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Chuckle buddies 26 January 2010

Posted by marisacat in 2010 Mid Terms, 2012 Re Election, DC Politics, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter.

Chuckle buddies laugh infectiously: sweet at first, but you’ll feel like avoiding them like the plague after five minutes. Mini Chuckle Buddies (Mint Concepts, RRP£4) are keychains that laugh when you squeeze them. The bigger versions (RRP£15) roll around on the floor and roar with laughter   Photograph: Graham Turner/Guardian

hmm they remind me of the human swizel sticks that vote… a lot of whom seem to be falling off the ‘little engine that could’ –  a contraption the white men behind Ob built.

They, the human swizel sticks, may very well get back on… or they may say, You Were No Fun, Obama… and … and… what WAS it all about anyway? We forget! No No!… don’t bother to tell us again..

He gave too many speeches.  It wore out. The bubble met the buzz saw……..



1. marisacat - 26 January 2010

Of course… if things get really bad (it can always get worse!) Ob can do this.

They say it is speeding JPII toward sainthood.

CSTAR - 26 January 2010

Isn’t the body “the temple of christ” or something?

Of course the Messiah (or someone pretending to be) got himself crucified. Maybe that could speed it up for obster.

marisacat - 26 January 2010

yes I have the feeling that the explanation would involve, somehow, the crucifixion… the pain the suffering of Jesus. For us … etc.

Madman in the Marketplace - 26 January 2010


Pain, human nature, and Christ

Theologians also state that the Son, the second person of the Trinity, united himself as a person (through the hypostatic union) to everything human, including pain.

Catholics believe that God, who in their view by his divine nature cannot change, has united with changing human nature, and therefore with human pain. The “I” of the Second Person suffers and feels pain. He is one with pain through Jesus Christ. Thus Christ’s experience of pain (like all the human acts of Christ like sleeping, crying, speaking) whose subject is the divine Person is an infinite act. This is based on the classic dictum that the acts belong to the Person (actiones sunt suppositorum). It is the Person who acts: It is God who walks, God who talks, God who is killed, and God who is in pain. Thus a Christian who is united to Jesus Christ through pain is one with his infinite act of saving the world.

This also goes together with another dictum in theology: whatever is not united (to the Divine Person) is not saved. Thus, his intellect, his will, his feelings, are all united with the Person, and are all sanctified and redeemed, including pain. Pain is therefore a sanctified and redeeming human experience.

The salvific meaning of suffering

John Paul II wrote an entire apostolic letter on the topic of suffering, specifically the salvific meaning of suffering: Salvifici Doloris. It is considered a major contribution to the theology of pain and suffering.[citation needed]

He wrote this after suffering from a bullet wound due to the assassination attempt of Ali Agca. Six weeks after meeting his attacker, he wrote about suffering in Christianity.[citation needed]

Pope John Paul II: “Suffering, more than anything else, makes present in the history of humanity the powers of the Redemption.”

“Christ did not conceal from his listeners the need for suffering. He said very clearly: “If any man would come after me… let him take up his cross daily, and before his disciples he placed demands of a moral nature that can only be fulfilled on condition that they should “deny themselves”. The way that leads to the Kingdom of heaven is “hard and narrow”, and Christ contrasts it to the “wide and easy” way that “leads to destruction.” Christ does not explain in the abstract the reasons for suffering, but he states: “Follow me!”. Come! Take part through your suffering in this work of saving the world, a salvation achieved through my suffering! Through my Cross. Gradually, as the individual takes up his cross, spiritually uniting himself to the Cross of Christ, the salvific meaning of suffering is revealed before him. …It is then that man finds in his suffering interior peace and even spiritual joy.”

Joy in suffering

Saint Paul speaks of joy in suffering in Colossians: “I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake”. He had found a source of joy in overcoming the sense of the uselessness of suffering.

Faith in sharing in the suffering of Christ brings with it the interior certainty that the suffering person “completes what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions”; the certainty that in the spiritual dimension of the work of Redemption he is serving, like Christ, the salvation of his brothers and sisters.[citation needed]

He states that it is suffering, more than anything else, which clears the way for the grace which transforms human souls. Suffering, more than anything else, makes present in the history of humanity the powers of the Redemption.

Sick fucking beliefs, and of course it goes back to that crazy motherfucker Paul.

catnip - 26 January 2010

As the saying goes: pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.

Madman in the Marketplace - 26 January 2010

how anybody can fund comfort in this life-denying, hateful, anti-human sick shit is beyond me.

2. marisacat - 26 January 2010

Looking over at Democracy NOW! —->, I see Michael Moore is finally (mebbe!) off the Dem party wagon. He calls them ”disgusting”.

Well, maybe partly off…………..

You know how it goes………..


marisacat - 26 January 2010

I so hope this gets released thsi year. No more rumors, let that sucker see the sunlight!

The timing is perfect. This year NEEDS a turning point. 😆

I jsut find everything today to be hysterically funny. I mean, why not?

BooHooHooMan - 26 January 2010

HeHee. wellllllll .
as IOZ said today on another matter, perhaps articulating the Unified Field Theory afterall,

and although I have surely had some “utterly nontrivial” encounters in my time, I measure their ultimate significance in inches.

marisacat - 26 January 2010

the thread ar gawker is sometimes very amusing… 🙄

brinn - 26 January 2010

If it makes you feel any better, MCat, you’ve been cracking me up for 2 days!

marisacat - 26 January 2010


Madman in the Marketplace - 26 January 2010

let me guess … it’s an animated short?

marisacat - 26 January 2010

well the thread seems split as to whether his apparatus is causing comment (so the story goes, from the supposed viewers of this rumored tape) for being big or being weird.

I always thought it was a given, both were exhibitionists of a sort and hell, she was a videographer. A given…………

If ONLY it were an animated short. 😆 NO such luck I bet.

Madman in the Marketplace - 26 January 2010
3. BooHooHooMan - 26 January 2010

Democrats Pause on Health Overhaul

Published: January 26, 2010

WASHINGTON — With no clear path forward on major health care legislation, Democratic leaders in Congress effectively slammed the brakes on President Obama’s top domestic priority on Tuesday, saying that they no longer felt pressure to move quickly on a health bill after eight months of setting deadlines and missing them.

The Senate majority leader, Harry Reid, Democrat of Nevada, deflected questions about health care. “We’re not on health care now,” he said. “We’ve talked a lot about it in the past.” He added, “There is no rush,” and noted that Congress still had most of this year to work on the health bills passed in 2009 by the Senate and the House.

And never to be heard from agin…Looks like it now. Henh. I thought they’d ram the mandates thru…How they can package it to give the corps and insurers what they want, I don’t know now…but if there’s a way , I suppose they will. I guess they can’t afford it on both sides of the upper Incumbency….Reid and Specter sure can’t…. maybe they’ll do it after midterms, make everybody in the country by crap insurance. I guess heir Masters can wait as long as the Fed keeps printing money, tho, no?

BooHooHooMan - 26 January 2010

Not that any of this is news..I always was the remedial read here..The article runs the list of the regular week kneed Willies, while Steny Capped Donkteeth grimaced in ..

The comments by lawmakers also served to lower expectations for the president’s State of the Union speech on Wednesday. Lawmakers said they did not expect Mr. Obama to lay out a specific strategy.

“I would be surprised if he says specifically exactly how he hopes to get health care done,” the House majority leader, Steny H. Hoyer of Maryland, said.

catnip - 26 January 2010

Whenever I see lowered expectations, I think of Mad TV.

marisacat - 26 January 2010

oh fer sure there is “no rush”.

The Dems, a running comedy show.

brinn - 26 January 2010

It ain’t just the Dems but this whole damned place…–laughing is better than crying, or homicide!

4. marisacat - 26 January 2010

Big Tentola at Talk Left… and, I must say, a roster of Blahgger boys of the Online Libs for Ob division (snips). He DOES refer to Booman as an “aspiriing cheerleader”…

and skewers the current West Wing tactic as “punch the hippies”.

catnip - 26 January 2010

Kossack Defenders of Obama No Matter What His Policies Are have been quite busy jumping through hoops the last 24 hours to justify this freeze. It’s been quite entertaining.

BooBoo is just a conservative in so-called “progressive” clothing.

marisacat - 26 January 2010

oh lord. A somewhat strange story gets stranger. The actual author of the Ellie Light LTE, who is, as it happens, the husband of the first name (sigh, a “traveling nurse”) connected to the letters.

Steward, still, writes a pretty lucid letter. And while some conservatives have drawn from the saga the lesson that the White House runs a stealthy, ubiquitous, Alinskyite propaganda arm the real lesson is the opposite: Obama’s so hard up for advocates these days that this is the best he can do.

The original letter, recall, wasn’t simply pro-Obama. It was addressed to Obama supporters, pleading with them to keep the faith.

The letter-writer (who, whatever his or her identity, used the same email address the original letter came from), in an interview otherwise full of half-truths, reflected on conservative bloggers’ search for a pattern in the Ellie Light letters.

“When the crazies started looking for pro-Obama letters they thought could be by me, they found so few,” the writer said. Conservatives “should be dancing in the streets – this guy is completely abandoned. They were looking for pro-Obama letters and couldn’t find any.”

via Ben Snith… http://www.politico.com/blogs/bensmith/ down a couple if any one cares….

5. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 January 2010

SoCal school district bans the dictionary

Southern California’s Menifee Union school district has banned the Merriam Webster’s 10th edition from use in fourth and fifth grade classes, over this salacious definition of “oral sex”: “oral stimulation of the genitals”.

Gee, sucks to be one of those kids.

6. catnip - 26 January 2010

Poor TINS: fighting so hard to prove that his job in advertizing is relevant. At least this time, he didn’t include a link in his diary pimping for his firm.

7. catnip - 26 January 2010

Congress Went to Denmark, You Got the Bill

For 15 Democratic and 6 Republican Congressmen, food and rooms for two nights cost $4,406 tax dollars each. That’s $2,200 a day – more than most Americans spend on their monthly mortgage payment.

CBS News asked members of Congress and staff about whether they’re mindful that it’s public tax dollars they’re spending. Many said they had never even seen the bills or the expense reports.

Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., is a key climate change player. He went to Copenhagen last year. Last week, we asked him about the $2,200-a-day bill for room and food.

“I can’t believe that,” Rep. Waxman said. “I can’t believe it, but I don’t know.”

But his name is in black and white in the expense reports. The group expense report was filed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. She wouldn’t talk about it when our producer tried to ask.

Pelosi’s office did offer an explanation for the high room charges. Those who stayed just two nights were charged a six-night minimum at the five-star Marriott. One staffer said, they strongly objected to no avail. You may ask how they’ll negotiate a climate treaty, if they can’t get a better deal on hotel rooms.

marisacat - 26 January 2010

waxman looks very clueless on the vid….

You may ask how they’ll negotiate a climate treaty, if they can’t get a better deal on hotel rooms.

yes exactly!!

8. catnip - 26 January 2010

This story about the boneheads* who tried to bug Landrieu’s office is the quite the hoot.

* my new favourite word this week

9. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 January 2010
10. catnip - 26 January 2010

Oh! Look what I found. All my grandherbs will be Snuggie Cult members next xmas. Now I just need to find a pattern for crocheted tin foil hats.

11. BooHooHooMan - 27 January 2010

😆 Hey mcat…. on the Elllie Light…aka Winston Steward.

LOL. The guy is from dailykos..

Any applicable Internet fame , blog royalties, etc… can be directed to The Plexiglass Mouse Transfer Foundation of “mrka.

And from poking around, by the looks of it, he damn near lives in Southern Cali backyard of one of the other numerous weirdo’s on DK, … “trashablanca”.

BooHooHooMan - 27 January 2010

That the dude is a kossack is already out there…

Odd though he was blogging a week ago without an automatic tip jar…
And his comments have been deleted tho some are available on cache..

{shifts eyes suspiciously towards kossack astroturfer admins}

marisacat - 27 January 2010

Prolly not as close and comfy to Ob as this man who is a guest tonight for the SOTU. I try not to focus on the utter scheisse all over the roadway, but let me just say………….. NINETY NINE FUCKING MILLION? For what? In the hands of ONE MAN? One company?

That is a lot of dough. Cash Moulah. Money. Etc.

Or Dan Karner, the chief of an Arizona company that received $99 million from the stimulus bill, which helped him create at least 50 permanent clean energy jobs and saved others.

I mean, stimulus is not a loan? It’s a form of grant right?

That is a lot of money.

marisacat - 27 January 2010

And let me add, consdiering what a massive fuck up this WH is………….I actually dread the background that will all too likely surface with even a little poking from reporters.

Not crediting media with investigative journalism… hell no by now, at least right now, it is shooting the wounded. Sick sport.

ts - 27 January 2010

That’s nearly $2 million per job.

ts - 27 January 2010

$2 million * 5 million jobs lost = $10 trillion

If we just double the federal debt we can employ everybody.

catnip - 27 January 2010

Good catch. Maybe he couldn’t handle the criticism of the Blessed One at that site.

marisacat - 27 January 2010

I should have guessed.

12. artemis54 - 27 January 2010

Oregon voters say tax the rich, tax corporate profits, untax the poor, spend the money on public services.

Waiting for the calls for the Soviet of Oregon to be expelled from the Union.

marisacat - 27 January 2010

artemis… sorry you got stuck in spam… that seems to be the latest trick of WP.


artemis54 - 27 January 2010

Yes, all the WP sites it seems. I don’t understand these things. Related: I went to dk using IE the other day and got a message I hadn’t seen before: “IE has given up on this site.” I wonder if it was the auto on sound or the flashing neon wrap around ads?

ts - 27 January 2010

I don’t think they would mind that much.

13. marisacat - 27 January 2010

I realise it is an old story (cat herding, etc.) that almost writes itself, but jesus, how do you stop it from going down in flames. Or up in flames. Flaming out.

And so on.

Whenever I look at Pelosi I am reminded of her at an August 2008 fundraise here in SF, a three tier event, ranging from a thousand $ to the 30K or so from a select group of “desi” the moneyed slice of second generation [sub continent of India that is… ] Indians.. and she enlivened the evening by stating that god had sent Obama to us.

Oh may I just say ewwwwwwwwwww.

marisacat - 27 January 2010

In terms of the party, this really is the left and the right (albeit with useful Japanese Hawai’i paternalism to soften the edges) of the party. Neither has a good word, and this is going into the SOTU speech! for El Pretzel:

On the spending freeze — ABC’s Jonathan Karl catches up with a few of the president’s usual allies:

“At a time when people are going hungry and our educational system is crumbling, do we want to cut back or freeze these programs? No,” said Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt.

“As much as I want to support the president, I have doubts,” said Senate Appropriations Chairman Daniel Inouye, D-Hawaii.

marisacat - 27 January 2010

OK…. reading around today, it is inescapable: He has lost congress.

Dead weight that they are, I doubt you can survive, in any recognisable form, and hve lost your party in congress.

catnip - 27 January 2010

He’s even lost Obama Girl.

marisacat - 27 January 2010


If the nation were not so strangled, out of owrk, underwater, AND riled up, this might be survivable… but …. Plus it seems very clear Ob and Ob-ites are kinda out of grand ideas. Or any ideas at all.

ts - 27 January 2010

When did he have ideas?

marisacat - 27 January 2010

yeah… exactly. And the speeches were slobber over old Dem promises. I found it all very sad thru 2008.

14. catnip - 27 January 2010

Paulson’s testifying today. Popcorn!

mattes - 27 January 2010
catnip - 27 January 2010

Go Seabiscuit!

catnip - 27 January 2010

Whiny Paulson: “I had agreed to stay for an extra 8 minutes. It’s now been 10 minutes”.

What an ass.

Liveblog at the WaPo. I missed Timmy this morning.

mattes - 27 January 2010

Ass is a polite word.


Someone needs to go to jail.

marisacat - 27 January 2010

Oh I cannot resist:

Someone needs to go to jail.

it’s not on the table!!

😆 (what else is new?)

mattes - 27 January 2010

Heard somewhere, Goldman Sachs only paid 6% in taxes.

catnip - 27 January 2010

But but but…Obama said he wants to “move forward”.

Seriously, if nobody’s going to jail for an illegal war and torture, there’s not much chance any of these Wall Streeters will ever see a day behind bars.

mattes - 27 January 2010

“looting the corpse.”….yep.

The thugs were not able to privatize social security…but this turned out to be their bonus prize.

catnip - 27 January 2010

not able to privatize social security


ts - 27 January 2010

I just want to ask HOW the financial system would have collapsed from AIG going under, considering that in all but one or two cases, the companies receiving the bailout stated in their SEC documents that they expected an AIG bankruptcy would have no material effect on their earnings. If they were hedged, how exactly were they in danger and why did they need to be paid off at top dollar.

marisacat - 27 January 2010

It was an old time scam… a con. Nothing else has ever explained it…

15. marisacat - 27 January 2010

So shocking. Unpredictable. No one saw it coming. ABC saw fit to send a Breaking the Broken News Email………………………….

Breaking News from ABCNEWS.com:

John and Elizabeth Edwards Are Now Legally Separated, ABC News Has Learned [1:40 p.m. ET]

For more on this and other breaking news go to ABCNews.com: http://abcnews.go.com?nwltr=bn

16. marisacat - 27 January 2010



…………………. 😯

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