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Just a golden snowflake… 26 December 2008

Posted by marisacat in Divertissements, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, Italy.

Benedict XVI: Pope Benedict XVI blesses children as he celebrates the Christmas Midnight Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican, early Thursday, Dec. 25, 2008. (AP Photo / December 24, 2008)

Just a golden snowflake.. in the lives of children…



1. BooHooHooMan - 26 December 2008

Why the Anti Semitic Pic of Benedict?
For following a Jewsih Guy going in the wrong direction?

2. marisacat - 26 December 2008

Apparently he wore some sort of outer covering trimmed or lined in ermine… or so I read…. I was not able to land on a pic of that…

Just so people understand I am not not not pro-pedophilia! Nor pro-pedophile (in case it is different .. you know, sinner vs sin) I am so worried….

3. BooHooHooMan - 26 December 2008

LOL. I love richly layered irony, like above…

Benedict focused on the boy.
The girl in the pic is trying to make off with the Chalice.
…An attendant reaching in. LOL
Smart kid.

4. marisacat - 26 December 2008

There are several pics in that series and B16 always goes for the little boy… same move, the hand to the face.

5. Madman in the Marketplace - 26 December 2008

mattes, last thread: I bet the people managing the large pension funds don’t necessarily consult each contributor, especially the government plans.

No, not in the pension funds, and “due diligence” far too often boils down to “look at those returns!” and the reputation of the genius running them.

Do you think all this need for hedging is do to lack of real oversight and auditing of corporations?

No, they NEEDED hedging because they were greedy. They’re basically (as far as I understand it), side bets on the market. It’s like betting on the score of each inning on top of betting on the whole game. They GOT AWAY with it because of the lack of regulation and lack of oversight of the investment banks, brokers and financial advisors.

6. BooHooHooMan - 26 December 2008

About the only advise I could offer those kids:

7. mattes - 26 December 2008

Does anyone remember the title of the book written by a journalist in the early 90s that exposed that whole mess.

Shocked I was. Never did like those priests, and less the nuns. I lasted exactly 6 months at a catholic school. I told my mother if she did not want me flunking, she should get me out quick. That was the end of religious indoctrination. But, did have an evil step-grandmother….

8. BooHooHooMan - 26 December 2008

Alas, Like so many layers of Papal Vestments, irony and it’s meaning was lost on the decedents of shipmates fleeing former Great Floods,
their Ark having come comfortably to rest
amidst great white mountains..

Or, as Humpme Bogart once said,
Here’s looking at you, kid…

But anyways,…

9. marisacat - 26 December 2008

There was a big spread in VF in the early 90s on the priest pedophilia.. I woould imagine whoever wrote it, was connected t the book. One big thing that happened, insurers that had propped up the church and covered for them, been ready to pay off on suits or come up with hush money on threat of suit, stop playing. Maybe fewer Catholic aligned insurers or stresses in the industry… but ti was a turning point.

Also the famous NO crooner, cannot think of his name.. His father was long time NO DA, Catholic and very powerful. He kept a lid on a lot. Of course after a 30+ year run as NO DA he could no longer stanch the flow either.

Rove and Bush moved very close to the Catholic Church in the late 90s… and Bernard Cardinal Law [of Boston] gave Rove the entire US Catholic database. But, imo, in classic Bushian/Rovian fashion they likely facilited green lighting the partial fall of the US church suddenly in 2001 a lot of cases advanced to court… a renewed vigor for the whole thing…, certainly many diocese came out of the era of court cases poorer. The “US purse” as it is called suffered. The US si not the most Catholic of populations globally, but the donation, legacy and collection plate is foremost in the world.

Except for the suffering of the children (and people still offer their children to teh church), I was very entertained by the politics of it all…

May they all congeal.

10. mattes - 26 December 2008

#5 Madman, seems hedge fund have a history of failing, here is some history:

The Father of the Hedge Fund
Alfred Jones was born in Melbourne, Australia in 1901 to American parents. He moved to the United States as a young child, graduated from Harvard in 1923 and became a U.S. diplomat in the early 1930s, working in Berlin, Germany. He earned a PhD in sociology from Columbia University and joined the editorial staff at Fortune magazine in the early 1940s.

It was while writing an article about current investment trends for Fortune in 1948 that Jones was inspired to try his hand at managing money. He raised $100,000 (including $40,000 out of his own pocket) and set forth to try to minimize the risk in holding long-term stock positions by short selling other stocks. This investing innovation is now referred to as the classic long/short equities model. Jones also employed leverage in an effort to enhance returns.

In 1952, Jones altered the structure of his investment vehicle, converting it from a general partnership to a limited partnership and adding a 20% incentive fee as compensation for the managing partner. As the first money manager to combine short selling, the use of leverage, shared risk through a partnership with other investors and a compensation system based on investment performance, Jones earned his place in investing history as the father of the hedge fund.

The Rise of the Industry
When a 1966 article in Fortune magazine highlighted an obscure investment that outperformed every mutual fund on the market by double-digit figures over the past year and by high double-digits over the last five years, the hedge fund industry was born. By 1968, there were some 140 hedge funds in operation.

In an effort to maximize returns, many funds turned away from Jones’ strategy, which focused on stock picking coupled with hedging, and chose instead to engage in riskier strategies based on long-term leverage. These tactics led to heavy losses in 1969-70, followed by a number of hedge fund closures during the bear market of 1973-74.


Marcat, I read the book when it came out, could not put it down. Creepy. And to think of all those Native American children forced from their homes to be raised by white priests.

11. BooHooHooMan - 26 December 2008

So now China has Warships sailing with cruise missiles,
full complement including 800 sailors into the Indian Ocean…

“Pirates” be “the mission”, matey.
Which I’m sure, it most-NOT-the-Somali’s IS.

Destination? Gulf of Aden. Check out the map.

Our Naval attache’s response? – I mean after pooping his pants-?

Lt. Nathan Christensen, a spokesman for the United States Fifth Fleet, based in Bahrain, said the coalition would welcome the Chinese ships.

Oh Sure.
Glad to have you. Jolly -o- right and all that, says the Navy.
Supply chain sure to follow, I gather… WHERE you say?@!???
The Indian Ocean?!@??!. Can’t you guys just…..~ fish?

Unh-huh, This so has to do with Somali Pirates….
China is projecting power into the region to buttress Iran and Pakistan in the event of suicidal folly by allied U.S. Israeli and Indian forces…

12. BooHooHooMan - 26 December 2008

9 Interesting. in classic Bushian/Rovian fashion they likely facilited green lighting the partial fall of the US church…
suddenly in 2001 a lot of cases advanced to court

A shame they didn’t do it on principle.
Likely targetted…~ major metro die-off-seize, if you will..

If so, Well played, Fascists and Fascist Apologists that they are…
perhaps benefitting GOP inclined law firms in their turn at the wheel,
maybe drive some sheeple to other pole building churches…
It’s be interesting to check on the alignment and contributions of the big splitters then…

13. BooHooHooMan - 26 December 2008

Anyways, I’m out.

14. marisacat - 26 December 2008

oh probably has to do with whispers rumors convenient headlines in Moonie Times… to do wtih Busheiter Uno and young boys. If you google around it is available, got one big washing out at Dkos even. LOL More tactics.

Bush and Rove want the Catholic vote, but they don’t want hierarchy getting any ideas. They strike first, hard.

Oh sure, all tactics.. and I am just guessing.

15. marisacat - 27 December 2008

I see Oahu under massive power outage. Seems they are trying to get a generator for the old Castle estate where Obsters are.

I can’t believe it does not come wtih one. Really. Oops no TIME says it has a generator. Whew.

Or not… Honolulu Advertiser seems to say no…. and that Obama is going to bed to sleep thru the outage which is predicted to last til tomorrow.

What would Lincoln do?

16. marisacat - 27 December 2008

Very funny… IOZ answers Prager’s commentary on wifely submission.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


It’s been linked from about a billion blogs already, but this is a cornucopia just in time for the holidays. Yo Denny, women like to fuck if it’s good.

17. bayprairie - 27 December 2008

Also the famous NO crooner, cannot think of his name.. His father was long time NO DA, Catholic and very powerful. He kept a lid on a lot. Of course after a 30+ year run as NO DA he could no longer stanch the flow either.

Harry Connick, Sr.

18. bayprairie - 27 December 2008

mother always said i was a late bloomer. so i know it’s late but merry xmas ya’ll!!!!

Merry Christmas from the Family

19. marisacat - 27 December 2008

hmm Can the girl child claiming the promised land get any more awkward?

“I was dismayed by my voting record.”

Ben Smith, more than one entry on the CKS issue

20. marisacat - 27 December 2008


thank you!

Sounds like him:

Connick has been outspoken on the use of narcotics and pressed for drug testing of high-school students.[citation needed] Since September 2003, he has also served on the board of directors for Psychemedics Corporation, a firm producing drug tests that use hair samples, rather than urine.[citation needed]

LOL Sounds like him…

As District Atorney, he was the defendant and petitioner in Connick v. Myers, 461 U.S. 138 (1983),[2] a free speech case in public employment law.[citation needed] Employees’ lawyers have decried the case because it limited the rights of public employees to discuss matters of public concern in the workplace and have vilified Connick for being the agent of the state who had allegedly violated the defendant Sheila Myers’ constitutional right to freedom of speech under the First Amendment.[citation needed]

21. marisacat - 27 December 2008


Merry Christmas!

22. Intermittent Bystander - 27 December 2008

18 – That was just byootiful . . . sniff, sniff.

2 – I think the Daily Mail has a snap of the ermine capelet here:
Pope warns of ‘ruin’ as he makes Christmas appeal for peace in Holy Land. Damn, he looks like that “twisted” smiley.


Reuters and BBC are trying to keep up with the death count (140+, at present) in Gaza.

23. BooHooHooMan - 27 December 2008

Always Proportional the Israelis.
What a Surprise. A frank offering on DK, that is…

Israel On A Killing Spree

Oh it isn’t going to last long.. The Diary, that is…

The Diarist links to CNN:

GAZA CITY (CNN) — Israeli aircraft launched air attacks across Gaza on Saturday, killing at least 150 people, including the Hamas police chief and other officials, according to Israeli and Palestinian sources.

Palestinian medical sources said 250 people were wounded.

The strikes followed several days of rocket attacks from Gaza into Israel.

A statement from the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said Israeli aircraft attacked “a series of Hamas targets and infrastructure facilities.”

“The Air Force activity came as a result of the continuation of terror activity by Hamas terror organization from the Gaza Strip, and the duration of rocket launching and targeting Israeli civilians,” the IDF statement said.

Hamas immediately threatened violent retaliation against Israel.

What fine dance!
I do believe all has now been arranged right down to the change of partners at the Servants Ball. Why doesn’t Michele, Hillary and Caroline just give Cheney a tres managedwhirl ala the Rockefeller Chaser while Barack is doin the Tzipi Livni?

24. Madman in the Marketplace - 27 December 2008

18 – I love Robert Earl Keen

“Feelin’ Good Again”

25. Madman in the Marketplace - 27 December 2008

I love this headline in the local winger-owned rag:

Shoppers drag their feet at after-Christmas sales

Lousy bastards … don’t they know it’s their PATRIOTIC DUTY to shop?

26. Madman in the Marketplace - 27 December 2008

America is a sick fucking nation, number umpteen million and three:

Smile: You’re Under Arrest: Arpaio Goes Hollywood

The highly controversial sheriff from Maricopa, Arizona, Joe Arpaio may be facing serious charges of civil rights abuses and discrimination, but Hollywood considers him such a laugh that they are giving him his own reality show. He intends to use suspects as props for scenes written by comedy writers and staffed by actors. It is the latest sign of the decline of our criminal justice system as our judges, prosecutors, and sheriffs vie for notoriety on television and in the press.

In the last two decades, we have seen faux judges like Judge Judy become the dominant image of a perfect jurist — even being regularly interviewed on Larry King on her legal insights. Real judges have openly striven to become television judges, promoting themselves with dramatic court performances in high profile cases like Judge Larry Seidlin during the Anna Nicole Smith custody case.

Other judges have pandered to the popular press with humiliating forms of punishment from forcing people to clean their courtroom with a toothbrush to forcing teens to walk around with animals, here,

Abusive and notorious prosecutors like Nancy Grace were given their own shows despite a career marked by repeated violations and reprimands, here.

Within this trend, the horrific concept of Arpaio’s “Smile: You’re Under Arrest” make perfect sense. Arpaio has long distinguished himself by abusing inmates and pandering to the media. Recently, he boasted “I’m not going to brag, but there isn’t anybody in the world who doesn’t know who this sheriff is.”

27. Intermittent Bystander - 27 December 2008

BHHM – The Kosbanner and mid-diary ads for the Aerospace Industries Association are a nice addition to the dueling I/P diaries this morning, eh?


28. Madman in the Marketplace - 27 December 2008

I love PZ Myers title for his post about Pope Nazi’s latest hateful rant toward LGBT people:

Virgin male in dress chastises gay people for their confused sexuality

29. BooHooHooMan - 27 December 2008

27 IB.

First of all, Thanks for your very informative rundown on the New York political scene the other thread.

I noticed the other DK diary just now too.

Happy Hanukkah, over 100 dead in Gaza

The Legions of Kosrael, – armed setllers that they are – seem to be having difficulty keeping up: “not in Wisconsin” something or other …
and a whack who goes by the screen name of
moderate fundamentalist” seem to be on shift and working feverishly …LOL. very high uid the latter,
recently coined no doubt for one of the coddled MFers of old..

Re markos premier ad


Who knows if what Francis L Holland had to say is true.
But it doesn’t really make much difference as Markos marquis ad is listed at 40 grand a week. No doubt they Mil him down a bit tho….

Who or whatever he is, though,
Markos Moulitsas is a patent whore
for Chevron and the Aerospace Industry. And Donks,
The Democrats.
Who, LOL, are patent whores
for Republicans , Chevron and the Aerospace Industry.
It all goes together quite nicely, no? .

LOL. Anyways… The kiddies STILL don’t seem to mind such sponsorship of their chittty-chat chat-board though..
While I’m glad to see anything truthful like those two diaries anywhere, .It is very clear to me that Markos and his
dailykos are into political data mining. Those who uprate blunt anti Israel criticism are noted for eventual confiscation of their bloggyphone, too.

All those Roll call polls of their readership, demographic and income info the data is exchanged with the Party data people and ADL types for patronage of one sort or other. The guy really is modeling himself after Rove’s model in the GOP.
Go figure. Anyways, he’s a blowjob.
Marginally useful, occasionally enjoyable,
but Hillary can have the last word for how it mixes with politics.

The thing that is funny- certainly not on DK but on MSM outlets, their boards and Youtube like mattes wrote about recently, …despite the efforts at censorship that is anti Zionist or Anti Israel, criticism is ratcheting UP.

Not much use the monitoring when you have a several million IP addresses now considered “seditionist” when you have a scintilla of that “on the watch” . Besides the MSM and Telcos need the money and LOL Jeebus – the chatty disaffected left, which frankly includes US in this regard, are not going to go out and physically harm anybody anyway…

Not so about the Nazi and Klan types.
Prob is – at least the ones likely to do damage – they. ain’t. online.
Not the one’s we’re likely to here from over the next decade, that is.

30. Intermittent Bystander - 27 December 2008

26 – Arizona Civil Rights Advisory Board Asks BOS to Terminate Joe Arpaio’s 287(g) Agreement with ICE.

Could such a complaint, along with those of Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon and others, give our weak-willed Governor Napolitano the cover she’ll need as Michael Chertoff’s replacement to take decisive action instead of just sitting on her hands, as she’s used to? Only if a new Justice Department investigates Arpaio and forces Nappy to act. Still, ACRAB’s letters do add to the growing chorus of those demanding an end to Arpaio’s fear tactics and race-based enforcement. And in that regard, they are most helpful.

31. marisacat - 27 December 2008


Thanks for that IB… his “wish” for ME peace did not work too good did it.

32. marisacat - 27 December 2008

oh and the best shot of him with the Peruvian children too… thanks for thta.. and I see the ermine trimmed capelet. And there he is again in the lace baby dress.

What a … whatever he is.

33. marisacat - 27 December 2008


well that sounds critical of Napolitano. Plus as she gets out of Dodge… the next in line for her seat is a very conservative pro life woman. LOL I notice the media has managed not to mention that much, at all.

34. Intermittent Bystander - 27 December 2008

29 – Moderate Fundamentalist (yeah, sounds just a tad sockee, don’t it?) even posted a reactionary diary of his own, but having sorta blown his righteous stance with a “mud people” crack in Happy Hannukah, along with other insufficiently restrained remarks in the other Gaza diaries, appeared to self-delete within minutes.

And whaddyaknow, his user page says he’s yet another NYC atty (who hasn’t noticed the correct of spelling of the governor’s name).

But yeah, criticism is ratcheting up, rather than the reverse. Here’s another one in the morning flurry: How can you tell its Election Season in Israel? Amazingly, even the tags have been left alone.

35. BooHooHooMan - 27 December 2008

LOL madman, the link
Virgin male in dress chastises gay people for their confused sexuality

And mcat in 32 on il Papa

And there he is again in the lace baby dress.
What a … whatever he is.

The word I believe we’re looking for is “kook”:

via MITM’s rec:

People take the pope rather seriously, I hear. I don’t know why — the man is a kook.

LOL. Better runway show than Milan, tho….

36. mattes - 27 December 2008

Well….they had to get one more war in before Obama got into office. It will be his first test.

They could not have him talking to their enemies.

The food that they let in yesterday probably was not even distributed.

And one more thing, I am tired of movies about Hitler, WWII, IDF officers, cable channel non-stop WWII movies, Hitler this and that, and 40 plus programs on the holocaust. Was this intended to soften us up for the destruction of more Arabs?

You’d think there was no other history to write about.

37. Madman in the Marketplace - 27 December 2008

who hasn’t noticed the correct of spelling of the governor’s name

why do you think they need paralegals and legal secretaries?

38. Madman in the Marketplace - 27 December 2008

You’d think there was no other history to write about.

“Citizen”, obviously your indoctination failed somewhere along the way. Follow the nice man in the lab coat into the elevator, would you please?

39. Intermittent Bystander - 27 December 2008

37 – And sometimes even they need a second set of eyes!

correct of spelling

LOL. Oops!

40. Intermittent Bystander - 27 December 2008

32 – Speaking of Peruvian children!

Peruvian Jesus born to Virgin Mary on Christmas.

The baby’s father, Adolfo Jorge Huamani, 24, is a carpenter. Religious Peruvians compared him to Joseph the Carpenter in the Bible.

“Two thousand years later the story of Bethlehem is relived,” read the headline about the birth in El Comercio, the main newspaper in Peru, a predominantly Catholic country.

The mother, Virgen Maria Huarcaya, delivered the 7.7 pound (3.5 kg) boy, Jesus Emanuel, in the early hours of Christmas at the central maternity hospital in Lima, the capital.

“A few days ago we had decided to name my son after a professional soccer player,” the father said. “But thanks to a happy coincidence this is how things ended up.”

41. marisacat - 27 December 2008

BREAKING – AFP/Gaza City: ‘At least 195 Palestinians were killed across the Gaza Strip on Saturday in massive Israeli air strikes on the Hamas-run enclave, said the head of Gaza emergency services.’

I assume the death count will go up… first I heard was 140…

42. CSTAR - 27 December 2008

41 So much for that sappy religious documentary (or whatever it was supposed to be) on Moyer’s yesterday.

43. mattes - 27 December 2008

#38 MMan, can’t believe you made me laugh. I have always been an intellectual loner. The shit just does not take. And the crap that Americans only support Israel…what fu**ing choice have they had?

I just can’t believe this is happening again. And there’s so much potential to draw in other players in their war games. cAN’T they wait for 2012??

…..So brave they are firing from gunships and jets and guilded missiles. Guess their new toys were burning a hole in their pockets.

Israel would rather kill 1000 Palestinians, than continue to confront a couple settlers. Bottomline. They want to make sure all reasonable peace plans get shelved for the next decade. And kneecapping Rahm and Obama in their plans.

44. marisacat - 27 December 2008


That is his weak spot, religion.. and the other is at all times, to one degree or another, defence of the Democratic party. It gets old.

Did he think of religion, or Jesus, when the ptb were bugging Martin Luther King. He certainly knew of it. IMO.

It gets old.

45. Madman in the Marketplace - 27 December 2008

42 – there was a priest in South Africa on Moyers who was presented as an exemplar of all that is good in religion, runs an AIDS clinic, survived a violent attack and went back to work at his clinic, etc. Then he talked, about how important it was to teach people to abstain and wait until marriage. I wanted to strangle him (but then I’m an atheist, so of course I would resort to violence, since Zeus isn’t around to rein me in). His fucked up superstition is CAUSING more illness … something a slim sheath of latex could help cut back on.

I’m glad I made you laugh, mattes! It is important that your re-education be approached from a position of JOY and ACCEPTANCE.

46. Madman in the Marketplace - 27 December 2008

well, I’m off to my sisters to celebrate Isaac Newton’s birthday a couple of days late.

47. marisacat - 27 December 2008

fwiw (not much)

NBC’s ‘Meet the Press’: Incoming White House Counselor David Axelrod. Roundtable: National Review’s Rich Lowry, Vanity Fair’s Todd Purdum, The Washington Post’s ‘Color of Money’ business columnist Michelle Singletary, and Newsweek’s Richard Wolffe.

ABC’s ‘This Week’ Guest host JAKE TAPER talks with incoming White House press secretary Robert Gibbs, former Clinton White House Chief of Staff Leon Panetta, and former Reagan White House Chief of Staff Ken Duberstein. Roundtable: PRI Studio 360’s Kurt Anderson, Slate’s John Dickerson, NPR’s Alison Stewart, and The Atlantic’s Andrew Sullivan.

CBS ‘Face the Nation’: Incoming White House counselor David Axelrod, Illinois Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn (D), New York Times columnist Paul Krugman.

‘Fox News Sunday’: First Lady Laura Bush. ‘Fox News All Stars’ panel with Fox’s Bill Sammon, Washington Post’s Ceci Connolly, Chicago Tribune’s Jill Zuckman and The Weekly Standard’s Fred Barnes

CNN’s ‘Late Edition’: ‘The Best of 2008’ — Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Sen. Hillary Clinton, Microsoft founder Bill Gates, Sen. John McCain, President-elect Barack Obama, Gov. Sarah Palin and CNN founder Ted Turner.

48. marisacat - 27 December 2008


have a good day celebrating!

I am thinking this is a good day to cook something in the oven. For an hour or so… LOL It’s bitter cold..

49. marisacat - 27 December 2008

Can it get more mushy gooey.

We are to be the children of a progressive parent. LOL So they say.

Love all the crap about how under progressive “Daddy O” (their words) the ”old politics” of punishment and reward are over. Hence Liebchen holds sway.

You have to love it, even as you are gagging. It is all just so DUMB.

50. Intermittent Bystander - 27 December 2008

Keep warm, everyone. A rainy mess here, but I’m off to play darts with the sword-wielding nephews, et al. . . .

51. aemd - 27 December 2008

#33 “very conservative pro life woman”

Well of course. We womens bin gittin’ a bit too uppity. Time to suck it up and take the big ole slap down.

Had a feisty aunt who said, back when I was a bit of a thing, of the pill, it will change EVERYTHING. She was right. IMAO, ya add the internet and, WooHoo, ya got an all out female rebellion.

Cause no one on the Internet knows you’re a bitch.

Arpaio, Napolitano and, of course, Sandy Day would disagree. Not that old Sandy would ever fall for a smooth talkin’ dick. Yeah, that smooth talker that beat that aunt, she, who couldn’t help keep her mouth shut or defend herself due to cancer that seeped into her brain. Fuck you Sandy, she died screaming in pain. Damn you forever to your hell.

Yeah Aunt Gerry, I won’t ever forget nor forgive.

I could pray, cry, or maybe beat my breast. Gerry, you would roll your eyes and laugh. So I’ll take a good size shot and git on with it. Bit by bit, hey, hey..

Maybe wag a finger… and acknowledge those you lived to protect.

I hope the pain has ended.

52. catnip - 27 December 2008

I had a different view of the Moyers show last nite. It just proved how organized religion has co-opted and distorted the very simple messages pushed by all religions: peace, non-violence etc. And, once again, the focus on MLK’s non-violence ought to have reminded everyone that Obamalama, with his plan to send tens of thousands more soldiers into Afghanistan, is definitely not the second coming of MLK, Jeebus or anyone else. He’s just another middle of the road Dem who believes in military might and American exceptionalism.


The latest Israeli attack on Gaza shows what a failure its government is. Government after government after government. This could have been solved decades ago if there was any will to do so but if peace broke out, what would happen to those billions of dollars of US aid money?

53. BooHooHooMan - 27 December 2008

they had to get one more war in before Obama got into office. It will be his first test…….Hitler this and that

LOL. No need to rush on Obama’s account.
He’s prolly already been briefed that he will be given political cover. I think its down to a coin toss now , 50 -50 that we’ll see cruise missiles fall on Iran. SOON. Ours or the Israelis.
The ones we build, nominally sell, GIVE to them.

Then Obama can come in with the rope a dope game, He and Hillary can then run a good cop bad cop routine.
I think its been set up.

Sure they COULDwait, trot out
“Extraordinary, unforeseen events unfortunately now warrant…”
some Obslop like that to cover bad faith diplomatic bargaining and military intervention later… but that’s only IF
Cheney hasn’t already decided to just go ahead and bomb Iran NOW

Lotta benefits having Dick do the nasty,
giving both the Israelis and da Obster cover to keep it going…
One faux reluctantly (Obama)…
the other ones – Livzni or Netancuckoo…
would unabashedly {er , bashedly?} ENDORSE IT.

Yeh It was easy to tire of Sy Hersh’s almost hourly warnings WRT Cheney’s finger on the button. Me? I haven’t slept in years thinking about it. And it’s not because it’s a GOP v Dem thing. It’s just how things shake out on the sale-ability of it all…

They will cruise missile Iranian installations. Soon.
Some reasons to consider Why…

Why Ob the Youngster will need to have this spoon fed to him..
Think Bay of Pigs. Again not that it’s a D or R thing. Kennedy was more afraid of getting tagged with the Red Label than he was about doin’ junk or banging just about everything that moved…
It’s just that the sale-ability , Timing mostly, with a new Admin is a
touchy thing. Also the Intramural Paranoia factors in, the existential
core that goes with Permanent War Footing, the MIC,
The National Security State…..

I mean really what more does Obama have to do
for people to get a fucking clue?
Dig up Rumsfeld? Ask Cheney himself to stay on?
Have BadHeart there as backup?
You know – in case Biden blows ANOTHER aneurysm??

Oh but he has Hillary as Secretary of State…
I forgot Ms. Smithereens and her Sniper Fire pandering ass.
Married to Mr Charitable Investments overseas with Robert Rubin in the guest room many nights, the rare day and night that is he’s not in bed with both of them, that is…..

In the late 1950’s.

The public mood, so I’m told , not quite old enough to register-
was as decidedly schizophrenic then WRT Foreign Policy as we are now. Then, a domestic desire was taking hold to get beyond WWII and Korea , …have Barbecue in the backyard if we can still beat the Commies, or, heresy of hersies, even,- come to live with a “draw” on the 38th Parallel. Joe McCarthy had been discredited. Nasser’s rise? Yawn. Castro? Wasn’t he the guy Mike Wallace interviewed? And so forth…Hungary, Iran, Greece, etc,etc, Sneeze.
Pollen’s high today. Pass the cole slaw.

For every rabid Anti Communist, ChickenHawk, and much less those willing for themselves or their kids to get into the old Uniform , you had a populace decidedly demobilizing into civilian life the further we got from World War ll.

Pass the burgers. Nice cookout. Beer? How about a highball?

Domestically we could debate about Blacks : whether they should be present, merely the help, or even on the fire itself..
Now we have the gays to reconsider at the roast.


Three weeks is a long time.
And there are financial and political constraints to what can be mobilized militarily right now by the US. But Those “Constraints” can easily be scrapped and remolded into Imperitives if they Double down and go all in now.

Major escalation in the ME, revitalizing our “necessary to eradicate” Al Qaeda War given “unforeseen events” between India and Pakistan…
Christ it all could be sold as Stimulus,
with the added benefit to take the heat off the failing Kleptocratic rule that’s becoming obvious…

Holidays – as we have seen –
give a whole lot of cover for news dumps…
Bombs too..

54. marisacat - 27 December 2008

Reuters has a newish piece up on the bombing raid of GAZA… 205 dead, over 700 wounded. Shortages in the hospitals ensure a higher death toll… Mayor of Ashkelon says the assault is planned to last a week.

A five-day Israeli offensive in March killed more than 120 people, but Saturday’s death toll was the highest for a single day since 1948, when the Jewish state was established.

55. BooHooHooMan - 27 December 2008

but Saturday’s death toll was the highest for a single day since 1948
I shudder to think what is coming next. Truly, I do..

56. marisacat - 27 December 2008

BHHM out of Moderation… Sorry!

……….. 😯 …………

57. marisacat - 27 December 2008

Have BadHeart there as backup?
You know – in case Biden blows ANOTHER aneurysm??

Boy that got old.. as he carefully did not release nor admit to undergoing any of the appropriate tests for someon who has had TWO of those dang darn gee whiz things. I mean Biden and his aneuryismzzz

58. catnip - 27 December 2008

How to make heads explode at dkos. (And it tops the rec list even with that lovely pic of Obamalama speaking at AIPAC).

59. catnip - 27 December 2008

55. I shudder to think what is coming next. Truly, I do..

Israel/Lebanon War, Part 2: The Gaza Experience

Brought to you by the word “disproportionate”.

60. marisacat - 27 December 2008

Headline at UK Telegraph

Israel changed the rules forever with Gaza airstrike

The air assault inflicted by Israel on Hamas targets in Gaza was not just a black Sabbath for the Islamist movement.

It was the day when Israel changed the rules forever in its conflict with Palestinian militancy.

For years, the outside world has grown used to a steady drip-drip of violence between Israel and Palestinian militants.

Both sides have often been criticised for targeting civilians – with Israel singled out for using disproportionate force. But despite the undertow of criticism, over the years Israel has “restrained” itself in Gaza, confining its attacks to what it perceived to be active military units or Hamas political leaders responsible for ordering attacks on Israeli civilians.

I use quotation marks around ‘restrained’ because in the eyes of the vast majority of Gaza’s 1.5 million people, it was often difficult to see restraint in any of Israel’s actions. ….snip…

I don’t know.. seems to me many civilians have died across the years. The numbers much much higher for Palestinians due to sheer weaponry and volume of ordnance unloaded.

61. mattes - 27 December 2008

Just got home should have bought some wine…or anything with alcohol.

#53, not a pretty picture.

Catnip, I just read an article Beirut was doing so well, I immediately thought….must be time to bomb again…

62. BooHooHooMan - 27 December 2008

mattes…They want to make sure all reasonable peace plans get shelved for the next decade. And kneecapping Rahm and Obama in their plans.

..kneecap Rahm and Obama in their plans?

Seriously, I ask the following while seeking reconsideration.

Their plans? which plans are they?
Their plans to go along to get along?
Plans to wield power?

Rahm could be dismissed quite readily
from the assertion with an AYFKM?!??@!!
But a pass is definitely not to be given
Particularly for Obama.
He’s the one who rolled around among the flowers,
then made a Cabinet Room bouquet of them for the PTB.

Emanuel presents no similar pretense.
WRT Obama and his ‘plans’ ..
Perhaps you refer to what he merely said?

It is a serious mistake to hold out any further hope for Mr. Obama.

63. marisacat - 27 December 2008

LOL Fisk… and I love the line, “mental mists”…

If reporting is, as I suspect, a record of mankind’s folly, then the end of 2008 is proving my point.

Let’s kick off with the man who is not going to change the Middle East, Barack Obama, who last week, with infinite predictability, became Time’s “person of the year”. But buried in a long and immensely tedious interview inside the magazine, Obama devotes just one sentence to the Arab-Israeli conflict:

“And seeing if we can build on some of the progress, at least in conversation, that’s been made around the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will be a priority.”

What is this man talking about? “Building on progress?” What progress? On the verge of another civil war between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority, with Benjamin Netanyahu a contender for Israeli prime minister, with Israel’s monstrous wall and its Jewish colonies still taking more Arab land, and Palestinians still firing rockets at Sderot, and Obama thinks there’s “progress” to build on?

I suspect this nonsensical language comes from the mental mists of his future Secretary of State. “At least in conversation” is pure Hillary Clinton – its meaning totally eludes me – and the giveaway phrase about progress being made “around” the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is even weirder. Of course if Obama had talked about an end to Jewish settlement building on Arab land – the only actual “building” that is going on in the conflict – relations with Hamas as well as the Palestinian Authority, justice for both sides in the conflict, along with security for Palestinians as well as Israelis, then he might actually effect a little change. …..snipwhippy!…….

And the beat goes on in the abattoir…

64. mattes - 27 December 2008

BHHM…then we are doomed. Might as well carve the blue star in my forehead.

The blue star of hopi legends?

LOOK here from Booman comments:

Several major signals that a war with India and Pakistan over the Mumbai attacks is closer. And imho, Israel will receive some backlash. What does Israel have to do with Pak-India conflict? It was reported Israel was training Indian commandos to do strikes on Pakistan..not left unnoticed in Islamabad.


Evil, evil.

65. marisacat - 27 December 2008

Rahm is a warrior on all sides of all issues, from what I observe. Drug War warrior as well… as is Biden.

These poeple are not anti war, nor pro resolution… not in my opinion.

I just read that when B16 visited the WH in April, they offered a 21 gun salute. Now really. If he WERE a man of peace in any sense of the word, he would have refused that, seen that his emissaries made certain ahead of time.

I am sure he loved it.

66. mattes - 27 December 2008

Zionists at dk are getting a run for their money….anti-Israel diary still number one. What kind of meltdown is that going to cause, as this war is just getting started.

67. marisacat - 27 December 2008

Yes the latest quote out of Israel (from Olmert) is that “it will go for some time”.

68. marisacat - 27 December 2008


This from Intermittent Bystander just chugged into Moderation, tho it was posted to the previous thread at 6pm PT last night… SO SORRY… reposting here:

China’s Financial Industry Recruits Abroad (NYT, 12/25/08)

Ms. Yu was just one of hundreds of jobseekers who attended a recruiting event in the ballroom of the Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel in Flushing, Queens, where some of China’s largest financial institutions have traveled to recruit talent from abroad. The recruiters are picking from the ranks of financial sector employees who fear what the future might bring. “I flew all the way from Charlotte, N.C., for this event. I’m trying to create a safety net for myself,” Ms. Yu said.

The New York event was the last of three stops made by the visiting Chinese delegation, which was made up of recruiters and representatives from more than 27 Chinese financial firms. The delegation, which held events in London and Chicago as part of its global recruiting tour, hoped to fill 170 positions by the end of its trip.

With jobs quickly disappearing from Wall Street and the boom in global finance over for the foreseeable future, China still offers opportunity, even as its own economy slows. Worldwide, thousands of financial service jobs have been erased because of the credit crisis, with London and New York suffering large losses.

Now, in a reverse miniature brain drain, Chinese financial institutions are taking advantage of the downturn and focusing on the newly unemployed to diversify and upgrade their own staffs.

Capital flows in and out of China are tightly controlled, and China’s capital markets are closed to foreign companies.

But China’s insular financial system has also kept it underdeveloped. Although employees of large Chinese financial institutions usually graduate from top Chinese universities, they lack practical market experience.

That lack of experience has sometimes led to poor decisions, and in some cases outright blunders. For example, the Citic Pacific Group of China recently said its realized and potential losses from an attempt to hedge currency risk associated with a large purchase of Australian dollars (needed to buy iron for its steel mills in China) topped $2.4 billion. The China Investment Corporation, the country’s sovereign wealth fund, which controls $200 billion in assets, has lost money on almost all of its investments, including a loss of $2.46 billion, or 82 percent, of the $3 billion it invested in the Blackstone Group.

69. mattes - 27 December 2008

WE need a new world order for the international bankers. Wall Street has ripped everyone off.

70. marisacat - 27 December 2008

Larry Summers speaketh.

As difficult as these conditions are, however, the Obama administration also inherits an economy with great potential for the medium and long terms. Investments in an array of areas — including energy, education, infrastructure and health care — offer the potential of extraordinarily high social returns while allowing our country to address some long-standing national challenges and put our economy on a solid footing for years to come.

And so on…………………………. 🙄

71. NYCO - 27 December 2008

Israel/Lebanon War, Part 2: The Gaza Experience

Really? You think it’s just going to be Gaza? Or just involve Israel and Lebanon?

There were wild blog rumors early this morning that the India-Pak war already started with airstrikes. Since an actual story never materialized, it seems that must just be wild rumor…

72. BooHooHooMan - 27 December 2008

Mattes, I do find hope. For starters, in the resistence asserted by you and others to aggression. True, we don’t know each other in real life, and words on a screen maybe taken only as such, but even on the level of words, I see none of the words you candidly express being said by Obama.

There is reason to hope. In some people. A good many even.
But Most certainly not all. Not even close. Fuck, 50 million of em here thought Palin was peachy. …

But under no circumstances now, NONE, absolutely no Politician, NONE is to be trusted or Hoped with/ on/ or for…
None with any present proximity to levers in our
Dreadnought Ship of State..

It clearly leaves Kucinich and barely a handful of others out.

Like the collapse prayed for by people suffering from or caught up in any wicked regime, I hope that it goes quick and the rest of us get out alive…

73. marisacat - 27 December 2008

Reason[ers] are stressed at Obsters weakening rhetoric on Drug War. LOL… It always weakened, depended on whom he was addressing. So many incidents when he barely functioned on the issue

The title indicates … maybe a Blooooooooooooooo Ribbon Panel, at best on Drugs. They have not been listening. I am surprised at Reason.

74. marisacat - 27 December 2008

😆 From the comments at Reason:

BakedPenguin | December 26, 2008, 2:04pm | #

What more do you hippies want?

How about a government that recognizes the 4th, 5th, 8th & 10th amendments? Along with the Posse Comitatus Act, the concept of mens rea. etc, etc…

The drug war is like any war, an excuse for government to expand its powers. The fact that it’s unwinnable gives them a perpetual excuse for it.

As for Obama, when compared those who sell drugs to terrorists in his Berlin speech, any honest person should have come to the conclusion that he was going to be more of the same.

75. BooHooHooMan - 27 December 2008

Wow. From user. ID. number. 63.
Nice to hear from you Gustavo.
This is perhaps the LAST thing Zionists
want to hear or have take hold.
Frankly just a “have at” attitude
a great tactical pose IMO.

Does it make me a bad person
that I don’t care? (0+ / 0-)

All my life the Israelis and the Palestinians have been at each others’ throats, and in all likelihood they will keep it up long after I am dead.

Both sides commit horrendous atrocities. It’s one act of self-defense in response to a previous act. Or revenge. Or spite. Or bloody-minded stupidity.

Neither side will give up Jerusalem, or water rights, or defensible borders (where defensible means “from here we can bomb our enemies to bits any time we want”) and they have demonstrated that they cannot share.

The only way this will end is if one side finally succeeds in killing off the other. Well, good luck with that, try to keep it to yourselves.

Alternately, I suggest resettling the Israelis and Palestinians to opposite sides of the world (perhaps Utah could become Jewish rather than Mormon), and making Israel/Palestine a great big bird sanctuary.

And if they really want the god damned temples and crap, we can move them brick by brick. If they each want the same god damned temple, too bad, they can only get half the bricks.

Fuck ’em. Fuck ’em all.

(-7.38,-2.51) 76% of dKos readers think I’m a secret wing-nut operative!

by Gustavo on Sat Dec 27, 2008 at 01:55:20 PM PST

I do this with People whenever the Question of Israel comes up.
It is most effective in conservative professional environments…
You want to see people’s heads explode?
Casually mention in the convo
you’re all for a Jewish Nation State,
but you just don’t want to pay for it.…LOL.
have plenty of tongue depressors ready though, believe me….

Almost 1800 comments on that diary..
Well done with pics too..

76. marisacat - 27 December 2008

More laffs via Ben Smith:

Caroline Kennedy’s Times interview today seems to have been a bit rockier than her NY1 rollout yesterday, as the story seems to capture some friction with the reporters, and as she declines to take any policy stances.

A memorable line: “But in an extensive sit-down discussion Saturday morning with The New York Times, she still seemed less like a candidate than an idea of one: forceful but vague, largely undefined and seemingly determined to remain that way….snip….

And the end:

Ms. Kennedy came to the interview with two aides, who had reserved the back room of the Lenox Hill Diner, on Lexington Avenue near 78th Street, for several interviews scheduled on Saturday.

As things wrapped up, a reporter tried to pose another question, but she interrupted him.

“I think we’re done,” she said.

77. BooHooHooMan - 27 December 2008

Truth met with the verbal fists on DK:

Creation of Israel was a mistake (2+ / 0-)

[ here, the commenter then Links thru to a portion of Richard Cohen’s very fine piece in WaPo 2006 @ Lebanon.–BHHM]

“”””””The greatest mistake Israel could make at the moment is to forget that Israel itself is a mistake. It is an honest mistake, a well-intentioned mistake, a mistake for which no one is culpable, but the idea of creating a nation of European Jews in an area of Arab Muslims (and some Christians) has produced a century of warfare and terrorism of the sort we are seeing now. Israel fights Hezbollah in the north and Hamas in the south, but its most formidable enemy is history itself””””””” – Cohen in WaPo

The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of the Politics of Fear

by munky on Sat Dec 27, 2008 at 01:48:35 PM PST

Israel already Exists(0+ / 0-)

What was not finished in the Six Day War, will have to be finished now. Palestinians are themselves to blame.

by LonelyLibertarian on Sat Dec 27, 2008 at 01:51:17 PM PST

78. marisacat - 27 December 2008

well…. reality is not Leon Uris’s Exodus, later starring Paul Newman. It’s a very exultant fiction.. but a fiction.

79. BooHooHooMan - 27 December 2008

Yes, Cohen needs to be revisited too…

Yet things are genuinely splendid in the Orange Grove.
Predictable too…
Hunter dutifully has “An Inaugural Carol: Part III” on Front Page Offer. LOL

Meanwhile the Lead Diarist has updated the title

Israel’s ongoing war
on Palestinian self-determinationn
EDIT: 200+ dead, Obama: no comment)

1915 comments and going strong…
Typical and not so typical stuff going on inside…
I’m American, you nazi fuck. (0+ / 0-)

America needs to work to find peace.

And Arabs need to find a better tactic than terrorism to get their lives on track.

by ModerateFundamentalist on Sat Dec 27, 2008 at 01:42:41 PM PST

You are an Israeli-o-phile (3+ / 0-)

Recommended by:
tbutt, arcticshadow, cf20mx07

Americans in love with Israel need to move there and fight for their cause. Leave the rest of us OUT of it. Thanks.

The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of the Politics of Fear

by munky on Sat Dec 27, 2008 at 01:46:03 PM PST

Suicide-Bomber-o-Phile (0+ / 0-)

Those that support Palestinian terror need to report to the nearest Hamas recruitment camp.

by LonelyLibertarian on Sat Dec 27, 2008 at 01:48:52 PM PST
And so forth…..

80. BooHooHooMan - 27 December 2008

The Mass Murdering Santa? no pun intended but…Catholic.
talk about a fascination with Incense. A Laid off Engineer, the guy built his own flamethrower to go with the machine pistol.

What a scumbag.

The couple married on Jan. 29, 2006, and moved into a home Pardo already owned in Montrose, about 15 miles north of Los Angeles.The house sits up the hill from the Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, where he volunteered as an usher at the children’s Mass.

Pardo had a 9-year-old son, Matthew, by another former girlfriend, Elena Lucano. He had not seen the child for years, but apparently was claiming him as a dependent for tax purposes. Lucano told the Los Angeles Times that she didn’t know Pardo was claiming their son as a dependent.

The boy was left severely brain damaged as a toddler when he fell into a backyard swimming pool on Jan. 6, 2001 while Pardo was alone with him at his former home in Woodland Hills, according to attorney Jeffrey Alvirez, who represented Lucano in the resulting court case.

Medical costs reached $340,000. Lucano sued Pardo to obtain money from his $100,000 homeowner’s insurance policy and about $36,000 was put into a trust fund for the boy, who requires constant care. Pardo never contributed any more money to the boy’s care.

“He never spent a dime on his son,” Alvirez said.

Alvirez said he would not be surprised if Pardo kept that part of his life a secret from his wife.

Then there is always a quote like this…

Shocked friends said nothing indicated he was on the verge of a murderous rampage. Pardo had told one friend he planned to usher at the Christmas Eve midnight Mass at his church and told another to expect him for a visit in Iowa around the holidays. He had no previous criminal record.

“He was a very easygoing person, a very friendly guy,” she said. “I would never in my right mind think that he would ever do anything like this.”

The ….Didn’t see it coming… crap.
Member of a massive coupla thousand year old cult.
Get a grip.

Thing is, we’re going to see more of this.
More and more of these types are going to lose it once their precious shit along with their identity goes into receivership…

81. marisacat - 27 December 2008

Huntington author of Clash of Civilisations… died …

NYT has a post up in The Caucus

82. marisacat - 27 December 2008


It sounds as tho the cops and bomb detail, pryo / fire people and whoever else are interested in the acelerant (sp?) contraption he built. Of course it worked other than he had planned. It burnt him pretty well, too.

83. BooHooHooMan - 27 December 2008

Correction: Where I said above how the neighbor didn’t have clue?

And I said :
“Member of a massive coupla thousand year old cult.
Get a grip.”

I should have qualified that a bit. It should read:

Member of a massive *MASS MURDERING*
…..coupla thousand year old cult.

Get a grip.

Sorry. Just about all diabolical’d OUT today…

84. BooHooHooMan - 27 December 2008

It sounds as tho the cops and bomb detail, pryo / fire people and whoever else are interested in the acelerant (sp?) contraption he built

and HALF OF THEM are Catholic / Pyro whacks too.

85. BooHooHooMan - 27 December 2008

Israel Killed more People today in Lebanon than

than died at the Pentagon and on Flight 93 that went down in Shanksville Pennsylvania on September the 11th, 2001 combined.

Straight up:
Fuck Israel. And their Failed State. They’re Kooks.

With Nukes.

86. BooHooHooMan - 27 December 2008

From Haaretz

Disinformation, secrecy and lies:
How the Gaza offensive came about

By Barak Ravid, Haaretz Correspondent

Long-term preparation, careful gathering of information, secret discussions, operational deception and the misleading of the public – all these stood behind the Israel Defense Forces “Cast Lead” operation against Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip, which began Saturday morning.

The disinformation effort, according to defense officials, took Hamas by surprise and served to significantly increase the number of its casualties in the strike.

Sources in the defense establishment said Defense Minister Ehud Barak instructed the Israel Defense Forces to prepare for the operation over six months ago, even as Israel was beginning to negotiate a ceasefire agreement with Hamas. According to the sources, Barak maintained that although the lull would allow Hamas to prepare for a showdown with Israel, the Israeli army needed time to prepare, as well.

Barak gave orders to carry out a comprehensive intelligence-gathering drive which sought to map out Hamas’ security infrastructure, along with that of other militant organizations operating in the Strip.

Much of the Haaretz sounds like ,well, DISINFORMATION.
They got the calculated lethality right.
The targetted planning? Not so much.

What Bullshit. They basically went in and bombed the fuck out of the Center of Gaza City. Over 250 killed now, Egypt temporarily had to open borders to evacuate 800 injured. Death toll rising…

They waited till they got a better currency position over the Fall.

Frankly, I think we need to seriously consider whether they’re not simply BROKE. I mean, fuck – what do they produce domestically?
…other than what can be “arranged” ???
Talk about a Ponzi scheme…

Could it be that, like the US, the Great State of Israel® is prey to its own hubris and greed,. too?

One more very brief post and I’m out.
I need to get a link with a number now…

87. BooHooHooMan - 27 December 2008

No blockquotes . Just straight up JVP….I’m out.

Peace, U.S. Military Aid and Israel – Jewish voice for Peace.

Why we urge the U.S. government to suspend military aid to Israel until it ends its 37-year occupation of the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem.

Aid is excessive and disproportionate

More U.S. aid goes to Israel than any other country, even though Israel’s per capita income is as high as many European countries.

In fiscal year 2003 Israel received a foreign military financing grant of $3.1 billion and a $600 million grant for economic security in addition to $11 billion in commercial loan guarantees. This total aid package of nearly $15 billion makes Israel by far the largest single recipient of U.S. aid. U.S. aid is a function of politics. According to a Time/CNN poll, released April 12, 2002, 60% of Americans favor cutting aid to Israel if Israel does not immediately withdraw its troops from Palestinian areas. Further, U.S. aid to other countries is often tied to various conditions, depending on what the U.S. wants the aid recipient to do. We are asking that aid to Israel be treated in the same manner.

Pouring arms into an area of the world already plagued by violence can only increase death and destruction and render the U.S. a questionable broker for peace at best. In these hard economic days, that money can be put to use in the U.S. or it could be used to build a stable Palestinian society, out of the devastation that exists there now. The Israeli economy has been in a downward spiral for years, and foreign investment has long been directly related to the level of violence in the region. Using military aid as a lever to end the occupation will be a boon to the security and hopes for the future for both Israelis and Palestinians.

Key Facts

* Total direct aid to Israel, 1948-2003
$89.9 billion (uncorrected for inflation)
* Since 1976 Israel has been the largest annual recipient of US aid. It is the largest cumulative recipient since World War II.
* Direct U.S. aid for each Israeli citizen in 2001 (per capita annual income of Israel = $16,710) — over $500
* Direct U.S. Aid for each Ethiopian citizen in 2001 (per capita annual income of Ethiopia = $100) — about $.45
$2.76 billion military aid grant
$2.1 billion economic support funds
$600 million refugee resettlement grant
$2 billion
Military aid grant $1 billion
Commercial loan guarantees $9 billion
Arrow missile development $60 million
* TOTAL AID FOR FY 2003 $14.82 billion
* Percentage of U.S. foreign aid that goes to Israel — 30%
* Israel’s population as a percentage of world population — .01%
* Section 116 of the Foreign Assistance Act (FAA) states, “No assistance may be provided under this part to the government of any country which engages in a consistent pattern of gross violations of internationally recognized human rights.” 22 U.S.C. 2304(a)
* Section 4 of the Arms Export Control Act prohibits selling military equipment to countries that use them for non-self-defense purposes.
* The U.S. State Department determined in February 2001 that Israel has committed each of the acts that the law defines as “gross violations of internationally recognized human rights, including torture or cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment, prolonged detention without charges and trial, causing the disappearance of persons by the abduction and clandestine detention of those persons, and other flagrant denials of the right to life, liberty, or the security of person.” It described Israeli army use of live ammunition against Palestinians when soldiers were not in impending danger as “excessive use of force.”

SOURCES: Clyde R. Mark, Israel: U.S. Foreign Assistance, Congressional Research Service, updated April 1, 2003; Clyde R. Mark, Middle East: U.S. Foreign Assistance, FY 2001, FY 2002, FY 2003 Congressional Research Service, March 28, 2002

88. catnip - 27 December 2008

61. Catnip, I just read an article Beirut was doing so well, I immediately thought….must be time to bomb again…

No kidding.

71. Really? You think it’s just going to be Gaza? Or just involve Israel and Lebanon?

The first rule of I/P fight club is that it’s never just about I or P or L or E or the US of A.

89. catnip - 27 December 2008

I see that dkos I/P diary now has over 2000 comments. Hmmm…I recall some weak explanation about the system not being able to handle more than a set number of comments there before, thus comment threads were (conveniently, for the management) disappeared.

90. marisacat - 27 December 2008

Very sorry! 😳

I fell asleep and Moderation did what it does. Work overtime, off the clock, and with a vengence.

Two of BHHM and one of catnip… now released!

91. mattes - 27 December 2008

[Guess, Israel won’t have to bother with all those pesky PEACE INITIATIVES!! http://www.freespeechzoneblog.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=2000 ]

92. mattes - 27 December 2008

BHHM…thanks for article on Israeli aid, will add it to my diary.

Karma over at mlw is claiming Israel had no choice, and this is asymetrical warfare. Good when Israel does it against even Brits and US ships, but not ok for people that have been oppressed for over 60 years. What a joke that kid is.

93. marisacat - 27 December 2008

Gnu Thred:


……………… 😯 ……………..

94. NYCO - 27 December 2008

The ….Didn’t see it coming… crap.
Member of a massive coupla thousand year old cult.

Don’t you think this line of reasoning is a little facile?

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