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Louche 18 April 2010

Posted by marisacat in Inconvenient Voice of the Voter.

Hauling out the old French cartoon again… I had some sort of computer problems or connectivity problems all day Saturday… [ugh]

So… Just a thread with the cartoon riding at the top.



1. Madman in the Marketplace - 18 April 2010


If you can’t stomach that douchebag long enough to hear him make his point, he’s saying that priests molest an average of 220 kids/year, but teachers molest around 29,000, so it’s unfair that the media has singled out the church.

I take his point that we never read about teachers abusing students. So, it’s probably discriminatory of me to mention that the rate of abuse, based on recent census and church statistics, is 5 rapes per thousand priests, versus 4 rapes per thousand teachers.

marisacat - 18 April 2010

the problem is power…. access and ability to isolate vulnerable children.

Also, a sick unwell society.

catnip - 18 April 2010
marisacat - 18 April 2010

Meanwhile i notice another of the many prelates… one down in Chiapas is shooting off HIS mouth.

On Thursday, Bishop Felipe Arizmendi said that “when there is generalized sexual licentiousness, it is more common to have pederasty.”

“In the midst of the invasion of so much eroticism, it is not easy to remain faithful in celibacy, or in respecting children,” Arizmendi, the bishop of the San Cristobal de las Casas diocese in Chiapas state, said at a meeting of Mexican bishops …

This will go on forever.

brinn - 19 April 2010

Percentage-wise though, I’d say the priests are still waaaay out ahead of the teachers. Think about it, for a given population of kids, how many teachers are there per kid, and how many priests….?

See what I mean?

marisacat - 19 April 2010

oh ….and the priests have GAWD as a partner in crime.

2. Madman in the Marketplace - 18 April 2010
marisacat - 18 April 2010

Proof again that people need federal rights.

Just following the internal link at the article to see which county it was.

marisacat - 18 April 2010

I see it is SONOMA Co.

Well.. what a shock. Sonoma can be very backward and insular. And in fact rather racist (it is pretty much white white white but for the laboring and seasonal workers).

But what an extreme case. The county moved very fast. Esp virtually imprisoning the 77 year old, in good health.

Madman in the Marketplace - 18 April 2010

amazing how quick some gov’t can move when it wants to.

I wonder if the couple has some kind of history with local officials … this seems like it was personal.

marisacat - 18 April 2010

I noticed some comments mentioned that there has to be more to this.. and it seems so.

Madman in the Marketplace - 18 April 2010

Chicago Dyke’s take on it:

Papers won’t protect you, Little Faggot. This one really, really resonates with me, as I could be in a similar situation myself someday and I’m currently hip-deep in dealing with “the county” and eldercare for which I’m responsible. They are like sharks, the social workers, nurses, therapists… They’re always watching you, waiting for a person to make a “mistake,” so they can bring in their guns and rearrange your life. I’m in the clear so far, but I don’t make the mistake of believing that we’re safe. Any time they want to, for capricious or false reasons, reasons outside the purview of their professional responsibility even, they can do this. To anyone. Gay and str8.

Then there’s the whole “well, if we had universal single payer like in England or France, none of this would’ve happened because the older guy would’ve gotten care in his home.” But Obama doesn’t want us to have that either. Fuck him. Fuck his homophobe buddies and vampire squid health care execs. Gay rights and health care could have been the two signature accomplishments of a popular, progressive, modern “first black president’s” administration, sealing his place in history with the greats. But no…. bombing kids in Afghanistan and signing off trillions to mismanaging banksters is what he wants to be remembered for. Fine, fuckface. That’s your legacy.

marisacat - 18 April 2010

I had just finished reading that………………….

By now I really want to know the whole story, hopefully the gay press and bloggers follow it.

There IS a hideous system here in Cali, which I consider to be all but open thievery in many cases. Elderly, with no one assigned to care fo them in the legal sense, CAN have their property taken and disposed of by the state to reimburse for long term care.

Every once in a great while, a story here or there leaks thru… and, imo, in county after county the people in charge of this are cronies and nepostism appointees. I am positive there is widespread abuse in the system.

One reason that Sonoma can be said to have moved fast is that after I forget how many days in full care hospital, then what follows under Medicare is 120 days of licensed vocation care, in ”skilled nursing”. Usually anotehr part of the hospital.

Long term board and care or a nursing home or long term convalescent hospital (or Hospice, which is a more complicated game than is painted) is the point at which assets get seized and sold.

But SOnoma Co moved fast under the usual 4 – 6 months.

Madman in the Marketplace - 18 April 2010

it’s frighteningly predatory.

diane - 18 April 2010

…a hideous system here in Cali…

Indeed, I really feel for elderly people who have no one to protect or defend them. Every once in a while there’s a real good person in the government healthcare system, but too many are nasty abusive people.

3. catnip - 18 April 2010

Timmy Geithner’s on MTP trying to sell the admin’s so-called financial reform. Would you buy a used car from this man?

mattes - 19 April 2010

Let’s not forget, he can’t even manage to pay his own taxes.

4. Madman in the Marketplace - 18 April 2010
5. Madman in the Marketplace - 18 April 2010
marisacat - 18 April 2010

well.. I think the ins cos should permit insuring the fetus, as soon as it hits “viability”.

6. diane - 18 April 2010

I loved this commentary from Black Agenda Report about the recent FCC ruling, had a hard time “snipping” :

Save the Internet, But Start a Social Movement
Tue, 04/13/2010 – 20:05 — Dr. Jared A. Ball
[ MP3 link ]


….This has truly upset the liberal left-wing and many others concerned with the concept of net neutrality, or the principle that internet providers must treat all legal web traffic the same.


On the one hand, of course, the FCC would be put in its place. It has never existed to serve the genuine public interest and was once accurately described by a former commissioner to only exist to referee “fights between the wealthy and the super wealthy, the public has nothing to do with it.” On the other hand are the issues the liberal left studiously avoid. These include the fact that currently the internet is far from free or level; the internet was and remains military developed and applied technology; and that until we return to genuine grassroots and radically political social movement no technology can be used for liberation.

As for the myth of the level playing field we need only look out our windows (or perhaps increasingly lift our tent flaps) to see that all of the issues those on the Left like to point to as being supported by the internet were also created during the era of the internet. That is, if the playing field were indeed actually level the internet mobilizing in defense against these issues would itself be moot.………………………………………………….
…. And no matter how many blogs we put up it is still a fact that music, news and information are only made popular by corporate demand. Just like with the FCC, we the people have “nothing to do with it.”

Jaron Lanier, a seminal figure in computer and internet history, has said recently that the web, far from being some playing field leveler, is the epitome of the “post-human society” where people must “feed the great machine” but that only those who own or run that machine – not the people who create or who are themselves content – are to be paid. The rest of us are simply aggregated into “mobs” to be easily surveyed and marketed to by the same major corporations who determine our news and popular culture.

And media scholar Dan Schiller has also for years been discussing the under-appreciated fact that the military technology behind the internet was given to us for reasons I’ve already mentioned but is used by them to assure U.S. empire and “global dominance” on the international “electronic battlefield.” Schiller’s focus is on how this technology assists in global monitoring, dissemination of U.S.-friendly culture and the remote operation of weaponry. He describes the decades-old cozy relationship between major corporations and the department of defense, a relationship John Kenneth Galbraith said 30 years ago resulted in, “an immense planning system that is larger than any other single economic entity in the noncommunist world.” This is why the Business Roundtable, a group of “160 CEOs representing the top echelons of corporate America” and which includes major telecomm companies like AT&T, Verizon and Comcast, demanded from the government in 2005 that the internet, for which they get massive military contracts to develop technology, be protected. This recent court decision seems to have been just what they paid for. If applied, Our Newton’s Laws could have predicted this and would have again demanded that we be about the business of movement-making so as to make protection of our freedom of expression in any medium unnecessary.

End of Excerpt

Re: Jaron Lanier, been poking around to find out more about him, and there’s some interesting commentary here regarding his book: You Are Not a Gadget.

7. catnip - 18 April 2010


Read the update.

Nothing to see here, folks. Move along now…

marisacat - 18 April 2010

the last line of the “update”

Still, the lessons seem to have been learned regarding derivatives.

Oh yeah?

8. catnip - 18 April 2010

Documentary that you can watch online: Sex Crimes and the Vatican

“Encore presentation of one of the first documentaries to link the Vatican to the cover-up of pedophile priests.”

9. Madman in the Marketplace - 18 April 2010

City to charge rent to homeless shelter residents with jobs

Nothing’s free in New York – not even a stint in a city shelter.

Homeless people with jobs are going to have to start paying the city rent to stay in shelters, officials said Tuesday.

“Open-ended handouts, we know, don’t work,” Deputy Mayor Linda Gibbs said. “This is not a moneymaker. We’re not doing this to close budget gaps. It’s really the principles … involved.”

A 1997 state law requires New York to charge rent to the homeless who can afford it. The city never did, but has been pressed to do it since a state audit last year.

Shelter residents would have to pay as much as 44% of their income in their first year in the program.

Critics say the plan penalizes people who are struggling.

“It makes far more sense to allow those families to save their meager funds in order to be able to get out of the shelter system sooner,” said Steven Banks, chief attorney of the Legal Aid Society, which may sue to block the plan.

“This is an extreme policy that has no discernible benefit, that will end up hurting the families and costing the taxpayers money,” Banks said. “If necessary, we’ll certainly go to court.”

marisacat - 18 April 2010

Shelter residents would have to pay as much as 44% of their income in their first year in the program.

This is higher than old style long term public housing, which people paid or pay 1/3 of their income for… at least in Cali.

Madman in the Marketplace - 18 April 2010

every time I think we can’t sink lower, I read something like this.

that’s the kind of treatment feudal serfs got.

marisacat - 18 April 2010

San Francisco has new laws pending, being supported by Gavin who has for many years been close ot the Hoover Institute, used to be a pictured-t-their-site poster boy for the DLC when they still published lists of beloveds… etc… that will make ‘sitting on the sidewalk’ illegal.

All sorts of homelss advocates, public intererst attys, activists, community workers… etc., have pointed out we have the laws needed to deal with nuisance people. People who block businesses, peope who ”aggressively panhandle” or who threaten as part of panhandling. We don’t need the new law, we need active and appropriate enforcement of old laws.

No…….. we are probably going to get it.

I heard last nigth, FL is possibly going to enact state wide law to make panhandling, of any kind illegal and subject to fine. AND will ticket and fine anyone who gives to any panhandler.

Quite aside from the new laws in AZ that will target so many people, not just illegals.

brinn - 19 April 2010

Really? They’re going to ticket me for giving water and food and a couple of bucks to someone? Really? I may have to make a little trip to FLA and start handing stuff out.

Fuck them all to hell. Tejas better not be thinking of anything similar….I ALWAYS give water in the summer — I guess it’s better that they just dehydrate and fall dead on the streets.


marisacat - 19 April 2010

yeah…I heard t on our local talk radio… a caller who had lived in FL said he came under a local version of it in FL, arresting and fining the beggar, tho not the giver…. He was fined 150.00 which of course he did nto have, and served THIRTY SIX days in the county jail.

brinn - 19 April 2010

gah. what is there even to say anymore?

10. marisacat - 18 April 2010

hmmm. Times Online:

[T]he war of words in Washington may reflect a power struggle between an Administration still committed to a diplomatic approach to Iran and an increasingly impatient Pentagon. [oh puh-leeeze, the WH is the MINION]

Speaking at Columbia University, Admiral Mullen said last night of the Iranian nuclear programme: “Military options would go a long way to delaying it. That’s not my call. That’s going to be the President’s call. But from my perspective . . . the last option is to strike right now.”

According to one report the Pentagon is moving hundreds of bunker-buster bombs to Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. The latest version of the weapon, known as the Massive Ordnance Penetrator, is said to weigh 15 tonnes and be capable of burrowing through 200ft of reinforced concrete before exploding.

In a warning to anyone planning a strike on Iranian nuclear targets, Mr Ahmadinejad told Iranians in a televised speech that their country was so strong “that no enemy will harbour evil thoughts about laying its hands on Iranian territory”. He said of US forces in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Gulf: “They have to leave our region. This is not a request. It is an order from the nations of the region.” snip

11. marisacat - 19 April 2010

hmm Hope they are NOT counting on Liebchen…

Ben Smith

April 19, 2010

Categories:White House.

Group: White House delaying ‘Don’t Ask’ repeal

A group lobbying for the repeal of the ban on gays serving openly in the military is “disturbed” by word that the White House is quietly working to postpone a vote on repeal until after the midterm elections.

“I am very disturbed by multiple reports from Capitol Hill that your Congressional liaison team is urging some Members of Congress to avoid a vote on repeal this year,” the executive director of the Servicemembers Legan Defense Network, Aubrey Sarvis, wrote Obama in a letter to the White House dated today. “The upcoming House and Senate votes will be close, and very frankly, Mr. President, we need your help now.” [keep breathing! don’t stop!]

Advocates — with the backing of legislators including Senator Joe Lieberman — had hoped to include the repeal measure in this year’s Defense Authorization, with the support of key military leaders. But Sarvis’s letter, urging Obama to “reaffirm” his campaign promise and to strengthen his commitment to gay rights issues, is the most public sign yet of doubts that repeal will come this year.
snippy whippy

catnip - 19 April 2010

the White House is quietly working to postpone a vote on repeal until after the midterm elections.

Quietly? I thought they publicly punted it for a year to “study” it – cowards that they are…

marisacat - 19 April 2010

oh yeah… not a secret. Nor that immigration is kicked down the road. To 2017. [snicker]

catnip - 19 April 2010

Obama won’t last more than one term. Bet on it.

marisacat - 19 April 2010

I don’t know what is going to happen, I go back and forth. I can see both versions.

ugh. Either way it is going to be ugly.

BooHooHooMan - 20 April 2010

I agree. He hasn’t lasted THIS term.
Wall Street builds its nominal Presidents now like it builds every other bit on the consumable shitheap that is this country. They’ll be selling us another one in a few years.

Mittens for the cold snap maybe.
Something disgustingly wholesome. LOL. Mittens the Mormon , that salve for Michigan, Mass, and Utah alike. Runnin against, then prolly with… Liz Cheney. ( New! With 10% Less EVIL!)

You know, THAT sensible alternative pair to the..ah…alternatives:
The Huntress Half a Bird….. Palin.. the one given to press conferences with whole turkeys grinding in the wood chipper as a backdrop.

Or Ron Paul. That way too semi sensible sort, whose shtick – and shtick it is – which goes a long way in the only domestic agenda there is : Unburdening the rich from taxes and relieving corporations of regulation.

But PTB Gad Almighty Forbid the type of expectations he arouses. End the Wars? AND the Fed? Cut Foreign “Aid”? Defunding Israel?
Smoke another free range doob , college kids, if he’s EVER given the MIC mic. It’s shtiiiiiick.

I think its interesting tho…. how the Cheney op has toned down in volume..as – get this – everbody from Rachel Maddow to Politico are carrying the same meme Tea partiers in two camps: Sarah Palin vs. Ron Paul. I also see the mention of Pig Face Man entering the race, Hailey Barbour, as part of the same piece…that the GOP Establishment will offer several DOA paths to the upset for an upset. And take in all that energy, money and whatever else they can from the discontent. Present the “hard fought” campaign itself as credentialing. And hand their nom to a pliable – and flush – reliable front man like Mitt. Tho I’d bet Liz Cheney will be on that ticket or in the Cabinet at State , Energy, or Interior before its through.

Sound familiar changing a few names around?

marisacat - 20 April 2010

I think it might be Petraeus. Just this past week, it seems more possible to me.

If Ob goes down… and I am unconvinced he and Snob even want a second term —- I think they want to cash in early, Mandela can’t alst forever (what a mess, 27 years in prison and he hands S Africa to the US neo, either cons or liberals, it hardly matters) and the Globe needs a New Black Man. To be mentioned in hallowed terms, etc.

BUT if he goes down, it will be becuase he is so fucking bad at selling ANYTHING.

12. catnip - 19 April 2010

So, Toyota got a $16.4 million fine? Yeah. That’ll teach them not to kill people.

13. BooHooHooMan - 19 April 2010
marisacat - 19 April 2010

oh but they will “go big” on home grown veggies. Not the same thing.

BooHooHooMan - 19 April 2010

Here’s one from WaPo – on cue-
( of the “Why sure he is” variety.)
now Don’t Laugh Too Hard™

Rahm Emanuel pitches reform to N.Y. investors

Grifters, greaseballs and goons for a government.
With a complicit national press.

Like that lame ass Sunday Editorial
from the All the News That’s Fit to Shit people.

Like the slobber on Dodd: An Insider Goes Out as Reformer

Well cork me bunghole.
There ain’t enough… ale ..or ass lube.. in the world to lay down with any one of them – from Ob, Dodd, and Rahm to – LOL Chuck SCHUMER and BF…

Oh Ya ~ the Fin Barrier Reefer Band is now onboard. 😆

And its the same Good Cop /Bad Cop with “Financial Reform” as HCR.
A whole lot of hyperventilation by the Rethuglicans to bullshit their base while idiot BO Peeps in the DP think “reform” is theirs with every Bogus Barry headline.

14. catnip - 19 April 2010

POLITICO Breaking News:

Goldman Sachs has hired Gregory Craig, President Barack Obama’s former White House counsel, to assist it on political and legal matters, a source familiar with the firm told POLITICO. Craig’s work for the Wall Street giant comes to light as Goldman faces SEC charges of securities fraud. Craig — now in private practice at Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom — “is clearly an attorney of eminence and has a deep understanding of the legal process and the world of Washington. And those are important worlds for everybody in finance right now,” the source said.

round and round it goes…

BooHooHooMan - 19 April 2010

Who conveniently had his ticket punched in the Admin.
I never thought he was pushed out as in a power play.
I think the whole thing of his passing through was for the interlocking claims of Attorney / Client + Executive Privilege….
going back to the Clinton Admin.

As a side note, I think it would be next to impossible now to confirm Kagan with her Solicitor Gens background ties to Craig eetc…
The narrative is in place tho something like this – All Sorts of Very Smart People Who Love ‘merka and the Little Guy Were Confwwused About GS. And They Were Confwwused Too.
Cookie? Milk? Call it Even?

Something like that.

15. marisacat - 19 April 2010

hm they played audio on the news, of Obster today in LA with Babs Boxer. (panhandling, don’t you know….)

I don’t know if it was incorporated into his speech or comments inside, but he gave a shout out to the demonstrators at the event, gay rights protestors, because the Obster Mobsters so clearly just will leave DADT to sit.

He said,

Both Barbara and I support repealing DADT so I don’t knwo what you are hollering about.

Such supportive concrete. That unmoving concrete we are trapped in…

lucid - 19 April 2010

Some pebbles in the asphalt are better than others… It’s the tar that holds us together… 🙂

marisacat - 19 April 2010

Americablog/gay has the vids and the transciprt… just saw clips on the evening news here. Yeah he does sound angry… pissed, irritated. Whatever.


Why aren’t gays happy people? Afterall… Ob made sure they can hold hands in th hospital. Maybe.

catnip - 19 April 2010

Oh, look…this should be fun…

LGBT Rights Advocates Protest Obama At DNC Fundraiser
by Marc in CA


Look at that look in Obamalama’s eyes in that still from the video. If looks could kill…

marisacat - 19 April 2010

he LEFT the podium at one point. Then came back to hide behind Boxer saying she didn’t even vote for it first time around.

As moiv said to me, hiding behind HER record, as he has none.

lucid - 19 April 2010

Well of course, I’ve never understood why anyone would want to be in the military, or married for that matter… but, yeah, I would imagine the anger comes from, you know, not being acknowledged as people…

You see, most gay folk aren’t catholic priests or boy scout troop leaders; they aren’t interested in carrying on criminal enterprises that should be prosecuted by the ICC or RICO statutes. They just want the same rights everyone else has… or rather, they just fight for the same rights all of us have lost…

I mean, quite frankly, I think marriage should be abolished outright. Why certain people decide to couple and get state and tax benefits that anyone not coupled are not privy to kind of pisses me off….


marisacat - 19 April 2010

well I never really wanted to marry anyone… ti took me a few years to “get” it… but once I did… I got it.

And I sure never wanted to join the mil. Nor should there be a draft, etc.

But…………… people need to be equal in rights and access.

You know, EVERYBODY gets to have, if they want it, the 55 hour wedded bliss in LV NV that Brittany Spiers had.

lucid - 19 April 2010

I was being semi ironical and semi sarcastic all at the same time…

It does boggle my mind though…

The movement used to talk about the ‘us-es’ – the people left out by government sanctioned ‘livin’. The people abused by prejudice, the people who weren’t viewed as people. And ‘marriage and military’ are two of the sacrosanct grounds of the culture excluding the ‘us-es’. How and why did it turn that direction?

lucid - 19 April 2010

Wait, you don’t need to tell me, I’m sure it polled well…

marisacat - 19 April 2010

oh I don’t remember the “us-es” …. a new one, for me.

Of course any day a pretzel is driven from a podium is a pretty good day. ………… 🙄

lucid - 19 April 2010

true… I’m trying to spell the Harvey Milk line… the ‘uss’ ‘, the ‘us-es’ [as opposed to ‘uses’]. I guess maybe the uses’. But who’s going to recognize that grammatically – most would ignore the end apostrophe…

How does one spell it?

And who would recognize it in this day and age?

marisacat - 19 April 2010

I don’t remember that from Harvey… but then he said a lot.

BooHooHooMan - 19 April 2010

What? No love?
No ” I Love you back” from Barry? This looks like a job for…
The Professional Cleanup Crew. Cuz they’re GAY.

HRC chief gets praise and flak

Human Rights Campaign’s Joe Solmonese finds his organization under fire from gay-rights activists.

Good. Fuck HRC, Solomnese and Hillary Rosen before him.
Those Clintonites, those DP operatives, those Centrist Hack TOOLS.
Oh and fuck Aravosis too. LOL. Afterall, No man should ever be too busy to reach down and slap a lesser sellout hack operative in the Gay Hopey rackets business.

lucid - 19 April 2010

Fuck all of it that isn’t about sexual liberation, as far as I’m concerned.

marisacat - 19 April 2010

oh Aravosis is just a former R and aide to one of the arch conservatives iirc.

Operatives. Not very good ones.

16. catnip - 19 April 2010
BooHooHooMan - 19 April 2010

{Quoting Catnip…}

On my mind…

Somebody needs to explain this to me: how can anyone on the left who calls themselves a “liberal”, “progressive”, “socialist” or even “independent” throw their support behind the leader of a country who kills people?

Continuing drone attacks in Pakistan – a sovereign country that the US has not declared war on.

Targeted assassinations of Americans abroad.


And when you give up your conscience for the sake of politics, in this case you condemn others to die without even a second thought.

Somebody needs to tell me how that’s “progressive”.

And, somebody needs to tell me where the opposition from the so-called left is about these unitary executive extra-judicial killings.

Well in “coming to”….reality..
it’s quite the accustomed worldview mindblower.
And — > personal < — too.

With acknowledgment, there should come introspection. Questions of personal complicity. ….Should. ….But Most Americans prefer the bennies of the Good Little German just like most Catholics prefer the Bad Little One.

Truth be told.

People don’t WANT to share SHIT let alone responsibility.

They Can’t imagine walking away.
Not from the MIC – turned- Mickey D’s “ladder” let alone seriously altering their consumer crap lifestyle. I laugh my ass off every coupla years or so when I run into one of the ladder types from my former life who is still on the “ladder” all right. It’s there, just not visible, as it’s now sunken about 6 feet beneath nose-and-quicksand-level since the last time we met. The morons who STILL think its propping them up rather than sucking them under. As the assorted gurgled gripes are heard through the mud: ..”got killed in the 401k” …”still paying the ripoff mortgage for the boys ripoff education.”

Ever try and feign helpful interest in convos like that? :

– “Sorry to here about the downsizing now at HQ, Jerry.”

– “You mean the sons with the ripoff undergrad marketing degrees in Pussy and Beer from Schlemiel State?”

– “Sounds awful, Jerry”

I find a nice touch is always –

“Well maybe your sons should join the ARMY.”


marisacat - 20 April 2010

people who vote for Obster in 2012 CANNOT, not legitimately, say they oppose the wars… Just like 2004… and Kerry basically became spastic over the wars.

So clear where the Dems are. We got a black man into office, we CAN’T be racist. We quietly very quietly fake-opposed the wars. So …….. even tho we do nothing, we are Anti War.

Just like what Obster said to the DADT protesters. basically, no argument here, I support you! But I am running to Mother Babs for cover.

17. diane - 20 April 2010

New Face of Foreclosure – The Unemployed

New America Media, News Report, , Aaron Glantz, Posted: Apr 20, 2010

OAKLAND, Calif — Giselle Jiles could be the new face of foreclosure. The 52-year-old financial planner has owned her home in Oakland’s Laurel District for 12 years. She did not buy an expensive home that was beyond her means and she did not sign up for a predatory adjustable rate mortgage that was reset at an unsustainably expensive rate.

Jiles did not make any of the mistakes she sees in stories about distressed homeowners on the nightly news. Her economic stress comes from a more traditional source.

Jiles was laid off in March 2009. More than a year later, she’s exhausted her savings and dipped into her retirement. Now, she’s worried about losing her home.

“I worked for the company 20 years and 20 years ago I got a job, like that,” she says snapping her fingers. This time, despite sending out hundreds of resumes, Jiles says she’s only gotten “a few interviews, a few call backs, but the companies started saying, ‘We just don’t have the money to hire you.’”

Jiles believes it could be a long time before she finds a new job. She says many of her friends and family members have been unemployed even longer. Nationally, the Labor Department reports 6.5 million Americans have been unemployed for more than six months, the highest number since the government began keeping records in 1948.

Housing counselors say they’re increasingly seeing people like Giles, who are worried about losing their home because of persistent unemployment.

“It’s as common or more common” than resetting adjustable rate mortgages or “underwater” borrowers who owe more than their home is worth, said Josie Ramirez, homeownership program manager at the Mission Economic Development Association in San Francisco.


The problem, says Ramirez, is that there’s nothing in any of President Obama’s anti-foreclosure programs that forces banks to work with troubled borrowers to keep them in their homes.

“It’s all based on incentives,” Ramirez said, “and you can’t just incentivize.”

The Treasury Department estimates 6 million home loans nationally are at least 60 days delinquent on payments, but through the end of March, the government reported that only 230,801 Americans had modified their loans through the Making Home Affordable program.

“There’s a picture of chaos and unaccountability and people just getting shafted with no recourse,” added Ramirez. “There’s no way to appeal a bank’s decision.

Giselle Jiles has been trying to renegotiate her loan since November, when – eight months after losing her job – she attended an all-day clinic organized by the city of Oakland designed to help people stay in their homes.

That day, Jiles said, she filled out all the paperwork that her lender, JP Morgan Chase, required. She’s called the bank’s toll free number every week since and faxed over required documents again and again.

Jiles still doesn’t have an answer.

“It’s just overwhelming,” she said. “I totally get it when I see people on TV crying, because I’m pretty close.”


To date, JP Morgan Chase has been earmarked more than $4.9 billion in taxpayer money to subsidize mortgage modification for struggling homeowners. Earlier this month, the company reported profits of $3.3 billion for the first quarter of 2010.

marisacat - 20 April 2010

Mebbe she could write Ob. he reads 10 a day, they keep telling us.

There’s been very little help or anything else for people trying to stay in their homes, as I see it. very few PERMANENT modifications. Most are temporary.

diane - 20 April 2010

And you never hear about where these people are ending up.

marisacat - 20 April 2010

well I think it is the law of thirds. A third fare really badly… homeless, broken lives etc. Just very difficult, in any number of ways…. A third scrape thru… and a third basically go the way of the first third, but it s avoided for a couple decades.

That has been the crushing reality of “busts”, all along, and this is a big one. So many people cannot replace what was lost. No matter how they try.

diane - 20 April 2010

Hate to say it, but I don’t think we’re hearing all of the suicide stats.

marisacat - 20 April 2010

oh I agree iwth that. No question.

diane - 20 April 2010

And then this kind of punitive and shaming bullshit, I’m sure, in the name of Mama’s (and Geithner? who visited that Philly grocery store with her a while back to show folks how to responsibly shop …for fricken packed orange slices) obesity OBJECTIVES! …. just like they pulled on smokers:

Letters: The wrong tax at wrong time
Philadelphia Daily News

RE YOUR April 7 news story on Mayor Nutter’s proposal to tax soft drinks (“Philly Flab”):

Our coalition is opposed to such a tax, particularly in today’s troubled economy.

No one food or beverage is responsible for obesity. It’s the overall intake of all foods and beverages combined with the amount of calories we burn that keeps our weight in balance. Not only will such a tax be ineffective in addressing obesity, but targeting soft drinks creates a slippery slope – what’s next?

This discriminatory tax would jeopardize the good-paying jobs in Philadelphia supported by the beverage industry. It makes no sense to put even more local jobs at risk.

Further, a tax on beverages would squeeze families already struggling through a recession. We, along with many others in the city, believe that now is not the time to raise prices on the items in our grocery cart.


A tax on sodas is a money grab, pure and simple, and it’s not a solution for a complex problem like obesity.


marisacat - 20 April 2010

well Nutter is just a party line Democrat… Gavin is doing the same thing here. No different. Accusations of Nanny State work for me iwth this sort of shit.

Here is my testimony. I can drink all the diet soda I want (for medicinal purposes, to settle my stomach!, like you know medicinal MJ!!) because i have never. had. a. fast. food. hamburger.


diane - 20 April 2010

Well, one good thing, Mr. Compost Penalty won’t be running for governor.

oh wait….there are those other assholes……….

marisacat - 20 April 2010

I am so relieved, so far they have not delivered my Green You Must Go Green garbage bin. What a relief, as I don’t produce that sort of garbage.

18. BooHooHooMan - 20 April 2010

One more before bed.
See if you can guess –

I played golf yesterday afternoon with some guys that are for all intents and purposes Wall Street guys. They don’t live on Wall Street or work there but they’re in the financial business. And they said, “_______ , a dirty little secret, this debt’s never going to get paid down. It’s gotten to the point where everybody knows we can’t pay it down. There’s no way to pay this debt down.” There’s no way California is going to retire its debt. There’s no way California is going to make up for the unfunded or underfunded pensions, and one of the reasons is it’s precisely because it’s so big. It’s gotten so big on purpose there’s not even a pretense of paying it down. The only thing that has to happen is for leaders to appear responsible in managing it. And they said, “Rush, how do you appear responsible in managing debt? You do it by raising taxes.” This will get the approval of leftists around the world, other governmental leaders, the ChiComs and others, people who hold our debt, they’ll be happy when they see we’re trying to manage it and deal with it, after they’ve run it up to the point of stealing the wealth of future generations three and four generations down the road.

I said to them, “I understand what you’re saying, but this is all going to collapse at some point, it’s unsustainable. You’re talking about tax increases of the sort that are going to prevent economic growth. Look at Greece, look at a lot of these European Union nations. At some point it does come due. At some point the debt has to be paid down. At least you have to get started paying it down. If the attitude is it’s so big everybody knows we’ll never pay it down, that you’ll never even start, then we’ve got even more problems than I thought we had.” Then we got around to talking about Goldman Sachs. And, you know, it’s amazing. These are very, very smart guys, brilliant, but they were hearing for the first time my theory that this whole thing was organized, with Goldman probably involved in it. I mean, here’s Obama seeking another pillar in his agenda, financial regulatory reform, he’s gotta demonize Wall Street. The Democrats are out saying, Van Hollen and the others are out saying that is their plan going into the November elections. They’re going to demonize Wall Street again. They’re gonna blame the Bush policies again for being responsible for where we are economically right now.

Lo and behold, after nine months of investigation, this SEC investigation, nine months, miraculously, by one of the most profound coincidences, they announce the results of the investigation, that there has been fraud at Goldman Sachs involving mortgage-backed securities, derivatives and all this sort of thing, the day after Obama makes his big pitch for financial regulatory reform and Chris Dodd’s on the floor of the Senate, and, lo and behold, by Friday and Saturday we had stories, and I’ve got ’em here in the Stack of Stuff, talking about how this might be a propitious event. I mean the State-Run Media is right in there as though this is totally accidental, totally coincidental. And I was saying to these guys yesterday, “Goldman would be happy to pay whatever civil fine here,” if there even is one, they’ll be happy to pay a little civil fine here and take the PR hit in exchange for being in bed with the Obama administration for the next ten years or eight years or however long it’s going to be, six years is what they’re planning on. How many ex-Goldman people are in government? Hank Paulson was Treasury secretary. Robert Rubin, an ex-Goldman guy. There’s no coincidence, especially on the Democrat Party side and with the American left. There aren’t any coincidences in politics.

Guess who? Oh it’s a ruse of course {if the golf WITH Banksters and the “You’re talking about tax increases of the sort that are going to prevent economic growth.} “ didn’t give it away. But THAT could have easily been the Big Dawg or Obbie.

No, it’s another dick.

So we have the weekend. Goldman Sachs, rotten to the core, meaning Wall Street’s rotten to the core, meaning the regime has to come in here to save the day, protect us, the little guy, from these bandits on Wall Street, when in fact the government caused the problem in the first place. It was a government-caused problem. This happens frequently. Government goes in, causes the problem, and then sits back and says, “Whoa, look at how unfair and rotten the private sector is. Look at how bad capitalism is. Why, why, we have to go in there and fix this mess. You just can’t trust these people in Wall Street. You can’t trust these people in the private sector. I mean all this unfettered economic activity going on out there,” like Obama said. We are the most regulated economy for a supposed free society that I’ve ever seen.

But there are moments when the blubber congeals. A kernel of…
well, blubber… if you will.

The Securities and Exchange Commission offered Goldman Sachs a chance to take a fine over this. They refused to do that because their position is that they have done nothing illegal, and all it is is a civil fine. And they’re going to take a hit here, there’s no question, but I think they’re in on it.

Point made, the particular blubberer… continued to blubber.

It’s all such bullshit.
Now the Pols will ALL run against Goldman. With Goldman’s money.
Even Goldman will come out against Goldman…
in a much touted,
pennies on the billions…..consent decree.
Utter Bullshit.
Wake me when they arrest Rubin, Summers, Greenspan, the Clintons, Rahm, Schumer, Dodd, Menendez, etc. Gotta start somewhere.
Afterall, Nancy and Ob say Bush and Cheney are untouchable.

marisacat - 20 April 2010

“ChiComs” was the tip-off. Plus I listen to him… maybe an hour a day.

He’s good at rabbling the rabble.

diane - 20 April 2010

even Goldman will come out against Goldman
in a much touted, pennies on the billions…..consent decree

bleak laugh (the best I can do)

19. diane - 20 April 2010

Will history repeat itself (probably so in the coming years, with the rotten to the core Government at all levels.)

America’s dark history of coal
Miners have clashed, sometimes violently, with owners. Will it be deja vu in West Virginia?

Scott Martelle [LA Times]
April 20, 2010

Watching the events unfold around Massey Energy Co.’s Upper Big Branch coal mine the last few weeks created an uneasy sense of deja vu. And it had less to do with 29 miners’ bodies below ground than with power plays and corporate hubris above it.

Watching the events unfold around Massey Energy Co.’s Upper Big Branch coal mine the last few weeks created an uneasy sense of deja vu. And it had less to do with 29 miners’ bodies below ground than with power plays and corporate hubris above it.

The deadly West Virginia mine explosion came four days after the 100th anniversary of the start of a lengthy Colorado coal strike that eventually led to open guerrilla warfare between miners and the Colorado National Guard. The nadir of that showdown was what came to be called the Ludlow Massacre when, at the end of a daylong gun battle on April 20, 1914, National Guardsmen torched a strikers’ tent colony where 11 children and four mothers were hiding in a large pit beneath the wooden floor of one of the tents. All but two of the mothers perished.


Don Blankenship, who runs Massey Energy, would have fit right in among those Colorado coal barons. Media reports have detailed Blankenship’s efforts to dominate state politics, including trying to stack the state Supreme Court as it was considering cases involving Massey.

Other media reports have detailed widespread safety violations at Massey mines. In one internal memo, Blankenship warned mine managers that they were to ignore any directive “to do anything other than run coal. … This memo is necessary only because we seem not to understand that the coal pays the bills.”


marisacat - 20 April 2010

They can write a letter to Ob. He reads 10 a day.

People should clue in, petition the king. And then the next king. Then the next.

20. marisacat - 20 April 2010



……………………………. 😯

21. diane - 20 April 2010

Wow, that obesity project is a much, much more brilliant agenda than we knew, revenues and security, no wonder there’s such a focus on the poorer neighborhoods:

Are school lunches a national security threat?

Mary Clare Jalonick, Associated Press Writer – 23 mins ago

WASHINGTON – A group of retired military officers says high-calorie school lunches are threatening national security.

A study by the group Mission: Readiness finds that school lunches are making American kids so fat that fewer of them can meet the military’s physical fitness standards. That, in turn, is putting recruitment in jeopardy.



marisacat - 20 April 2010

Mothers must nurse (or your child will DIE [someday!]). Teens must not drink or they endanger ………….. oh I forget the latest “advisory”……….

Don’t do anything. At all. OR, do what they TELL you to do.

Chuck it all, I say.

diane - 20 April 2010

oops, I reposted it on the new thread, cause it hadn’t posted before your new thread link.

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