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Protest the Juntas!… All of them, ours too! [UPDATED] 26 September 2007

Posted by marisacat in 2008 Election, Big Box Blogs, DC Politics, Democrats, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, Lie Down Fall Down Dems, The Battle for New Orleans, Viva La Revolucion!, WAR!.


A Buddhist monk speaks to the crowd of supporters as they gather in downtown Yangon. Myanmar moved Wednesday to crush the mass rallies that have erupted nationwide against the military regime, as security forces fired tear gas and warning shots, and beat protesters in the streets.  [AFP]


Buddhist monks marching in protest in Yangon in the strongest show of dissent against the ruling generals in nearly two decades, on 24 September.   [AFP/MizzimaNews/File]


From the BBC:

     civilian photo - via BBC
“Monks demonstration watched by armed soldiers.” Photo: Tin

Burmese riot police attack monks

Several thousand Burmese monks and other protesters have been marching in Rangoon despite a bloody crackdown by police. One death is reported.

Police beat and arrested demonstrators at the revered Shwedagon Pagoda, including up to 100 monks, on the ninth day of unrest against military rule.

One march started for the city centre while another headed for the home of opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

Security forces have reportedly ringed six key monasteries.

One unidentified person was shot dead and five received gunshot injuries, Rangoon hospital sources told Reuters news agency. [snip] 



Supporters of the Buddhist monks march down a street in downtown Yangon.  [AFP]


Politician U Win Naing (L), comedian Zarganar (2nd L) and actor Kyaw Tun (2nd R) offering food and water to monks during a protest in Yangon, on 24 September, in the latest and strongest show of dissent against the ruling generals in nearly two decades.

Myanmar’s most famous comedian Zaganar, who had thrown his support behind Buddhist monks leading anti-government protests, was arrested at his home during the night, according to a friend.[AFP/MandalayGazette/File]


Filipino protesters hold burning incense as they display pictures of Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi during a rally Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2007 in front of the building housing Myanmar embassy in Manila’s financial district of Makati. The protesters staged the rally in solidarity to the ongoing protests in Myanmar against the ruling military junta.    [AP Photo/Pat Roque]


In this file photo, a Myanmar Buddhist monk takes video footage at the famous Shwedagon Pagoda in Yangon. Myanmar’s swelling protests are in the global spotlight with the help of hi-tech gadgets in the era of YouTube — a stark contrast to the 1988 uprising in the pre-Internet age.   [AFP/File/Saeed Khan]

News.Yahoo full coverage of Myanmar protest


UPDATED, 11:41 am – hot, dry and dusty again in San Francisco

someone just popped me this… 😉


Early Money

Kos makes the case for early money. I won’t tell you who to donate to right now, but am instead making the case for donating “now” rather than later.

Judging from past experience, as we get closer and closer to election day ’08 donations from readers will keep increasing. It’d much much much better if everyone sat down and figured out how much money they expected to donate to congressional candidates over the cycle and then figured out how to give as much of it as early possible.

-Atrios 13:14

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Sorry to be blunt, but the only word for it is, DEMMING … rushing madly for the fall from the cliff.  Heading straight for the deep dark water with the strong undertow…

Also this I have to say 8 years ago I had some hope for Krugman.  Too often a party cheerleader.  Too often a party mouthpiece. 

Blanco could give a good Cajun, Baton Rouge Democratic machine shit about the Jena 6.

A Democrat.  And Nagin, that former Republican now a Democrat, rushed to be at Jesse’s side.

USELESS… Demmings.


Here is Margaret Kimberley of BAR on Jena 6:

If sitting under a tree is the last symbol of white supremacy in a state that fought tooth and nail to maintain it, then challenging that supremacist ideology is dangerous indeed. Were it not for concerned parents and other supporters who fought for them, the Jena Six would have disappeared namelessly into the American prison system like so many millions of other young black men.

“A movement that doesn’t produce a backlash isn’t much of a movement at all.”

After a successful first step, there is now talk of “backlash” in Jena. A movement that doesn’t produce a backlash isn’t much of a movement at all. It isn’t surprising that a neo-Nazi website openly threatened the lives of the Jena Six or that rednecks attempt to provoke violence by tying nooses onto their pickup trucks.


Also from BAR, Glen Ford on Jena:

I am absolutely certain that profound, near-universal Black frustration at the abject failure of Black misleadership to respond effectively to the Katrina catastrophe played a central role in response to the plight of the Jena Six – an outpouring of pent-up pain from a wound much more recent than those evoked by nooses hung on a tree. At a gut level, Katrina forced African Americans to face the fact that the established Black institutions were not just ineffectual, but purposely so. Therefore Black folks, especially the youth, moved on their own, rather than appeal to the deaf ears of those who have refused to move for decades.

Power brokers will never permit Power to the People. They have no interest in justice – only in their own material interests, and must be kept out of the room when conspiracies for liberation are hatched. They are the oppressors’ first line of defense; they will kill the nascent new Movement in its crib, if given the chance. Organize around them, not with them.

             Fist in the air - Jena - Freedom Rider column, BAR    



1. marisacat - 26 September 2007

oh those wacky Dems… one vote short for the SChip…

La Nan is “hoping and praying” for a big bi partisan vote tonight to send a message to W.

Give it up girlie.

2. JJB - 26 September 2007

Police have attacked the protesters in Rangoon, and they have apparently fired live ammo:

Monks’ shaved heads stained with blood could be seen at the Shwedagon Pagoda where police charged against protesters demanding the end of military rule.

Some marchers started for the city centre while others headed for the home of opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

Security forces reportedly ringed six monasteries on the ninth day of unrest.

This is a battle of wills between Burma’s two most powerful institutions, the military and the monk-hood, and the outcome is still unclear, the BBC’s South East Asia correspondent, Jonathan Head, reports.

One unidentified person was shot dead and five received gunshot injuries, Rangoon hospital sources told Reuters news agency.

A Norway-based dissident radio station, the Democratic Voice of Burma, said one monk was killed and several injured.


One witness quoted by Reuters said civilians were shielding the marching monks:

“They are marching down the streets, with the monks in the middle, and ordinary people either side – they are shielding them, forming a human chain.”

At Shwedagon Pagoda, riot police charged against the protesters, leaving a number of monks and nuns covered in blood, some of them apparently seriously injured.

British embassy sources say at least 100 monks were beaten and arrested.

3. JJB - 26 September 2007

Don’t know if anyone’s seen this, but there’s a very good article about Jack Kerouac in this week’s New Yorker. And via Josh Marshall, it seems that Spanish newspaper El Pais is publishing leaked transcripts of early 2003 conversations between Bush and then Spanish PM Aznar which prove that war with Iraq was a done deal, and our efforts to find a diplomatic solution were a charade.

4. JJB - 26 September 2007

At the risk of being a thread hog, I had to post this, which is from Salon.com’s War Room:

A draft of George W. Bush’s address to the United Nations this morning appeared briefly on the U.N.’s Web site today, and it included phonetic spellings for the names of some of the countries and leaders Bush was supposed to mention.

A reporter asked White House press secretary Dana Perino if that meant that the president has a hard time pronouncing some of these names.

“I think that’s an offensive question,” Perino said. “I’m going to just decline to comment on it.”

As the squib’s heading states, that’s “[a] non-di-nahy-uhl di-nahy-uhl” from Perino. Maybe Bush’s post-presidential career will include a stint as a pitchman for Hooked On Phonics.

5. Glingle - 26 September 2007

More Myanmar/Burma links via
Blood and Treasure

Interestingly, the BBC news has reverted to calling it Burma, which takes me back to the endless analysis of Orwell and the impact of colonial Burma on his writings we had to do at school

6. msxeno - 26 September 2007

So Bush is cultivating his “legacy” by pretending he gives a fuck about freedom in Myannmar. Ho hum.

Mcat, how could you have banned my favoritist poster ever on this board while my back was turned ? (Snif !) I was trying so hard to make him notice me. It’s so unfair !!

And no, we gets no room service. Have to go out for our three hard boiled eggs. 😉 But there’s some terrific deli in this town, much better than out West. The Steeler mania gets on my nerves, though. Just one more reason to fight Major League Anything in Portland with all my might once I get home again. Frankly I’ve been perversely mesmerized by the cable sports shows that seem to run all the time. They’re like the ultimate in original meta, or soap operas and fashion shows for obstensibly het guys.

We were at a friendly dive yesterday with a bunch of mr_xeno’s old buddies. I was nursing my 3rd rum fizz when somebody tried to start a discussion of the DP horse race. Some sixtyish ex-Marine and I both concurred that the whole lot in both parties could be put on a plane and plunged to the bottom of the sea next week and we’d both cheer. For that and nothing else.

Make of that what you will.

7. JJB - 26 September 2007

The MSM has always been susceptible to broadcasting and printing government propaganda (that is when it wasn’t doing it intentionally), but one could still be confident that not everything one saw, heard, or read was calculated mendacity. That’s no longer the case, as the following exchange from the once more or less reliable CBS News demonstrates:

[CBS correspondent Scott] PELLEY: What trait do you admire in President Bush?

AHMADINEJAD: Again, I have a very frank tone. I think that President Bush needs to correct his ways.

PELLEY: What do you admire about him?

AHMADEINEJAD: He should respect the American people.

PELLEY: Is there anything? Any trait?

AHMADINEJAD: As an American citizen, tell me what trait do you admire?

PELLEY: Well, Mr. Bush is, without question, a very religious man, for example, as you are. I wonder if there’s anything that you’ve seen in President Bush that you admire.

AHMADEINEJAD: Well, is Mr. Bush a religious man?

PELLEY: Very much so. As you are.

AHMADEINEJAD: What religion, please tell me, tells you as a follower of that religion to occupy another country and kill its people? Please tell me. Does Christianity tell its followers to do that? Judaism, for that matter? Islam, for that matter? What prophet tells you to send 160,000 troops to another country, kill men, women, and children? You just can’t wear your religion on your sleeve or just go to church. You should be truthfully religious. Religion tells us all that you should respect the property, the life of different people. Respect human rights. Love your fellow man. And once you hear that a person has been killed, you should be saddened. You shouldn’t sit in a room, a dark room, and hatch plots. And because of your plots, many thousands of people are killed. Having said that, we respect the American people. And because of our respect for the American people, we respectfully talk with President Bush. We have a respectful tone. But having said that, I don’t think that that is a good definition of religion. Religion is love for your fellow man, brotherhood, telling the truth.

PELLEY: I take it you can’t think of anything you like about President Bush.

AHMADEINEJAD: Well, I’m not familiar with the gentleman’s private life. Maybe in his private life he is very kind or a determined man. I’m not aware of that. I base my judgment on what I see in his public life. Having said that, I think that President Bush can behave much better. There were golden opportunities for President Bush. He should have used them better.

That’s from the network that used to be home to William L. Shirer, George Polk, Edward R. Murrow, and many others who are doubtless spinning in their graves due to what’s become of the organization they used to work for.

I guess we should count ourselves lucky that Pelley didn’t ask the Iranian President “Are you Satan incarnate, or merely one of his lesser assistants?”

If Pelley had interviewed Hitler, the latter might have come off as a thoughtful, reasonable individual who intended no one any harm, and wanted simply to look out for the best interests of his country.

8. Miss Devore - 26 September 2007

wapo on the most recent blackwater incident:

“This is a nightmare,” said a senior U.S. military official. “We had guys who saw the aftermath, and it was very bad. This is going to hurt us badly. It may be worse than Abu Ghraib, and it comes at a time when we’re trying to have an impact for the long term.”


9. Sabrina Ballerina - 26 September 2007

What a joke Bush is! They probably do have to spell things phonetically for him.

Those photos are impressive. One way the Internet has worked.

JJB #3 – I’m sure it was a done deal. They ignored everything that could have helped avoid the war. It was clear early on that they were determined to invade. Nice to have confirmation although it appears that no matter how many lies are uncovered, it does not matter. There is no one to hold them accountable.

10. Shadowthief - 26 September 2007

The Bushistas and Cheneyists committed treason–a “high crime” as defined by the Constitution–when they deliberately lied to Congress and manufactured intelligence information to lead the country to war against Iraq.

Clearly, Bush, Cheney, Rice, and many other officials in the executive branch have committed impeachable offences. The Democratically-controlled Congress refuses to impeach these officials, which is clearly THEIR duty under the Constitution.

The Democrats won’t do it. There is no accountability. This is a one-party state. The only way to restore balance is to start a second political party.

First step is to starve the Democrats of oxygen. The Democrats are not only unhelpful, but a hindrance to political progress because they give the appearance of opposition without the substance of opposition. So long as the Democrats are “in power”, they can frustrate true progress towards a republican (small “r”) government in which there is separation of powers and genuine checks and balances.

Not one more penny for the Democratic Party. Not one more vote for the Democrats at the national level. Run candidates against them in the general election (as Sheehan is doing against Pelosi). Fight them at every turn until they either change or are brought down.

You cannot work inside the Democratic Party for change. It’s been tried, and everybody who got inside, stayed inside and made themselves comfortable.

You have to fight from the outside, give no quarter, and ask for none.

Me? I’m sending Sheehan money for her run against Pelosi. I know Sheehan won’t “win”, but I want Pelosi to emerge bloodied and shaken (figuratively speaking…don’t want to be accused of being Ek Hornbeck’s slightly saner cousin).

11. JJB - 26 September 2007


Yes, I felt it was a done deal all along. I remember some anonymous BushCo. official saying in late summer or early fall of 2002 that they were going to make a number of demands on Saddam and “wouldn’t take ‘yes’ for an answer,” signifying that the entire route of going to the UN and having weapons inspectors search for WMDs or chemical/biological weapons was all for show. I suppose what makes this important is that for the first time we have Bush himself saying it to one of the stooges who went along for the ride.

12. msxeno - 26 September 2007

Jury Hangs In Trial of Alleged Environmental “Terrorist.”

…In order to convict under the obscure statute, (18 USC § 842 (p)(2)(A)), which makes it a crime to demonstrate how to build a destructive device with the intent that it be used in furtherance of a crime of violence), the jury would have had to determine on three criteria: that his speech was instructive, that he had intent to incite those present to violent action, and that the incitement was to imminent action. Otherwise, such speech is protected under the First Amendment. A status conference was scheduled for September 28 in the same court to determine whether the case will continue. Rod Coronado is headed home to Tucson, Arizona with his wife to reunite with his children and return to his job.

Omar Figueroa, an attorney on the legal team said, “We had a good jury and they upheld the Constitution. It’s a great day for Constitutional Rights.”

Attorney Tony Serra, also part of the legal team said, “If these prosecutors opt to re-try this case, then they are the puppets we know they are, in the business of suppressing Constitutional rights. We hung the jury probably 10-2 or 9-3 (that specific information was not available from the jurors), so we know they can never win. So they would be fools to retry, but this is political and their agenda is political. If they re-try, we will win again.”

Attorney Jerry Singleton reminded those present that Coronado has not been an advocate of direct action since 2006, and in fact renounced the type of direct action he formerly participated in, and is opting instead to work on building sustainable communities with his family.

Via PDX Indymedia

13. msxeno - 26 September 2007

Studs St. Shadow:

“…Not one more penny for the Democratic Party. Not one more vote for the Democrats at the national level. Run candidates against them in the general election (as Sheehan is doing against Pelosi). Fight them at every turn until they either change or are brought down…


Will you be my valentine ? 😉

14. Shadowthief - 26 September 2007

JJB and SB:

The “fix” was also in for the attack on Afghanistan BEFORE 9/11. 9/11 was the pretence. I won’t get into whether or not 9/11 was a staged event or just an opportunity that the Cheneyists seized, because that leads into a very convoluted discussion that can’t ever be resolved (some congressional committee might investigate and show what “really happened” in the year 2050, but I’m not quite that patient).

Let us consult one of the royal transcriptionists for the solution to the riddle of “What Did the Decider Decide and When Did He Decide It?”

WOODWARD (page 26): The next afternoon, Sunday, September 16, [2001,] Bush told Rice that the first target of the war on terrorism was going to be Afghanistan. “We won’t do Iraq now,” the president said, “we’re putting Iraq off. But eventually we’ll have to return to that question.”

–from “Plan Of Attack”, by Bob “I used to be a real journalist!” Woodward

So we definitely know that Bush decided five days after 9/11 to attack Afghanistan.

But what about before 9/11?

U.S. Policy Towards Taliban Influenced by Oil – Authors
by Julio Godoy

PARIS – Under the influence of U.S. oil companies, the government of George W. Bush initially blocked U.S. secret service investigations on terrorism, while it bargained with the Taliban the delivery of Osama bin Laden in exchange for political recognition and economic aid, two French intelligence analysts claim.

In the book ”Bin Laden, la verite interdite” (”Bin Laden, the forbidden truth”), that appeared in Paris on Wednesday, the authors, Jean-Charles Brisard and Guillaume Dasquie, reveal that the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s deputy director John O’Neill resigned in July in protest over the obstruction.

Brisard claim O’Neill told them that ”the main obstacles to investigate Islamic terrorism were U.S. Oil corporate interests and the role played by Saudi Arabia in it”.

The two claim the U.S. government’s main objective in Afghanistan was to consolidate the position of the Taliban regime to obtain access to the oil and gas reserves in Central Asia.

They affirm that until August, the U.S. government saw the Taliban regime ”as a source of stability in Central Asia that would enable the construction of an oil pipeline across Central Asia”, from the rich oilfields in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan, through Afghanistan and Pakistan, to the Indian Ocean.

Until now, says the book, ”the oil and gas reserves of Central Asia have been controlled by Russia. The Bush government wanted to change all that”.

But, confronted with Taliban’s refusal to accept U.S. conditions, ”this rationale of energy security changed into a military one”, the authors claim.

”At one moment during the negotiations, the U.S. representatives told the Taliban, ‘either you accept our offer of a carpet of gold, or we bury you under a carpet of bombs’,” Brisard said in an interview in Paris.

According to the book, the government of Bush began to negotiate with the Taliban immediately after coming into power in February. U.S. and Taliban diplomatic representatives met several times in Washington, Berlin and Islamabad.

To polish their image in the United States, the Taliban even employed a U.S. expert on public relations, Laila Helms. The authors claim that Helms is also an expert in the works of U.S. Secret services, for her uncle, Richard Helms, is a former director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

The last meeting between U.S. And Taliban representatives took place in August, five weeks before the attacks on New York and Washington, the analysts maintain.

On that occasion, Christina Rocca, in charge of Central Asian affairs for the U.S. Government, met the Taliban ambassador to Pakistan in Islamabad.


15. JJB - 26 September 2007

Arthur Silber has a new piece up, worth reading, as always:

[T]he major actors in the Bush administration are achieving exactly what they want. They may well be about to launch the start of World War III, which will further enrich their corporate friends by many additional billions of dollars. As the favored few continue to amass vast wealth, the government continues to consolidate political power to an extent that makes a future dictatorship fully realizable. They are well on the road to the achievement of wealth and power on a scale rarely if ever equalled in the history of civilization.

To describe such an achievement as the result of “Monumental Stupidity” is, well, stupid. The problem is one of analysis and method, and it is very widespread. Most major commentators (and almost all bloggers) fall into the same error. The aims I have noted — the amassing of wealth and power, and the drive to regional (and worldwide) hegemony — are nothing remotely akin to a conspiracy, unless you view aims stated openly and repeatedly, and pursued over a period of decades in front of the entire world, as a “conspiracy.”

The key to the nature of the error lies in this phrase: “while leading a party whose single most basic belief is supposed to be that individuals must take personal responsibility for their actions.” Both commentators appear to have taken Republican marketing slogans seriously in the precise manner the Republicans hoped they would. And even though these commentators now view the slogans with suspicion and cynicism, it seems the dynamics involved — and the vast gulf between marketing techniques and the reality of what is transpiring — still escape them.

16. Marie - 26 September 2007

JJB #9 – this isn’t the first evidence we’ve gotten that the county was lied into war. As I picked up enough information in 2000 to warn people that a Bush win would mean another war with Iraq, it was out there early. Paul O’Neill disclosed that from early 2001 they were officially looking at Iraq. After 9/11 Rummy was studying Iraq instead of Afghan for bombing sites. Downing St. Memo. 2002 SOTU “axis of evil,” 2003 SOTU “yellowcake.” Anyone that couldn’t see that the WH was putting on a massive propaganda campaign to get their war on beginning in 8/02 and officially launched in 9/02 doesn’t have the skills of a ten year old to evaluate advertising.

17. CSTAR - 26 September 2007


Great article in el Pais. Just the First graf contains

Four weeks before the invasion, Bush maintained his public stance vis-a-vis Saddam: Disarm or there will be war. Privately, Bush admitted that war was inevitable. During a long private conversation with the then president Aznar, which took place Saturday Feb 22 2003, in the Crawford Texas ranch, Bush made it clear that the time had come to get rid of Saddam “There are two weeks left. In two weeks we will be ready militarily. We will be in Baghdad by the end of March”, he told Aznar.

18. JJB - 26 September 2007


Yes, I know that. However, if there’s actually another on-the-record instance of Bush freely admitting this, I’m unaware of it.

19. Shadowthief - 26 September 2007

Question: Is everyone assuming that it was OK for the US to bomb Afghanistan because the Taliban shielded Osama? I have problems with that assumption, if that’s the case, for these reasons:

1. Osama is NOT wanted for the crime known as “9/11”. The FBI does not list that as one of the crimes for which they seek to bring him to justice, nor does Interpol.

2. Even if Osama wrote a book entitled, “How I Planned And Implemented 9/11 For Dummies” and mailed it to the FBI, was bombing the villages where thousands of innocent Afghanis live the best way to pursue Osama and his followers? Or would a Special Ops insertion into Afghanistan been a better choice?

It’s quite clear that the “War On Terror” is only a pretence for invading Afghanistan and Iraq. The real reasons are grasping the oil of Central Asia and the Arabian Peninsula, and enriching the private companies who supply the US military with services and materiel.

Going after the wrongful invasion and occupation of Iraq is only part of the equation. We need to look at Afghanistan just as hard, if not harder, because it is the original crime.

20. Shadowthief - 26 September 2007

By Robert Parry
April 8, 2003

In the latest sign of a troubled American democracy, a large majority of U.S. citizens now say they wouldn’t mind if no weapons of mass destruction are found in Iraq, though it was George W. Bush’s chief rationale for war. Americans also don’t seem to mind that Bush appears to have deceived them for months when he claimed he hadn’t made up his mind about invading Iraq.

As he marched the nation to war, Bush presented himself as a Christian man of peace who saw war only as a last resort. But in a remarkable though little noted disclosure, Time magazine reported that in March 2002 – a full year before the invasion – Bush outlined his real thinking to three U.S. senators, “Fuck Saddam,” Bush said. “We’re taking him out.”

Time actually didn’t report the quote exactly that way. Apparently not to offend readers who admire Bush’s moral clarity, Time printed the quote as “F— Saddam. We’re taking him out.”

Bush offered his pithy judgment after sticking his head in the door of a White House meeting between National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice and three senators who had been discussing strategies for dealing with Iraq through the United Nations. The senators laughed uncomfortably at Bush’s remark, Time reported. [Time story posted March 23, 2003]


21. Shadowthief - 26 September 2007

“Oderint dum metuant”–Caligula (Roman Emperor).

Translation: “Let them hate so long as they fear.”

It’s the new motto of the United States.

But fear does not last forever. Sooner or later, people become so desperate, so past tired of being afraid, that they lose their fear. And then all they have left is an all-consuming hatred. That’s when you end up with people strapping bombs to their bodies and using their own flesh and bone to deliver death to their enemies, even though it means their own immolation.

22. msxeno - 26 September 2007

No, no, no, Shadow. We bombed Afghanistan to Saves The Wimmens. Get it right, willya’ ?

23. Shadowthief - 26 September 2007

Oh right *smacks head* We got to rescue the wimmin ‘n chillen. Won’t somebody please think of the children?

So I assume when I go to Kabul for my holiday next summer, I’ll see women walking around in miniskirts, chatting on their mobiles as they go to their highly-paid jobs as stockbrokers and bond traders.

As for the children–well, let’s hope they all found employment. Because Americans like to buy toys made for children, by children.

24. Marie - 26 September 2007

Shadowthief #16 – realized as soon as I hit the send button that my comment on Rummy could easily be misinterpreted. I totally opposed the bombing/war in Afghanistan. Rather stupid response towards a country that was hosting OBL who may or may not have had much to do with 9/11. The USSR and US destroyed that country decades ago, leaving them with the non-choice of Nothern Alliance v. Taliban. Not too different from Iran: Shah v. Ayatollah. Of course, can’t really criticize the people of those countries when we in the US only get the non-choice of GOP v. DEM.

25. lucid - 26 September 2007

I remember some anonymous BushCo. official saying in late summer or early fall of 2002 that they were going to make a number of demands on Saddam and “wouldn’t take ‘yes’ for an answer,” signifying that the entire route of going to the UN and having weapons inspectors search for WMDs or chemical/biological weapons was all for show.

From the moment Bush addressed the UN in September 2002 [which I was outside protesting with about 300 people 1/3 of whom were Larouche cultists] I knew it was a done deal. It was just a matter of timing.

26. lucid - 26 September 2007

No, no, no, Shadow. We bombed Afghanistan to Saves The Wimmens. Get it right, willya’ ?

That’s why we’re bombing Saudi Arabia & the Vatican right now too right? er…

27. Shadowthief - 26 September 2007

Lucid, you know the world is fucked up when Lyndon LaRouche turns out to have been a prophet of sorts.

Actually, the planning to get rid of Saddam came as soon as GW1 got wrapped up. A number of people were very unhappy with leaving Saddam in power, and Clinton’s eight year bombing campaign/economic strangulation of Iraq did not mollify them.

28. lucid - 26 September 2007

ST – same oddly delusional feeling I had when Buchanan supported Seattle ’99…

Well – to be fair, we’ve had an imperialist stance towards the middle east since WWII [maybe even slightly before]. We enabled Wahabbism to get its foothold in Saudi Arabia to help the elites keep the population docile & uneducated. We all know what we did to Iran in the ’50’s, and on and on. The Clinton’s weren’t as brazen as the current crop, they just played the typical democratic role as the kinder, gentler face of the imperialist shaft. However, now with the excuse of international terrorism [and the backstory of peak oil], I have no doubt that hilarious will be just as bloody as George.

29. Shadowthief - 26 September 2007

There are people in danger in Jena, Louisiana from terr’ists.

Any B-52s been despatched?

Oh no, wait, it’s the BROWN terr’ists what gets bombed *smacks head*.

30. lucid - 26 September 2007

What is it with me being at work & ‘Supper’s Ready’ by Genesis [the P. Gabriel version] going through my head? Sometimes for hours?

31. Marie - 26 September 2007
32. Revisionist - 26 September 2007

Kos is still fixated on Move On while the congress is piling on Iran legislation.

33. marisacat - 26 September 2007

Just let several out of moderation…

several from Shadowthief

couple each from JJB,

Marie and

ms xeno

also a couple from Lucid

they are all thru between Glingle’s comment # 5 and Marie at # 31


34. lucid - 26 September 2007

JJB #7 – that’s priceless. Ahmadinejad comes off as a saint in that interview. That is some accomoplishment by Pelley!

35. Marie - 26 September 2007

Cheney’s having another good day: just got the green light from the Senate for his “Target Iran” mission. The Senate Vote on the Lieberman/Kyl amendment here for those who like to llook at the sausage being made. Interesting that Hillary showed her true colors on this one. Obama weaseled out.

Now how fast with the House DEMs get on their knees for Herr Cheney? Should we start a pool on this prediction? Minutes, hours or days?

36. msxeno - 26 September 2007

Mcat, I could see my comments right after they were posted.


[chant] Chemtrails… UFOs… Fluoride in the tap water… Hoffa’s body… booga booga !! [/chant]


37. marisacat - 26 September 2007

William Rivers Pitt | Dan Rather’s Magnum Opus


William Rivers Pitt writes for Truthout:

“The willful collusion between CBS management and the Bush administration, offered by Rather to frame his accusations, illuminate an insidious, grotesque, and altogether deadly alignment of circumstances hiding in plain sight before the entire American populace.

An explanation for why the legitimate fears and anxious uncertainties of the people are never soothed or clarified by mainstream news outlets like CBS, but are instead methodically aggravated and intentionally amplified by those outlets, begins to take shape in light of Rather’s inside-view revelations.”

38. lucid - 26 September 2007

ms_x – so could I. These WP filters are whacky whacky…

I’ve sometimes found that if I post, it shows up immediately & stays up even if I refresh the thread, but if I leave the page and come back, it’s disappeared… but hey, it’s free!

39. marisacat - 26 September 2007


ms xeno

thanks for mentioning…

i am beginning to think there is a bug in the “edit comments” page that highlights for me coments that need to be let out of moderation.

lucid had mentioned to me that he could see his, in the past, in the thread, but not listed on the side bar for Recent Comments. We thought maybe as he has a WP blog and account.

Thanks for telling me that… because it does bother me that people comment and have to wait (esp if I am dead asleep… LOL) to have their comment appear.

And this am it was nearly all between # 5 and # 31…

40. marisacat - 26 September 2007

transcript of the hour long show Democracy Now! with Evo Morales…

JUAN GONZALEZ: I’d like to ask you about the message that you’re going to be bringing to the United Nations, as well, over the issue of the use of agricultural products for biofuels, that clearly in Brazil President Lula has a different perspective. He is promoting the use of biofuels. What is your perspective on this issue?

PRESIDENT EVO MORALES: [translated] From the time that biofuels were first talked about, we’ve seen a spiraling process of speculation of land. There’s a whole speculation on grains like wheat, not only at the regional level within countries, but also internationally. So, therefore, the cost of agricultural products rises. And this is a product of that moment from which, going forward, people have been talking about biofuels.

And personally, in our movement, as well, we’re convinced that agricultural products should not be dedicated, directed towards automobiles, cars, and that lands be dedicated towards old rusted vehicles. First to people, before automobiles. And that’s our difference.

And we want to debate this, but we don’t want to debate it just as governments or presidents. We want to debate with our peoples, with the social forces in our countries, and I would even dare to say, at the South American regional level, submit this to a referendum of the peoples of South America and let the people say yes or no to different biofuels.

This is something I’ve learned from Subcomandante Marcos, from his messages — that is, to govern obeying the people. That means to govern, but respecting the different proposals that social forces put on the table, because sometimes when a proposal is put on the table between presidents, arguments arise, and this can even generate confusion amongst people sometimes. And that’s why I consider it to be very important that people decide with their votes in a referendum about what the future biofuels is going to be. That would be the most democratic thing.

41. marisacat - 26 September 2007

Jordan Flaherty (iirc a native Louisianian, lives in NO, I posted many of his articls on Katrina, he stayed inside NO thru it…)

on Jena, from Left Turn magazine:

Yesterday was a moment for the unaffiliated left, for people everywhere concerned about a criminal justice system that has locked up two million and keeps growing. It was a moment for those concerned about school systems in the US, and especially the policing of our schools, what activists have called the School to Prison Pipeline.

It was a moment for those that feel that the US has still not dealt with our history of slavery and Jim Crow, and our present realities of white supremacy. Perhaps that is where the power in yesterday’s demonstration lies; if this undirected and uncontrolled outrage can be directed towards real societal change, if outrages like Jena can finally bring about the conversation on race in this country that we were promised after Katrina, if this united movement to support these six kids can show that we can unite for justice and win, then Jena will truly have been a victory.

42. bayprairie - 26 September 2007

It’d much much much better if everyone sat down and figured out how much money they expected to donate to congressional candidates over the cycle and then figured out how to give as much of it as early possible.

-Atrios 13:14

good idea, boyo. ok, i worked up my contribution schedule and the amount is equal to the democratic accomplishments this session.


And if you sign up for the free trial by clicking the link below I get a bit of a kickback, which helps to make my blogs grow mighty and strong. Happy to get the kickback, but mostly just pushing it because it is a good service.

-Atrios 14:10

sorry, i’m really busy right now and don’t have the time to spend that your important solicitation so obviously requires. can you call back?

43. lucid - 26 September 2007

fwiw – wherein I get dkosser to make a luke-warm apology to Madman.

44. marisacat - 26 September 2007


just found bay in spam.

45. supervixen - 26 September 2007

#42, bay – yeah, count me in on that one. I pledge $0.00!!! Who else will chip in?

atrios: And if you sign up for the free trial by clicking the link below I get a bit of a kickback

in the old days we used to call that “payola”.

46. liberalcatnip - 26 September 2007

I’ve posted a couple of video clips of Phil Donohue speaking about the Iraq War and his new documentary, along with a clip of him taking on O’Reilly.

47. lucid - 26 September 2007

in the old days we used to call that “payola”.

Otherwise known as capitalism.

48. marisacat - 26 September 2007

Carolyn Lochead, the SF Chron’s DC bureau chief, on Iraq. I don’t mind CL, for one thing she is usually irritable. Seems an appropriate response to the current mess… 8)

Democrats have another problem: They are terrified of getting blamed for what happens if they pull the plug. Republicans pound this theme. Bush has even embraced the Vietnam analogy to argue that leaving Iraq too soon would squander potential victory and lead to humanitarian and strategic catastrophes.

For Democrats to counter criticism that they lost the war “requires telling the American public that this is the biggest mistake in the history of American foreign policy,” said Tony Smith, a political scientist at Tufts University. “That is something the American public does not want to hear.”

AND a little side bar to the piece:

In Iraq: Sunni extremists launch at least 10 attacks in 48 hours in an apparent campaign to assassinate police chiefs, police officers and other Interior Ministry officials throughout Iraq. A17

49. Miss Devore - 26 September 2007

mistrial declared in Phil Spector trail.


50. Miss Devore - 26 September 2007

I tried to correct “trial” from above and got this funny message from WordPress:

“You are posting comments too quickly. Slow down.”

Did someone get poked in the eye from the fast comment?

51. lucid - 26 September 2007

Good lord, we can put pretty much any innocent person of color we want on death row, but we can’t convict Phil Spector?

52. marisacat - 26 September 2007

I know you were waiting… per BBC:

Phil Spector jury fails to decide.

Sounds a hung jury to me…

53. marisacat - 26 September 2007


one of the many bugs… sorry Miss D

WP may not like Phil Spector… 8)

54. liberalcatnip - 26 September 2007

Did someone get poked in the eye from the fast comment?

That was your fault? OUCH!

55. earth to meg - 26 September 2007

This was posted last night at buddyrama.



“This platform [democrats] decides for Palestinians what is Just. This platform never acknowledges what Palestinians have had stolen. This platform gives away lands belonging to Palestinians without Palestinians’ consent. Democrats ignore the abuses, the crimes, the humanitarian crisis. Democrats say nothing about Israel’s threats to cut off electricity to all of Gaza. People hear ‘cut the electricity’ and think it’s similar to a power outage where the only harm is no TV and no computer to blog. They don’t think about the hospitals. They don’t think about the water.

“So, I ask myself, “If Democrats are willing to sell out their values – compassion, acknowledgement and justice – when the matter involves Palestinians, what would they do to me, to Blacks (or any minority) if it became politically expedient to do so? Then again, I may already have the answer to that.

The denial of Palestinians’ humanity is within the Democrat party. The denial results in with the banning of I/P diaries. The denial results is the suppression of Palestinian advocates.

“I’m told the reason for this suppression of expression, the suppression of humanitarian issues, is due to “toxicity” arising from I/P diaries. At what point did liberals back away from justice and compassion because of ‘toxicity’ and sensitivities. Is there anyone here who remembers how Blacks were “advised” to speak softly else they may offend? It’s the same g-damn shit. Offend who? And who the f’ck cares?? What the hell is the worth of ‘toxicity’ or ‘offense’ next to justice and compassion?

56. marisacat - 26 September 2007

hmmm mmmm last I heard Bush opposed it. LOL I call it the Biden Ford proposal as both pushed it from the 06 hustings. And of course half the time Harold Ford was standing in front of a Confederate flag and claiming his black grandmother was white.

What a country!

Senate Endorses Plan to Divide Iraq


Reporting for The Washington Post, Shailagh Murray says, “Showing rare bipartisan consensus over war policy, the Senate overwhelmingly endorsed a political settlement for Iraq that would divide the country into three semi-autonomous regions.”

and some on Myanmar and corp interests:

J. Sri Raman | The Companies They Keep in Burma


Writing for Truthout, J. Sri Raman says, “The world has been informed in no uncertain terms of the concern of the First Family of the USA over the cause of democracy and freedom in Burma. The commitment of Washington to the corporate cause, however, has proven greater.”

The News Hour saying 6 dead, including 5 monks. It came from one of the exile Democratic groups.

57. StupidAsshole - 26 September 2007

55: Callmecassandra was always one of the most reasonable posters at Daily Kos–no wonder they took her rating abilities away. I wish she’d post at PFF.

58. StupidAsshole - 26 September 2007

48: I can’t say I agree with you about Carolyn Lochhead. I’ve always found her to be pretty right-wing. Check out where she worked before working for the Chronicle: http://thisweek.kqed.org/guests/72/index.html

59. marisacat - 26 September 2007


I didn’t endorse CL, I said I did not mind her. I sometimes catch her on the Friday evening news program with Belva Davis on KQED/PBS.

60. StupidAsshole - 26 September 2007

Speaking of journalists, check out Wolf Blitzer showing his true colors (and getting pwn3d by Norm Finklestein in the process): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-8aTGnjHnI&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Ecampidiot%2Ecom%2Fci%2Fviewtopic%2Ephp%3Fid%3D20173

61. bayprairie - 26 September 2007

in an astonishing tour de fource of 21st century televsion journalism, Diane Sawyer has thrown caution to the winds, possibly risking her entire career, and interviewed the “always controversial” jenna bush.

Jenna Bush has taken on many roles in her nearly 26 years.

To America, she is the granddaughter of a former president, the daughter of President Bush and first lady Laura, a sister to her fraternal twin, Barbara, and a teacher to elementary school students in Washington, D.C.

Jenna, following in the literary footsteps of her grandmonster, has embarked upon her literary career with a book sure to be loved by the target audience, vulterable 14 to 17 year old anglo females, many of whom will have this inspirational joy foisted upon given to them by uncaring loving relatives this upcoming HOLY CHRI$TMAS season.

Ana’s Story: A Journey of Hope

Editorial Reviews
…The pace is brisk: chapters are only a few pages long, and the accessible language and simple sentences will pull reluctant readers. A few jarring passages point to Bush’s outsider’s view (a comparison between Ana and “the exotic subjects in Gaugin’s Tahiti paintings” stands out), but the wrenching story, illustrated with a few photos, effectively sends an urgent message: too many children are unsafe and burdened by secrets…

Tags customers associate with this product
aids (3) • sexual abuse (3) • fake book (2) • hated by liberals for having facts (2) • hiv (2) • unicef (2) • young adult non-fiction (2) • compassionate conservatism (1) • drunk (1) • exploitation (1) • exploitative (1) • ghost writer (1) • honorable (1) • illiterate bush twin (1) • inspirational (1) • intelligent (1) • jenna bush (1) • latin america (1) • latina (1) • latino literature (1) • liar (1) • liars club (1) • talented (1) • young adult nonfiction (1)

blind eyes on the “news”: watching so you don’t have to.

62. marisacat - 26 September 2007

I dunno.

the scuttle of the butt is that Miss Jenna has had two abortions. NOT controversial in the fmaily, I am sure.

I mean let’s get real… all of that prohibition stuff is to browbeat the locals, natives, and naifs. Pander to the religionists and authoritarians. And whomever else.

Does not mean they fuss with that AT HOME.

63. colleen - 26 September 2007

good idea, boyo. ok, i worked up my contribution schedule and the amount is equal to the democratic accomplishments this session.


No kidding, Bay.
These guys are so fucking clueless, such third rate shills. Last week, Zogby had congress pegged at 11% approval, I imagine after this week it’s even lower.
Meanwhile a Dem majoity is poised to hand Bush another 187 Billion this week. We’re going to need our money.

64. supervixen - 26 September 2007

61, bay: chapters are only a few pages long

LOL! Jenna the Minimalist.

65. bayprairie - 26 September 2007

LOL! Jenna the Minimalist.

the family appears to be framing it as educational material. probably so unca neil can sell it to the schools as part of NCLB. from the amazon review:

Classroom-ready resources include discussion questions and suggestions for volunteering.

maybe barb could buy a few thou at a steep discount and write them off at list price as a charitable donation again. after all, a similar scheme flew once.

the comments in the thread at the abc site are just too much. total american idiocy.

Bill and Hill are the spawns of satin…

66. Hair Club for Men - 26 September 2007

That second photo is amazing.

I never thought I’d say this but Maureen Dowd rocks.

67. Hair Club for Men - 26 September 2007

Vicente Fox’s Secret Service.


68. Hair Club for Men - 26 September 2007

Is Lee Bollinger going to chew out Peter Pace on stage?


69. Saint Shadowthief - 26 September 2007

Here’s an excerpt from Jenna Bush’s book:

“Good night,” said the younger waiter.
“Good night,” the other said. Turning off the electric light he continued the conversation with himself. It is the light of course but it is necessary that the place be clean and light. You do not want music. Certainly you do not want music. Nor can you stand before a bar with dignity although that is all that is provided for these hours. What did he fear? It was not fear or dread. It was a nothing that he knew too well. It was all a nothing and a man was nothing too. It was only that and light was all it needed and a certain cleanness and order. Some lived in it and never felt it but he knew it was already nada y pues nada y pues nada. Our nada who art in nada, nada be thy name thy kingdom nada thy will be nada in nada as it is in nada. Give us this nada our daily nada and nada us our nada as we nada our nadas and nada us not into nada but deliver us from nada; pues nada. Hail nothing full of nothing, nothing is with thee. He smiled and stood before a bar with a shining steam pressure coffee machine.
“What’s yours?” asked the barman.
“Otro loco mas,” said the barman and turned away.
“A little cup,” said the waiter.
The barman poured it for him.
“The light is very bright and pleasant but the bar is unpolished,” the waiter said.
The barman looked at him but did not answer. It was too late at night for conversation.
“You want another copita?” the barman asked.
“No, thank you,” said the waiter and went out. He disliked bars and bodegas. A clean, well-lighted cafe was a very different thing. Now, without thinking further, he would go home to his room. He would lie in the bed and finally, with daylight, he would go to sleep. After all, he said to himself, it is probably only insomnia. Many must have it.

That’s damned good writing.

Oh no…wait…it’s Hemingway…damn I always get those two literary geniuses confused.

Hm, I wonder if any ordinary 26-year-old would have gotten her book published? I’m sure that the Bush name had absolutely no bearing on the publisher’s decision.

70. Marie - 26 September 2007

Question: what blogs are covering the Kyl-Lieberman amendment on the FP? TPM put it up without analysis (they would get back to readers on this). Not on Atrios, Huff-Po or Kos. Steve has it on TLC and is truly bummed about it. Is this a coordinated move to bury this one or merely coincidental? Is this the dog that didn’t bark that proves they are in the pocket of the DEM Party?

71. Revisionist - 26 September 2007

Marie — the past year I have been paying more attention to what they ignore than they cover. Some stuff will brew to the top later. Kos specificlly will just do a quick one sentence blurb or try and hide it in his news roundups. He is all about burying stories in the roundups while still being able to say he covered it

72. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 September 2007

#43 – thanks for that lucid.

I have little patience for his scolding about how “nasty” I am … there is no point being polite w/ people who agitate for the rightist, militarist status quo while they whine when people are nasty with them.

Oh, and for someone to NOT recognize my mention of ancestry and the Dakotas is a sign of how historically ignorant he is.

Oh, and my tone will make it so much easier for the gov’t to keep track of me, should they ever feel the need. I do my best to be accomidating for our overlords.

73. wu ming - 26 September 2007

i wouldn’t be surprised, marie. the AM fundraising push seems particularly well-times, if one knew that this capitulation was coming down the pike.

74. Saint Shadowthief - 26 September 2007

Marie, it’s quite clear by now that the content of the Democratic Party blogs are coordinated via email. The content may vary, but what is notable is that all of the content is acceptable to the element of the party that’s funding these blogs (the New Democratic Network, or NDN, which is the spiritual and functional heir to the DLC).

Fuck the big blogs. 60 micrblogs help organise the 25,000 people who marched in protest of racial injustice in Jena, Louisiana, while the BBBs sat by and nattered on about Google bombs and sending money to Senator DoNothing from Bumfuck, Iowa.

75. Hair Club for Men - 26 September 2007

Question: what blogs are covering the Kyl-Lieberman amendment on the FP?

Also, is Media Matters covering the way the NY tabloids have used traditional anti-semitic imagery in the way they’ve portrayed Ahmadinejad?

It’s all O’Reilly all the time.

The NYC tabloids have been indistinguishable from Der Sturmer this week. The only voice of dissent I’ve seen in all of it is Maureen Dowd.

When the cutting edge new netroots media is behind Maureen Dowd, you have a problem.

76. Hair Club for Men - 26 September 2007

BTW, if you ban Keith Moon he only shows up elsewhere.

Does this sound like Keith?


Ahmadinejad ENSLAVES women. nuf said, right? i’d like to see u ack guys bein forced to wear a fuckin BURKA- and then defend your country cuz its ‘anti-imperialist’- HA! oh yeah, no war against iran and all that. but as a true anti-nuclear activist ‘no nukes’ means no nukes. i DO hope iran’s nuke sites are blown away- as long as there’s a warning and no civilians are hurt. yup, i did say that. it’s a done deal anyway cuz isreal (oh yeah fuk zionism) will never alow their nukes- NEVER. unfortunatly isreal could give a shit about civilians.

You people in San Francisco have no idea what a Nuremberg Hate Rally NYC’s been all week.

Liberal my ass.

77. Marie - 26 September 2007

MyDD does have it on the FP and was harshly critical of those that voted for it. But unlike Soto, didn’t express that this was a devastating blow. Interestingly enough, TPM labeled as a terrible amendment that the Senate must reject only two days ago.

More interesting is that this came up for a vote today. It was scheduled. Which is apparently why Obama and McCain weren’t there for the vote. There is something exceedingly bizarre about this.

78. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 September 2007

if wordpress were Phil Spector, it would be sticking that comment in your mouth, not your eye.

79. Hair Club for Men - 26 September 2007

Obama’s going to be in Washington Square Park tomorrow for anybody in NYC.


80. Hair Club for Men - 26 September 2007

Yes Keith (Olbermann not Moon). We all know O’Reilly’s a racist dirtbag.

81. Saint Shadowthief - 26 September 2007

The President of Iran certainly made some bigoted remarks about gays:

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of Iran, caused a stir at the United Nations Wednesday when he repeated his view that gay sex is immoral and should not be condoned.

What an unenlightened mediaevalist bigot that Ahmadinejad is! It’s a good thing we don’t think that way in the United States.

Oops, my error…I transposed the names and places. Here’s the original quote:

Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, caused a stir at a Senate hearing Wednesday when he repeated his view that gay sex is immoral and should not be condoned by the military.

So: one man sucking another’s cock is immoral…

But if that same man takes his rifle and puts a bullet in another human being’s brain, he’s…moral?

82. Hair Club for Men - 26 September 2007

But if anybody thinks he’s being pushed out they’re deluding themselves.

Imus was a creature of the old corporate whore media. He was an enterainer not a poltical operative.

O’Reilly’s a political operative. Fox isn’t corporate entertainment. It’s political propaganda.

O’Reilly’s no more going off the air than Scooter Libby was going to jail for “Fitzmass”.

83. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 September 2007
84. supervixen - 26 September 2007

68, ST: oh puhleeze don’t inflict Hemingway on us. As Huck Finn says, “I been there.”

I love the story about Gertrude Stein waving a handkerchief in front of her white poodle, Basket, like a matador teasing a bull with his cape, and saying “Go on – be Hem, be fierce.”

85. Marie - 26 September 2007

I have something up at TLC on the Kyl-Lieberman amendment.

MitM #82 thanks – will go take a look at it.

86. marisacat - 26 September 2007

LOL speaking of coordination and what the blahgs know, who tells them and so on… after Iowa came down jan 18 iirc…. last go round, I went back and looked at this FP demand Kos put up a bare two days befoe Iowa in 2004.

saw what I saw and tucked it away.

LOL hard to convince me he did not know the shape and form of the caucus and the aftermath that was building. The DNC made a demand of Kos for cash, a last chance for some time to get cash from Dean people.. and so on.

I’d be stupid to have thought otherwise.

He got a bare couple thousand off this demand. and the small ungilded shit turned around and demanded again the very next day. meaner if possible.

it’s a gang.

87. supervixen - 26 September 2007

Ahmadinejad has been looking pretty good lately. I admire the guy in many ways. He doesn’t look like an insane murderous tinpot dictator to me. In comparison, Bush does.

88. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 September 2007

Some good stuff in this, even though it does the usual bit of pinning it all on the Republicans and refusing to face how the Donklephants help sell the fear, too.

Bed-wetter Nation.

Gives a rundown of Kruschev’s visit here in the ’50s, then:

Had America suddenly succumbed to a fever of weak-kneed appeasement? Had the general running the country—the man who had faced down Hitler!—proven himself what the John Birch Society claimed he was: a conscious agent of the Communist conspiracy?

No. Nikita Khrushchev simply visited a nation that had character. That was mature, well-adjusted. A nation confident we were great. We had our neuroses, to be sure—plenty of them.

But look now what we have lost. Now when a bad guy crosses our threshhold, America becomes a pants-piddling mess.

Iran’s president speaks at a great American university. That university’s president, in the act of introducing his lecture, whines like a baby bereft of his pacifier that his guest is a big meany poopy-head. City Council members, too, and a rabbi, make like ten-year-olds, giving their press conference in front of a sign with his face struck through and the legend “Go To Hell.” Up in Albany, Democratic leader Sheldon Silver treat the students of this great university like ten years olds, threatening to defund Columbia University lest censors like himself prove unable to shut the poor children’s ears to difficult speech. (What, was he worried they’d be convinced, join the jihad?) Then a Republican presidential candidate chimes in—bye, bye, federalism!—saying Washington should starve the school of funds, too. American diplomats used to have the gumption to spar face to face with dreaded foreign leaders. Now they go on cable TV and whine about what a “travesty” it would have been to visit a site which properly should belong to the world. Hundreds of foreign nationals died in the World Trade Center on 9/11 (maybe even some of the Iranian!). Yet we have to systematically repress that—as if our national ego would crack like fine crystal if we were forced to acknowledge the mingling of American blood with that of mere foreigners.

But—they sputter—Ahmadinejad has has promised to wipe Israel off the map!

Well, Khrushchev had promised to wipe the U.S. off the map. (“We will bury you.”) And, unlike Mr. A, who has but some possible stores of fissile material, Mr. K very much had the means, motive, and opportunity to do it—thousands of nuclear-tipped rockets aimed at every city in the land.

How cowardly our conservative Republic of Fear has made us. How we tremble at the mere touch of a challenge.

89. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 September 2007

I feel an incident in a motel or a bathroom stall coming at some point in Pace’s future. Methinks he squeals “icky!” a little too loudly.

90. marisacat - 26 September 2007

Actually I DID see Imus as an operative. True, for several years the density of content on the show got thinner and thinner, but I did see him as an operative.

I think he was looking forward to running hard against Hillary, when it took his fancy.

One week later, VTech, and his words about the Rutger’s womens team would have been spit in a big big storm. Gone in less than a heart beat and forgotten.

Be interesting to see what happens.

91. Miss Devore - 26 September 2007

Being kicked out of my apt. the building owner says I need to move out in order to have the repairs she has neglected to have done can take place. I just looked up the rental laws and I think they have to give me 60 days notice and they gave me 30. I suspect there is building code violations here. Ideas? (off to talk to brother lawyer)

92. marisacat - 26 September 2007

Miss D, is there any kind of rental board in your county? [You can probably get all the rules and regs online…]

You can call the county building inspectors out to inspect and document anything you see that is wrong and order repairs.

93. Saint Shadowthief - 26 September 2007


In future, I shall warn you of all Hemingwayesque content so you can just scroll past.

Perhaps Hemingway the man was less than admirable, but as a writer, he was a giant, and I make no apologies for admiring him in that capacity.

I only wish Hemingway had been somewhat more prolific, but it’s hard to be a prolific minimalist 🙂

94. marisacat - 26 September 2007

kruschov ws treated well, he came here to SF…

95. Hair Club for Men - 26 September 2007

Ahmadinejad has been looking pretty good lately. I admire the guy in many ways. He doesn’t look like an insane murderous tinpot dictator to me. In comparison, Bush does.

Ahmadinejad is awful.

The media’s trying to make us choose between Bush and Ahmadinejad, as if there were no alternatives.

The few dissenters in NYC this week were making that very explicit.


They got it. Kos didn’t.

Once you’re put into a position where your only options are Christian Fundamentalists and Zionists vs. Islamic fundamentalists, you’re genuinely fucked.

And you saw how this happened all week in NYC. The American right and Ahmadinejad were feeding off of each other like vampires. The more hype it got, the more both reactionaries sides were strengthened. It was truly awful.

Thank God for Maureen Dowd.

96. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 September 2007

ON THE JOB – The former president’s pool boy

Razsa cleans former President George H.W. Bush’s pool, in Kennebunkport, Maine.

An enduring American figure, the pool boy has long stood for one lowly half of the nation’s class gulf. When the pool owner happens to have been the most powerful man on the planet, and the pool boy happens to be one of the planet’s great despisers of power, the metaphor explodes into 1,000 points of light.

“If every American had to pool-boy for these people for a day, you’d have a revolution on your hands,” is how he sees things.

The 23-year-old from rural Maine says he cleans several pools in the area, not just the Bushes’, for a large pool-cleaning company. He works about 45 hours a week, and calls it the easiest job he ever had. He’s paid $9 an hour — “pennies thrown at my feet,” relative to the wealth all around him, he says.

Maybe his education about “the ignorant rich” is worth a few additional pennies: “I didn’t know places like this existed in Maine. Half an hour from the trailer where I live, there are places with multiple Ferraris, and guest houses five times larger than my trailer,” he says.

Granted, the stakes are high at that level. Razsa recalls one day when former first lady Barbara Bush was on her way over, and it looked like there wouldn’t be time to bring the pool’s temperature up to her desired 82 degrees in time. The family’s caretaker was in a panic, he says.

“He kept shouting, ‘Barbara will go crazy! Barbara will go crazy!'” Razsa recalls. “This is the same woman who after Hurricane Katrina said (of the Houston Astrodome refugees), ‘You know, they’re underprivileged anyway, so this — this is working very well for them.'”

For Razsa, his job — the only one he could find — put him directly in touch with the very sort of power he holds partly responsible for his, and other people’s, hard times.

“I look at the biggest middle finger in the world all day,” is his more succinct explanation.

I ask Razsa if he has a monologue loaded up, in the event that his next encounter was at closer range. To my surprise, the idea doesn’t appeal.

“What do you say? ‘Thanks for School of the Americas, and Iran-Contra, and NAFTA, and shipping all those jobs overseas, and arming Saddam, and funding the Taliban?’ What do you say — ‘You’re a jerk?’ There’s nothing that can be put into a sentence that would capture the lives these people have taken, and the way of life that’s been taken.”

That way of life is a common thread in my conversations with Razsa. It’s something that’s perhaps less abstract for him than for the pool owner.

“My brother was on hard times, pumping gas for Exxon from midnight till 8 a.m. to support his daughter,” he mentions at one point. “Exxon is one of the richest companies in the world and he was making $7 an hour. My brother had to go on welfare to support his daughter, even though he was working 40-50 hours a week. Instead of making Exxon pay a living wage, they make the lower and middle classes pay for him.”

Meanwhile Razsa himself has been having a hard time, his $9 an hour notwithstanding. A dentist recently told him his teeth are falling apart, and to repair them would cost $3,000. Razsa has no idea where to get the money. (An enterprising friend, meanwhile, has set up a Web site in the hopes that some kind souls might narrow the wealth gap enough for some fixed choppers.)

When I first started talking to Razsa about his job, I hoped for some inside look at the machinations of the super-elite. Turns out a leaf-skimmer doesn’t have tremendous access. In fact, the most insider-y stuff came from outside the gates, at a recent war protest aimed at the Bush compound. (For the record, Razsa felt obliged to attend in honor of a friend who was departing for Iraq; in fact he was as scornful of the “hippie protest kids” as he was of the pro-war element that showed up.) Leaving the demonstration, he stopped at a lemonade stand where a young girl and her mother had set up shop. They got to talking, and it turned out they were family of George Herbert Walker III, former ambassador to Hungary and first cousin of the ex-president up the road.

Ever respectful, Razsa kept his politics to himself and enjoyed the lemonade. It was the young girl who turned to him and held forth: “Just because we’re related to them, doesn’t mean we vote for them or believe in what they do.”

“What did she say?” the mother asked.

Shocked, Razsa repeated the girl’s declaration.

The mother nodded in approval.

97. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 September 2007

I think Phil Spector just got one of my posts.

98. Hair Club for Men - 26 September 2007

kruschov ws treated well, he came here to SF…

So are the leaders of China when they come here.

And yet China executes more people in more gruesome ways than Iran does.

99. Hair Club for Men - 26 September 2007

Thank God for Maureen Dowd.

Yikes. Did I actually say that. But she’s been the only voice of sanity I’ve seen so far.

100. liberalcatnip - 26 September 2007

Question: Is everyone assuming that it was OK for the US to bomb Afghanistan because the Taliban shielded Osama?

Answer: No, obviously. I thought it was a ridiculous decision from the beginning. Of course, being antiwar and thinking it should have just been treated as a police matter had more than a little to do with that. Revenge is a dish best served cold – once you’ve figured out exactly who it is you should be going after in the first place.

101. Hair Club for Men - 26 September 2007

Answer: No, obviously. I thought it was a ridiculous decision from the beginning.

Well I supported it in 2002.

December of 2002 was something of an eye opener for me. My politics really started to change once I saw how they let Osama go at Tora Bora.

That would have been too easy. They would have got the guy who actually did it. There would have been catharsis a few months after 9/11 and there would have been no invasion of Iraq.

102. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 September 2007

thanks for the Silbur link, btw. Wonderful and depressing, as always, and spot on.

103. marisacat - 26 September 2007

I never supported Afghanistan.

I never trusted the Democrats to go to war, never supported the wars of the 90s… no reason to support Bush in some nasty killing adventure.

And it ws clear very quickly what we were in Afghanistan. Between NYRofB, Harper’s, London R of Books… even the god damned NYT.

And very quickly the Army ME classfied the deaths of two POW (what they really are) in custody as “homicide”.

104. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 September 2007

Oh, and those photos of the monks, that sea of cinnamon robes … I hope they prevail in their struggle.

It’s hard to catch up on this blog after work.

105. Hair Club for Men - 26 September 2007

I never supported Afghanistan.

I was as traumatized by 9/11 as anybody else (maybe more since I was 3 blocks away from the WTC when it came down and the cloud made my window go black for 20 minutes). Then the anthrax attacks freaked me out even more. I naively believed they were going into Afghanstan to get Osama. I remember standing up and (sincerely) applauding with a room full of people when they reopened the stock exchange.

I was in Naomi Klein’s state of shock, vulnerable to suggestion.

106. BooHooHooMan - 26 September 2007

A few points of order:
Is form 67-B-11 Approval Request for Bloggerly Affection still valid?
If so, must it be submitted with the standard
Iconoclastic Cross- Blog Ball Busting Certificate or is
the Uni-Blog Bubble Bursting Pass still in effect?

Just who DO I see about this ?? LOL


107. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 September 2007

When America Went Fascist

It is a truism in the blogosphere that one more terrorist attack will turn America into a fascist state. People speculate about what fascism in America will look like, or how they might fight it. Others boast that they plan to flee the country ahead of the coming fascist takeover of the United States. One cannot read these posts without a sense of bitter irony, because one thing is clear to those who are watching carefully:

The United States of America is already a fascist state.

The United States turned fascist on December 11, 2000. On that day, the Supreme Court essentially appointed George W. Bush president of the United States, stopping the recount of Florida votes, and, hence, the democratic process. The justices of the court then slipped away by night, ashamed of their role in murdering America’s great experiment in democratic rule.

The Supreme Court decision of December 11, 2000 is the modern American equivalent to German President Hindenburg’s swearing in of Hitler as chancellor of Germany on January 30, 1933. By swearing in Hitler as chancellor, Hindenburg set in motion a process which led to the Nazi dictatorship and World War II. In the case of the Nazis, the Reichstag fire of February 27, 1933 was the catalyst they needed to cement their grip on power. In the case of Bush and his backers, the tragedy of September 11, 2001 was the catalyst they needed to complete their full takeover of the American government.

When one looks at present-day America and reads plaintive musings about if and when America will turn fascist, it is useful to ask oneself the following question: When do you think the average German realized that he or she was living under a fascist dictatorship? How about the Japanese or Italians of the same period? Do you think that Hitler, Mussolini or Tojo made a public announcement to the effect of, “Dear Citizens: Please be advised that you no longer have any rights or political power. We have taken control of the government. Opposition and resistance are futile and will be punished.”

The fact is, most of the “good” citizens of these countries clung desperately to the notion that it was business as usual long after constitutional government was dead and buried. Sure, they knew that their governments were a little further to the right than normal, but as long as they kept earning money and eating well, they ignored the grim realities of fascism.

It’s easy to understand why: the “good” citizens weren’t members of officially scapegoated groups or political activists, and thus they never felt the iron first of fascism. It’s not like the government just suddenly started rounding up people at random and trucking them off to camps and executing them. No, it was only the “bad ones” who were carted off. It was the John Walker Lindhs, the Jose Padillas, the illegal immigrants and the Muslim Americans of their day who were carted off.

In fact, for the average citizen of Germany, Japan or Italy, it was only when the military adventures of their fascist governments started to go seriously awry did the reality dawn on them. Until then, if anything, they merely felt the stirrings of extreme patriotism and perhaps even satisfaction as their countries expanded outward. Indeed, for many, it was only when their countries lay in ashes did they fully understand what had happened. Only then could they see that a kind of cancer had run wild in their countries and come perilously close to destroying them.

In 2007, the average American is in exactly the same position as the typical German, Japanese or Italian citizen of the early to mid-1930s. Unless you happen to be a Muslim, a left-wing political activist, or a regular reader of left-wing political websites or journals, you could be forgiven for thinking that it’s business as usual in the United States of America. You rise in the morning, read the morning paper, commute to work, get a paycheck, hit the ATM and watch the usual shows on television in the evening. Sure, we’re officially “at war” but other than a few news stories and the usual yellow ribbons and bumper stickers, this doesn’t really intrude into our realities.

108. Hair Club for Men - 26 September 2007

Mike Gravel the voice of sanity as usual.

109. Hair Club for Men - 26 September 2007

Hillary is laughing at him as though he’s crazy.

Fuck you Hillary.

110. bayprairie - 26 September 2007

22 September 2007
Posted by marisacat

by buhdydharma
Wed Sep 26, 2007

interestingly enough, both posts not only share a remarkable similarity in the head, both pieces cite the piece at harpers.


its HowdyDoodyDharma time!!!!!

want to go? if you do, all you have to do is say



111. Marie - 26 September 2007

Marisa #103 – I was there with you on Afghanistan. However, must confess that I didn’t study Bosnia/Kosovo closely enough when Clinton sent in troops there. Knew enough not to have an opinion either way on it, but that was as far as I got on that one until much later.

Durbin is now saying that Kyl-Lieberman doesn’t mean much. Wonder if he read that damn thing. It cherry picks from Petraeus and Crocker’s testimonies and the latest NIE and puts the Senate seal of approval on it. Got to love Hillary speaking out of both sides of her mouth again.

112. Hair Club for Men - 26 September 2007

Go away Joe Biden.

113. Hair Club for Men - 26 September 2007

Let’s see the evidence Hillary. They gave it to us during the Cuban missile crisis and that was 40 years ago. Surely satellite technology is better now.

114. liberalcatnip - 26 September 2007

Bunch of wafflers on Iran who can’t even answer a straight question. That sure evokes confidence, doesn’t it?

115. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 September 2007

I can’t watch the debate. Let me know if anything cool happens. I’m not expecting it, but one can always hope that Hillary will let the shell slip and the gibbering, slobbering vampire she really is underneath will come out under the bright teevee lights.

Daniel Ellsberg:

‘A Coup Has Occurred’

I think nothing has higher priority than averting an attack on Iran, which I think will be accompanied by a further change in our way of governing here that in effect will convert us into what I would call a police state.

If there’s another 9/11 under this regime … it means that they switch on full extent all the apparatus of a police state that has been patiently constructed, largely secretly at first but eventually leaked out and known and accepted by the Democratic people in Congress, by the Republicans and so forth.

Will there be anything left for NSA to increase its surveillance of us? … They may be to the limit of their technical capability now, or they may not. But if they’re not now they will be after another 9/11.

And I would say after the Iranian retaliation to an American attack on Iran, you will then see an increased attack on Iran – an escalation – which will be also accompanied by a total suppression of dissent in this country, including detention camps.

It’s a little hard for me to distinguish the two contingencies; they could come together. Another 9/11 or an Iranian attack in which Iran’s reaction against Israel, against our shipping, against our troops in Iraq above all, possibly in this country, will justify the full panoply of measures that have been prepared now, legitimized, and to some extent written into law. …

This is an unusual gang, even for Republicans. [But] I think that the successors to this regime are not likely to roll back the assault on the Constitution. They will take advantage of it, they will exploit it.

Will Hillary Clinton as president decide to turn off NSA after the last five years of illegal surveillance? Will she deprive her administration her ability to protect United States citizens from possible terrorism by blinding herself and deafening herself to all that NSA can provide? I don’t think so.

Unless this somehow, by a change in our political climate, of a radical change, unless this gets rolled back in the next year or two before a new administration comes in – and there’s no move to do this at this point – unless that happens I don’t see it happening under the next administration, whether Republican or Democratic.

Given the votes today, there isn’t any sign at all that there will be a change in climate.

He concludes:

On the Democratic side, on the political side, I think we should be demanding of our Democratic leaders in the House and Senate – and frankly of the Republicans – that it is not their highest single absolute priority to be reelected or to maintain a Democratic majority so that Pelosi can still be Speaker of the House and Reid can be in the Senate, or to increase that majority.

I’m not going to say that for politicians they should ignore that, or that they should do something else entirely, or that they should not worry about that.

Of course that will be and should be a major concern of theirs, but they’re acting like it’s their sole concern. Which is business as usual. “We have a majority, let’s not lose it, let’s keep it. Let’s keep those chairmanships.” Exactly what have those chairmanships done for us to save the Constitution in the last couple of years?

I am shocked by the Republicans today that I read in the Washington Post who yesterday threatened a filibuster if we … get back habeas corpus. The ruling out of habeas corpus with the help of the Democrats did not get us back to George the First it got us back to before King John 700 years ago in terms of counter-revolution.

We need some way, and Ann Wright has one way, of sitting in, in Conyers office and getting arrested. Ray McGovern has been getting arrested, pushed out the other day for saying the simple words “swear him in” when it came to testimony.

I think we’ve got to somehow get home to them [in Congress] that this is the time for them to uphold the oath, to preserve the Constitution, which is worth struggling for in part because it’s only with the power that the Constitution gives Congress responding to the public, only with that can we protect the world from mad men in power in the White House who intend an attack on Iran.

And the current generation of American generals and others who realize that this will be a catastrophe have not shown themselves – they might be people who in their past lives risked their bodies and their lives in Vietnam or elsewhere, like [Colin] Powell, and would not risk their career or their relation with the president to the slightest degree.

That has to change. And it’s the example of people like those up here who somehow brought home to our representatives that they as humans and as citizens have the power to do likewise and find in themselves the courage to protect this country and protect the world. Thank you.

It’s not going to change … though bless Ellsburg for trying to get people to TRY to change it.

116. Hair Club for Men - 26 September 2007

My suggestion.

In the primaries, if you’re a Democrat vote for Kucinich or Gravel. If you’re a Republican, vote for Ron Paul.

Then sit out the election or vote third party, ANY third party, even the League for the Trotskist Revolution or the Natural Law Party or Joe the Pro-Marijuana Candidate.

Anybody. But no vote for Hillary in 2008.

They want progressives to sit out the primary and come back for the general election.

Do the opposite.

117. BooHooHooMan - 26 September 2007

Madman, In adjusting my compass, drawing on last centuries events I’ve thought we might be in a proto facist state, (as if its not bad enough..) the come-uppance of this War not being fully realized in casualties and economic collapse headed home, the full, crushing scope of the emerging police state yet to be felt….. splitting Hitlerian hairs I know…

118. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 September 2007

Exactly, HCfM.

Vote local for real liberals and leftists. Fuck the national party.

Another good one up at Orcinus

Or you can travel to Forsyth County, where blacks in 1912 were the victims of what Eliot Jaspin calls a “racial cleansing” in his book Buried in the Bitter Waters: The Hidden History of Racial Cleansing, and where in 1987 thousands of whites turned out in force to threaten and intimidate black civil-rights marchers. In 2000, of a population of about 120,000 in the county, only 684 of them were black.

And it’s because of places like these — which persist not merely in the South, but throughout the American landscape — that blacks in America not only believe, but know that racism is very much alive and well in this country (which is why they still march in places like Jena). John Gibson, of course, would have his audience think otherwise.

Putting Gibson’s argument into slightly more rational terms, he seems to be saying that blacks ought to worry less about any effects of lingering racism (which doesn’t exist anyway, evidently) and worry more about the problems of black-on-black crime.

It seems never to occur to people like Gibson that the two are decidedly interconnected. The plague of black-on-black crime is a product of persistent poverty. And persistent white racism, in subtle and not-so-subtle forms, plays a major role in the continuing impoverishment of African Americans.

First, remember that most studies have found that there is no direct correlation between race and crime rates, especially since there is no evidence of any actual causal relationship. In contrast, there’s a strong and distinct correlation between poverty and crime rates, partly because there is a fairly clear causal relationship.

But by pretending that race, and not poverty, is the cause of black crime rsates, most white Americans can avoid confronting the fact of continuing rates of poverty for some racial groups (particularly blacks) that persist largely because of prejudicial hiring practices (see, for instance, the recent study that found that whites with prison records were more likely to be hired than blacks without one) and the persistence of racial residential segregation.

119. Revisionist - 26 September 2007

richardson let slip that israel is the main purpose for us med east policy.


seriously. i foud myself spontanously clapping and hooting at gravel.

120. BooHooHooMan - 26 September 2007

HC, Well, Joe the Marijuana Party’s campaign at least offers a lanyard with a fully stoked, saxaphone sized bong attached…

Also been meaning to say HC you have just awesome pics

121. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 September 2007

what did Gravel say this time? Have to look for him on You Tube later.

122. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 September 2007

Democrats Pass the Buck to Full Senate on GOP ‘Voter Fraud’ Zealots FEC Nomination

Picking up from where we left off yesterday, regarding this morning’s vote in the Senate Rules Committee on whether or not to send a recommendation for approval on the FEC nomination of the DOJ’s GOP “Voter Fraud” flim-flam operative, Hans von Spakovsky, to the full Senate. Again we again defer to Paul Kiel’s TPMMuckraker report who reports that the Democrats, thanks to a defection from Nelson, were unable to reject the nomination outright, and will have to pick up the fight on the Senate floor, where the GOP (unlike the Dems) will march in lockstep to get what they want. Even from the minority…

This morning’s result: faced with the defection of a Democrat on the committee, later revealed to be Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE), Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) chose to agree to send all four nominees, two Democrats and two Republicans, to the floor without recommendation. In other words, the committee did not vote to approve von Spakovsky, but he got through nonetheless.

Next up is a vote before the full Senate, and how that vote will occur will be determined by negotiations between the Democratic and Republican leadership. Republicans are likely to seek a vote on all four nominees at once and have threatened to spike all the Democratic nominees if Democrats seek to block von Spakovsky.

Feinstein only said during the hearing that a Democrat had advised her that he would support von Spakovsky’s nomination. In comments to reporters after the hearing, she identified that senator as Sen. Nelson.

Fuck them, fuck them all.

123. CSTAR - 26 September 2007


Heh, even Pinochet said nothing had changed when he took power. “If you did nothing you have nothing to fear, ” was repeatedly broadcast by Pinochet controlled media shortly after the Putsch in 1973.

124. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 September 2007

Ohio, Florida laws could dampen Democratic voting

WASHINGTON — Ohio and Florida, which provided the decisive electoral votes for President Bush’s two razor-thin national election triumphs, have enacted laws that election experts say will help Republicans impede Democratic-leaning minorities from voting in 2008.

Backers of the new laws say they’re aimed at curbing vote fraud. But the statutes also could facilitate a controversial Republican tactic known as “vote caging,” which the GOP attempted in Ohio and Florida in 2004 before public disclosures foiled the efforts, said Joseph Rich, a former Justice Department voting rights chief in the Bush administration who’s now with the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights.

Caging, used in the past to target poor minorities in heavily Democratic precincts, entails sending mass mailings to certain voters and then using the undelivered letters to compile lists of voters for eligibility challenges.

As the high-stakes ground war escalates heading into next year’s elections, Republicans have led the charge for an array of revisions to state voting rights laws, especially in key battleground states. Republican political appointees in the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division have endorsed some of these measures.

And the Donklephants will do NOTHING.

125. liberalcatnip - 26 September 2007

Lanyards!! Crocheted out of hemp, no doubt.

126. liberalcatnip - 26 September 2007

That’s a low blow against Gravel – bringing up his bankruptcies.

127. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 September 2007

Subtle Racism…

As a woman of color living in a hypersegregated city dominated by a white male culture, I get blasted by subtle racism all the time. So often in fact, that I quit corporate Milwaukee making good money as a well respected computer programmer to work in politics first and now in non-profit progressive activism for a subtantial pay cut. It’s worth it to be able to work on my passions without the subtle racism looming over me daily.

I remember being told by a white male boss that he wasn’t racist because “I hired you didn’t I?”.

I’m mixed race white and black. Although I went to Harambee and was raised back and forth between Milwaukee’s activist African American leaders and liberal white activists throughout my childhood and teen years, I don’t have an accent. It serves me well and that also infuriates me.
I was told once that I was “okay” because I wasn’t “really black” by a white friend. Another told me that I “at least act right”. Parents in Shorewood encouraged their children to hang out with me because I was “polite”.

She sums up the way racism operates in this city really well:

It’s why I do what I do… I’ve often remarked that at least in the South the racists don’t hesitate to tell you how they feel. There’s something honest about open racism. Knowing who you’re dealing with like the DA in Jena seems almost easier and less insidious than the subtle racists we face daily in Milwaukee.

In the North, political correctness has driven racism underground. No one WANTS to be considered racist around here, so people like Charlie Sykes play MLK speech segments on their shows and then turn around and say “those people don’t raise their kids right”.

The Bradley Foundation pretends they are “fixing the school system by introducing competition” and create a program like school choice that steals our tax dollars for the sake of corporate profits, using a few black children as poster kids for the dismantling of the public school system for the rest of the black community and put their kids in suburban and nearly all white private schools.

Our supposedly “liberal” Democratic mayor wants to “control crime” with anti-loitering policies that give our openly racist police department free reign to round up children of color at will. Now he wants to put 30 police officers IN OUR HIGH SCHOOLS to “control crime”. As if Wisconsin doesn’t have the highest juvenile incarceration rate in the country already. Let’s not fix the problem with more teachers and family supporting programs that actually work, let’s just lock up MORE kids. It couldn’t be that MPS is only graduating 28 % of African American males and that same group has a 60% unemployment rate. It has to be that we need to lock more of them up. What ever happened to finding the root causes and solving those?

Mayfair Mall doesn’t want black kids walking the halls, just the white suburban ones and so they set “youth hours” enforced at their own discretion.

It truly boggles my mind. Something is truly wrong with this city and subtle racism is the most insidious tool used to keep it wrong.

She sums up Milwaukee very, very well.

128. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 September 2007

whew, after all of that, a a poem to contemplate and appreciate.

129. marisacat - 26 September 2007

new thread…


130. Revisionist - 26 September 2007

The really should just cut Richards off after 10 secs. He always lets some little nugget of truth slip

I think Hillary has a problem with gay people.

131. marisacat - 26 September 2007

sorry!! just let two of Madman’s out of moderation…

they are just a couple of comments up thread, recent…


132. marisacat - 26 September 2007

bay – comment 110… thanks for noting that.

I would have missed it.

LOL oh I am sure docudonot has an agenda.


133. marisacat - 26 September 2007

argh I just went and read buhdybooboo’s STRIKE diary.

What a phoney.

I probably should not have used a subscription wall article, but I thought it was unusual enough to bother.

But AT LEAST I used large portions of it… buhdy links and nothing else.

Good lord. plus what a phoney!

134. mattes - 26 September 2007

Buddy complains…AFTER it’s a done deal.

135. Saint Shadowthief - 26 September 2007

132. marisacat – 26 September 2007

bay – comment 110… thanks for noting that.

I would have missed it.

LOL oh I am sure docudonot has an agenda.

At least the manufacture of consent is a domestic growth industry, and hasn’t been outsourced to India.


136. Shwedagon-Pagoda » Blog Archives » BURMESE PROTESTORS DEFY WARNING! - 18 October 2007

[…] Protest the Juntas!… All of them, ours too!In this file photo, a Myanmar Buddhist monk takes video footage at the famous Shwedagon Pagoda in Yangon. Myanmar’s swelling protests are in the global spotlight with the help of hi-tech gadgets in the era of YouTube — a stark contrast … […]

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