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Fair 13 October 2011

Posted by marisacat in 2012 Re Election, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter.


Mumbai, India: A labourer constructs a temporary shelter ahead of a job fair       Photograph: Reuters



1. Ganja a ied Gabcho - 13 October 2011

Well my ol’ man always says, “Ain’t but two kinds of fair, county and state…” (Despite the fact my father is college educated and from just outside of NYC, he has the propensity to speak like a hick…go figure, and this from a guy who reads Chomsky)

Used to bug the shit out of me, too. Fairness seemed so simple, so easy. How come “the world isn’t fair son”?

Then I got smart, and realized it didn’t have to be that way and at the very least I could try to be “fair” in how I acted.

Ain’t much, but it’s somthin’ (damn! it must be the scotch-irish in me, ’cause it do feel good to talk “kountry-style” 👿 )

Sorry about the digression. I actually wanted to post this:

Who’s behind the Wall St. protests?

(Reuters) – Anti-Wall Street protesters say the rich are getting richer while average Americans suffer, but the group that started it all may have benefited indirectly from the largesse of one of the world’s richest men.

There has been much speculation over who is financing the disparate protest, which has spread to cities across America and lasted nearly four weeks. One name that keeps coming up is investor George Soros, who in September debuted in the top 10 list of wealthiest Americans. Conservative critics contend the movement is a Trojan horse for a secret Soros agenda.

Soros and the protesters deny any connection. But Reuters did find indirect financial links between Soros and Adbusters an anti-capitalist group in Canada which started the protests with an inventive marketing campaign aimed at sparking an Arab Spring type uprising against Wall Street. Moreover, Soros and the protesters share some ideological ground.


And the hits keep comming. 😈

Ganja a ied Gabcho - 13 October 2011

:blush: whoops! I reversed the devil smileys; I’m not happy about Reuters repeating the Bankers’ bullshit

marisacat - 13 October 2011

The more that spring up the harder it will be to kill this…

Ganja a ied Gabcho - 13 October 2011

from your fingertips to the great fiction in sky’s eyes!

marisacat - 13 October 2011

it sprung up in an older wealthier suburb over in the East Bay yesterday, Walnut Creek… if you did not look too closely at the mass in front of one of the big banks, did not read the signs, did not listen to the chants, you would think there was a rush on the bank from wealthy golf widows. And they were really into it! WC has a very very high rate of foreclosure….

Marin, occupied part of downtown San Rafael, also in f ront of a bank.

and news did a segment on very traditional middle class people, a church, an immigrant asian woman atty and others, who are pulling their money and heading for credit unions… a movement called PACT

Will be hard to crush.

marisacat - 13 October 2011

Just saw a sign from DC:

Cure Electile Dysfunction

Ganja a ied Gabcho - 13 October 2011

there’s the “one demand”!

Put that it a thousand madison avenue commercials and put “vote NOBODY in 2012”

How beautitful would it be if there were more write ins for “nobody” than for either Ooobster or the Rethug?

marisacat - 13 October 2011
Ganja a ied Gabcho - 13 October 2011

Wow. Thanks for posting that…another great TP/ Sign “We’re not disorganized; America has too many issues”

Madman in the Marketplace - 13 October 2011

that is so cheering

2. Ganja a ied Gabcho - 13 October 2011

Arpaio to border committee: Posse won’t go to the border

Nearly 3,500 volunteers in the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office’s possehelp arrest illegal immigrants and fight other crimes, but don’t expect them to patrol along the U.S.-Mexico border, Sheriff Joe Arpaio said Wednesday.

As Arpaio addressed the Joint Border Security Advisory Committee, made up of lawmakers, sheriffs and state officials, Sen. Steve Smith, R-Maricopa asked whether and how the posse could be used at the border.

Arpaio responded that the border is beyond his area of responsibility.

“I think that’s something you should talk to the local sheriffs about,” Arpaio said. “They have their own resources and problems.”


The committee’s co-chairman, Sen. Al Melvin, R-Tucson, said he was interested in gathering information on Arpaio’s posse with a view toward building an Arizona State Guard as authorized by a law that took effect this year. The measure allows the governor to establish such a force for any reason or if the Arizona National Guard is called into federal service.

“I think we have a lot to learn from them as we look at standing up an Arizona State Guard,” Melvin said. “I like the idea of what Sheriff Arpaio has done in Maricopa County. I personally feel that whatever we do with respect to a state guard, it has to be a state operation with no ties to the feds.”


Never mind the legal issues, I’d love to see them try to pull this off. White boyz better be recon marines like the infamous “blue lights”, otherwise they’d be a lot of old dead gabachos in the desert. I’d love to see them “patrol” along the rez/mex line (Rep. melvin’s pima county). Hypothetically speaking, I used to know a guy who had an acquaiintance who heard of somebody who would get bales of pot from the Tohono O’odahm’s police chief…and those “papago” dudes are mellow compared to the Yaqui (not to mention the odd crazyhalf mex/half apaches)

3. Ganja a ied Gabcho - 13 October 2011

Protesters Won’t Be Able to Bring Sleeping Bags Back Into Park After Cleanup [link fixed -M]

Fuck Bloomberger! He’s pretty stupid if he thinks this will discourage people…

Ganja a ied Gabcho - 13 October 2011
diane - 13 October 2011

I loved this, on so many levels:

Then, protesters plan to march with their brooms and mops to Wall Street to march.

Ganja a ied Gabcho - 13 October 2011

personally, it evoked images of witches (starhawks versions, not hollywood)

diane - 13 October 2011

I like that the brooms and mops are so multifunctional, … could be used in self defense to de-nut a particularly sadistic White Shirter …if agile enough, a person could even be mopping and sweeping while de-nutting.

diane - 13 October 2011

hmmm ….if one were really, really agile …there is that possibility of the simultaneous: mop/sweep de-nut and broom off. ….I’m sure there are a multitude of the more ‘elder’ (over 23), wimmin fokes, … familiar with that fine art ……


BooHooHooMan - 13 October 2011

Wrong Move, Bl 😯 berg!
Witness bulging //\\ eyes as New York is sorta over- runway’d – henh – we’re reconstituting the “Fashionistas” as we speak :lol –
Many will simply sleep – as the trending consciuos pubkic is aghast simply sleep in the street in a determined layered look,
but this is to be turned to advantage as well – (progressively bigger business suits trending) to yer riotous Bubble Wrapped with Breast Plating, some of course will be rather Derivitive lines.

Oh but fuck, Bloomberg is one of the great gifts so far, IMO.

So clear, they are trying to seperate “the troublemakers” from “the crowd” before Halloween.

BooHooHooMan - 13 October 2011

I need a 😯 correctional facilitation, obviously.

marisacat - 13 October 2011

sorry it took me a while to get it! 😯

BooHooHooMan - 13 October 2011


4. diane - 13 October 2011

Welp, some datoids on the BIPARTISAN core of the Bush/ObamaTool JAWBZ Program, which, of course, was ‘RATified with flying 1%er colors:

Korea, June 30, 2007 Trade Pact (KORUS) HR3080
House Roll Call
Senate Roll Call

Panama, 28 June 2007 HR3079
House Roll Call
Senate Roll Call

Columbia, November 22, 2006 Trade Pact HR3078
House Roll Call
Senate Roll Call

The only “loser:”
RE Columbia Trade Pact HR3078, House Roll Call

The noted dates are the actual ‘signing’ dates.

To save anyone the effort of foolishly trying to prove that Boxer is for the 99%, of course she voted yes on Korus, as did Our Nanny, who also voted for the Panama Pact (and of course DIFI voted yes on all of them).

(For anyone else who likes to bleakly amuse themselves with Roll Calls, of course not sayin that they clearly tell the entire picture of who put their support behind some hideous bill: ROLL CALL VOTES.)

diane - 13 October 2011

(sorry meant to include the words, “Trade Pact,” after, “Panama, 28 June 2007.” HR3079 is a separate link.)

Ganja a ied Gabcho - 13 October 2011

aren’t this bills just consolation prizes ’cause they can’t get SAFTA ’cause Brazil, Venezuela, Bolivia, Argentina etc. would rather rape themselves for china?

diane - 13 October 2011

I’m not that well versed on the subject to know that those pacts are only a consolation prize. I have read that KORUS is written so that as long as a rather low percent of the face value of the product is derived from South Korea, it will qualify; which means that labor from other countries, including China & North Korea, will, more than likely, be included.

5. marisacat - 13 October 2011

hmm Russia Today is talking to a Tom Morello of “Street Sweeper Social Club”… down at OWS…he seesm to e doing a good job…

6. BooHooHooMan - 13 October 2011

City officials reach deal with nude body-painter

The G-string stays on ’til the sun goes down.

City officials have reached an oddball compromise with a performance artist who body-paints nude women in public — the gals can’t doff their bottoms until it’s dark out.

“It’s a compromise that is allowing Andy to paint, and the police to do more important things — although less fun,” defense lawyer Ronald Kuby said today of his client, body painter Andy Golub, after a Manhattan judge agreed to let charges against the artist lapse if he’s not rearrested in six months.

Golub, a 45-year-old dad of two from Nyack, had been arrested for misdemeanor public lewdness in late July, as he finished painting two nude women in Times Square.

Under an agreement approved by city lawyers and prosecutors, Golub will be allowed to paint topless, but not bottomless, women all day long — subject to any crowd control issues.

Full public nudity is allowed in New York city, so long as it is part of a play, performance, exhibition or show. And the city has no law specifically banning nude body painting. But city officials can set what are called time, place and manner restrictions, banning nudity, for instance, at times or places when very young children might see it, Kuby explained.

As a compromise, the city has agreed to leave painters of nude bodies alone so long as the models don’t go bottomless before sunset, he said, an accommodation tailor made for Golub, who has continued to ply his odd art niche at Zuccotti Park, where paint-thirsty protesters are stripping for his brush left and right.

BooHooHooMan - 13 October 2011

It is going to be…a VERY good year for Street Theater.
AND Christmas shopping in New York.
Eye-averting horse-blinders for the children a popular item…

7. marisacat - 13 October 2011

hmmm madman sent me this… it’s in interview format..


Thursday, Oct 13, 2011 11:38 AM 16:44:04 CDT

The man who blocked John Lewis speaks

Occupy Atlanta backer Joe Diaz isn’t a white anarchist. He’s a multiracial Obama voter who’s given up on Democrats.

By Joan Walsh

I’ve been waiting for John Lewis to be sent in. And I DO think he only did as told to. (I am so off the bus!!)

Madman in the Marketplace - 13 October 2011

Poor Joan was so out of her depth.

A lot of people seeing the video had strong feelings — that a civil rights hero was being disrespected. In hindsight, given the reaction to the YouTube clip, would you reconsider blocking him?

I would not. I think very soon this will be seen as a tone-setting moment for the Occupy movement. I have personally been very involved in reaching out to the black community here in Atlanta. The real black community.

OK, you realize that sounds condescending: “the real black community.” Who’s the real black community? Who decides that?

That might have been crude. I’m talking about the segment of the black community here that feels ignored and disenfranchised. Here in Atlanta, there’s very much a class divide. I think a lot of black leadership, and black church leadership, tends to be separated from the urban poor black community. Politically, things have to be pretty non-controversial for many in the official black church to get involved, and when they do, their answer is, go out and vote for the Democrats! That’s very unsatisfying to a lot of us.

marisacat - 13 October 2011

He should not worry… “Crude” was well defined by John Lewis himself… who sadly owes big time, and keeps on paying to the likes of Ted Kennedy (it was wactching John Lewis at a party for Ted, broadcast on Cspan that finished me, about 2005) and the Clintons… the minute the Slobsters started coming after him, publicising some of his votes in congress, othr moves he has made, to his local consitutuency (and I have no clue if they care or not) he swtiched “sides” (like that is a side, between Slob and Hilarious) and declared Obama “greater than the Civil Rights movement“.

Think of that phrase… and think of Obama… yeah I know nothng but tawdry old retail politics… but still.

Time’s up… move over…. and don’t try to co-opt, sent in by the party. IMO.

8. BooHooHooMan - 13 October 2011


EMERGENCY CALL TO ACTION: Keep Bloomberg and Kelly From Evicting #OWS

Posted Oct. 13, 2011, 2:14 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

Prevent the forcible closure of Occupy Wall Street

Tell Bloomberg: Don’t Foreclose the Occupation.

This is an emergency situation. Please take a minute to read this, and please take action and spread the word far and wide.

Occupy Wall Street is gaining momentum, with occupation actions now happening in cities across the world.

But last night Mayor Bloomberg and the NYPD notified Occupy Wall Street participants about plans to “clean the park”—the site of the Wall Street protests—tomorrow starting at 7am. “Cleaning” was used as a pretext to shut down “Bloombergville” a few months back, and to shut down peaceful occupations elsewhere.

Bloomberg says that the park will be open for public usage following the cleaning, but with a notable caveat: Occupy Wall Street participants must follow the “rules”.

NYPD Police Commissioner Ray Kelly has said that they will move in to clear us and we will not be allowed to take sleeping bags, tarps, personal items or gear back into the park.

This is it—this is their attempt to shut down #OWS for good.

1) Call 311 (or +1 (212) NEW-YORK if you’re out of town) and tell Bloomberg to support our right to assemble and to not interfere with #OWS.

2) Come to #OWS TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT to defend the occupation from eviction.

For those of you who plan to help us hold our ground—which we hope will be all of you—make sure you understand the possible consequences. Be prepared to not get much sleep. Be prepared for possible arrest. Make sure your items are together and ready to go (or already out of the park.) We are pursuing all possible strategies; this is a message of solidarity.

Click here to learn nonviolent tactics for holding ground.

Occupy Wall Street is committed to keeping the park clean and safe—we even have a Sanitation Working Group whose purpose this is. We are organizing major cleaning operations today and will do so regularly.

If Bloomberg truly cares about sanitation here he should support the installation of portopans and dumpsters. #OWS allies have been working to secure these things to support our efforts.

We know where the real dirt is: on Wall Street. Billionaire Bloomberg is beholden to bankers.

We won’t allow Bloomberg and the NYPD to foreclose our occupation. This is an occupation, not a permitted picnic.


marisacat - 13 October 2011

Love te line about permitted picnic…

Madman wondered if the Sanitation Workers Union might join OWS — something has to give..

Madman in the Marketplace - 13 October 2011

I think they’re part of the Teamsters in NYC … I don’t remember seeing that union in the list of supporting unions.

would be cool though, a barricade of garbage trucks blocking the cops …

marisacat - 13 October 2011

Wouldn’t it?

diane - 13 October 2011

Thanks for that!

BooHooHooMan - 13 October 2011

Squeeze Play with Maid Service now, too,

FWIW, Russel Simmons just offered to pay Bloomie off ..for city cleanup costs.

UncleRUSH Russell Simmons
Dear @MikeBloomberg pls do not throw out protesters at Zuccotti Park. I will pay for clean-up to avoid confrontation #OWS

Poor Bloomberg, just confronted at a restaurant in the last hour.
NJT innundated


marisacat - 13 October 2011

‘Proof of life’ for the Democrats… they so want to co-opt.


diane - 13 October 2011

oooh …but will Unc’ Rush: dehair those pits and legs to perfection; …get a face and boob transplant; …..oooohhhh and ahhhh/and/or whip on command; …….bend with no vas (for 60 cent on the dollar);…and do it in person?…………..like he, far more than likely (a person generally doesn’t generate that kind of Lizard Wealth, on their own , without adhering to those sorts of Core Principles expected of their ‘hires’ (who, far more times than not, were duped into thinking they were ‘equals’ of some sort)), expects his ‘Maids’ to do, for his SOLE Benefit?

marisacat - 13 October 2011

well if I had money I would want to send clean up trucks with water and power clean capability and some sort of licensed person to check out the “stuff”, installations and infrastructure, that Brookfield says may be at issue….

Russel Simmons’ problem is he is an old hump for the party.

diane - 13 October 2011

and of course, you don’t have money …so very “funny” …how things ‘work’ …

marisacat - 13 October 2011

the important part is that I am not some party hump.

diane - 13 October 2011

I so agree that money isn’t really the point honey.

diane - 13 October 2011

If so, I’m sure there will be multitudes willing to dehair him, … at the very least; …..he, likely, wouldn’t even have to pay for the service, ….tedious and costly, as it is.

BooHooHooMan - 13 October 2011

EeGads Bloomberg fucked up, thrust and parry or not he;s going to have record paople on his hands by 6 am

BooHooHooMan - 13 October 2011

LOL and wading thru the pending riot…

JeffreyFeldman JeffreyFeldman
FYI: Steinbeck described how authorities use hygiene as basis for breaking up strike camps in In Dubious Battle (1936). #ows

marisacat - 13 October 2011

LOL Russia Today had on a woman from the Boston arrests a couple days ago… some were arrested to “protect the new plantings” and she said the cops themselves were standing on the new plantings…


BooHooHooMan - 13 October 2011

Currently being trampled on Twitter

JeffreyFeldman JeffreyFeldman
You’re not just defending the park–you’re defending the 99%,
& we are very, very grateful. #ows
37 minutes ago

9. Ganja a ied Gabcho - 13 October 2011

FWIW In the some of more tinfoil bedecked regions of the innertubes (RI Discussion Board, Above Top Secret, etc. :oops:) they’re posting that AFL-CIO is telling members to show up at midnight at OWS….

marisacat - 13 October 2011

we’ll see.. Trumka has – last I paid attention – been steering clear of all of this, as much as he can. But who knows…

BooHooHooMan - 13 October 2011
Ganja a ied Gabcho - 13 October 2011

Dwayne on the live feed says OWS bought powerwashers and “thousands of dollars” in other cleaning equipment and the occupiers cleaned the whole park today already…

Ganja a ied Gabcho - 13 October 2011

Livestream chat says SEIU, CAW and UAW calling for members to be there tomorrow…

marisacat - 13 October 2011


Ganja a ied Gabcho - 13 October 2011

whats so inspiring is the cheeriness and camaraderie evident in the videosteam

10. marisacat - 13 October 2011

MJS of SMBIVA is heading down to Zuccotti park to help in “cleaning” and whatever esle… (second post down)


First post says even the NYT — well… their blog The Lede, is laughing at the Iran by way of Mexico by way of DC by way of assassinate an Arabian, etc., wannabes…

marisacat - 13 October 2011

Oh yum…. I am reading The Lede… and Slob and Holder have lost Gary Sick. (If they ever had him) and a few other “Iran experts”.


Writing on his personal blog on Wednesday, Gary Sick, a scholar at Columbia University’s Middle East Institute who monitored Iran for the National Security Council during the Iranian revolution three decades ago, took the implication that the plot might be at least partly fictional seriously. “I find this very hard to believe,” Mr. Sick wrote.

In fact, this plot, if true, departs from all known Iranian policies and procedures.

To be sure, Iran has plenty of reasons to be angry at both the United States and Saudi Arabia. They attribute the recent wave of assassinations of physics professors and students, as well as the intrusion of the Stuxnet worm, to the U.S. and Israel. And the king of Saudi Arabia is reliably reported to have called for the U.S. to bomb Iran.

Iran has reportedly been involved in past assassinations in Europe and bombings in Argentina and elsewhere. But the assassinations were of Iranian counter-revolutionaries in the 1980s, and the bombings were always carried out by trusted proxies — normally a branch of Hezbollah. Iran’s fingerprints were always concealed beneath one or more layers of disguise…. And it is difficult to believe that they would rely on a non-Islamic criminal gang to carry out this most sensitive of all possible missions. In this instance, they allegedly relied on at least one amateur and a Mexican criminal drug gang that is known to be riddled with both Mexican and U.S. intelligence agents.

Whatever else may be Iran’s failings, they are not noted for utter disregard of the most basic intelligence tradecraft, e.g. discussing an ultra-covert operation on an open international line between Iran and the U.S. Yet that is what happened here.

marisacat - 13 October 2011

The thread is a scream! People ALL OVER THE COUNTRY are not buying it…. and apparently (jsut a few comments down) the Austin Texas paper is reporting the Iranian American had a drug charge recently 2010. It all stinks.

BooHooHooMan - 13 October 2011

Nobody believes in the Inanians anymore. Pa dump bump. LOL

Ganja a ied Gabcho - 13 October 2011

anti-war.com has an interesting piece on the Iranian assassin (sic) “plot”.

There used to be real pros in the CIA’s operations directorate. One — Ray Close, a longtime CIA Arab specialist and former Chief of Station in Saudi Arabia — told me on Wednesday that we ought to ask ourselves a very simple question:

“If you were an Iranian undercover operative who was under instructions to hire a killer to assassinate the Saudi Arabian ambassador in Washington, D.C., why in HELL would you consider it necessary to explain to a presumed Mexican [expletive deleted] that this murder was planned and would be paid for by a secret organization in Iran?

“Whoever concocted this tale wanted the ‘plot’ exposed … to precipitate a major crisis in relations between Iran and the United States. Which other government in the Middle East would like nothing better than to see those relations take a big step toward military confrontation?”

Who indeed? (hint: three syllables, and rhymes with Hell)

BTW Petraeus figures as the director of this particular skit in the piece’s author’s analysis…

11. BooHooHooMan - 13 October 2011

Fapuccino Fapuccino
@MikeBloomberg Watch your public approval drop through the floor after this. The whole country knows you are shutting down a legal protest.
49 seconds ago

marisacat - 13 October 2011


12. BooHooHooMan - 13 October 2011

Obama Phases Out ‘Saved or Created,’ Now it’s ‘Jobs Supported’…

Man! I REALLY don’t want to get arrested and show up at Rikers in a “jobs supporter”, but I’m thinkin, FUCK IT- we’ll just have to stop for jockstraps at an all-night Wal Mart on the way to the City……

13. marisacat - 13 October 2011



… 😯

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