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Life is a slice… 29 May 2007

Posted by marisacat in DC Politics, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter.

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1. liberalcatnip - 29 May 2007

The Democrats seem to be basically nicer people, but they have demonstrated time and again that they have the management skills of celery. They’re the kind of people who’d stop to help you change a flat, but would somehow manage to set your car on fire. I would be reluctant to entrust them with a Cuisinart, let alone the economy. The Republicans, on the other hand, would know how to fix your tire, but they wouldn’t bother to stop because they’d want to be on time for Ugly Pants Night at the country club.

– Dave Barry

2. Sabrina Ballerina - 29 May 2007

Hi everyone, trying to catch up on the news and previous threads ….

Btw, has AdamB rehabilitated Cheney yet, or is he just working up to it? Lol! Santorum now a hero on DK. Surprise, surprise! Not!

More slaughter in Iraq, and as usual the keyboard commandos over at dk are still holding on to the pretense that Democrats are anti-war! I wonder can they continue this charade for another year and a half? Not in the real world, that’s for sure.

3. marisacat - 29 May 2007


I think it is fair to say this effort to rally the troops (civilian voter division) FAILED BIG TIME.

However I do think many will climb back on.

4. liberalcatnip - 29 May 2007

First it was kos who admitted he didn’t how how the legislative process works, now it’s atrios:

While I’m not as acquainted with the full details of the legislative process as I should be…

Oh but trust them. They know what’s best…

As for MOB, wasn’t it drinking nite in Philly tonite? Bar room talking points for the boyz. That defeatism that means bowing to the two party machine dominance certainly has nothing to do with any kind of revolution that they say they so desire.

5. ms_xeno - 29 May 2007

Ah, Booboo only trots out an interest in overhauling the two-party system when he’s over here whining at me. The rest of the time it’s all about how Moses came down from fucking Sinai with “DEM” engraved on one tablet and “REP” engraved on the other.

Oh, go fuck yourself, Booboo. What a snivelling little fraud you are.

6. liberalcatnip - 29 May 2007

Wasn’t Bowers begging for money for MyDD not to long ago at dkos? Guess that’s what’s getting Stoller to Hawaii.

7. colleen - 29 May 2007

Btw, has AdamB rehabilitated Cheney yet, or is he just working up to it?

AdamB is the sort of guy who gives ‘D’ list corporate lawyers a bad name. seriously. His mother should be ashamed.

8. James - 29 May 2007

Wasn’t Bowers begging for money for MyDD not to long ago at dkos? Guess that’s what’s getting Stoller to Hawaii.

Must be nice.

9. liberalcatnip - 29 May 2007

Someone left a link to this old Civil Defense film at my place. What a hoot. Pay no attention to that pesky “radiation” stuff…as long as your house is still standing, you’re a hero – and a clean one at that! (Take note kids: this is what happens if you don’t clean your rooms. mwahahaha)

Love this comment on that site: “In the event of a nuclear exchange, the couch potatoes will be the first to go…” 🙂

10. marisacat - 29 May 2007

A friend of mine used to say, whatever you are wearing will be the fashion, whatever is in the oven will be done.

… in the event of “nuclear exchange” that is… 😉

11. liberalcatnip - 29 May 2007

lol…I think we’d all be wearing toast dresses at that point, along with whatever was in the oven.

12. earth to meg - 29 May 2007

Oh, shit, you guys are killing me! I’m laughing so hard I had to, ahem, run to the bathroom.

Note to self: Do more kegels.

13. liberalcatnip - 29 May 2007

not that I actually wear dresses more than twice a year…

14. liberalcatnip - 29 May 2007

I was spying on the Rature Ready folks. (ssshhhh) Apparently, the teletubbies are suspected of being TEH GAYZ again:

A senior Polish official has ordered psychologists to investigate whether the popular BBC TV show Teletubbies promotes a homosexual lifestyle.

The spokesperson for children’s rights in Poland, Ewa Sowinska, singled out Tinky Winky, the purple character with a triangular aerial on his head.

“I noticed he was carrying a woman’s handbag,” she told a magazine. “At first, I didn’t realise he was a boy.”

One of the rapturians agrees:

i think the unisex teletubbies is very confusing. especially the one with a purse. Purses were specifically made and designed for women.

Jesus had a purse.

We interrupt this comment to inform you that liberalcatnip has been struck down by a huge lightning bolt. We regret any incovenience this may cause.

15. wu ming - 30 May 2007

i’m still baffled that teletubbies is even still on the air, anywhere. other than the tinky winky kitsch factor, the show is utterly annoying.

16. ms_xeno - 30 May 2007

Oh, come now, wu ming. It couldn’t be any worse for the youth than the Kroft Factory productions were, back in the day.

Anyone seen my Geritol ?

17. jam.fuse - 30 May 2007

Belushi/Ackroyd clip I am obsessed with. One day I will dance like Elwood.

When punk rock came around in the late seventies in NJ, the Greatful Dead became a target of ridicule. I luvved them around age fifteen to seventeen, but was disliked by deadheads themselves. Saw ’em at the Garden and Jerry Garcia Band at Seton Hall University gym, NJ, good show.

In retrospect they’ve got a solid catologue up until about ’75’s Blues for Allah a jazzy/middle eastearn flavored piece with akiller cover painting. The Dead will never die I was told by some southern freak, when I was hitchhiking long ago, blues for allah tatoo on his arm.

18. BooHooHooMan - 30 May 2007


19. supervixen - 30 May 2007

Dave Barry is brilliant. My hero.

His piece Can New York Save Itself? is a classic:

The instant the doors open, you want to push forward as hard as possible, in an effort to get onto the train without letting anybody get off. This is very important. If anybody does get off, it is legal to tackle him and drag him back on. I once watched three German tourists — this is a true anecdote — attempt to get off the northbound No. 5 Lexington Avenue IRT train at Grand Central Station during rush hour. “Getting off please!” they said, politely, from somewhere inside a car containing approximately the population of Brazil, as if they expected people to actually let them through. Instead, of course, the incoming passengers propelled the Germans, like gnats in a hurricane, away from the door, deeper and deeper into the crowd, which quickly compressed them into dense little wads of Teutonic tissue. I never did see where they actually got off. Probably they stumbled to daylight somewhere in the South Bronx, where they were sold for parts.

and here is a quote for lucid and jamfuse:

Chuck and I emerge from the subway in Lower Manhattan. This area has been hard hit by the massive wave of immigration that has threatened to rend the very fabric of society, as the city struggles desperately to cope with the social upheaval caused by the huge and unprecedented influx of a group that has, for better or for worse, permanently altered the nature of New York: young urban professionals. They began arriving by the thousands in the 1970s, packed two and sometimes three per BMW sedan, severely straining the city’s already-overcrowded gourmet-ice cream facilities. Soon they were taking over entire neighborhoods, where longtime residents watched in despair as useful businesses such as bars were replaced by precious little restaurants with names like The Whittling Fig.

20. supervixen - 30 May 2007

Well, the thing about the teletubbies is THEY ARE NOT HUMAN! They are supposed to be creatures of some kind. NOT HUMAN! They have antennas on their heads and TVs in their stomachs. NOT HUMAN! They have no gonads of any sort and are only vaguely male or female. Does it really matter what sexuality a NON-HUMAN character has? Only to demented religious freaks.

Having said that, Tinky Winky does appear to be girly. Much is made about the purse, but nobody ever mentions the episode in which he wears a pink tutu.

But the inanity of the Tubbies pales in comparison with that of the Boobahs. This is hilarious:

Stravinsky Boobahs

21. marisacat - 30 May 2007

hmm mmm Cynthia McKinney on a roll:

[W]e should expect more from our elected leadership.

The Democrats didn’t fight for their own true election results in 2000 or in 2004, so why should we expect them to impeach an illegitimate Administration that has violated the U.S. Constitution and international law, lied to the American people, and sent our young men and women into harm’s way?

In fact, the Democrats have just now made themselves complicit in impeachable crimes of the Bush Administration. On March 17, my birthday, at the antiwar protest at the Pentagon, I declared that by voting to fund George Bush’s wars, the Democrats had become explicitly complicit in war crimes, torture, crimes against humanity, and crimes against peace.

The American people voted for peace in last November’s election. And they voted for justice. We didn’t get peace and we don’t have justice.

What about a livable wage for America’s workers?

What about the right of return for Katrina survivors?

What about repealing the Patriot Act, the Secret Evidence Act, and the Military Tribunals Act?

Why is impeachment “off the table”?

How can the Pentagon “lose” 2.3 trillion dollars!

Why can’t we get that money back for jobs, health care, education, and our veterans?

One year to the day before he was murdered Dr. King, under tremendous pressure from other blacks and “civil rights leaders” to tone down his antiwar rhetoric, responded thusly:

“For those who say to me, ‘stick to civil rights,’ I have another answer. And that is, that I’ve fought too long and too hard now, against segregated public accommodations to end up segregating my moral concerns. I’m not gonna do that. But others can do what they want to do. That’s their business. If other civil rights leaders, for various reasons, refuse or can’t take a stand or have to go along with the Administration, that’s their business. But I must say tonight, that I know that justice is indivisible: injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

Meanwhile the CEO of Conocophillips is on the Today show. Telling lies.

So many lies.

22. marisacat - 30 May 2007

I love the Teletubbies… partly becuase most American fare for very small children (18 mos – 5) is too manic. Mr Rogers and Captain Kangaroo all had an emphasis on appropriate soothing. Not enforced numbness but an excellent pull back from the frantic.

I mean compare that with soem of the bullshit American crap on show, some of which is getting monies from NCLB. That “unfunded” mandate.

We are so scammed.

23. marisacat - 30 May 2007

Love how they constantly remake utter shit:

Obama’s plan is important first for what it is not. Like the other top Democratic presidential contenders, he rejects the left’s growing support for a government-run, single-payer healthcare system. Instead, he proposes to reinforce the existing system, under which the vast majority of Americans receive coverage either through their employers or through government programs such as Medicare and Medicaid.

To cover most (but not all) of the roughly 45 million Americans without health insurance, Obama advances ideas that split the bill between individuals, government and business. His first step would be to require parents to insure their children. Then he proposes to expand eligibility for government programs for the poor and to offer subsidies to help other uninsured individuals buy coverage through a new, nationwide purchasing pool modeled on the insurance available to federal employees. Finally, Obama would require all but the smallest employers to provide insurance for workers or else pay about 6% of their payroll to help government fund the cost of covering those employees.

LAT Ron Bornstein

24. colleen - 30 May 2007

Instead, he proposes to reinforce the existing system, under which the vast majority of Americans receive coverage either through their employers or through government programs such as Medicare and Medicaid.

Sweet Jesus. Sounds not unlike compassionate conservatism. I see there no mention of or attempt to analyse why the US healthcare delivery system is the most expensive and with the worst outcomes of all the developed countries.

To add to the looming horror of the coming election, Fred Thompson intends to announce on July 4th.

25. lucidculture - 30 May 2007

I think the ‘Obama plan’ sounds like the most absurd thing I’ve ever heard. First there’s this gem:

“His first step would be to require parents to insure their children.”

And how, exactly, does he propose to do this? Force a lower middle income to cough up $400-$500 a month that they don’t have or throw them in jail? Penalize them on their taxes? Geesh.

And exactly how cheap is this “nationwide purchasing pool modeled on the insurance available to federal employees” going to be? And if it is cheap enough to cover those who presently can’t afford insurance, why isn’t it available to everyone?

And finally – Obama – any business would take the 6% payroll tax penalty to have the federal government take care of their health insurance because health insurance routinely costs businesses about 9%-12% of gross payroll for median wage jobs.

No language about controlling pharmaceutical costs. No language about preventative medicine. In fact, it’s completely nonsensical.

26. marisacat - 30 May 2007

wnated to mention, I just saw that “James” aka James Benjamin, the bokonist, of Left End of the Dial (on the blogroll) also has a jazz site

called Nothing Is

27. lucidculture - 30 May 2007

To add to the looming horror of the coming election, Fred Thompson intends to announce on July 4th.

Well at least it will get his ass off of Law and Order [blushes – not that I watch that show or anything].

28. marisacat - 30 May 2007

Obama’s plan is a set up for failure.

My guess, to blame Americans. (And who else are we “blaming”? IRAQIS!)

Look we all tried, you shiftless bootstrapless numbskulls.

It is what I see in ALL the plans. ALL OF THEM.

No one running I can stand. I hear Fred Thompson heading on in to the horse corral. Good! Anybody who blows the line up of 18 ravenous shits to hell, fine with me. I hope Bloomberga nd Hagel come on in too.

29. liberalcatnip - 30 May 2007

Stravinsky Boobahs

Those Boobahs are obviously Satan worshippers.

30. ms_xeno - 30 May 2007

Obama ’08: America needs another supply-sider like a fish needs a bicycle.

31. marisacat - 30 May 2007


LOL I see Obama as the very essence of compassionate conservatism. WIth a black face. Which like everything else in America is a selling point.

Worse, there are Democrats around happy to sell that Republicans willing to vote outside their party, are looking at him as a “Reagan”. Others lauding Edwards as the greatest thing since the ringing oratory of the 60s. Not likely.

We are so effing lost.

32. lucidculture - 30 May 2007

America needs another supply-sider like a fish needs a bicycle.

Well, quite obviously, not enough wealth has trickled up yet.

33. colleen - 30 May 2007

And how, exactly, does he propose to do this? Force a lower middle income to cough up $400-$500 a month that they don’t have or throw them in jail? Penalize them on their taxes? Geesh.

I expect that the eventual goal is denial of service.

Well at least it will get his ass off of Law and Order

He’s a horrible actor and a worse senator but I’m afraid that even with Thompson gone L&O has become a r-w spin machine. The writers seem devoted to pleasing the Federalist Society. They have West Winged it.

Have you seen Thompson’s trophy wife? What is she, 6?

34. marisacat - 30 May 2007


the children insurance scam in this country is the proof this country never plans to do anything. All children birth to 18 should be covered, oeriod. And not the state by state hodge podge that is going on.

As I understand it, under the current system for “working poor” it costs about 15 per child, when available, to get SChIP coverage.

The mother in TX (who hanged herself and duaghters) would have had to pay 60 a month for coverage if she earned too much to be on state Medicaid.

It just is too much.

35. marisacat - 30 May 2007

The writing has gone to utter shit on L&O.

Michael Moriarity, trained in the legitimate theatre, was right to leave all those years ago. He left for principal, over issues over the depiction of violence (iirc). As in, it is censorship and it would move to the news. It surely did.

36. Sabrina Ballerina - 30 May 2007

we are so effing lost marisacat

Yes, so we have nothing to lose by supporting a third party candidate should one emerge ….

I’m sure all Vags in the SF area will be attending the Yrly kos fundraiser …. funny to see Buhdydharma’s name on the FP considering that the kos thugs attempted to run him off the board last fall. Nor did kos ever come to his defense, not that he needed it.

I’ll be there.

The Future of Politics is Here, and You’re Invited!

Be the first on your server to party with progressive bloggers! Get crazy with your blue state self and help us raise money for the second annual YearlyKos Convention (YKC 07).

Join YearlyKos Conventioneers and special guests Brian Keeler, Budhydharma, The Calitics crew, Lt. Colonel Charlie Brown, Hunter, Gina Cooper, Kid Oakland, Markos, Navajo, Prosper, the San Francisco and Oakland (check their blog) Drinking Liberally chapters, San Francisco Young Democrats, SusanG, and other Left Coast luminaries.

Don’t miss this fascinating fiesta featuring legendary DJ Label and reggae/funk band Planet Down (MySpace page). Lots of wine provided by Hopper Creek.

Friday, June 1, 2007, 7 p.m.
Roe Restaurant and Lounge
651 Howard Street, San Francisco
$35 in advance / $40 at the door

Purchase tickets now!

Your generous participation will ensure YKC 07’s stellar success. This year’s convention will feature a Leadership Forum featuring potential 2008 presidential candidates, a progressive film Screening Series, prominent panelists and more.

Come to the FUN-draiser, then join us in Chicago August 2-5 for YKC 07!

37. marisacat - 30 May 2007

well I see Kid Oakland name too. If anyone else remembers his diary, post FP “annonymous DNCer in the know” when Kos helpfully frontpaged a rather too racist slam on Donna Brazile (I don’t have to like her to know wrong when I see it) and later he backed off his extravagant claims that he knew who pulled Kos’ strings… apologised (as they all do when they crawl back) and then I watched DhinMI and Del Dem bloody him but good. It was the most blatant thugdom I have seen there. They beat him til he admitted he would “be n othing without kos”.

hear the refrain?

They love to take it. There has to be a perceived pay off.

And, as I recall as I saw it, kid O sucked up to DH to be elevated to the FP. Right at the same time he tried to involve me in an email exchange.

He also did the minor MB walk on routine, smarmy explanations for wimmens. And others.

38. Sabrina Ballerina - 30 May 2007

Interesting regarding KO …. I do remember reading that he quit the FP. The problem seems to be that people see things they know are wrong, take a stand, but then back down for some reason. And kos uses the ‘liberals’ when he needs them. Maybe it’s an ego thing – or, they think they can do more good by staying.

I see MB linked to TL today also …. maybe it’s time to bring armando back into the fold also. Gearing up to collect as much money as they can during the presidential election season. It could be their last gasp as anyone observing the last six years can see, these are not the people who will change anything. But maybe they can squeeze one more expensive failure out of it.

39. lucidculture - 30 May 2007

Agreed on L&A writing – it’s still addictive as hell though. I think I watch it now because I hate it so much.

I think my favorite era was the first few Waterson years w/ Briscoe and Curtis & the first two ADA’s [Lowell & Hennesy]. It’s gone to hell since Carey Lowell left [the last anti-death penalty character, though Steven Hill was still marginally so]. I think my favorite episode was the season finale where it starts with the first execution in NY since the reinstatement of the death penalty and then everything in the episode spirals worse throughout the day, culminating with the death of Claire Kincaid…

40. marisacat - 30 May 2007

I still watch L&O… in fact all versions. I did not like the courtroom one… the one with whatshername… from the NY stage. I think it is not on anymore.

I will watch almost any police drama.

41. marisacat - 30 May 2007

.. and Waterston is such a confused political sell out. I mean “Unity 08” is such a conservative scam being run… as he fronts for it.


42. lucidculture - 30 May 2007

Waterson’s politics are firghtening. What’s funnier is that he’s also profoundly stupid. I saw him on celebrity Jeapordy once with Carey Lowell and Jerry Orbach. He kept buzzing in and missing extremely simple questions [I think he ended up in negative numbers at the end]. Lowell mopped up.

I guess Jeapordy isn’t really a measure of intelligence, but the stuff this guy was missing… he would have lost ‘elementary school Jeapordy’.

I watch SVU for some god awful reason & the original [much to the chagrin of my roomates], but can’t handle Criminal Intent. Maybe it’s just that I’ve never really liked Vince D’Onofrio’s acting schtick.

43. marisacat - 30 May 2007

What’s funnier is that he’s also profoundly stupid.

yeah I agree on that.

I remembered the name, Bibi Neuwirth… the writing and acting ws always really bad on the courtroom version.

I amdit I watch SVU and also CI…. almost any policier

The writing on all has seriously deteriorated tho. Down the tubes. But usually after the first couple of years it happens.

SO few crime or other dramas on, so I don’t watch much. I DID love an earlier one that died, Boomtown set in LA. Couple or more years ago. I thought they tried a little for a slightly more ocmplex take. And some stylish scenes.

44. ms_xeno - 30 May 2007

I gave up on L&O when they got the Evil Lizard Woman to be Sam’s sidekick. I don’t know her name, but she was Southern and just radiated smugness. Feh. A total reptile, and not in a good way.

Moriarity has some serious mental problems (or so I heard), but it never seemed to hurt his skills as an actor. I actually sat through one of those awful killer-mutant-baby movies once just to see him thrash around in Army fatigues while gasping, “I feel like a lobster in a damn fish tank !!” Those were the days.

I am sad that I cannot fund a YVags gathering for us (Miss D, come back !). Though if I sell every picture I ever made in the next month, we might still pull it off. Somebody get Bowers on the phone. Or MB. I spent good money getting my trenchcoat collection dry-cleaned and I hate the thought of all my efforts being wasted.

45. marisacat - 30 May 2007

Business Week has a blurb on the Edwards inter-regnum Poverty Center (now closed, as of some months ago, as I recall).

His defense, via AP in Winston-Salem Journal (no registration)

Elsewhere he ahs said he “enrolled” in the Hedge fund (LOL) to learn about profit centers and poverty. Will see if I can find that massive sneeze.

46. marisacat - 30 May 2007

well after he left L&O, Moriarity went on an alcoholic binge period. Put on a lot f weight. Went to Europe for a while, iirc… I think he tried to come back do some work in Canada, he was absolutely blackballed in the LA TV industry, from what I read.

Land of the free. Home of the brave.

47. ms_xeno - 30 May 2007

Wiki claims that he’s anti-choice, too. Maybe Ron Paul is looking for a running mate. :p

48. liberalcatnip - 30 May 2007

FYI: Live chat with Morris Dees on Friday. He’s taking on Lou Dobbs’ crusade against “illegal aliens”. (Dobbs won’t be there, thankfully.)

I watch L&O too. I’ve always liked courtroom dramas, plus the reruns are on every nite at 9 on Bravo when there’s usually nothing else on.

49. marisacat - 30 May 2007

who is anti choice?

50. lucidculture - 30 May 2007

Bebe… she lives down the hall from my boss… never liked her from Cheers days on.

I tend to stay away from ‘network shows’ in general these days. I’ve been pretty busy, but when I do sit down to have a mindless night of TV, I usually gravitate towards terrible B movies I’ve seen multiple times or L&O reruns on TNT & USA [unless of course I’m in a Trek mood]… something comforting about the inanity during these dark times.

51. liberalcatnip - 30 May 2007

I am sad that I cannot fund a YVags gathering for us

I’ll crochet the lanyards and sockpuppets.

52. ms_xeno - 30 May 2007

Mcat, according to Wiki, Moriarity is anti-choice.

53. James - 30 May 2007

Thanks for the mention of Nothing Is. That reminds me that I should upload some more live Miles bootleg recordings this week.

As Ted Joans sez: “Jazz is my religion.”

54. ms_xeno - 30 May 2007

catnip, do up a few tea cozies, too. Tea goes great with the Parisian macaroons. Though I’ll stick to guzzling espressos. I’d rather have an espresso machine than a chocolate fountain any day of the week.

55. liberalcatnip - 30 May 2007

MB has a front page poll to find out who’s pulling out of funding the Dems. All of the other poll answers are just a smokescreen. Gotta measure the ATM’s future.

56. lucidculture - 30 May 2007

Miss X, you’re talking about Angie Harmon as ‘Abbie Charmichael’. She was awful. I remember her character once complained about women using abortion as birth control… she was the end of any remotely good writing about pretty much anything on the show.

57. marisacat - 30 May 2007

Angie was just a flat out RW bitch. end of commentary.

58. marisacat - 30 May 2007

MSM catching up fast… The UK Telegaphe jsut sent out an email advertising you can have your own blog at the site.

59. James - 30 May 2007

Given the responses to MB’s poll, looks like the Dem partisans have very little to worry about. More’s the pity.

60. liberalcatnip - 30 May 2007

catnip, do up a few tea cozies, too. Tea goes great with the Parisian macaroons.

Yum. I’m an avid tea drinker – no coffee for me because the caffeine makes me feel like the bee in Flight of the Bumblebee. Insanity occurs.

I should crochet a bikini to donate to Dances With Poles in case she decides to stop by. (Somewhere her paranoid ears are burning. They’re talking about me again! Waaaah! Make it stop!)

61. ms_xeno - 30 May 2007

Thanks, Mcat and lucid. Couldn’t recall her name.

I could have lived w/a sympathetic character who had Right-wing views, but I couldn’t abide her acting. The character was a cut-out, and I think bad writing was only part of it.

62. outofwater - 30 May 2007

What happened at DK yesterday? Cindy?

63. outofwater - 30 May 2007

Has kos ever written a story without using “I” somewhere in it? It’s bizarre.

64. marisacat - 30 May 2007

ooops jsut found SV in the spam file (spam is coming in every minute, sigh)

SO it is up thread…

PS: Up thread it’s comment 19

65. cad - 30 May 2007

check out this soon to be destroyed diary:


he dares question why a site devoted to “electing democrats” would post ads for ann coulter who by last check, works against electing democrats. the response from the dk faithful is typical: delete! and endless pix of ponies and kittens, the high wit of the kossack.

but no real answers to the question…

66. marisacat - 30 May 2007

B-b-b-b-b-ut, The Hill says Netroots FURIOUS at Dems. Surely the pantomime is real. It must be. wah.

Blogosphere Fury at Dems on Iraq Vote

By Jonathan E. Kaplan
The Hill

Wednesday 30 May 2007

Furious that congressional Democratic leaders did not fight harder to pass a supplemental spending bill with a timeline to end the war in Iraq and tougher benchmarks, liberal online activists have ripped party leaders and threatened to halt contributions to Democratic lawmakers.

The power of the so-called netroots – liberal activists who rally likeminded supporters on the Internet – is not clear. They have a loud voice and they have the capacity to raise money quickly for a candidate they favor, but they so far have been unable to push House and Senate Democratic leaders on a range of issues, including ending the war in Iraq.

67. lucidculture - 30 May 2007

SV – great quotes in number 19. Though with respect to the first, I’ve never found it that hard to get of the subway [then again I always stand by the door as I’m damn claustrophobic].

68. lucidculture - 30 May 2007

They don’t even pretend to hide their racism, do they…

Those comments are sad.

69. D. Throat - 30 May 2007

My DK tee shirt submission.

I am not a real Democrat…
I just play one on Daily Kos

“Democrat” can be substituted by “progressive”, “feminist” or “liberal”

70. ms_xeno - 30 May 2007

At my age, catnip, I’m going to need one of those Preppie “boy-cut” suits. No ruffles, please. A couple of cute little anchors or whales a la’ Bush I would be neat, though.

Well, who knows ? Maybe people really will stay mad this time. It depends largely on how bad a Right-wing boogeyman can be crafted to represent the GOP and on whether or not anyone wants to step in on the Left and make a serious effort at spoiling the party.

On Green Commons, the locals seem very divided on the spoiler issue but I’m all in favor of embracing it. Spoilerism is a central tenet of the STFU Party. Take note. Our motto is It All Stank Before We Got Here.

71. ms_xeno - 30 May 2007

If online is any indication, I can’t see the national GP embracing McKinney. Too much diffidence, too much waffling, too much eagerness to please– on the Greens’ part. No wonder we ended up with Cobb last time out.

More’s the pity.

72. marisacat - 30 May 2007

well some version of

“If you are Pro-Reagan you are not Anti-Bush”

prettymuch covers the lot that are Dkos, certainly what is in the ascendance for years.

73. marisacat - 30 May 2007

Kahli has a good diary up on the re-introduction of the ERA.

[T]he Amendment reads as follows:

Section 1. Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.

Section 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.

Section 3. This amendment shall take effect two years after the date of ratification.’.

That’s it in a nutshell. Who wouldn’t want to co-sponsor that? What Democrat wouldn’t want to co-sponsor it? What woman wouldn’t want to?

The answer apparently includes Democrats Claire McCaskill of Missouri (darling of the netroots), Mary Landrieu, of Louisiana, Blanche Lincoln, of Arkansas, and Amy Klobuchar, of Minnesota. Oh by the way, none of the five Republican women in the Senate are behind the legislation, either. [snip]

as a side note, when it [re-introducting the ERA] came up for discussion a few weeks ago, it was mentioned on a tiny email list I am on (all of 4, two women and two men) the men thought it ws great. The two women knew the day had long since passed, no hope, no political partner (not even one that could be shoved awake as there is no obstreperous demanding movement in the nation, nothing big enough) we have been left to struggle for crumbs. Much less a handful of decent words.

74. lucidculture - 30 May 2007

What woman wouldn’t want to?

Well, before it was blocked with the threat of unisex bathrooms… and I’m only half kidding there.

The fact that we have devolved to a point prior to the early seventies in our view of equality in this country is mighty sad indeed… and I fear the devolution has accelerated back to the ’20’s.

75. marisacat - 30 May 2007

The UN Security Council votes to form an international court to try suspects in the killing of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

For more details: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news

76. marisacat - 30 May 2007


I think that is about right. with rising lust for many official Prohibitions. All sorts, jsut to slam the population.

And almost anyone on the public scene is complicit in some way.

77. Madman in the Marketplace - 30 May 2007
78. liberalcatnip - 30 May 2007

Hmm ms x, I’m still looking for a suit pattern for you. In the meantime though, I’m thinking these masks would be teh k3wl as well.

79. brinn - 30 May 2007

damnit — my eyes are diallated and even with my new nifty +1 reading glasses, i can barely see shit!

First time to the eye doc in 15+ years…still have 20/20 vision, and really healthy eyes, they’re just again. Sigh. My son and his friend said that they looked good (my very first pair of glasses) and told me I don’t look a day over 30….aren’t they just the sweetest?!

How are ya’ll today?

80. wozzle - 30 May 2007

They stole those ideas! From Miss D’s sockpuppet! A blatant case of copyfright inpingement…

81. Madman in the Marketplace - 30 May 2007

Maybe it’s an ego thing – or, they think they can do more good by staying. – SB

“It wasn’t an offer,” she said hotly. “It was an ultimatum. Do as he says, or close down. And, Oliver, for God’s sake, all those not-so-subtle threats and hints about national security and so on — can’t you see where that would lead?”

“Well, I think I can see it more clearly than you can. If you said no, they wouldn’t close this place down. They’d take it over. If they’re as interested as he says, they’ll want it to carry on. But only on their terms.”defense, for God’s sake. They want to find new ways of killing people. And you heard what he said about consciousness: he wants to manipulate it. I’m not going to get mixed up in that, Oliver, never.”

“They’ll do it anyway, and you’ll be out a job. If you stay, you might be able to influence it in a better direction. And you’d still have your hands on the work! You’d still be involved!”His Dark Materials, pg 476

The most insidious and common corruption available … it’s going to happen anyway, BUT MAYBE YOU CAN MAKE IT LESS DAMAGING. Ego and ideals in a deadly alchemy, and soon you’re hanging yourself from the Judas Tree or you’ve become one of the Pharisees. Neither end is good.

82. JJB - 30 May 2007


Re Law & Order and Michael Moriarty, he claimed he left the show because the producers were caving in to censorship demands from Janet Reno. The production people tell a different story. Moriarty is one strange individual, who’s been known to go on serious benders from time to time, and indulge in extremely weird behavior (sometimes onstage, as in his Richard III in the early 1980s, possibly the worst performance of that role ever). I’ve been watching the show for a long time (I have my guilty pleasures), and I detect no change with regards to the amount of violence portrayed, which was supposedly what Reno was trying to clamp down on. Indeed, given what’s usually on the SVU spinoff, the subject matter has become even more gruesome over the years.

At any rate, MM is now living in Canada, and espouses a lot of views typical of US wingnuts (and some maybe even they would find to be excessive). He had the following to say last year in an interview with something called “Conservative Voice”:

Like the collaborating Vichy government in France under the Nazis, America will surrender to laws and ideologies that contradict the American Constitution and the most simple Human Rights. The Supreme Court took a once individually free nation and corrupted it by the lie of Science that fetuses are, in their first two trimesters, no more than egg yolk. Ultimately, our American Intellectual Supremacists bought the “Population Problem,” in the same way Europe fell under the thrall of the so-called “Jewish Problem.”

* * *

Islam, in and of itself, however, is an Allah-worshipping, Kamikaze Nation, exactly like pre-World War II Imperial Japan. Its Bible, the Koran, can be read like Hitler’s Mein Kampf. It demands to rule the entire human race. Islam’s only idea of freedom of religion is the freedom of Islam to rule everything. Islamic Political Parties should be no more trusted than neo-Nazi, White Supremacists and David Duke of the Ku Klux Klan have been trusted. Tragically, the only language Islam, like Hirohito’s Japan, understands is violence. The measures Harry Truman took to end the war with Japan may prove tragically necessary with Islam.

As you can see from that link, he plans to run for President next year, in which case we get to see which generation of L&O performers is the biggest draw with the voting public. Of course, since he’s obtained Canadian citizenship, there might be some Constitutional problem with his prospective run.

83. Madman in the Marketplace - 30 May 2007

oops, mangled my coding, after the bolding in the second paragraph.

“But their terms would be … I mean, defense, for God’s sake. They want to find new ways of killing people. And you heard what he said about consciousness: he wants to manipulate it. I’m not going to get mixed up in that, Oliver, never.”

nothing ruins a good excerpt like effing up the damned html.

84. JJB - 30 May 2007


Re Law & Order and Michael Moriarty, he claimed he left the show because the producers were caving in to censorship demands from Janet Reno. The production people tell a different story. Moriarty is one strange individual, who’s been known to go on serious benders from time to time, and indulge in extremely weird behavior (sometimes onstage, as in his Richard III in the early 1980s, possibly the worst performance of that role ever). I’ve been watching the show for a long time (I have my guilty pleasures), and I detect no change with regards to the amount of violence portrayed, which was supposedly what Reno was trying to clamp down on. Indeed, given what’s usually on the SVU spinoff, the subject matter has become even more gruesome over the years.

At any rate, MM is now living in Canada, and espouses a lot of views typical of US wingnuts (and some maybe even they would find to be excessive). He had the following to say last year in an interview with something called “Conservative Voice”:

Like the collaborating Vichy government in France under the Nazis, America will surrender to laws and ideologies that contradict the American Constitution and the most simple Human Rights. The Supreme Court took a once individually free nation and corrupted it by the lie of Science that fetuses are, in their first two trimesters, no more than egg yolk. Ultimately, our American Intellectual Supremacists bought the “Population Problem,” in the same way Europe fell under the thrall of the so-called “Jewish Problem.”

* * *

Islam, in and of itself, however, is an Allah-worshipping, Kamikaze Nation, exactly like pre-World War II Imperial Japan. Its Bible, the Koran, can be read like Hitler’s Mein Kampf. It demands to rule the entire human race. Islam’s only idea of freedom of religion is the freedom of Islam to rule everything. Islamic Political Parties should be no more trusted than neo-Nazi, White Supremacists and David Duke of the Ku Klux Klan have been trusted. Tragically, the only language Islam, like Hirohito’s Japan, understands is violence. The measures Harry Truman took to end the war with Japan may prove tragically necessary with Islam.

As you can see from that link, he plans to run for President next year, in which case we get to see which generation of L&O performers is the biggest draw with the voting public. Of course, since he’s obtained Canadian citizenship, there might be some Constitutional problem with his prospective run.

PS – This didn’t seem to go the first time, here’s another attempt.

85. marisacat - 30 May 2007

Moriarity is a winger. Soo rare a production in America.

The issue of depiction of violence however is real. One fo the issues at the time, as I recall, was they, the ptb, don’t want a gunshot depiction.

So we get the raised gun, the sound, then the prone body. Or we get the raised gun and then a view of blood spatter on the wall.

And it all led to all the hiding we see now. hatched earlier… but fully in place.

As the war fully rages on.

86. BooHooHooMan - 30 May 2007

They were quick to point the finger at DU in response to this diary:

from “dKos Responsible for Sheehan “Resignation?”


The Democratic Underground is (1+ / 0-)

Recommended by:
va dare

what Daily Kos would be if you let all the banned trolls back to run the place. Imagine if Marisacat and ErinnF posted front page diaries. The horror.

In order to find his equal an Irishman is forced to talk to God.

by Lucius Vorenus on Wed May 30, 2007 at 12:57:03 PM PDT

[ Parent ]

I mean Jesus, Melrath is such a fuckin’ cryptorchid, all sack, no balls. The Horror? I’ll tell ya what the horror is – it’s beached whale chrome dome blowhard Jason Melrath tryin’ to channel Brando, that’s the horror, the horror. Whaaaada SISSY

87. ms_xeno - 30 May 2007

Lucid, I can’t wait to see the movement to revoke women’s suffrage take hold. Millions of feminists will rally all over the blogosphere to declare that the DP is trying its best. We can’t just self-indulgently abandon it while all those babies are dying in Africa and besides, the DP is still better than the GOP.

Give it about six or seven years. I was writing on the Ms. Boards in ’01 that feminists who were using SCOTUS to flog straying women back into the fold were poorly informed and fools. That the undermining of reproductive rights would only accelerate as long as women were willing to overlook or whitewash the DP’s part in it. Almost nobody had anything to say other than the usual baiting insults. They can insult stragglers but forgive again and again powerful men and the occasional Values Maid who kicks them in the teeth. I think we’ve established at this point that they really have no breaking point, or “bottom line,” as Maia put it on Alas.

I was right. But I’m the one who gets called loony.

88. ms_xeno - 30 May 2007

catnip, I just picked up the cousin of that crafty assortment at somebody’s yard sale over the weekend. I was going to sacrifice it to the Collage Diety but perhaps you should have it instead.

brinn, I’m still fighting lung-rot and Photoshop at the same time. Rest those eyes if you need to. Eyestrain headaches are not fun.

89. marisacat - 30 May 2007

Well Melrath and Lange constantly poll the Dkos sludge fest known as commenters. Only utter fools have not figured out what is going on.

They can look thru all my diaries.

Dh started running over to monitor my few diaries. usually with a court jester in tow. My diaries were almost all on the war but for the last. Easy to read, whomever cares, the link is in the banned bumpersticker.

Well removal of balls is an orchectomy. They seem adept at that over there. Self administered.

90. brinn - 30 May 2007

re#79 — my eyes are aging, not again…yeesh…

87% humidity here today and 86….ick.

91. brinn - 30 May 2007

thnaks, msX, but I am bored! You are right though, I should probably find something else to do until my pupils are again a normal size!

92. ms_xeno - 30 May 2007

Wait ! I just had a brainstorm ! Women convicted of slaughtering the Sacred Fetus will be declared lifetime felons and have their right to vote revoked ! Fuck. I’m a genius. Get Obama on the phone, Brinn– or somebody. Quick !!

93. Madman in the Marketplace - 30 May 2007

I like procedurals too, and have a really soft spot for the English ones. If you get a chance, check out Life on Mars, which is a REALLY interesting twist on the genre. I’m a big sucker for “Prime Suspect” and “Cracker”. “Wire in the Blood” is quite good too, but even more disturbing than “Cracker” sometimes was, so I can only take an ep of it from time to time.

“Boomtown” was a great show … it’s too bad the network bailed on it. Of all the “L&O’s”, I probably like “SVU” the best, if only for my brief glimpses of the brilliant Munch … though he was even better on the best American procedural ever, “Homicide, Life on the Streets”.

I suckle WAY too much at the glass teat.

94. brinn - 30 May 2007

yikes, MsX! You ARE a genius!

Seriously though, they’re already working toward that — you know with bringing child abuse and neglect charges against pregnant women….

95. brinn - 30 May 2007

Ah, Madman — Homicide was the best, excellent acting, writing the whole deal….I remember fondly the Friday nights in the early 90s when Homicide and X-Files came on one after the other…

love and hugs from your colleague in too much TV teat suckling!

96. lucidculture - 30 May 2007

I only managed to make it to the second question in the Moriarity interview before I threw up a little in my mouth… yikes.

And Ms X, I mean why should women vote anyways? They are, after all, the ‘keepers of our moral sense’* and politics has proven to be an institution now immune to the tug of morality… 😉

[*wasn’t that from some Wilson speech on suffrage? Catnip’s kitty on a popsicle!!]

97. marisacat - 30 May 2007

Homicide was wonderful

Ther was also a great one, pulled 10 or so years ago, Eazy Street, set in a undetermined Eastern Seabord city, likely in NJ, crumbling away, tough racial politics.
It is where Rod Steiger developed the character that later was mushed and smushed on Sopranos.

It was spectacular. Cinematic on the small screen. I think it did not even make it 13 episodes.

I adored Cracker… and Iloved the British one of the ME in the green green grass of little English villages (on PBS for a couple seasons). Very smart. And watered down to be some dumb show here, iirc.

98. marisacat - 30 May 2007

Bush is thanking Wolfowitz for his work with the poor.

ahahahahahah. Same thing Andy Young did, Woflowitz had done so much work with poor blacks in Anacostia.

what bullshit we wade thru.

99. lucidculture - 30 May 2007

Well the best of all of them – by a dinosaur’s footprint – is HBO’s “The Wire”. If you haven’t seen it, netflick the whole 5 seasons. The writing is the best of any serial I’ve any seen on TV of any sort. Character development is fantastic – the intersecting plotlines of crime, politics, poverty, education, personal life… I didn’t start watching until the 4th season and it blew me away. The 5th season was even better. Now I’m working back up from the 1st season, right now on episode 5 of the 2nd.

100. wozzle - 30 May 2007

I thought women were the keepers of our “sacred bodily fluids”. Or at least receptacles. When Kleen-ex isn’t available.

Damn hard to keep up with 1968 until now.

101. marisacat - 30 May 2007

Oh I also LOVE The SHield. Just love it.

102. Madman in the Marketplace - 30 May 2007

I admit I got a happy feeling when I heard about the ERA. Pavlovian response … the higher brain functions work hard to bring me back to reality fairly quickly, and I can always check in here to get my feet back on the ground.

CNN is pushing the White House line that Iraq will be the Korea of the Middle East, or some latest bullshit. Finally admitting that we’re not going anywhere, but sheesh …

Also, they just announced a Chinook got shot down in Afghanistan, 5 reported dead (which means it’s likely more … they like to let the mass casualites dribble out over a couple of days).

103. lucidculture - 30 May 2007

Well according to some readings of Hesiod, they are merely ‘hyster’s’ – jars – that simply take, take, take from men [their food, their seed, etc., etc.] But they do give us ‘hope’.

[Of course, there is a really fascinating feminist reading of Hesiod’s Pandora myth that can be made via reference to Irigaray and Hegel.]

104. marisacat - 30 May 2007

A Chinook can hold well over a dozen.

105. Madman in the Marketplace - 30 May 2007

The Shield is amazing (Forest Whitaker’s arc was just wonderful) , and “The Wire” is incredible … many of the same folks who did “Homicide …”, IIRC. Can’t wait for the last season this fall. (PS … I think there have only been four seasons so far … fifth and last coming later this year, focusing on the media). Slate did a great running discussion on the show during last season. Last season’s arc about the four teenaged boys was heartbreaking, and ‘Snoop’ was one of the scariest amoral villains ever on a TV show.

106. wozzle - 30 May 2007

LC, I’ll take what we got. We aren’t always in perfect sync, but always in perfect understanding. And she’s more of a beacon than a receptacle, fer sure.

I guess I failed Bloglord 101. Shocking…

107. marisacat - 30 May 2007

Yes the shows with Whitaker and the story lines, esp as related to his wife at one point, were incredible. Very tough show.

108. Madman in the Marketplace - 30 May 2007

Good piece on the root of our current problems.

109. lucidculture - 30 May 2007

MitM – you’re right – only four seasons… I guess I can take season 3 off my netflix list. Although I might have missed the first few episodes of that season.

One thing I like about it is that because it is on HBO, it can be more real – no censoring out the language or the sex. The season 3 drug stuff was amazing – with Hampsterdam, etc. They were really able to address the reality of addiction well, because nothing was off limits.

110. Madman in the Marketplace - 30 May 2007

ooooo, a new Johnette Napolitano came out, and it’s payday this week!

AMG giving it a stellar review, and the streaming playing at the link above fills me w/ the joy of finding once again a musical version of the existential screaming in my head.

111. Madman in the Marketplace - 30 May 2007

I thought Season 3 was brilliant, and well worth watching again. Season 2 was the weakest for me … felt a little scattered, but still some good stuff, and important character developments, especially for Jimmy.

112. Madman in the Marketplace - 30 May 2007
113. jam.fuse - 30 May 2007

I have selected my campaign song:


I am the one, Orgasmatron, the outstretched grasping hand
My image is of agony, my servants rape the land
Obsequious and arrogant, clandestine and vain
Two thousand years of misery, of torture in my name
Hypocrisy made paramount, paranoia the law
My name is called religion, sadistic, sacred whore

I twist the truth, I rule the world, my crown is called deceit
I am the emperor of lies, you grovel at my feet
I rob you and I slaughter you, your downfall is my gain
And still you play the sycophant and revel in you pain
And all my promises are lies, all my love is hate
I am the politician, and I decide your fate

I march before a martyred world, an army for the fight
I speak of great heroic deeds, of victory and might
I hold a banner drenched in blood, I urge you to be brave
I lead you to your destiny, I lead you to your grave
Your bones will build my palaces,
your eyes will stud my crown
For I am Mars, the god of war, and I will cut you down.

— Motorhead

send money to ‘me’, at planet earth
thank you very much

my hosanna has come through the great crucible of doubt

— Dostoevsky

114. Revisionist - 30 May 2007

does anyone else get a closeted gay vibe off of Romney? I can totally see him tweaking and getting done by Jeff Gannon.

115. jam.fuse - 30 May 2007

#112 — wonder what the number of millionaires vs number of incarcerated is in this country, got a feeling its pretty close to one to one.

116. marisacat - 30 May 2007
117. jam.fuse - 30 May 2007

#114 — sounds hot

just joking, I haven’t really watched a television machine in years so I dunno what these mutants look like; but I suspect a large segment of these govt sleazebags are at least switch hitters, judging by their appearance and mannerisms. Pure speculation, yet I aver hanging out in and around the dregs of nyc culture (“sex, drugs rock’n’roll”, etc.) for fifteen years, simultaneously working in the graphic design industry, gives one pretty good gai-dar.

118. marisacat - 30 May 2007

LOL Does anyone know how much he pays for the hairdo?

All you can do is laugh.

119. colleen - 30 May 2007

Does anyone know how much he pays for the hairdo?

Mitt Romney’s the new Wes Clark. He’s good looking because all the idiots say he is. I’m suprised Plutonium Page hasn’t front paged one of her characteristically atrocious pieces of writing about how ‘dreamy’ Mitt is. He’s Mormon and he promises to veto everything too!

120. supervixen - 30 May 2007

House is good, if only for Hugh Laurie, on whom I’ve had a mild crush since his Fry and Laurie days. It’s nice to see him getting such acclaim nowadays.

Otherwise I only watch old TV series, mostly from the 1960s and early ’70s. I used to like Homicide, in its first couple of seasons.

Michael Moriarty has always given me the creeps. There’s something strange about his blank expression. He looks like he could rip his face off and reveal himself as a lizard alien. I’m not surprised he’s a pro-lifer.

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