue. But let me just say, abolishment of the writ, those who abolish it will really go down in infamy as really taking away the fundamental constitutional right, a right that goes back to 1215. [snip]

Hell.  Can’t they even say this:  Lincoln, that Republican they so want y’all to think they are like, Lincoln GAVE US HABEAS CORPUS BACK... after suspending it during war [and from what I have read he should not have, did not have to suspend it…].

But you know, each of the reprehensible judges that they declined to use filibuster over, spring 2005, could have been appropriately demagogued (hey I am not above that… remember how much The Clinton BLahgers think we should ignore to Save! The! Nation!, lol…) with a single line:

Here is one … Owens… Just label her “Rove’s judge”.   Even more so:  “Enron’s judge”.

Rodgers Brown…  more fun, “does not believe in child labor laws”.  Just slam that home, every single appearance about the judge nominations…

Instead we get the Gang of 14.

Democrats don’t fight.  And the Republicans wake up every morning knowing that…


UPDATE, 11:50 am Thursday

– Blahg Smog –

Noticed this at Schechter’s News Dissector.  I am guessing it is drawn from a personal email between Nyhan and Schechter, there is no link provided.


Brendan Nyhan quits American Prospect after being told to aim at conservatives. He writes in part:

Everybody Has One: Bloggers and the Death of Opinion Journalism by Brendan Nyhan

Not that long ago, many people thought the Internet would break down partisan boundaries and improve the quality of political debate in this country — a prediction that sounds as silly today as previous hype about the educational potential of television and radio.

Today, online politics has come to be dominated by two warring camps, just like offline politics. And while many critics complain about the polarization of the blogosphere and its effect on elections, how blogs will affect the economics of opinion journalism is less well understood. In particular, partisan blogs have become so popular that they are threatening the business model — and the independence — of center-left opinion magazines, which may be forced to toe the party line to ensure their survival.

I learned this lesson the hard way after I signed on as a contributor to The American Prospect’s media criticism blog a few weeks ago. It seemed like a bit of an awkward fit — the Prospect is a liberal magazine, and I had previously co-founded Spinsanity, a non-partisan watchdog of online spin — but I assumed they knew who they were hiring. I was wrong.”‘

I am guessing this may have been the entry that triggered “a little talk”. 

 Now, if one thinks about it… Nyhan’s angle would have been the one to discuss, possibly, the Harlem Day Trippers, issues raised, as well as the blog commentary to follow — and a messy non progressive swamp it is, has been (on to YKos 07!)… blinded as the Blahgers are by the reflection of the sun off their white skin… and find themselves down to offering the ORGANISER as indicative that a Blogger of Color was there. 

Sorry, scrambling around to call Daou other than present at the luncheon as a facilitator for Hillary… that is not a ‘no harm no foul’ reach.

But it was a desperate and outta gas scramble… .


UPDATE, 2:00 pm

– More Blahg Smog – Harlem Day Trippers –

Not sure if this – from today – is the first entry at Blogometer on the recent diversity issues but in this one they give Bowers the dance floor, which I would call a mistake.  His pissy, whiney take, rhetorically hiding out in a nasty redoubt somehwere, his take thru out this makes him not worthy of the dance floor alone…  He is part of the problem.

THOUGHT OF THE DAY: Don’t Blog About Affirmative Action Angry Now

Chris Bowers at MyDD sees two ways solve the “diversity problem of the Clinton blogger lunch.” Bowers first articulates a “type of blogger affirmative action in order to make sure that a more diverse range of people had the privilege of having lunch with President Clinton.” The second view Chris forwards “is not who was invited, but the problem is that the leadership of the progressive blogosphere is itself not very diverse.” Bowers then writes: “As someone who has spent a long time studying the demographics of the netroots and as someone who rather immodestly considers himself a leader in the blogosphere, I side quite strongly with the second view. … The solution has to be … to increase diversity within the leadership of the progressive blogosphere”

Bowers then offers six things progressive bloggers can do to increase diversity: [snip]

AND… Blogometer fills in on the Nyhan / American Prospect / Etc. recent events… VERY interesting – and I am taking liberties and posting the entire Blogometer entry… [emphasis is mine]:

BLOGGERS VS. BLOGGERS: The American Politburo

Andrew Sullivan excerpts Brendan Nyhan‘s 9/20 contribution to Time‘s Political Bite

Last Wednesday, controversy broke out when I slammed two liberal blogs for using an airline employee’s suicide after 9/11 to take a cheap shot at President Bush. My post, which initially contained a minor factual error, prompted one of the bloggers, Atrios (aka Duncan Black), to label me the “wanker of the day” and to call on TAP editors to “rethink things a bit.” Hundreds of Atrios readers filled the Prospect’s comment boards with vitriol. In an email Friday morning, Sam Rosenfeld, the magazine’s online editor, asked that I focus my blogging on conservative targets. … I refused and terminated the relationship.

Why was I asked to slant my work to the liberal party line? In an email statement, TAP editor Michael Tomasky said that “[t]he Prospect is hardly averse to criticizing liberal verities” and that the magazine had no problem with my initial posts criticizing liberals, but “there were a few posts in succession that struck us as either inaccurate or an effort to draw equivalencies where none existed. The Prospect has always opposed a ‘pox on both houses’ posture, and that’s what we came to believe you were doing.”

Sullivan comments:

“Sorry, Michael, but that’s pathetic. The blog partisanship on the right is often depressing – and boy would I have been fired long ago if I had ever been blogging on a “conservative” site. But the politburo on the left is no better. And to think we once believed the blogosphere could liberate independent thought. Yeah, right.”

 [and believe me, I am no Sully fan… I feel I have watched him equivocate, deflate, dissemble and whatever else for 16, 17 years now… MCat]

Over at his own blog, Nyhan has a thorough rundown of other blogger reaction to the episode, including a link to Hit and Run‘s Matt Welch’s very similar experience with TAP.

[close of Blogometer post] 


UPDATE, 3:30

– Blahg Thugs and Dem party Thugs –

gong posted to threads the latest version of SYFPH…

 It is a Del Dem (whip of the blahg and all around classic ‘never grew up from being a parochial school boy’, and now thinks the sun sets and rises with Dem party thug attys… oh yes, IMO) … anyway, it is a Del Dem diary and I extracted a classic Del Dem comment.  Brevity is best when the sloberation on offer is old.  And very slimey:

 You don’t have to like it. (14+ / 0-)

Recommended by:
BTP, Kevin in Long Beach, zenbowl, SallyCat, spartan68, Miss Blue, MadEye, gmb, BWasikIUgrad, Sopiane, Rick Oliver, trashablanca, dennisl, greenearth

But you don’t have to come here and complain about it.

If all you can do to help us win is vote, fine.  But do nothing us.  I do not want to hear any bitching about Democrats on a Democratic site like Daily Kos this close to an election.

Do you understand?

If you don’t, get out.

My Photoblog, Milhouse’s Glasses

by Delaware Dem on Thu Sep 21, 2006 at 12:50:45 PM PDT

[ Parent ]

Good luck to them all.

more to come



1. TustonDAZ - 21 September 2006

Buenas donas!

Me Voy ahorita, voy a Magdalena de Kino en la Sonora y hecharia yo mucho chambo (I hope I got that grammar and conjugation right :o}

So before I head out the door, as PSA, eventhough I suspect must of the assorted menagerie here would find it, here’s a link to a new Nationand fun article about a putative purge of the Chief and Managing Editors at the Loonie Moonie Times.

a hat tip to, my favorite cyber-orca, Senor Neiwert

The article covers a lot of old and familiar ground, esp. the Minutemen stuff for me after reading Neiwert’s canonnical work, but what fascinated me was the very personal portrait of the blatant display of the conventional racism and misogyny of Pruden and Coombs:

In an interview, Coombs spoke proudly of his influence on the immigration debate. “Every article used to be about how the government abuses immigrants,” Coombs told me. “Not one showed the negative impact of immigration. I don’t want to suggest we led the way, but we were the first or one of the first to discuss immigration not from some feel-good perspective.”

Countering the “feel-good perspective” on race appears to be Coombs’s passion. George Archibald told me that when he showed Coombs a photo of his nephew’s African-American girlfriend, Coombs “went off like a rocket about interracial marriage and how terrible it was. He actually used the phrase ‘the niggerfication of America.’ He said, ‘Not in my lifetime. If my daughter went out with a black, I would cut her throat.'”

Archibald recounted a discussion in 1992 among several Times reporters and editors: “We were having a conversation about abortion. We were all prolife, antiabortion, and we were trying to explain how we would discuss this in the paper. All of a sudden Fran blurts out that he is pro-abortion. I argued with him and he said, ‘How do you think we’re going to stop the population growth of the minorities and all the welfare people?'” Another Times senior staffer recounted similar statements about abortion and race by Coombs at a party, where Coombs called himself a “racial nationalist.” A former staffer alleged that Coombs used racial slurs including “spic” and “towel-head” inside the Times.

But all along, on Pruden’s watch, Coombs was developing a troubling reputation in the newsroom for boorish behavior and misogyny. One senior staffer recalled Coombs saying, “Women are naturally inferior to men” and that women “tend to be dumber, more emotional and less dependable than men.” One female former Times staffer described Coombs as hostile toward female employees. “I’m anything but a feminist. If anything, I’m against them. But it was illuminating–his tactics toward women are to terrorize them and scream and intimidate. This guy was a sicko.”

snip“I’m what they call a Southern gentleman. A Southern gentleman does not take advantage of ladies.”

Si, si, Don Patron, usted es el mejor patron de todos…;o}

Al rato, vatos!

2. bayprairie - 21 September 2006

modern day partay blog “transparency”:

I am really, really sick of this (none / 0)

But, in the future, in the interests of full transparency, I will notify people when I speak truth to power so they know I am doing it.

by Chris Bowers on Thu Sep 21, 2006 at 12:25:54 AM EST

speaking truth to power? is that what it’s called these days.

what a saint he must be when all those about him were most likely there for the golden oportunities and the boodle!

hey i wonder if these types of responses are scripted?

Re: I am really, really sick of this (none / 0)

Maybe you are not a part of it, ( but there really is a back room of connected bloggers who discuss, strategize and plan amongst themselves and only tell us what they want us to hear. This is confirmed. They organize amongst themselves to map out the progressive blogger spin.

To pretend that this process is in any way transparent is in fact naive.

by aiko on Thu Sep 21, 2006 at 10:55:27 AM EST

but what’s sad is others arent paying as much attention. in reply to the above.

Re: I am really, really sick of this (none / 0)

Is this sarcasm?

by misscee on Thu Sep 21, 2006 at 12:20:28 PM EST

no misscee. it’s not sarcasm. its the light ‘o day.

MB Williams at wampum (who i am assuming is the MBW speaking at myDD) has an interesting take on the clinton/white-bread blogger conflagration.

Race in the blogosphere: Our own “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy

3. bayprairie - 21 September 2006

my post above is filled with carets that aren’t intented to invoke tags. evidently wordpress does not like that. sorry if it’s a little opaque, there is a teenie bit of text missing. just my attempts at humor though, so no great loss!

4. marisacat - 21 September 2006

MB Williams at wampum (who i am assuming is the MBW speaking at myDD)

hmmm I am unsure. I caught a very different writing style from the all caps MBW at the Micah Sifry (who I believe is a trained reporter as well, but I am not positive) diary at MyDD… than I have from the ”mbw” who was “Abenaki first, Democrat second” at Dkos in the 2003/4 election season.

I take a wide berth around Af,Ds of Wampum. Basically an operative, imo. My own guess was for the Kerry camp.

Further the whole Koufax thing has more than a whiff off it… and all the whining this year around it was a huge turn off. I don’t think I’ll bother with it in future. It seems part of the whole “rigged game” that the BlahgSnots are all about.

But i am only guessing. “Trout” who appeared to operate with Af,Ds did out himself (in a diary) as a Kerry operative after the election.

The whole thing (Harlem Day Trippers and the ensuing complete lack of openness, acknowledgement, transparency to say nothing of the unconcerned snideness and display of false superiority and thus, access) is a death knell for online broad based political activism.

Esp with the Kos Dem Party alliance fielding thugs far and wide.

And people happy to only promote that others should have ethics. While they grab a cheap goodie bag, tunnel and road toll and flight reimbursement.

LOL. At least be a high class whore.

5. marisacat - 21 September 2006

I think I block quoted (edited your comment for format) the one that seemed to lose it… 😉

6. D. Throat - 21 September 2006

Am I the only one who finds HILARIUS that the powers that be and image makers are trying to make Rahm and Kos sex symbols this week… not only are they the most unattractive under 5’8″ men I have seen but their utter lack of masculinity which they overcompensate with big mouths and bullying is quite the turnoff… bleeeeeech :-p

7. CSTAR - 21 September 2006

OT and WTF?

Democrats warn Chavez: Don’t bash Bush

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-California, was blunt in her criticism of the Venezuelan leader. “He is an everyday thug,” she said.

Huh? Even my 90 year old mother, who is as bourgeois a little old lady as you can image, refers to Bush in terms such as “el diablo”. I’ve had enough of this democratic party crap! Pelosi, please mind the business you should be minding. I think at least 75% of latin americans (probably much more) agree with Chavez on this one.

8. marisacat - 21 September 2006

They took their lead from Billy Boy (he got on the record immediately after the speech, “don’t be doing that now boy”)… who is now a Great Defender of Bush, a student of Laura Bush (said he ”learned things” from her) and so on.

I do believe the Clintons think they have some deal with the Bushes that power will be handed off to Hillareee in 08.

How stupid all (elected, DC, Leadership, operatives and booster) Democrats are. They never learn.

9. Nanette - 21 September 2006

I have to catch up on everything! But I noticed one thing from that mydd thread that I was just thinking yesterday was going to be the next thing in the steady drip, drip, drip from this meeting.

1) Who paid for the travel?

2) What was the agenda/why have the meeting at all?

I’ve seen the question come up a couple of times, but no answers yet.


10. marisacat - 21 September 2006

oh it is my understanding that word is swirling that Hillary coffers coughed up for the air and reimbursements. But you know that is gossip. 😉

Also early reports, when everybody was self stroking… was that in a ”couple days” there would be a transcript… and of course Bill stroked the children with cupcakes and smatterings of “off the record”.

It is just pathetic.

11. gong - 21 September 2006

Well, it’s official. (Not bothering with the thread, myself.)

12. marisacat - 21 September 2006

thanks for that gong.

LOL It was only a matter of time. NightProwlKitty was the intro.

And Delaware Dem is the whip,

I’ll post the link up in Tide Pools and add some communication that has come thru directed to me (and really it is fruitless effort, I am not shutting up… nor should i – nor is there any reason really to harrass me).

LOL Whip and the little whips.. 😉

13. Nanette - 21 September 2006

Aha marisa… if that’s so, it makes the fact that not one of them mentioned that Daou was Hillary’s… whatever he is, even more um… well, food for thought.

Some people are falling right into line with the “Our Dear Leaders!” tripe, but it’s good to know that there are people who frequent those sites that say “not in MY lifetime”.

I just peeked at that diary of Delaware Dems. Time to corral the strayers from the party line.

14. Deepest Throat - 21 September 2006

Oh no, the CT word was used ….. “concern troll”

15. gong - 21 September 2006

Yeah, “concern troll” is a good one. It seems it is a real phenomenon, unlike “purity,” for example. But it still gets raised as an issue primarily to narrow conversation. Which somehow still bothers me—you’d think that by now I’d know not to expect different.

16. cactus ed - 21 September 2006

The flip side of Bowers et. al. thinking of it as “affirmative action” is that they also think blog “leadership” is “merit-based.”

17. TustonDAZ - 21 September 2006

Buenas tardes, ya’ll.

The Orange droogs are tagging everything CT…this one even got a “fascist troll tag” too…


Dear Ms. Pelosi, Well, isn’t it great you can protect Bush from Hugo Chavez but you can’t protect the country from Bush. This “pro-torture” legislation is an outrage and the Republicans own the issue, no matter what side of it they are on. The rest of the country is sitting there wondering where in the hell are the Democrats? Why won’t they speak? We are drowning in your silence. Do you have a plan to filibuster? Do you have a position on the issue? Are you THERE? Oh, you are out defending Bush. How great of you. Unfortunately, everything Chavez said about him is absolutely true. It’s also really nice of you to make him look good just before the fall elections. Why don’t you resign. You are clearly incompetent, mindless and totally ineffectual.

Perhaps I’m a fascist troll but I think could have written similiar statement…

18. Deepest Throat - 21 September 2006

I guess Noam Chomsky is a fascist and the non-fascists will place him in the banned books list.

19. TustonDAZ - 21 September 2006


But good is bad, and bad is good…got it?

20. wilfred - 21 September 2006

You learn something new every day.

I didn’t think Del Dem could be a bigger asshole and then blam, i learned he can.

21. marisacat - 21 September 2006

Actually he peaked when he threatened to deck (knock unconscious) hyperbolic pants explosion and OVER REAGAN.

The DLCers the FPers all thugged the threads the week Reagan died.

22. Clearing the Air. « Marisacat - 21 September 2006

[…] There is a real post of political and blogging posts and links Tide Pools.  […]

23. CSTAR - 21 September 2006

Well I guess I’ll tiptoe very lightly around “la gran naranja”.

This statement by Rangel is really outrageous

If there’s any criticism of President Bush, it should be restricted to Americans, whether they voted for him or not,

From CNN

24. marisacat - 21 September 2006

Honestly, I think the leadership of the country – both sides – has gone functionally insane.

I am sorry, that is unconscionable. And it is unreal.

25. TustonDAZ - 21 September 2006

More Rangel Rot:

“He has to understand that while we have problems politically sometimes with President Bush, that we — he is still our president and that we resent foreigners coming and condemning our president, whether it’s at the United Nations or whether it’s in my congressional district,” said Rangel

Rah Story

I’ll take your revoking Habeus and raise you the first ammmendment….

I guess the UN should just pack up and leave manhattan…

26. gong - 21 September 2006

Because Americans are so careful about not criticising the leaders of other countries, of course.

Er, never mind.

27. bayprairie - 22 September 2006

I really worked through that MahaHA thread this evening. i conclude based that the “bench” for the A-listers has no depth what-so-ever. I also noted that the thread now seems to be closed to all comments. Wonder why?

I feel this is the most succinct post at Ms. MahaHA’s “i’m incredibly insensitive to black issues” thread.

Re: Maha’s plaintive wail:

“I am just another White person, not a human being”

I actually laughed out loud. Your pity party is getting more elaborate with each email.

Such anger, such hurt…How could we possibly think that Lofty Liberal Maha et. al could possibly be wrong or have some issues with race that need attention? Your venom reveals more about you than I think you cared to share. When the mask falls off it really makes a thud, doesn’t it?

Yet, you accuse me of garnering pity? I don’t have or need your pity. How about a fair shake? The right to address your astounding hypocrisy. Or a dialogue, or are you too “neurotic” to engage in dialogue that makes you uncomfortable? Hurts to REALLY look at yourself(ves), doesn’t it?

I’ll say since no one else will: You are not a neurotic, You are a racist.

And no amount of screaming at me from your cadre of white pseudo-progressives will drown that out.

There are more important things to Blacks to be upset about, you cry–because of course, you are better at telling us what to be angry about, rather than allow us to determine it for ourselves. They support you with assuaging emails of ” Maha your not a racist! And of course we would know, we are white liberals!”

And yet, I offer: How would you all know it, if you’ve never experienced it and won’t discuss it honestly. Case in point: your defensive response to this topic.

It would almost be like a rich, middle class American telling an oppressed Sudanese woman how to manage her crisis situation…wait, I think you did that too!…

BUT! you cry, ALL the black bloggers couldn’t attend (a statistical near impossibility as a stand alone response). Furthermore, if they ALL couldn’t attend, why are the black bloggers up in arms about the cast of characters at the Bill Clinton Harlem sponsored appreciation fete? Because they were invited but too busy to attend? That doesn’t make sense. But it sure makes you feel better doesn’t it?

Whatever gets you through the “white”…oops, I meant “night.”

Comment by Jennell — September 18, 2006 @ 5:11 pm

and now for the bayprairie award for the most ridiculous response to a very real issue by any blog owner I’ve run across this week.

Finally, from a Buddhist perspective, race and gender are only temporary conditions. They aren’t who you are.

There’s a great parable in Tibetan Buddhism about heaven and hell. In hell, people sit around a big bowl full of soup, and they have spoons attached to their arms, but they go hungry because the spoons are too long and they can’t bring the bowl of the spoon up to their mouths.

Heaven is exactly the same way, except that in heaven people feed each other.

What the angry ones are telling me is that they don’t trust me to feed them. I understand — really, I do — why they distrust a white person (although, in fact I am not a “white person”), but we have to trust each other, anyway, to help each other, and the trust has to go both ways. That’s how it is.

Comment by maha — September 18, 2006 @ 7:52 am

wow, thats pretty amazing. not a white person? i wasn’t aware there were any missouri buddists left who could transubstantiate their flesh into that of a racial minority even on a temporary basis. to wit:

To be fair, I had met Peter Daou at Yearly Kos, so he had seen my blue-eyed mostly Celtic self. He probably knew what everybody looked like.

Comment by maha — September 17, 2006 @ 6:27 pm

thats right. not a “white person” from the buddist perspective. no white skin. no white priviledge. reality be damned.

28. marisacat - 22 September 2006

wasn’t the invoking the Buddhist philosphy and applying it, using it to deny people, their lives and issues and their suffering, mind blowing?

An extraordinarily cruel post, all around.

The so called A list blogs are thoroughly un masked… esp with the postings this week from Nyhan.

The response from the Atrios cadres is just silly. Also these bloggers are Democrat party apparatchiks.

Not ordinary people of the broad left – by whcih I mean the full spectrum left of the aisle.

29. gong - 22 September 2006

Something pretty twisted in using Buddhist metaphysics to deny Buddhist ethics. Not that it’s an unfamiliar sort of move.

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