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Arrest 18 May 2010

Posted by marisacat in 2010 Mid Terms, 2012 Re Election, Border Issues, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, Mexico, South America, Viva La Revolucion!.

Oil booms are seen offshore as Brown pelicans nest on Breton Island off the coast of Louisiana in the Gulf of Mexico. Wildlife in the Breton National Wildlife Refuge, created by Theodore Roosevelt, are vulnerable to the oil spill resulting from the explosion and sinking of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig last week. See the National Audubon Society’s website for further information    Photograph: Gerald Herbert/AP

The Brown Pelicans, state bird of Louisiana, should just be arrested and deported. What are we waiting for?  Get them OFF the barrier islands, off the wetlands and away….  Surely they are illegal in some way?  Broke some law?

Here is a tidy tidbit

Oh woe is us! I am sure Obby and Holder meant to find this dangling participle of a memo, on that big table. You know that table, the one that has nothing on it…. it was declared free of encumbrances… nothing on it. ”OFF THE TABLE”… and so on.

Love the name attached to the 2002 memo:   BYBEE.

Of course deportations have been up, a full 5%, under Obby. And that compares to W, The Deservedly Hated One.

In the legal battle over Arizona’s new immigration law, an ironic subtext has emerged: whether a Bush-era legal opinion complicates a potential Obama administration lawsuit against Arizona.

The document, written in 2002 by the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel, concluded that state police officers have “inherent power” to arrest undocumented immigrants for violating federal law. It was issued by Jay S. Bybee, who also helped write controversial memos from the same era that sanctioned harsh interrogation of terrorism suspects.

The author of the Arizona law — which has drawn strong opposition from top Obama administration officials — has cited the authority granted in the 2002 memo as a basis for the legislation. The Obama administration has not withdrawn the memo, and some backers of the Arizona law said Monday that because it remains in place, a Justice Department lawsuit against Arizona would be awkward at best.

“The Justice Department’s official position as of now is that local law enforcement has the inherent authority to enforce federal immigration law,” said Robert Driscoll, a former Justice Department Civil Rights Division official in the George W. Bush administration who represents an Arizona sheriff known for aggressive immigration enforcement. “How can you blame someone for exercising authority that the department says they have?”

The Arizona law, signed by Gov. Jan Brewer (R) last month, makes the “willful failure” to carry immigration documents a crime and empowers police to question anyone if authorities have a “reasonable suspicion” the person is an illegal immigrant. It has drawn words of condemnation from President Obama and intense opposition from civil rights groups, who on Monday filed what they said was the fifth federal lawsuit over the legislation.

An ACLU attorney, in the Wapo piece, murmurs sweet nothings… the AZ law goes way beyond the memo… memos haven’t the weight of law… and so on.  But the anonymous, third party even! quotes attributed to the Justice Dept in the article, ring false.  They are working so hard!  Doing what?  Considering their options.

Don’t sweat too hard boys.  No anguished fretting!

The Right is so good at knowing the loopholes, sniffing them out, planting them, banking them for a rainy day…  and the Dems are so good at helping the Righties thru the big fat hanging holes.

Handmaidens, forever.  I guess it’s a job.



1. marisacat - 18 May 2010

Linda McMahon in CT, taking credit for the the oppo on Blumenthal reaching the NYT.

catnip - 18 May 2010

No big deal. He just mispoke. lol

marisacat - 18 May 2010

the Dems are resoundingly defending him… even as they search for a replacement… snicker

What a hoot!

Ben Smith has a pic of The Marines, apparently B called in some big beefy marines to show up at his appearances. In their bright orange marine jackets.

OK! now let’s ALL lie about serving.

What a joke.

marisacat - 18 May 2010

the headline at NYT is now quoting him, “misplaced words”.

Gotta laugh… the words just ran around like crazy little tykes and re arranged themselves!

2. ts - 18 May 2010

Another casualty, Souder resigns.

marisacat - 18 May 2010

May 18, 2010
Categories: Congress.

Souder spares wife

Silda Wall Spitzer may really have been the last.

Mark Souder said today:

My family is more than willing to stand here with me, we are a committed family. But the error is mine and I should bear the responsibility. And quite frankly I’m sick of politicians who drag their spouses up in front of the cameras, rather than confronting the problem that they have caused.

Thank Jenny Sanford.

(The quote was circulated, incidentally, by the Louisiana Democratic Party, which finds a way to allude to David Vitter’s prostitution confession almost every day.)

Posted by Ben Smith 01:04 PM

Maybe it was growing up in the West when issues of civil commitment to mental institutions was a huge legal and political issue, but when I read “committed” in most forms Ijust think of being checked in to th looney bin.

marisacat - 18 May 2010

a vid has turned up of Souder being interviewed by his mistress.. apparently he lectured and bitched and moaned (!) a lot about…


Oh the dripping irony!

3. catnip - 18 May 2010

Guess who got a no-bid military contract in May? Halliburton.

4. catnip - 18 May 2010

Today’s spidey-sense prediction: I think Blanche Lincoln will eek out a win. No numbers come to mind but I’ll throw 5-10% out there.

catnip - 18 May 2010

Although I guess 10% wouldn’t be an “eek”…

marisacat - 18 May 2010

I think even 5 would be a big win.

An interesting day… I confess to having always had a taste for the horse race.

And I always did love it when ANY of them falls, any party.

Shakes things up, no matter what.

And people really should not serve these long terms of 20, 30, 40 years. They all get too comfy.

5. BooHooHooMan - 18 May 2010

Bhhm, here on the PA Primary. LOL
(Who gives a fuck on both counts, I know. LOL)

Turnout very light in today’s PA Primary.
Hey! I know! ~ Wanna play with an ant farm today?!!

TPM’s offerings:

Specter: Sestak More Vigorous Than Me? What Are You Smoking?

Rendell: Specter Will Be Fine — We’ve Got People In Ponchos Out There

Sestak: Did I Mention Arlen Specter Supported Bush?

LOL. Sestak. Did you mention YOU BOTH prop Obama?
Cue Admiral Sensual as the new Massa IF he actually was running outside the Rahm, Shummie, DSCC orchestrated box.. It’d be Cue nude ARLEN, ED, BILL, CHUCK, AND RAHM with the sternal jab to the Admiral in the Capitol Showers. And that’s certainly not Arlen’s style. It’s likely to be mutual laughs on the massage tables and a convo with the Admiral of this sort, “You know, Joe, You really have promise out there with the misdirection. Remember the Warren Commission, Joe? Well..you see, …”

A sampling of dutiful ledes from around the state:

From Harrisburg “No, We Really ARE the Capital”, Pennsylvania.

Midstate voter turnout has been light…

Let’s make quick work of the local yokel laments before getting on to the Parteh in Philadelphia later tonight..

Scranton: Turnout continues to be light

Polling places were quiet and voting reportedly remained very light at mid day for the primary election.

“Terrible,” was the word Judge of Elections Jean Mehne used to describe turnout at Green Ridge Assembly of God Church. “So far we’ve had 100 people, last year we had 700,” Ms. Mehne said at about 12:30 p.m.

“It’s not been good at all, it’s been very thin,” her colleague Gloria Seigle said.

Pittsburgh Post Gazette: Light voter turnout reported in Allegheny County

Also from PGH… Via Scaiffe’s Tribune Review…With particular relish in noting the limpdick Dems…

John Bozic of the South Side has been on the Democratic committee 32 years and cannot recall many turnouts worse than today’s.

In the middle of the Southside Flats, an area known for its hot nightlife and young population, the vast majority of voters are senior citizens. By midday, only 62 people had voted at the Morse High Rise at the corner of 23rd and Sarah streets.

“We’ve had very poor attendance,” Bozic, 72, said, standing in the empty patio outside Morse. “There’s a lack of interest, and the other thing is that there are really no worthwhile candidates.”

Well where’s the GOTV~ Mr Bozic Committeeman of 32 Years?
To, ya know, Encourage Voter Turnout? .
Yeh, we’ll see you at Specter’s donut box too. LOL

Oh but Let’s not Elder Bash the 72 year old Committeeman for Sedentary Living.
via the same article—

Unlike the scene in the 2008 presidential election where a line of enthusiastic, sign-waving supporters of President Barrack Obama wrapped around the building, the overwhelmingly Democratic District 82 of the 16th ward seemed silent, with a turnout of only 58 Democrats and 4 Republicans as of noon.

Jason Phillips was the first voter at the South Side’s Market House on the corner of 12th and Bingham streets when the polling location opened at 7 a.m. He waited 25 minutes before seeing another citizen vote.

“We usually don’t have a high turnout here,” Phillips, 28, said. “If we get 150 people, we’ll have exceeded my expectations.”

Phillips has been a member of the Democratic Committee four years and said that during his tenure, the majority of people who vote at the polling location for District 2 and District 3 of the 17th Ward are mainly Democratic-leaning senior citizens. The many college students and young people who populate the area show up only during the presidential elections, he said.

Way to motivate ’em, “Hekebelos” of Pittsburgh!
Beer on Arlen, dude? LOL..
But before shoving off, let’s sound the
28 Year Old’s / 4 Years on the Committee” Irony alert :

“It’s just a lackadaisical attitude to an extent in the younger generation,” Phillips said.

Fuck it, let’s head back East… to Philadelphia…
the Center of the Universe don’t you knoooo…
The Party should be getting started early…

marisacat - 18 May 2010

there you go……..

….and the other thing is that there are really no worthwhile candidates.”

6. BooHooHooMan - 18 May 2010

I’m pissing myself laughing at the WaPo FP

Pennsylvania incumbent enters unknown terrain

Oh, sure. First man on the Planet Crouton.

..the handwringing link goes to this lame redux…
😯 > What does low turnout mean?? < 😯 … 🙄

marisacat - 18 May 2010

I loved the descriptions placed around of him playing whatever-that-is with a ball at the mens’ clubs around town. hard ball?


diane - 18 May 2010

the famed medicinal bocci balls? the latin version of the Brit’s “Croak It” (as in kill that fucker), otherwise known as “croquet,” .. which I guess had it’s origin in the bocci nuts.

diane - 18 May 2010

Not sure what the Semite or Mick version is, but I’m pretty sure there is one, the guyz treasure those nuts, attempt to keep them from harm at all costs, ….as they are very tender………………….

marisacat - 18 May 2010

the game I tam thinking of two men face a high wall, they bounce, with a racquet sort of thing, but not a tennis racquet, they bounce the ball back adn forth between themselves and the high wall.

I think it is hardball.

I hate almost any sport that involves a ball frankly… (takes out a lot in one big swipe)

diane - 18 May 2010

sounds like raquetball, and then there’s the calf skin gloved, handball, for those who like to get even more intimate with the balls.

marisacat - 18 May 2010

oh.. racquetball… I shudda thought of that.

I can never keep them all straight. I look on anything with a ball with suspicion. The damned balls always found m and hit me.

It got ridiculous.

diane - 18 May 2010

I actually liked racquetball, in the short span in which I was able to play it for free. I somehow mastered a real high lob shot along the wall within an inch that clearly exasperated alpha slammers no end …fuckin hilarious ….. although, one time, my own alpha female “team”mate slammed me in the face with her racquet, going after a shot on my side of our “territory” (apparently),… I guess presuming I wasn’t up to the shot, not being an alpha and all.

marisacat - 18 May 2010

hated everything iwth a ball.

AND I was a child in the 50s when most “stuff” for sports was heavy. Heavy wood raquets for tennis (my first was almost 4 lbs, way too heavy for a small slight child), heavy skis for skiing… and so on.

Now people have so many options for material, design, size, type, etc.

BooHooHooMan - 18 May 2010

The piece is so lame..Talking about “two” paths to victory for “two” very different candidates..some slobber about the Clinton Model v the Rendell model …noting Hillary’s 2008 Pa Primary win vs Eddies Guber campaigns. LOL BOTH were standard Rendell dependent chit cashing operatins. They are saying Sestak is going for a “Hillary” win (Western PA, Scranton Rural whites) Good Luck, Rain Man. Wapner’s on at 4. Wapner. They aren’t showing up and wouldn’t have rain or shine. It’s a classic Party caging operation with equally poor choices.
Cue faux Surprising Big Win for Specter.

Welp. That prized DP personell carrier, the Hopemobile convertible- that Hope / Change jalopy is well in the back of the shop storage area.. It only seems to work once a decade, anyway.

marisacat - 18 May 2010

Hope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep it alive!

meanwhil I read at people mag………….. Politico… I mean! that the Kennedys are in truble again. Big Trouble in River City. Etc. Wel not so big. Just a tipple.

http://www.politico.com/blogs/bensmith/ (it rides at the top)

As some wag once said of the British Royal Family, had they been a poor white family living in trailers n KY, the cops would have been out there every week.

Seems the RFK jr family had the cops twice in a month.

Go for it, sisters and brothers!

BooHooHooMan - 18 May 2010

Noooo! {fearfully biting knuckles}


marisacat - 18 May 2010

Either way the Good People of the Great State of PA, are getting Toomey.. don’t you think?

Hey don’t worry! Be Happy! Hope on a Hamburger Bun, hold the salt make Michelle happy!

diane - 18 May 2010

they apparently call it Pa for ‘good reason.’

BooHooHooMan - 18 May 2010

I’m not convinced of that. I do think it’s possible..I have no Idea how the donks can “motivate” their GE base “for” Arlen. So it will be heavy heavy on the Armegeddon Pitch:
” You don’t want a REPUBLICAN Do You?!@?? 😆 Vote ARLEN.

But the main thing is giving Moderate R and Indies the pitch;; Swashbuckling Arlen as “fierce Independent” v Toomey the Hedfunder / Catholic loon
The former on Arlen a farce, the latter on Toomey about it.
My read still is Specter with a GOP Gov in the Fall with as much cooperation across machine lines to that end as is possible…

marisacat - 18 May 2010

Toomey = Palin

I know, it is hilarious out here when callers (I speak of KGO of course) say, I regret my vote for Obama… knee jerk hits their chin (thru the phone!) and the hosts almost always say, but could you vote for PALIN. PALIN who would outlaw Roe, put 20 guns in every home! You will be FORCED to have a GUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And so on.

Where would the Dems be without her?

marisacat - 18 May 2010

thanks be to Jsus I don’t care WHO wins what anymore. Such a relief.


7. diane - 18 May 2010

Speaking of “arrests,” I’m reminded again exactly why I DESPISE “Reality Shows.”

The article below (an early AP version on a Libertarian type website) is the first version I saw being posted on this news aggregator link (I missed the initial AP article) , I like this one because it shows a clear picture of the house (it was noted as ramshackle on an earlier article which now appears to have been edited).

Atty: Video shows police fired into Detroit home (the cops were filming a reality tv show…)

DETROIT – Police who carried out a raid on a family home that left a 7-year-old girl dead over the weekend were accompanied by a camera crew for a reality television show, and an attorney says video of the siege contradicts the police account of what happened.

Geoffrey Fieger, an attorney for the family of young Aiyana Jones, said he has seen three or four minutes of video of the raid, although he declined to say whether it was shot by the crew for the A&E series “The First 48,” which has been shadowing Detroit homicide detectives for months.

Police have said officers threw a flash grenade through the first-floor window of the two-family home, and that an officer’s gun discharged, killing the girl, during a struggle or after colliding with the girl’s grandmother inside the home.

But Fieger said the video shows an officer lobbing the grenade and then shooting into the home from the porch.

“There is no question about what happened because it’s in the videotape,” Fieger said. “It’s not an accident. It’s not a mistake. There was no altercation.”

“Aiyana Jones was shot from outside on the porch. The videotape shows clearly the officer throwing through the window a stun grenade-type explosive and then within milliseconds of throwing that, firing a shot from outside the home,” he said.

A&E spokesman Dan Silberman said neither he nor anyone else from the network would comment about the case, and he denied a request by The Associated Press for the footage.

Detroit police were trying to obtain the film crew’s footage, Assistant Chief Ralph Godbee said Monday.

Fieger said the investigation into what happened during the raid “needed to go no further than the videotape.”

“The videotape shows clearly that the assistant police chief and the officers on the scene are engaging in an intentional cover up of the events,” Fieger said. He said more than one camera was recording at the scene, and that the footage includes sound.

Police arrested the target of the raid, a 34-year-old man suspected of killing a 17-year-old boy, in the upstairs unit in the two-family home. Police had warrants to search both properties, and family members of the slain girl were seen going in and out of both on Monday. The suspect has not been charged, and it was not immediately clear what relationship he had to the slain girl.

The case has been handed over to the Michigan State Police to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest, Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy said Monday.

Some, including the slain girl’s family and others, have questioned what effect the cameras may have had on the tactics used during raid on the home, which had toys strewn about the front lawn on Monday.

The police department is understaffed, and officers have said they feel vulnerable — especially after one patrolman was killed and four others were wounded during a gunfight with a suspect in a vacant home earlier this month.

Two prominent criminal defense attorneys said they were unaware of past instances when Detroit police used flash grenades in raids when children were possibly present.

“That’s a new one,” said Detroit lawyer Corbett Edge O’Meara. “That does seem to be a pretty extreme measure. It doesn’t surprise me that the police had no concern whether they were endangering the lives of children when they made this raid.”

Attorney Marvin Barnett was more blunt: “I’ve never heard that before in my entire career, that you’ve thrown a flash bomb in a house unless you’ve got an armed suspect and you know there is nobody else in the house.”

“I’d like to know who gave the order to do that,” Barnett said.

Godbee said the department was confident the film crew’s presence had no effect on how the raid was conducted. He said the police department’s use of flash grenades is decided on a “case by case” basis.

“It primarily goes to the severity of the crime and the potential of violence from the offender we’re trying to get in custody,” Godbee said.

He declined to comment on whether the officers involved in the raid were aware children were in the home.

“Our tactics absolutely will be addressed and assessed at the appropriate time,” Godbee said.

The family was left searching for answers. They retained Fieger, a high-powered attorney who also represented assisted suicide advocate Dr. Jack Kevorkian, but the girl’s father said he wants to know what led to his daughter’s death.

“They killed my baby, and I want someone to tell the truth,” he said Sunday.

Police have not identified the officer whose gun fired the shot that killed Aiyana. Godbee said he is a 14-year veteran with six to seven years on the Special Response Team, and that he has been placed on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation.

The officer was cleared following a nonfatal shooting last summer. Police were fired upon by someone barricaded in a house and returned fire, Godbee said.

The Detroit police department has been under two court-ordered consent decrees since 2003 aimed at, among other things, correcting how and when its officers use force on suspects.

The department declined to say whether it was being paid by the television show.the raid, network spokesman Dan Silberman said. The spokesman declined to comment about the case and denied a request by The Associated Press to view the footage.

Michigan State Police are investigating the raid.

Police Chief Warren Evans was expected to hold a news conference later Tuesday. He cut short a vacation and returned to Detroit on Tuesday.

marisacat - 18 May 2010

Sounds like th flash grenade was for the dramatic effect… and of course the wee coppers were so scared. Guns vests helmets, weapons, grenades and whatever else for a full frontal assault on the house and their excuse is Terror. They are terrified of the street criminals.

Good one!

Sounds like th cops of Detroit should have been bakers or candlestick makers. Somethin’ easy.

diane - 18 May 2010

it was noted as ramshackle on an earlier article which now appears to have been edited

I see I messed up the wording there, the “earlier article” (one of these two, now updated, versions), was an AP version (apparently v17 or v18, (note url)) posted on Yahoo News, after the one I posted above, and also included a still shot of the house, which it now doesn’t (or didn’t when I last looked), which was highly cropped, and obscuring whether the house was ramshackle or not. Well, and yeah, does that really make a difference anyway? weeeeellll yeah. …. it does in “court,” as it certainly does in the “court” of popular opinion.

8. BooHooHooMan - 18 May 2010
marisacat - 18 May 2010

oh I saw the Woody comments… I’d like the see the original Spanish language interview… what a hoot!

Another white [so called] Liberal who fell for Obby.

diane - 18 May 2010

Woody (right, rather shriveled and limp likely), needs to be in jail alongside Polanski and all of DC, past and present, despite genders, nationalities, ‘religions,’ etc.)

marisacat - 18 May 2010

IMO he just found himself a replacement mother, with an Asian face (she dotes on him.. and his mother in FL is gonna die, no getting around it!).

How many years are they together now? 17, 18?

I cannot get excited.

BooHooHooMan - 18 May 2010

Why not?
( Kiddin’ ) For the next hour, Woody is hosting a Happy Hour for Arlen at Cholly’s Bar in the downwardly mobile Kensington section of Philadelphia.

Less than Two More Hours to Vote, Folks!!
Help yourself to the salmon! And be sure to ask Woody about the influence of Bergman when getting your autograph!

marisacat - 18 May 2010


shrimp puffs to the Right… Woody to the Left.

(instructions printed for telling the diff on each table, so you know!)

diane - 18 May 2010

well, it’s maybe a different point of view, yet not maybe so different, who really knows, but I do (still …and in the same age bracket) get excited/upset by it, and hope it always upsets me. yet….don’t………….your comment also suits.

jeesh, signin out, I need to take out the MOUND OF recycling, Mickey’s Cans and cigarette packs (what? wrong paper?), and empty the garbage and wash some clothes

marisacat - 18 May 2010

I just cannot get excited… at all.

For one thing we DON”T protect children but we do keep teen agers children for too long.

And we don’t admit that lives are lived in all asorts of gradations.

Part of the problem with laws.

I wouldn’t wish a vengeful ridiculously unhappy ex, like MIA, on anyone. Not even a tedious twit like Woody.

I thought the height of his silliness was the 70s and 80s when he whined for privacy but kept a white full length Rolls in Manhattan.

And she has distinguished herslef by being an operative for Holbrook, for years.

Sick to death of the wimmens who drape [all but stolen] children from themsleves, like sable skins… from Jos Baker to the current crop.

diane - 18 May 2010

Well, I have no love for MIA, but Woody was definitely in a surrogate dad role, and definitely, mentally, then physically abused it. A bullet in the neck, which may not kill, but likely destroys much of what’s inside at the end of the day, whether she’s been living 17-18 years ‘in wealth and opulence,’ after her adopted country determined, and let her know, that what happened, was how things should happen, or not, is still a bullet.

I think it was forceful incest, that should bear a prison term, however short, at least when the victim is still living under parental ‘guidance,’ at home (where the abuser is doing the abuse), under twenty, and the adult abuser is taking nudey photos of the child, if not having sexual, physical contact; especially in a case where the child is an adopted, ‘alien’ whose parents, and surrogate parent Woody, are so powerful, wealthy, part of the intellectual elite, that the child could likely never defend herself in a court of law, against either one of them.

diane - 18 May 2010

and all of DC

What an ass I am, this is what I meant:

99.999999999999% of the Politicians in DC

9. marisacat - 18 May 2010


Politico has an easy graph of the races by state… on their FP.

Numbers coming in for the Mongiardo race in KY (I cannot believe the Dems are running that stick, STILL, another Erskine Bowles imo)


10. marisacat - 18 May 2010

hmmm a selection of Google headlines on Gulf Oil Spill 2010 don’t bode well for BP… turning a bit tougher.

Less of “BP says…”

I am a litte surprised.

Guardian says it is headed for the Atlantic. Among other headlines.

marisacat - 18 May 2010

Here is why the headlines have shifted… The administration admitted YESTERDAY, etc.


[T]he evidence of spreading environmental damage grew even more compelling with the release of fresh video showing thick clouds of oil billowing from the ruptured well.

The Obama administration responded by doubling the no-fishing zone to 19% of the waters in the gulf.

Fighting the spill is risky. Lisa Jackson, head of the Environmental Protection Agency, acknowledged that authorities were relying heavily on Corexit, a chemical banned in the UK because of its effects on limpets and other sea life.

“There has been a real reliance on them, maybe more than anybody thought would ever happen,” she told the Senate environment and public works committee.

The mounting evidence forced administration officials to admit for the first time yesterday that they had underestimated the risks of offshore drilling. [ya think? – Mcat]

And you know, moving right along……….

Salazar also conceded there were “a few bad apples” among the inspectors of the MMS, and promised that if they over-ruled environmental advice from other government agencies – as was alleged by some senators – they would be punished. “If there is someone in the department who ignored the science, then heads will roll,” he said.

But Nancy Sutley, the chair of the White House council on environmental quality, told a Senate hearing later yesterday she had raised concern in February about a widespread policy of waiving environmental reviews for offshore drilling.

Salazar was also adamant that the administration had been right to seek an expansion of offshore drilling last March, and made it clear there would be no revisiting that decision. snip them some where it hurts!

catnip - 18 May 2010

Well, I watched part of the commerce committee hearing today and when asked about the safety of the dispersants, the answer was that that volume of those types of dispersants had never been used before so there’s no way of knowing the potential environmental impact.

How comforting.

marisacat - 18 May 2010

kiss a lot of fish goodbye forever in that area.

Pretty clear.

catnip - 18 May 2010

Yesterday – not Than Allen but the other military guy who testified – basically said they trusted BP’s assertion that the blowout predictor was failsafe. Who ever trusts a piece of machinery like that 100%? Idiots. Especially when there was proof that they had failed before.

marisacat - 18 May 2010


11. BooHooHooMan - 18 May 2010

Bhhm here.
Live from Cholly’s Bar with Ed Rendell and Woody Allen.

We need a large turnout in Philadelphia,” Gov. Rendell, a supporter of both men, said in lamenting the low turnout.

This salmon is fuckin great, BTW.
Oo that’s me – I snuck in with the Klezmer band. We’re up.

diane - 18 May 2010

:0( :0) ;0( ;0)

12. BooHooHooMan - 18 May 2010

Obama makes brief appearance at Ohio warehouse

They let him out? ..fuckin Prince Albert in a Can motherfucker?

marisacat - 18 May 2010

another tired script.. a struggle to photograph him with white working men.

13. catnip - 18 May 2010

catnip stirs up trouble…I mean “reality” again after kos announces that conservadem “brooklynbadboy” is a new FPer.

marisacat - 18 May 2010

welll it sure would not have been LiberalBrooklynBoi


marisacat - 18 May 2010

so what is he?

My intention (0+ / 0-)

is to go with the progressive groupthink whenever I agree, and then challenge it when I think challenge has merit.

Occasionally I will attempt to speak on African-American issues (i hope they still count as “base”).

And then sometimes I’ll just attack Republicans. Or Democrats.

Expect blunt speech and occasional controversy.

bbb’s twitter thingy

by brooklynbadboy on Tue May 18, 2010 at 02:58:40 PM PDT

[ Parent ]

If I still read there, I’d be awaiting a shit load of bitching about abortion and a few other things too.

Such good news, Kos found a darker version of himself? A black conservative Democrat?

Oh so few of those around!!

marisacat - 18 May 2010

and this…

Well, (0+ / 0-)

no disrespect intended. Especially to the community.

But it seems to me a Democratic blog should [not, he left out not] be exclusively composed of older, mostly male, highly educated white liberals. The Democratic Party has a whole lot of parts, true or false? Seems to me this blog should broaden its audience to the whole party, and not just one part of it. That, inevitably, means disagreement from time to time.

We should welcome diversity, not seek to enforce uniformity.

bbb’s twitter thingy

by brooklynbadboy on Tue May 18, 2010 at 03:17:46 PM PDT

[ Parent ]

How many women were driven away? Or banned?

I remember when transexuals and lesbians commented at both Dkos and at Booberman… I doubt there are any now.

that however would be too liberal for BBB… even tho all sorts of people hold all sorts of political positions.

catnip - 18 May 2010

There’s one prominent transsexual who posts there that I know of but the reaction to the gay community is still pretty mixed – they’re accused of wanting a pony by some for saying they want equal rights now. And those aren’t just “troll” voices – those are regular kossacks who keep pounding Teh Gays into the ground expecting them to wait til Obamalama gets around to their “pet” issue.

marisacat - 18 May 2010

honestly I was never so stupid as when I was shocked, at the time of the MASS leg voting in gay marriage, several years ago… and the huge threads that erutped at Dkos… it was 2004, so it was HOT, but all the men who whined that gaysex is ICKY. No, they used that WORD.

Get over it! Leave people to whatever they do in a bedroom. End of story.

catnip - 18 May 2010


catnip - 18 May 2010

I think this guy is more conservative than kos – and not really in a libertarian way. From what I’ve seen (from reading some of the “Black Kos” series and watching some of them in action in other threads), there are a number of AA conservadems over there, although it’s tough to tell with some of them who will back Obama no matter what his policies are just because he’s Obama.

marisacat - 18 May 2010

yeah but Obby is quite conservative… and has the double whammy of having to always prove himself to the white master.

Jesus it is OLD.

catnip - 18 May 2010

yet another lawyer…

Fortunately for you all, (20+ / 0-)

I’ll be writing and commenting a lot less than before. Due to contractual obligations to my clients, I have to remain anonymous. That means being far more selective and judicious in the writing. I hope this wont bore you. When those obligations end, I’ll feel more free to break out.

Thanks to everyone for the big ups.

Wish me luck!

bbb’s twitter thingy

by brooklynbadboy on Tue May 18, 2010 at 11:52:46 AM MDT

marisacat - 18 May 2010

a 40 year old who still use “bad boy” in any configuration?

I predict a lotta fake hysteria and drahma.

14. catnip - 18 May 2010

Rand Paul projected winner in KY. Yay. 2 Pauls in congress. 🙂

marisacat - 18 May 2010

I took a look I see Conway pulled out a head of Mongiardo. He is suc a dud… (Mongiardo I mean, know nothing about Conway)

15. BooHooHooMan - 18 May 2010

Mcat …and the aversion to sports…
Have you considered Blumenthalian Swimming? 😉
Wherein -without swimming – you can even Captain the Harvard Team.

Yep, they got him on that , too. He wasn’t even on the team.
Does he even know how to swim? He sure as hell BETTER..
Somebody get some floaties on that toastin the water.

marisacat - 18 May 2010

oh I am the classic pathological case on Swimming. Must be near bodies of water, NO desire to get in them. Nor in pools. Hate public pools iwth a passion. Ugh.

I go sit at the childrens’ pool and let cool water trickle over my feet.

Real aversion to the sportif side of life here.

NOW YouTube is popping up with tapes of Blumenthal rightly stating he was never in Vietnam.

So ………. he was but he wasn’t. He did, but he didn’t.

catnip - 18 May 2010

It’s been so hot here the last few days that I was thinking of joining the ducks in the slough.

Raining now though so they’re safe.

16. BooHooHooMan - 18 May 2010

Does she or doesn’t she? Not so far a stretch …Blumenthal,
as Clairol model… back in the day.

I wonder how many hours before his unceremonious exit….

marisacat - 18 May 2010

he was but he wasn’t… he did but he didn’t it.

My mother used to have a line, I assume some witty standard she borrowed:

Let’s not and say we did.

But it was nto about Vietnam… 😆

17. marisacat - 18 May 2010

Sestak leads with ZERO percent reporting! (Politico)

I call fat finger on the scales!

Dark days lie ahead!!!!

BooHooHooMan - 18 May 2010

Mind Meld!

18. BooHooHooMan - 18 May 2010

The Philadelphia Inquirer Election Return widget.
Statewide, interactive county map graphic like thing.

Sestak is UP! by 6 PERCENT! (131 votes to 114 so far!)

BooHooHooMan - 18 May 2010

D’h now Specter’s Up 64% to to 36 With 8000 pecks pecked!

19. marisacat - 18 May 2010

Omigod………… there is OIL everywhere?

The Delta, the Keys… the current…

Did something blow up? A rig?

(ABC evening news!)

20. marisacat - 18 May 2010



…………………. 8)

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