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Underwater 20 April 2011

Posted by marisacat in 2012 Re Election, Divertissements, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter.

A British diver swims near a blue whale. The images, taken last month, are the first ever to show a human and a whole blue whale in the same shot together. Many have battled hard to achieve the feat, but due to the size of the whales have only come up with shots showing divers and parts of the animals. Team members of Scubazoo - a British dive company based in Malaysia - spent 200 hours diving eight-hours-per-day for 25 days trawling the ocean around Sri Lanka in order to capture the scene. Roger Munns, from Cornwall, was photographed by Jason Isley, from Essex, making contact with the giant of the seas at around 10 metres depth. Roger said: 'It was amazing. It was murky so we didn't see the whale until the last minute, and it travelled so fast. The encounter only lasted about 45 seconds and then it was gone. But all those hours waiting were worth it.'

A British diver swims near a blue whale. The images, taken last month, are the first ever to show a human and a whole blue whale in the same shot together. Many have battled hard to achieve the feat, but due to the size of the whales have only come up with shots showing divers and parts of the animals. Team members of Scubazoo – a British dive company based in Malaysia – spent 200 hours diving eight-hours-per-day for 25 days trawling the ocean around Sri Lanka in order to capture the scene. Roger Munns, from Cornwall, was photographed by Jason Isley, from Essex, making contact with the giant of the seas at around 10 metres depth. Roger said: “It was amazing. It was murky so we didn’t see the whale until the last minute, and it travelled so fast. The encounter only lasted about 45 seconds and then it was gone. But all those hours waiting were worth it.”      [SCUBAZOO / BARCROFT MEDIA]


1. BooHooHooMan - 20 April 2011

From last thread

diane – 20 April 2011

I just read some hunger stats recently on Santa Clara County noting that over 30% of the population was “food insecure.” In one of the country’s so-called “wealthiest counties.”
marisacat – 20 April 2011

Oh well, the Democrats running will just promise “food”. No real discussion of the WHY of it all.

BUT, you know, ~ Obama 2.0~

Hope for Food You Can Believe In.


We ARE THE FOOD We’ve Been Waiting For.

marisacat - 20 April 2011

I am The Food, The Word and The Way.

marisacat - 20 April 2011

oh how could i forget: I am The One.

diane - 20 April 2011

We ARE THE FOOD We’ve Been Waiting For.

that was so bleakly fuckin hilarious, I almost cracked at least a grin, but just couldn’t, I’m feeling too fucking morose. sigh. but thanks anyway hon.

lucid - 21 April 2011

Soylent Green is made out of people!

marisacat - 21 April 2011

who knows what we are eating. As it is.

2. BooHooHooMan - 20 April 2011

The images, taken last month, are the first ever to show a human and a whole blue whale in the same shot together.

Beautiful picture, mcat.

3. BooHooHooMan - 20 April 2011

The NYT had their top offering up for all of ten minutes before knocking it down to section offering-

War in Libya Could Drag On, Military Analysts Say

Maybe someone else has an offering. Ah, HuffPo. Maybe their take with the Big Font will be helpful.

White House, Pentagon At Odds Over Libyan Intervention

Cue even more shameless War mongering if you can imagine it and advice for Lyndon Baines Obama , the not-so “nimble pouncer” in this clusterfuck of a piece-

HuffPo –

WASHINGTON — After 26 months in office, President Obama still has not forged a smoothly working national security team that can both nimbly pounce on military crises and deftly manage festering problems, say current and former U.S. officials.

As in previous administrations, much of the problem lies in the friction between civilians working in the White House and military officers and Defense Department civilians working across the Potomac River in the Pentagon. Senior officials describe the predicament as a “culture clash.” The miscommunications and misunderstandings between the groups cause frustration and anger, which sometimes even leads to policy paralysis, officials say.

One recent example of this dynamic at work is the Obama administration’s tentative, half-way intervention in the Libyan uprising.

“It’s a mess,” lamented a senior U.S. official. Washington took the bold step of committing military force, but not enough to win. The administration waited to apply very limited military force until it was almost too late, and now, the official says, it has painted the U.S. “into a corner.” In the resulting stalemate, Libyan rebels and civilians are being ruthlessly pursued and killed while the United States, in effect, stands helplessly by.

The White House wanted the Pentagon to come up with a low-cost regime-change plan for Libya. 😆 ❗ Ideally, this strategy would have toppled Col. Muammar Gaddafi without bogging the U.S. down in another inconclusive foreign adventure. And by no means could the plan have included young American infantrymen advancing under fire across the sand….

The military kept insisting that no such option existed. A real regime-change operation, some officers argued, requires “boots on the ground.” That was a cost the White House, given rising domestic pressure to bring the troops home from Afghanistan and Iraq, was unwilling to consider.


In long meetings and email exchanges, arguments over strategic details often led to more serious disagreements, the official told The Huffington Post. The White House thought the Pentagon was disrespecting the president by refusing to propose a politically acceptable action plan, while the Pentagon became furious that White House officials didn’t “seem to understand what military force can and cannot do,” the official said. 😆

Creamed Shit with Carrots.

marisacat - 20 April 2011

people should be scared shitles that France UK and even Italy are putting troops in (well, you know “advisors”)…

The White House thought the Pentagon was disrespecting the president by refusing to propose a politically acceptable action plan, while the Pentagon became furious that White House officials didn’t “seem to understand what military force can and cannot do,” the official said.

I hope they bite each other to death.

BooHooHooMan - 20 April 2011

What a Bunch.
Ob, Sarko, Cameron, and Bunga Bunga.

Who will rise to yayaya deliver the Peace?
Who else?

Netanyahu Invitation Puts Obama on Spot on Peace Plan

A Republican invitation for Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, to address Congress kicked off a diplomatic race to reopen Israeli-Palestinian talks.

Yes, let’s tune in to the big pig picture and take a lecture from the Bomb Iran and Kill the Arabs Guy. Just what we need: Vision.


marisacat - 20 April 2011

yeah it is a really bad line up.

And the uber uber religious crew that jst won seats and majorities enough to swing legislation in Hungary, makes the “True Finn” party seem middle of the road, predictable reaction to change on the ground.

BooHooHooMan - 21 April 2011

Oh it’s getting really REALLY bad.

And NOW, even The Great Kos is getting slapped around in a thread by his minions for not being so Great and Kossy and all… LOL: navajo for one, and after doing all that wash! That fuckwit gun-nut “kestrel”, that radio personality from Hooterville Virgina being another…

They want Order, Damn It!
They Want Meathead Sage back! They don’t want outsiders, like small people coming in to teh communiteh, and like, say shit!
They DON”T WANT a Business now! LOL.
They want a VILLAGE, Mr Potter!

BooHooHooMan - 21 April 2011

The correct link to Kos and the Meatier Party Hack cleanup in aisle 5

Hmm. I wonder tho- why all those Dem officeholders aren’t coming around and posting on DK?

marisacat - 21 April 2011

Formerly Fightin’ Dems.

marisacat - 21 April 2011

They Want Meathead Sage back! They don’t want outsiders, like small people coming in to teh communiteh, and like, say shit!

oh that is hilarious. They want their fav reservation cop back.

BooHooHooMan - 21 April 2011

Something like that; they want Great Chief to erect Big Tent to make Peace with Gun-toting Calvary Man. None want talk of Land Stealing or massacre. They speak of grabbing mops and getting to work! On next years big hunt!

marisacat - 20 April 2011

What a Bunch.
Ob, Sarko, Cameron, and Bunga Bunga.

Pooty Poot.

How could I forget.

BooHooHooMan - 21 April 2011

He really does have a nice figure, tho.

4. diane - 21 April 2011

What to say, ugh, is almost worthless:

Irradiated Lobsters in Irish Sea Point to Safe Japan Sushi, Scientists Say

Radiation from fish and lobsters near the U.K.’s biggest nuclear polluter suggest radioactive material dumped into the sea from Japan’s Fukushima power plant isn’t a long-term health threat, scientists said.

The Sellafield nuclear-processing plant in northwest England has discharged at least 320,000 times more radioactive material into the Irish Sea since 1952 than what Tokyo Electric Power Co. released from Fukushima this month, according to Bloomberg calculations based on data from both sites….

The lobsters must love it:

Between 1952 and 2009, Sellafield discharged more than 47,855 terabecquerel of cesium-137 and strontium-90, two of the most dangerous radioactive elements to human health, according to calculations based on data from the U.K. Environment Agency and the Journal of Radiological Protection.

hmmm that San Francisco company sounds really familiar:

The facility is owned by the U.K. government’s Nuclear Decommissioning Authority and is operated by Sellafield Ltd., a joint venture of Areva, San Francisco- based URS Corp. (URS) and London-based AMEC Plc. (AMEC)

(oh..now I remember: URS Corp., a San Francisco planning and engineering firm partially owned by California Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s husband [Dick Blum – diane], landed an Army contract Monday worth up to $600 million.
sigh, poor Dick is no longer on board, got a little uncomfortable under the spotlight, but ‘Dr.’ Frist is.)

Anywhoooo, the piece goes on to amazingly imply: no damage done, nothing to see here …This Guardian piece, however, tells a much different story (and it was very hard to find, in a search, despite it’s fairly recent date of January 27, 2011):

‘Sellafield is where we house the toxic legacy of our failed nuclear industry’ – Industry experts say the government must deal with legacy waste before committing to new nuclear in the UK

“Sellafield is a national disgrace. Sellafield is where we house the toxic legacy of our failed nuclear industry,” said Paul Dorfman from the University of Warwick, who has worked extensively on radiation and nuclear waste issues with the government and industry.

“The history of waste storage in Sellafield is vast and complex and it’s only recently that the NDA had to ask for further billions from the Department for Energy and Climate Change to make safe elements of our waste storage. We’re not talking about bells and whistles here, we’re talking about things that really need to be done.”

g’night all, I’m really morose after that, …think I’ll just nimbly pounce off to bed in a tad.

diane - 21 April 2011
marisacat - 21 April 2011

I read years ago that the Irish Sea was the most radioactive body of water on earth.

Soon to hve several along with it, no doubt.

marisacat - 21 April 2011

I also read just today – and I forget where – that the UK has quietly had 4 and possibly 5 nuclear ”incidents” in just the past few months.

diane - 21 April 2011

I can imagine how quiet it was kept…, I had a real hard time coming up with the those telling, few month old Guardian pieces. I think there have been some real busy bots on the net.

g’night again (blush) and know I’m going to have nightmares of that deformed penguin Kissinger.

marisacat - 21 April 2011

It is before a small audience in a federal building… Dept of State I would guess… and the audience all look tragically over-impressed to be at this momentous historic moment.


diane - 21 April 2011

(oops “now,” although I was tempted to not correct it ;0) ….)

5. marisacat - 21 April 2011

hmm speaking of “nukular”… I flipped on pathetic Charlie Rose and who does he have on… HillPac and Henry Kissinger.

More than a vomitous vision.

6. diane - 21 April 2011

Hmmm one last post, and then I’ll nimbly pounce off to bed, I’m sure everyone will appreciate this NYT, Educational piece by the Learning Network, and certainly good that the studious kiddies can understand truly important words:

Word of the Day | gruel

(whats for dinner..)

g’night all.

BooHooHooMan - 21 April 2011

Which ISN’T behind their Paywall!
We are so Blessed!

What’s tommorow’s Victorian vocab lesson from the Parsons at the NYT? Work House? Debtor’s Prison?
Fits in nicely tho –
so we can all follow reports as matters are resolved over The Eastern Question.
What’s old is new again.

BooHooHooMan - 21 April 2011

Main article: Eastern Question

Disraeli was, according to some interpretations, a supporter of the expansion and preservation of the British Empire in the Middle East and Central Asia. In spite of the objections of his own cabinet and without Parliament’s consent, he obtained a short-term loan from Lionel de Rothschild in order to purchase 44% of the shares of the Suez Canal Company. Before this action, though, he had for the most part opted to continue the Whig policy of limited expansion, preferring to maintain the then-current borders as opposed to promoting expansion.[64]

Disraeli and Gladstone clashed over Britain’s Balkan policy. Disraeli saw the situation as a matter of British imperial and strategic interests, keeping to Palmerston’s policy of supporting the Ottoman Empire against Russian expansion. According to Blake, Disraeli believed in upholding Britain’s greatness through a tough, “no nonsense” foreign policy that put Britain’s interests above the “moral law” that advocated emancipation of small nations.[65] Gladstone, however, saw the issue in moral terms, for Bulgarian Christians had been massacred by the Turks and Gladstone therefore believed it was immoral to support the Ottoman Empire. Blake further argued that Disraeli’s imperialism “decisively orientated the Conservative party for many years to come, and the tradition which he started was probably a bigger electoral asset in winning working-class support during the last quarter of the century than anything else”.[65]

A leading proponent of the Great Game, Disraeli introduced the Royal Titles Act 1876, which created Queen Victoria Empress of India, putting her at the same level as the Russian Tsar. In his private correspondence with the Queen, he proposed “to clear Central Asia of Muscovites and drive them into the Caspian”.[66] In order to contain Russia’s influence, he launched an invasion of Afghanistan and signed the Cyprus Convention with Turkey, whereby this strategically placed island was handed over to Britain.

Disraeli scored another diplomatic success at the Congress of Berlin in 1878, in preventing Bulgaria from gaining full independence, limiting the growing influence of Russia in the Balkans and breaking up the League of the Three Emperors.[67] However, difficulties in South Africa (epitomised by the defeat of the British Army at the Battle of Isandlwana), as well as Afghanistan, weakened his government and led to his party’s defeat in the 1880 election.[68]

diane - 21 April 2011

Something struck me as chillingly sadistic about that nameless NYT post, no reference in the lesson to the definition a parent in the US is fairly likely to associate it with. And looking over the ‘page’ it does appear to be an NYT, teach the kiddies on line program. And glad you pointed the lack of a Firewall out – FREE EDUCATION for the kiddies of the lowlife parents who don’t subscribe to the …Times, just in case they might prove mentorable (i.e.: extremely beautiful/handsome, and/or lethally cunning, and devoid of humanity). Yeah, nothing new under the sun, generally, when it comes to the aspirations, actions, and tragic victims of the Obscenely Powerful and Wealthy.

7. marisacat - 21 April 2011

hand raked air space?

The classic sort of knee jerk reaction when there is no real solution to be had.

The Federal Aviation Administration on Wednesday issued new orders requiring that air traffic control supervisors oversee the arrival and departure of planes carrying the vice president and first lady. . . . .

8. BooHooHooMan - 21 April 2011

LOL. Yeh, well, what can you say amidst meltdowns on every continent of nuclear, military, and economic variety other than that these people are, oh…ROBUSTO FUCKING CRAZY.

This is to request (25+ / 0-)

a return to robust administrative moderation and due diligence by the operators of this site.

At this point, you are risking Daily Kos becoming such in name only.

When groups advocating the legalization of incest, for example, are allowed to exist here, or to offer another example, a group advocating the legalization of virtual child pornography does not result in its creator being immediately and permanently banned, you place the site’s credibility to speak for the Democratic Party at serious risk.

This laissez-faire approach to moderation is failing.


I speak as one who has participated here obsessively since 2005.

I even get away with shit I shouldn’t at times.

People call me rude. I wish we all were nude. I wish there was no black and white. I wish there were no rules.

by kestrel9000 on Wed Apr 20, 2011 at 02:16:41 PM PDT

I know this is a late reply and I was determined (23+ / 0-)

to not reply but…

1. You have mistaken lightning shooting out my butt for surprise.

2. As President of the Meteor Blades’s Fan Club I am saddened by every user that bashes MB. I think your words and descriptions of MB make him appear unimportant to you. I think this enables the MB bashers.

You should use words that value your staff, each of them.

We are more than anonymous bloggers thanks to you. 😆
I consider many here family, including you.

San Francisco Bay Area Kossacks :: Native American Netroots

by navajo on Wed Apr 20, 2011 at 02:29:29 PM PDT

[ Parent ]

BooHooHooMan - 21 April 2011

So, kestrel, who is concerned about the incesters and child pornographers moving in on dailykos for the impact it will have on

the site’s credibility to speak for the Democratic Party at serious risk.

😆 Has, for his Signature line –

People call me rude. I wish we all were nude. I wish there was no black and white. I wish there were no rules.

A line form a Prince song.
Hey, have at, Dailykos Vanguard and Dem Credibility man, have at. 😆

I’m all chortled out.

marisacat - 21 April 2011

the site’s credibility to speak for the Democratic Party at serious risk.

I think they overvalue themselves. Just a tad.

diane - 21 April 2011

People call me rude. I wish we all were nude. I wish there was no black and white. I wish there were no rules.

goes quite well with the Bird of Prey tag he uses.

marisacat - 21 April 2011

apparently they want their parents and their own personal baby bottles, all back in place.

9. marisacat - 21 April 2011


THis made me laugh. I think he was finding trotting out Rania of Jordan and Sirleaf-Johnson of Liberia to be treadworn. Thread bare. Worn out. Dull. And overdone.

Took years for him to notice, I guess.

“President Clinton Announces First Clinton Global Initiative Meeting Focused on Driving Job Creation and Economic Growth in the United States: President Bill Clinton [will announce] today that he will host a Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) meeting focused on creating jobs and driving economic growth in the United States. The meeting, CGI America, will be the first CGI event solely dedicated to economic issues impacting the U.S. and will take place in Chicago on June 29-30, 2011.

10. marisacat - 21 April 2011

fwiw… Chomsky has a piece up at Tom Dispatch, drawn from recent remarks given in Holland.

11. diane - 21 April 2011

That photo reminds me of a beautiful poster my sweet bro gave me for my birthday once, titled:

Danse Des Dauphins

A photo of three dancing dolphins, by Bob Talbot. I keep it in my bedroom along with a Dream Catcher, to assist in warding off nightmares.

12. diane - 21 April 2011

Jeesh, I truly don’t understand the surprise, what the fuck did you think they were doing? Welcome to Cloud Computing, brought to us by Davos and frends, wit yall’s blind assistance:

iPhones Secretly Track Owners’ Whereabouts

marisacat - 21 April 2011

thry joked about it on good morning america.. like all wimmens care about is if the mens can track their incidence of being at the mall.

the median is so low.

diane - 21 April 2011

yeah …all one big fuckin joke …. sigh, I’m truly amazed my blood pressure stays so fuckin low hon, the rest of me is a despondent, fucking mess.

marisacat - 21 April 2011

ObRama is in Reno playing populist. 😆 So damned funny it gave me alaugh. Saying he is not only going to investigate “price gouging at the pump” but he is going after “global oil traders”.

The lummoxes applauded. Prolly a lot of union workers.

I jsut caught a snip on noon news update.

Our warrior! Sigh!.

diane - 21 April 2011

weeeeelllllll, I guess he’ll have to sup that White Wine, …in the closet….but, at least he can pull those dragz, from that $1 ciggie, ….to his harts content.

diane - 21 April 2011

heh,….no crumply, sweaty, raggedy, brown-bagged Bali-Hai …for the gangstah, and hiz wifie….

diane - 21 April 2011

after all, AUSTERITY, is only for victims, …. according to the much worn, rabbit eared, manual.

diane - 21 April 2011

The Cloud, meant to replace the obscelesced Heaven, as a more intellectulized, “scientific,” and “mathematical” version of Nirvana , for the purposes of the Elite,…is my meek take, …and I envision all the brilliant ones justifying how they fell for that trap; …certainly I could be wrong, but since it’s my opinion, I’m highly doubting that I am.

diane - 21 April 2011

(ohh, and I get such an, out of this world experience, ‘kick,’ out of the: …oh but the Android …Do No Evil, etc., ‘shout out,’ …. I guess that might be fine for anyone living on that out of this world planet, but not so much, for those of us living here.)

13. Madman in the Marketplace - 21 April 2011
marisacat - 21 April 2011

Madman, I will move this link to the next thread… 😉

14. marisacat - 21 April 2011



………… 8)

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