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Cheap laughs… 22 March 2010

Posted by marisacat in 2010 Mid Terms, 2012 Re Election, Abortion Rights, DC Politics, Democrats, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, Lie Down Fall Down Dems, Sex / Reproductive Health, U.S. House, U.S. Senate.

A woman walks a large pig on the Pan-America road, south of Lima, Peru

Walky Porkies: A woman walks a large porker on the Pan-America road, south of Lima, Peru. This big piggy went to market…. [AP via UK Telegraph]

I laughed when I read this a few hours after The Big Vote:  

Mush! Salesman-in-Chief!  You’re booked, on the hoof and out on the hustings, for months to come….

President Obama is set to begin an immediate public relations blitz aimed at turning around Americans’ opinion of the health-care bill.

Planning inside the West Wing for the post-vote period has proceeded quietly, even as the president and his allies on Capitol Hill were fighting for the measure’s passage.

Reshaping the legislation’s image will take place in three phases, White House aides said:

– the immediate aftermath;

– the seven months until the November midterm elections;

and the several years that follow, during which many provisions in the measure will gradually take effect.  [Good Luck!]

Driving the message during those periods is the belief among Obama’s top advisers that Republicans have boxed themselves into a corner with unanimous opposition to the legislation and talk of a repeal.

“The Republicans have way overshot the runway in their criticism of health reform,” said White House communications director Dan Pfeiffersnip snap

Well, it should be easy to take down all those R who have OVERSHOT the runway?  Right?

Can this get funnier?

It can!

Administration officials are also preparing talking points and fact sheets that lawmakers can take home with them on their Easter vacation, Obama advisers said. Those documents are being developed with Democratic leaders in the House and Senate, aides said.

That immediate help — along with efforts by the Democratic National Committee, its Organizing for America project and outside groups that supported the health-care legislation — could be critical to Democrats’ hope of retaining control of Congress in the November elections.

With the DNC and OfA at the ready to save the bacon, there should be no problems.  


Homework for Easter break… and hey, speaking of Easter Break! there may be a resolution in Natalee’s Less Than Excellent Adventure to Aruba, some years back, coming up. (Not exactly vacation pics, but … it seems there are photos of bones lying in the sandy depths of the water… could be our lost Southern Miss!)

Then there is Tiger. And the golf balls.  Sandra and Jesse James (and other inflagrante delicto to come!  Can only expect so much from one pair)…


Entertainment for years!!  (They’ll all be making speeches!  Interviews!  Flashbulbs!)

No worries!!

And it could not come soon enough for some nervous House members, many of whom have been disappointed by the weak support they have received from the administration and Democratic groups.

One Democratic lawmaker, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he did not want to be considered critical of the president, said such support has been extremely limited. He said opponents of the legislation have run nearly $1 million worth of ads criticizing him, while supporters have spent about a tenth of that. Organizing for America “has been a paper tiger in my district,” he said.

At the Democratic National Committee, officials running the Organizing for America project said they have received pledges of 9 million hours of volunteer work on behalf of candidates who supported health-care reform.  snip snappy



1. NYCO - 22 March 2010

I have to laugh at the outrage over Arcuri (upstate NY rep) voting no on the health plan. Democrats promising that his ass is grass now. Yarite… like that district is going to go for a different Democrat or something.

marisacat - 22 March 2010

Sweet at the Sun-Times has an interesting interview with Lipinski…very honest, no flutter butter. He stayed a “no” and expects no blow back. He father was a “no” on the famous tax vote that felled Mizvinsky or whatever her name was under Clinton.

😆 Of course her son is marrying Chelsea… but I get the feeling Lipinsky is not interesting that sort of “ladder”, either.

2. Madman in the Marketplace - 22 March 2010

Is being a sadist asshole a requirement to be a cop?

A cop in Barre, Vermont repeatedly tased Ann Osborn, a 59-year-old mentally ill homeless woman who was standing in a parking lot with her arms folded. “I could see that this was not getting any results so I pulled out the cartridge and went for a drive stun to Osborn’s left thigh. This did have some affect and she screamed a little bit and went down on her buttocks, in the shrub area, next to the store at which time the Taser slipped off her thigh… Before Osborn could get up I was able to apply a second drive stun to her right thigh. This again kept her down and she began to scream. I advised her to roll over and place her hands behind her back, which she did and the Taser came off her leg losing contact again. Now Osborn was still screaming without the Taser being on her, and would still not put her hands behind her back. I again applied the drive stun to the back of her left thigh. Osborn finally complied, put her hands behind her back at which time I was able to get the handcuffs on her and take her into custody.”

of course, some sick fucks defend the cop in comments:

CCC • #6 • 02:01 on Mon, Mar.22 • Reply

… Failing to obey the direction of a peace officer is a criminal offence – whether you’re an 18 year old punk or an 80 year old grandmother of five. Without the Taser, the way compliance is gained is through physical force. Would you rather the officer arm-barred this elderly woman to the ground to properly take her into custody or deployed a push-stun on a Taser? Quite frankly there is no easy way of gaining compliance from a resistant person – but it is a cold hard reality of the job and bears no direct relation to an officers intelligence.

To suggest the same degree of force used to effect an arrest should then be visited upon the arresting officer at shifts end is borderline retarded. Do you honestly think he got his jollies out of this? I consider myself keenly Leftist but this anti-police liberal bullshit has gone too far and a lot of you people simply aren’t thinking rationally.

I’m not quite sure why talking to her, or calling family or a paramedic, wasn’t an option … some of the commenters are having none of it:

rebdav • #14 • 03:05 on Mon, Mar.22 • Reply

I was once a medic on a swat team, these were the biggest control freak cops on the force, the training was fun but the busts on suspected drug dealers was horrible, it took a few years but I quit. There is nothing like a large team and bashing in the door dressed in combat black packing rifles surprising the kids by dragging their parents away it all takes less than a minute for the blitz. American police culture spread by training events and Hollywood is spreading to the world, it is creating a society accepted class of super men who are apart from the rest. When judges and juries automatically believe the police in court, when police can use force or harass for failing the attitude test or failure to follow an order there is no freedom, even in North Korea the average person is not bothered by the police, it is those who cant follow simple orders.

Democracy breaks down when the majority, sure in their belief of innocence as protection, authorize the police to use all means to eliminate the uncomfortable others from society.

3. Madman in the Marketplace - 22 March 2010

Before we get too angry

You have to remember, amongst male Republicans in Texas, “Baby Killer” is what they yell at themselves in shame after another furious round of masturbation.


marisacat - 22 March 2010

Courtesy of IOZ…. just a fine selection from the round of slobbery bon mots out there today:

Now that [Health Care is] done, Barack Obama will go down in history as one of America’s finest presidents. It’s always possible of course that, like LBJ, he’ll get involved in some unrelated fiasco that mars his reputation.

-Yglesias giving some tongue action

marisacat - 22 March 2010

snicker. Via BC’s The Note

More of the mouthpiece Boyz:

Paul Krugman: “This is, of course, a political victory for President Obama, and a triumph for Nancy Pelosi, the House speaker. But it is also a victory for America’s soul. In the end, a vicious, unprincipled fear offensive failed to block reform. This time, fear struck out.”

I am starting to think Krugman actually has mental problems. Either he is in the depths of despair, ”all is over” mode or the nation just saved its soul. Via ObRama, too, as if that is even possible….. (don’t make me laugh too hard!)

catnip - 22 March 2010

So the insurance companies are now to be referred to as “America’s soul”?

marisacat - 22 March 2010

I’ve decided.. he is unwell.

4. catnip - 22 March 2010


When vulnerable Democrats who supported the legislation return to their home districts later this week, they will be met with billboards at airports and rallies. They have been advised not to say they voted for the bill out of courage, aides said, because that suggests it was politically risky, and possibly, a wrong decision.

lol…they can’t win for winning.

marisacat - 22 March 2010

that is almost unbelievable.

The next few months are going to be more entertaining than even I thought.

marisacat - 22 March 2010

what an idiot! Something I never thought I would say of Chomsky. Gah.

March 22, 2010

Chomsky votes yes

You know the left is united when Noam Chomsky says he would have voted yes on the health care bill.

He talked to Sahil Kapur:

“If I were in Congress,” he said, “I’d probably hold my nose and vote for it, because the alternative of not passing it is worse, bad as this bill is. Unfortunately, that’s the reality.”

“If it fails, it wouldn’t put even limited constraints on insurance companies,” he explained, noting that the bill is “at least has some steps towards barring the withholding of policies from people with prior disabilities.”

Posted by Ben Smith 01:57 PM

comments (12)

I am not sure he even made sense in those two lines.

Madman in the Marketplace - 22 March 2010


there really are so very few willing to call things as they are.

marisacat - 22 March 2010

Barbara Boxer is on KGO… she sounds more authoritative than the Cali House member (and former Ins Commm) on thsi am, but boy sh eis confused as well.

IMO they are lying… they know the benefits to people don’t matter. It is all shifting.

5. catnip - 22 March 2010
marisacat - 22 March 2010

Madman was right! It accompanied an act of Onanism, Tejas style!

6. catnip - 22 March 2010

Glad you heard from moiv (in the last thread). I was thinking about her yesterday and was wondering what she had to say about this whole debacle.

7. catnip - 22 March 2010

Strangeness from Disney: ‘Pirates’ casting call: Natural breasts only

I wonder if they’re calling for guys without penile implants…

Madman in the Marketplace - 22 March 2010

it’s not a real pirate movie if you don’t get that natural bounce out of the top of all of their corsets as the ladies swing on ropes and swing swords and such …

marisacat - 22 March 2010

I am old enough that when I went to Disney land at 9… in the Pirate’s Cove ride, there were murals of pirates chasing females… It was very cartoonish, hardly something that I took seriously frankly…

a few years later they came down in response to feminist complaints. I forgot what went up… pirates chasing farm animals maybe, 😆

So……… it never happened that way? Pirates running afer the wimmen folk?


Madman in the Marketplace - 22 March 2010

now the women w/ disney pirates look like Keira Knightly and fight in corset and bloomers.

I actually found this pretty funny … I guess implants are bad but make-up is okay:

The slightly built 22-year-old Atonement actress shot to worldwide fame in the blockbuster Pirates Of The Caribbean – with breasts spilling over the tight corset she wore in the role of Elizabeth Swann.

But it was all an illusion, made possible by the film-studio art of “bosom make-up”. It is a skill from Hollywood’s golden age that fell out of favour with the advent of silicone enhancement.

Miss Knightley said: “They painted my t**s on me for the films, which is extraordinary because it’s kind of a dying art form – in the past, they used to have whole sections of the studios devoted to bosom make-up.

“And I loved it, completely loved it. Because it was the first time in my life I had big t**s, and I didn’t even need surgery.’

She said the process of creating the cleavage took 45 minutes every morning before filming started.

So she was sort-up REAL WORLD photoshopped!

A make-up artist would apply a slightly darker shade of base make-up between Miss Knightley’s own breasts to create a shadow to increase the ‘cleavage effect’.

8. marisacat - 22 March 2010




………………… 8)

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